Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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Zrew33: The Great War
The Great War - 1914-1919

Baltic Campaign

To knock the Russian Empire out of the war both the British and German high-command looked at the Baltic region as a way to get close to doing so. The Russian Army had been stretched across Eastern Europe fighting the German and Austro-Hungarian Armies as well as in the Far East against the Japanese Army. Seeing their opportunity, the Anglo-German Navy crushed the Russian Baltic fleet off the coast of Gotland opening the Baltic region for their joint invasion. Landing in Estonia and Latvia the Anglo-German Army quickly gained a foothold, pushing the limited Russian resistance away from the coastal areas. Cities such as Riga and Parnu would hold out for several months with the combined forces finding it hard to pressure the defends to surrender – with the case of Riga it would last for much of the campaign. Although with the early success the Anglo-German army would soon find difficulty against the Russians with the combination of disagreements between the British and German generals as well as fighting the Russian Army now in control of Aleksi Brusilov. By late 1917 the Russians where once again pushed back however to the Narva River where the two armies would start to entrench themselves – this ended with the revolt of Finland backed by the German Government allowed the Anglo-German army to capture Petrograd in late March with the new Finnish Government allowing their forces to attack the city from the North.

By this time the Russian Empire had dissolved, defeats in the Far East against Japan and their failures in Eastern Europe spelt the end for the Russian Monarchy with the Russian Republic established in 1917, this did little to stop the encroaching Anglo-German army. With the capture of Petrograd, the Russians would sue for peace signing the Treaty of Petrograd in the Winter Palace on June 5 1918.

The Baltic Campaign allowed the German Government to begin to set up their series of states to act as a buffer zone between them and Russia with Lithuania and United Baltic Duchies [UBD] being created as their armies pushed the Russians out of the Region. In the case of the UBD, with their capital established in Tallinn (Though it would move to Riga in 1920) they assisted with what they could against their former occupiers. Finnish Independence that became a life-line for the Anglo-German forces in the capture of Russia came quickly in mid-1917 as the weakened Russian Army found it difficult to control however the Island of Aland would continue to be control by the German Navy in their attempts to control the Baltic sea in a post-war world.


Treaty of Petrograd

The Russian Army had been pushed back across Eastern Europe by the Allied Powers. Vladivostok had been captured by the Japanese and with the joint Anglo-German invasion into the Baltics the Russian Empire started to fracture. Discontent amongst the Russian Soldiers and Generals soon lead to the Russian Emperor Nicholas II to be deposed and a new Republic was set up. This new Republic did little in the way to change Russia’s fortunes in the war. The Russian capital was forced to move from Petrograd to Moscow in late 1917 as the Anglo-German Armies closed into the old Capital following their combined victories at the Battle of Nerva allowing them to cross the river and onward into Russian Land. Having to not only deal with the ongoing war but also regional and political revolts springing up across Russia the new government soon sued for peace with the Allied Powers.

The Treaty of Petrograd, signed in the old Tsar’s home of the Winter Palace took Russia out of the war on a separate peace deal. Not only would they have to pay Billions in reparations to the various Allied Powers but their once mighty empire was slowly carved up. Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Finland where to be given complete independence from Russia as well as the German Backed – United Baltic Duchies would be created out it’s old territory. Not wanting the Marxist uprisings to gain much foothold there was an extra-clause included that would have the Allied Powers send material aid to the Russian Government in dealing with the Marxist threat. Though with the ongoing war and the extra focus in knocking out the French and Italians this aid barely came in, with the Russian government relying of material from the United State but once again was hindered by the uncooperative stance of the Japanese Government in the far east.

The Treaty was overly orientated around the victorious European powers and for the most part ignoring much of the Japanese gains in the Russian Far East. The Japanese Government wanting to expand it’s own power argued for a Japanese backed state to be set up around the Amur-Region though this didn’t gain much traction from the German, British and Austro-Hungarian Governments. Japan would get a share of the reparations from Russia as well as freehand from the Russian Republic for the Japanese Movements in the far east – seen in the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in the late 1920’s. The Treaty of Petrograd not only brought Russia out of the war but essentially the Japanese who refused to send aid to the Allied Powers against the French and Italian forces still locked in combat with the Allies.

The treaty was a death-sentence for the Russian Republic. Any aid promised in their fight against the Marxist uprising. Though many of the Russian populous wanted an end to the war many saw the peace deal as humiliating for the Russian people. With the Marxist rhetoric of brining back the glory of the Russia for the masses they began to swell in support. The following Russian Civil War [1919-1921] would see the Russian republic crumble and the Russian Soviet Republic replace it.


