Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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2019 Commonwealth of America Election

In the 2019 federal election, Prime Minister Mike Madigan's Labor Party lose the majority that they won 5 years earlier, but would still remain the largest party at 262 seats leading to the first hung parliament in America since 1991. Despite trailing to the Liberals in the weeks leading up to the election, Labor outperformed their polls and was able to keep their losses to the Liberals small enough to retain their status as the largest party in Parliament. However the surge in support of the right-wing Democratic People's Party and the left-wing Progressive Party, prevented any party from achieving a majority in the House of Commons. This is the first election in American history where 5 different parties all won at least one province-wide popular vote.

Labor campaigned throughout the election on the healthy state of the economy and against the "extremism" of the DPP and the Progressives. The Labor campaign rarely ever spoke of the Liberal leader Rob Portman at all, instead focusing on attacking DPP leader Sarah Palin and painting her as the kingmaker should the Liberals gain the most seats in Parliament but not a majority. PM Madigan however was largely absent from the campaign trail. The PM despite his party's favorable ratings was deeply unpopular and instead chose to send out his cabinet ministers to campaign events for him. The other parties of course did not shy away from attacking the Prime Minister with each party leader making continuous attacks on The Velvet Hammer. Palin and Sanders would particularly attack the PM with both calling him a corrupt, out-of-touch, backroom dealer who has been able to rule Parliament has his personal fiefdom for too long. When the possibility of a hung parliament began to reveal itself, Sanders was asked if he would enter into a coalition with Labor and he responded, "With Labor, maybe. With Madigan, no."

Following the election, Madigan would attempt to form a government, but would realize that his options were limited and would resign as Prime Minister shortly thereafter.



Cartogram of 2019 Election by riding

How did you make the tilegram
Infobox for newly elected Chancellor of Kingdom of Poland

Stanýsław is the eldest son of current King Kazýmierz V. He served in 1st Uhlans Division of His Royal Majesty as rotmistrz, between 1989 and 1998, when following his father's ascendance to the royal throne, he became Prince of Mazovia. Ever since then he was active in Mazovian and Polish politics. As an opposer of increasignly anti-monarchist Labour Party, he supported an Conservative government of Duchy of Mazovia (of which he is titular ruler). After failed referendum on monarchy abolishment he formed his own party, National Revival of Kingdom of Poland, which won plurality of seats in Seým in 2011 snap elections. To the outrage of left-wing politicians, his father appointed him Chancellor and on 28th November NOKP-Conservative parliamentary majority accepted his government.​

Deleted member 92121

Preview for an upcoming TL entitled "Gotham Gazette/Daily Planet"​



The story of LexCorp is one of unprecedented success, innovation and commitment to a better future. It is the story of a man dedicated to pushing humanity to its full potential, the story of Lex Luthor.

Alexander "Lex" Luthor begun his tale as the son of the Metropolis construction magnate Lionel Luthor, founder and head of "Luthor Constructions", the predecessor to the LexCorp of today. From a young age our protagonist did not let wealth and luxury go to his head, as other young rich heirs we can see today. Instead he commited himself to knowledge, and graduated top of his class at Metropolis university at the age of 19. Not a month later tragedy struck, as Lionel was killed in a terrible accident inspecting a recently completed building project. The year was 1981 and the world would soon change forever.

Inheriting a company worth approximately 100 million dollars, the young Luthor surprised the business world by immediately selling 4/5's of all the property assets, replacing most of the executives, and pushing the company into the Technology field. The now renamed "LexCorp" soon developed "Renaissance", wich became the most popular personal computer in the planet, an legacy the Renaissance IV continues today. The company immediately skyrocketed to the higher tier of the Fortune 500, and Lex had no intention of stoping. Diversification became LexCorp middle name. In 1984, L-Airlines was established with innovative and recordbreaking planes. By then the company had a series of contracts with the government to safeguard america's security. In 1985 Lex decided media was the next natural step, and so L! Entertainment group was born. With two diverse channels, the household name Lex News, and the extremely popular music channel LTV!, L! Entertainment made a big splash, and today, with its own movie studio, streaming service, website, among others, is the sixth largest media conglomerate in the world. But Luthor did not stop there. He purchased the failing Texocco Oil and turned it into the successful Lex-Oil company. In 1987 he hired famous architect Gilroy Manning, the mind responsible for the 1980 "Gotham of Tomorrow" Expo, to design the first LuthorLand Park(Today present in 3 continents). In 2000 Lex shocked the world by introducing Lexor, the first fully electrical car. Last year, Lex brought us SpaceLex, with the goal of space exploration, lauching sattelites and ships which can land on comets and, soon, other planets.

Six months ago, following the unprecedented alien-caused disaster at Metropolis, LexCorp, always aware of social causes, enbarked into a bold 5 billion dollar plan to rebuild the city, something Mr. Luthor calls "His duty as a human being and a life-long citizen of Metropolis".

All these successes and gestures made LexCorp the largest and most prestigious company of today, pushing the bar on every conceivable field, with the strict purpose of "Taking humanity to the future". The man we can thank for this goes by many titles: "Richest man in the world", "greatest innovator of our generation", "genius", but he prefers to be called Lex.

The Gotham Chronicle (a subsidiary of Lex News), by Chief Editor Gordon Mcelroy,​
Original post on this idea here.