The Treaty of Zurich

With Russia succumbing to the exhaustion of war the might of the Allied Powers turned completely onto the Franco-Italian entente who had been able to hold back the tide of the Austro-German forces as several attempts of an amphibious invasions by the British such as the disaster that was the Apulia Campaign. Regardless the Entente had lost their colonial possession and by 1917 the British where finally able to take control of French Corsica and Italian Sicily and Sardinia. The Austrian Breakthrough of the Italian forces culminating in the Po Valley Campaign would spell the defeat of the Entente with The Swiss Government stepping in acting as Mediator of Peace in 1919.

Much like that of the Treaty of Petrograd the remaining nations of the Entente would pay heavy reparation’s and here much of their empire would be dismantled. France in comparison to Italy would get off fairly lightly still allowed to keep part of their empire in North Africa – that of Algeria, Tunisia ad West Africa. Though Germany would still refuse to give up control of other areas such as in their control of French Kameron, Madagascar and Indochina. The entire Italian Empire was dismantled with remnants split between the British and oddly the Austro-Hungarian Forces. The latter was pushed by Franz Ferdinand who in his dream of creating a mighty Austro-Hungarian Navy thought having those colonies such as their half of Libya and Somalia would pressure his own government into accepting his dream. Smaller countries would receive their ‘rewards’ such as Rhodes being given to Greece. The French and Italian Army was also reduced in size as well as restrictions placed on their navies and air force (that had played a large part in the conflict.)

An attempt to set up the League of Nations was created at the behest of the United States President, Charles E. Hughes though this didn’t gain much ground. Although the British, German and Austro-Hungarians joined the organisation though would look to their own alliance networks such as that of the British – Imperial Commonwealth and the German – Mittleuropa System to benefit their own international needs in both cases born out of a need to stabilise their sudden growth in their empires. This really left the League of Nations as a useless forum for nations to bicker without any real forms of power. The United States own power within the League of Nations would dwindle as the issues of the post-war world grew globally.


  • Based in the same from as my Titanic Info-Boxes from a few threads back - which were inspired by a Darkest Hours WW1 Game I played as Britian in the Central-Powers.
  • POD's #1 - RMS Titanic makes it to New York in 1912 but get sunk by a French Submarine leading to the British Empire entering into WW1 on the side of Germany and Austro-Hungaria
  • POD's #2 - Wihelm II dies while attending a trip to his hunting lodge in Rominten in 1906 leading to Wilhelm III becoming Emperor.
  • There is a few errors - such as my mouse appearing in The Great War infobox and the Treaty of Versailles being the image in the Treaty of Zurich. With the Former it would mean re-doing the entire infobox which I cannot be bothered to do. With the latter I wasn't sure what image to place as i'm not that adept at Photoshop to create a new one so you'll have to use a little imgaination there!
  • There may be other errors which I have not picked up which please be free to tell me about as well as please do critique my work, I always want to improve for the better.
Major Crimson: Arcadianism (The Great Compass)
A new series I'm maybe but probably not starting on alternate political ideologies that defy traditional categories, as much as that's possible. First is a green-agrarian-conservative-paternalist ideology that basically wants to turn everywhere into the Shire. It's anti-Democracy, anti-City, anti-Dictatorship and inspired mostly by Tolkien and weird old English music I've been listening too

The Great Compass
Part 1: Arcadianism

Arcadianism Desc.png

Arcadianism Sidebar.png
Arcadian Party.png
I thought it was going to be Big Ian at first. Interesting little snippet there - would be great to have yet more series of 'When Louis Met...'.
That would be a very fun episode.

The idea came to me because I've been getting really into Joy Division recently and I was watching the Saville episode just there.
"The Territory of Papua and New Guinea was established by an administrative union between the Australian-administered territories of Papua and New Guinea in 1949. In 1972, the name of the Territory changed to "Papua New Guinea" and in 1975 it became the Independent State of Papua New Guinea."-Wikipedia page for the Territory of Papua and New Guinea

Moving on to the first of the 3 "Indonesian States" of East New Guniea which became an Australian state in 1973 Under Gough Whitlam after Australian rule as a territory since 1902

The 2017 East New Guniea state election or Formally the 11th State election took place on the 9th of June 2017 to elect members to the 11th East New Guinea Assembly. The incumbent National government Had very good successes in 2013 after Peter O'Neill took a large majority of the Assembly seats. The former federal politician Patrick Pruaitch refused to resign stating that "Labor's time will come" although Labor has had a bad record in state elections. The Month after the election the Greens elected Sam Basil to their leadership position. His campaign was similar to the campaigns of other state green parties in the Pacific. Pandering to the native vote and moving Left. This saw a huge surge in the Greens Primary vote from hovering around 12% to almost cracking 20%. With resurgent Greens, it started to even more hurt Labor. At some points, they barely scraped above 30% in the primary vote. But it also hurt National whos Fairy dust was finally settling. They started to drop to the Greens. The TPP vote stayed in the Nationals Favour because of the Bipartisan Green vote which was now around 25%. The green vote in the Polls stabilised around a very high 26% and Labors was barely above it at 30% with the Nationals at 35%. The polls continued to fluctuate around the same marks. O'Neil's personal ratings were taking a hit which shifted the TPP vote around Labors way although their primary vote continued to stay the same from Green voters going back to the Nationals. It looked Likely that Labor and the Greens could form a state government together although this idea was wildly unpopular from the electorate it was very likely

The National government announced early elections on the 9th of June 2017 instead of the previously planned 16th of September. At this point, it was likely for a Labor win

The Campaign officially started around a month before the election with the LNP kicking off their campaign Followed by Labor followed by the greens. The campaign saw Labor and the Greens Initially losing support to National but then holding around the same levels of support. The Greens and Basil focused on state patriotism and native rights while Labor focused on economic issues like Infrastructure. National campaigned on a personality cult of Peter O'Neil as his personal ratings weren't too bad. In an attempt to attack Labor National released an ad attacking Patrick Pruaitch on his former comments about New Guniean Nationalism. This didn't seem to work very well as the Polls stayed practically stable and with election day approaching National was in trouble

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National failed to retain a majority on election night which put them in a bad position with dealing with the Greens. Final results took 2 weeks to come in and after that coalition talks took 1 week and a Half before the Nationals pulled out and left Labor and the Greens to form a state government. Peter O'Neil decided to stay on as leader after the election to challenge the government at the next election. The government has been seen as unstable after controlling a majority of only 2. But so far the government looks on track to complete the term.
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Yes Im aware that its hard to tell between the National and the Greens but trust me I can tell the difference

X in Australia (Yes Apparently this is a Series)
New Zealand

(should I make an australian state of Bali?)

"The Territory of Papua and New Guinea was established by an administrative union between the Australian-administered territories of Papua and New Guinea in 1949. In 1972, the name of the Territory changed to "Papua New Guinea" and in 1975 it became the Independent State of Papua New Guinea."-Wikipedia page for the Territory of Papua and New Guinea

Moving on to the first of the 3 "Indonesian States" of East New Guniea which became an Australian state in 1973 Under Gough Whitlam after Australian rule as a territory since 1902

The 2017 East New Guniea state election or Formally the 11th State election took place on the 9th of June 2017 to elect members to the 11th East New Guinea Assembly. The incumbent National government Had very good successes in 2013 after Peter O'Neill took a large majority of the Assembly seats. The former federal politician Patrick Pruaitch refused to resign stating that "Labor's time will come" although Labor has had a bad record in state elections. The Month after the election the Greens elected Sam Basil to their leadership position. His campaign was similar to the campaigns of other state green parties in the Pacific. Pandering to the native vote and moving Left. This saw a huge surge in the Greens Primary vote from hovering around 12% to almost cracking 20%. With resurgent Greens, it started to even more hurt Labor. At some points, they barely scraped above 30% in the primary vote. But it also hurt National whos Fairy dust was finally settling. They started to drop to the Greens. The TPP vote stayed in the Nationals Favour because of the Bipartisan Green vote which was now around 25%. The green vote in the Polls stabilised around a very high 26% and Labors was barely above it at 30% with the Nationals at 35%. The polls continued to fluctuate around the same marks. O'Neil's personal ratings were taking a hit which shifted the TPP vote around Labors way although their primary vote continued to stay the same from Green voters going back to the Nationals. It looked Likely that Labor and the Greens could form a state government together although this idea was wildly unpopular from the electorate it was very likely

The National government announced early elections on the 9th of June 2017 instead of the previously planned 16th of September. At this point, it was likely for a Labor win

The Campaign officially started around a month before the election with the LNP kicking off their campaign Followed by Labor followed by the greens. The campaign saw Labor and the Greens Initially losing support to National but then holding around the same levels of support. The Greens and Basil focused on state patriotism and native rights while Labor focused on economic issues like Infrastructure. National campaigned on a personality cult of Peter O'Neil as his personal ratings weren't too bad. In an attempt to attack Labor National released an ad attacking Patrick Pruaitch on his former comments about New Guniean Nationalism. This didn't seem to work very well as the Polls stayed practically stable and with election day approaching National was in trouble

View attachment 359888
National failed to retain a majority on election night which put them in a bad position with dealing with the Greens. Final results took 2 weeks to come in and after that coalition talks took 1 week and a Half before the Nationals pulled out and left Labor and the Greens to form a state government. Peter O'Neil decided to stay on as leader after the election to challenge the government at the next election. The government has been seen as unstable after controlling a majority of only 2. But so far the government looks on track to complete the term.
View attachment 359918
Yes Im aware that its hard to tell between the National and the Greens but trust me I can tell the difference

X in Australia (Yes Apparently this is a Series)