So while this isn't completely refined, I've come to the conclusion that I am never going to be content with how I structure the wikibox, and am now posting it just to be "done with it" so to speak. As I say this I already can see a number of errors that I failed to correct, such as Henry Clay serving as a Columbian Senator rather than a Kentuckian one … I'm sure there are others as well, but I'd rather avoid opening the Pandora's box of editing it further, not to mention the half-hour or so of piecing the whole image together from multiple screen-takes.


As I said in the last post, I encountered something of a quandary over how to best solve the issue of the runner-ups, as it would promote the concept of running a candidate but once, leaving the Presidential Opposition with lifetime members of the Senate, which could well run counter to popular sentiment in the country at the time. The rule I decided upon was one of voting power, where Columbian Senators who had not served in the role of President were not granted the right to vote on legislation or other motions conducted within the Senate, but otherwise would have the privileges of a regular U.S. Senator. This also helped clear a concern where Columbian Senators, due to the lack of butterflies, were taking or seeking other offices during the period in which they'd have been serving as a Senator; the weakening of their Senate "Class" makes it more logical that they'd do so, for example Mitt Romney running to be a Senator from Utah with voting rights rather than continuing to serve as a Columbian Senator without voting rights.

There is also a very visible push towards resigning from the Senate by the end of the Johnson Administration to the present, but that is more due to a lack of visibility on the health of the various persons included on this list, principally when they might have seen themselves as no longer fit to properly serve in that role; Reagan and Goldwater for example I have as resigning shortly after they'd both been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and Bush the Elder a short while after Barbara had died and with his health already being in visible decline (it probably should have been earlier, but I couldn't find a hard date on when concerns over his dementia started). I see no reason why this trend wouldn't continue.

Richard Nixon was more or less required to resign his Senatorship; had he tried to hold onto it after having resigned as President, it was virtually certain he'd have been Expelled in a public vote by the Senate, being the first such expulsion since the American Civil War.

The image itself is behind a spoiler given it's size.

Preview for an upcoming TL entitled "Gotham Gazette/Daily Planet"​


The story of LexCorp is one of unprecedented success, innovation and commitment to a better future. It is the story of a man dedicated to pushing humanity to its full potential, the story of Lex Luthor.

Alexander "Lex" Luthor begun his tale as the son of the Metropolis construction magnate Lionel Luthor, founder and head of "Luthor Constructions", the predecessor to the LexCorp of today. From a young age our protagonist did not let wealth and luxury go to his head, as other young rich heirs we can see today. Instead he commited himself to knowledge, and graduated top of his class at Metropolis university at the age of 19. Not a month later tragedy struck, as Lionel was killed in a terrible accident inspecting a recently completed building project. The year was 1981 and the world would soon change forever.

Inheriting a company worth approximately 100 million dollars, the young Luthor surprised the business world by immediately selling 4/5's of all the property assets, replacing most of the executives, and pushing the company into the Technology field. The now renamed "LexCorp" soon developed "Renaissance", wich became the most popular personal computer in the planet, an legacy the Renaissance IV continues today. The company immediately skyrocketed to the higher tier of the Fortune 500, and Lex had no intention of stoping. Diversification became LexCorp middle name. In 1984, L-Airlines was established with innovative and recordbreaking planes. By then the company had a series of contracts with the government to safeguard america's security. In 1985 Lex decided media was the next natural step, and so L! Entertainment group was born. With two diverse channels, the household name Lex News, and the extremely popular music channel LTV!, L! Entertainment made a big splash, and today, with its own movie studio, streaming service, website, among others, is the sixth largest media conglomerate in the world. But Luthor did not stop there. He purchased the failing Texocco Oil and turned it into the successful Lex-Oil company. In 1987 he hired famous architect Gilroy Manning, the mind responsible for the 1980 "Gotham of Tomorrow" Expo, to design the first LuthorLand Park(Today present in 3 continents). In 2000 Lex shocked the world by introducing Lexor, the first fully electrical car. Last year, Lex brought us SpaceLex, with the goal of space exploration, lauching sattelites and ships which can land on comets and, soon, other planets.

Six months ago, following the unprecedented alien-caused disaster at Metropolis, LexCorp, always aware of social causes, enbarked into a bold 5 billion dollar plan to rebuild the city, something Mr. Luthor calls "His duty as a human being and a life-long citizen of Metropolis".

All these successes and gestures made LexCorp the largest and most prestigious company of today, pushing the bar on every conceivable field, with the strict purpose of "Taking humanity to the future". The man we can thank for this goes by many titles: "Richest man in the world", "greatest innovator of our generation", "genius", but he prefers to be called Lex.

The Gotham Chronicle (a subsidiary of Lex News), by Chief Editor Gordon Mcelroy,​

Man, I love these kinds of contributions: making fiction seem plausible. And that Gotham Chronicle page is wonderfully self-serving.
Is Ohio more far right in ITL then OTL ?
Ohio is definitely the best state for the DPP in the Commonwealth, but they still only won the province with 29% of the vote. And the left-leaning parties got about 45% of the vote overall. The province is probably about as far-right as the state is in OTL. It's a bit more right-leaning compared to the median province in the Commonwealth.

This stems from my own hypothetical timeline about if America went monarchist following the Revolutionary War, something that's always intrigued me. I should make clear that Philadelphia is not independent of the UEC, but rather its own state, run directly by the Marquis and the Council of Patriots.
Watchmen Wiki-box 5.png

Watchmen Wiki-box 4.png

Watchmen Wiki-box 3.png

Wikipedia like Information boxes for HBO's Watchmen which I have made using a custom layout as the internet is not like it is in otl (I like how it looks so I'll use the layout for other things)
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