New Zealand

(should I make an australian state of Bali?)
Thank You!!!
No Liberals?
For the next states I would suggest West Papua, Timor, Bali, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Tonga, Niue, American Samoa, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Guam and the Mariana Islands.
Thank You!!!
No Liberals?
For the next states I would suggest West Papua, Timor, Bali, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Tonga, Niue, American Samoa, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Guam and the Mariana Islands.
Some of those are a bit small. I already stated in my Samoa post that Samoa was the smallest state in Population. Solomon islands are likely to be next as I have found a map I can use. Vanuatu and West Papua are likely to come if I can find a way to make an election map. And Bali is a possibility
A new series I'm maybe but probably not starting on alternate political ideologies that defy traditional categories, as much as that's possible. First is a green-agrarian-conservative-paternalist ideology that basically wants to turn everywhere into the Shire. It's anti-Democracy, anti-City, anti-Dictatorship and inspired mostly by Tolkien and weird old English music I've been listening too

The Great Compass
Part 1: Arcadianism

That's actually pretty close to my ideology, including the focus on culture rather than the nation-state.

How is Arcadianism towards monarchy? I know Tolkien described himself as an "unconstitutional" monarchist, one who's ideal king could sack his prime minister over the cut of his trousers, but who's primary preoccupation was stamps or railroads.
Mostly the anti-democratic, personality cult, anti-industrial thought.
I enjoy my cheap goods, democracy, and not having to scrape horse dung out of stalls for a living.

It's worth saying that it's not explicitly anti-Tech or development, so long as said tech can be distributed and created by cities which answer to the country. Cities aren't to be encouraged but they aren't to be banned either; "kept on tap, not on top". But yeah nah I'd not be a big fan and the lack of democracy and strong social obligations are really non-grand. The fact that I based the boxes on the article for fascism probably says something.

That's actually pretty close to my ideology, including the focus on culture rather than the nation-state.

How is Arcadianism towards monarchy? I know Tolkien described himself as an "unconstitutional" monarchist, one who's ideal king could sack his prime minister over the cut of his trousers, but who's primary preoccupation was stamps or railroads.

Probably a good summary! The monarch has an important role as a "social and cultural barometer", reminding the country of their heritage and social obligations whilst all real and constitutional power lies with the High Alderman and the Council of Britons.
Although Germany refused to officially surrender the islands, no resistance was offered and the occupation took place without any fighting. New Zealand continued the occupation of Western Samoa throughout World War I. Under the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, Germany relinquished its claims to the islands.

Moving on with the "Pacific States" of Australia we land on Fijis rival in everything from sports to tourisim we have the smallest state, Samoa

The 2015 Samoa state election or the 17th state election since becoming a state in 1950 was held on the 15th of January 2015 to elect MPs to the 17th Samoa State Assembly. The incumbent Liberal government lead by Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi (his actual full name is somehow longer) was first elected in 1999 completely sweeping Labor out of the state assembly and gaining 2/3rds of the TPP vote ending the 7 term and 24-year domination of Labor on the state level from 1975 to 1999. The Labor party had slowly started to rebuild going from 0 to 2 to 4 to 5 seats in the assembly over the next few elections. After the failure to win back government, or even a large amount of seats, in 2011 Feo Nemaia Esau resigned as the leader quickly after leaving Palusalue Fa'apo II to become Labor leader. The Labor party needed to focus on bringing down the popularity of the Liberal government. By itself, the Liberals after a quick surge of support in 2009 after the Earthquakes now was dropping in personal ratings and opinion poll ratings. The 15-year anniversary of the Liberal state government saw the party at 54% in the TPP opinion polling. Labor still had an unknown leader so they failed to crack 48% in any pre-campaign polls

On the 24th of September, the state government announced the election would take place on the 15th of January the next year

At the start of the campaign, the Liberals had a lead of 52 to 48 over Labor but it soon started to disintegrate by mid-campaign Labor had taken a large lead of 54 to 46. The Samoa green party who forever had tried to break the 2 party system that was commonplace in Samoa since it became a state had the goal of cracking 5% in the primary vote and was hovering around 3-6% in the polls. But the Greens had problems getting media coverage which did not let the greens get any wind in their sails. The Liberals changed campaign tactics to boast about the record of their debatably successful government to bring down Labor by common sense. As the campaign wrapped up the final polls had the Liberals in the lead in the TPP stakes 51.5 to 48.5%

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The results showed a Liberal victory with Labor making some gains. The Greens failed to crack 5% and are currently hovering around 2% in primary polling. The Liberals and Labor look like they will be in a very tight race for the next state election with most polls having them tied. But for now, Samoa remains the Small, German/English-speaking state Far from the mainland. And Malielegaoi's Government looks numbered for days in office.
View attachment 359610
X in Australia (Yes Apparently this is a Series)
New Zealand

and more to come

Do Bali, East Timor, and Hawaii in Australia next! :p
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