Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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The 2018 Quebec parliamentary election was held on July 8, 2018 to elect, under first-past-the-post, all 125 members of the National Assembly of Quebec.

The Popular Republican Movement, led by Benoit Charette, made a gain of 11 seats, placing the Popular Republican Movement as the largest party in the National Assembly. Charette's charisma, youthfulness and catch-all moderate conservatism originally bolstered his strength in opinion polls taken after the election of him, however, several scandals ensued from several of the opposition cabinet members for involvement in overseas shell companies and from the Socialist Party's sharp rise in the polls during the campaign, resulting in the poor performance of the Popular Republican Movement in the popular vote. They, however scored rather positively to campaign pledge to gradually reduce government spending and the budget deficit by cutting non-essential expensive programs, balancing budgets and reform of the welfare state which captured many of the right-of-center and third way Liberal voters.

The now opposition, Socialist Party, led by Marjolaine Boutin-Sweet, made a net gain of 13 seats, enlarging their caucus in the National Assembly to 40 seats. The third placed Socialists, were placed second in the election handily because of popular positions on: humanitarian, workers' rights and environmentalism as well as a moderate approach to internationalism and diplomacy by supporting the ideas of alter-globalization, among left-wing Liberal voters. The Boutin-Sweet's enthusiastic and charismatic performance also attributed to the rise of the Socialist Party. In this election the Socialists received the largest share of the popular vote and number of seats they have ever done.

The current governing, Liberal Party, led by incumbent Prime Minister, made major loses, reducing their number of members to just 27 seats and the third largest party in the National Assembly, the lowest the Liberals have ever received in a Quebec parliamentary election, it was also the sharpest drop a governing party decreased by in an election. Francis Scarpaleggia was regarded as very unpopular and lost votes due to their inability to mobilize third way and centrist voters. His debate performance was heavily criticized for failing to convey a clear and consistent message. Early on in the campaign Scarpaleggia faced allegations of groping and sexual harassment. During the campaign the Liberals faced many splits, with two MNAs defecting from the Liberal caucus.

Concerning minor parties performance, the biggest minor party by popular vote is the Green Party who, yet-again retained their extra-parliamentary position in Quebec politics. This election saw the debut of two new minor parties, the economic liberal and non-interventionist, Free Liberal Party and catch-all, Independent Party, both of which performed badly, receiving less than 0.1% of the vote each.


Pre-Campaign polling

Campaign polling
Electorate: 6,193,081

Turnout: 4,603,804 (74.3% (+2.4) of Electorate)

Rejected ballots: 5,910

Valid votes: 4,597,894


Popular Republican Movement: 34.8% -3.1 (1,599,710)
Socialist Party: 33.7% +14.6 (1,551,280)
Liberal Party: 29.0% -10.8 (1,331,304)

Other: 2.5% -0.7 (115,600)


Green Party: 1.1% (52,817)
New Right Party: 0.6% (26,316)
Pirate Party: 0.3% (14,108)
Canadian Unity: 0.3% (11,829)
Communist Left Party: 0.2% (8,177)
Independent Party: 0.0% (1,487)
Free Liberal Party: 0.0% (866)
Following up from this.​
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Alaska (Russian: Аляска, officially the Alaskan Republic (Russian: Республика Аляска)) is a soverign state located in northwestern North America. It includes three departments and one territory, covers a land area of 2,315,661 square kilometers, and has a mostly subarctic climate. It has a population of just over five million, 88 percent of which is consolidated within its southern cities. Alaska's capital and largest city is Novo-Archangelsk, located in the country's south on Baranov Island. The country's four other largest cities are Kolchak, Novo-Petrovsk, McLeod, and Denikin. Alaska is bordered by Oregon to the south and Canada to the east and southeast, and is separated from the Republic of Siberia by 48 miles of ocean from St. Peter Island and 53 miles of ocean from the mainland across the Bering Strait.

This is lovely.

(At the request of @aaa):
Gordon Douglas Jones (born May 4, 1954), oftentimes known simply as Doug Jones, is a Carolinian politician currently serving as a senator for the state of Jackson. Jones is a member of the centre-left Democratic-Republican party, and previously served as a federal attorney for Carolina's sixth district, as well as a member of American Parliament (MAP) from 1996 to 2008.

Jones was born in Memphis, in the state of Jackson, Carolina, his family having fled the U.S.A.S. in 1958, and is a graduate of Memphis University's School of Law. In 1995, Jones was elected as part of the first American Parliament, the legislative body of the American Union, which itself was founded five years prior, in 1990. Jones was deputy leader of the Liberal Democratic Group, the chief centrist and social liberal party in the American Parliament, from 2004 until his retirement from parliament in 2007. There he established himself as a firmly pro-American MAP and gained notoriety through his speeches in favor of implementing the American Union Dollar and the no-visa Hamilton Travel Zone. Jones quickly became the face of pro-American politics and was reportedly offered a job in the newly created post of Vice President of the American Union by union president Paul Sarbanes, a deal which, if ever made, he refused.

In 2008 Jones was appointed to be a federal attorney by president Al Gore, and served in the sixth district for nine years before running for senate. Jones defeated incumbent senator Lamar Alexander, taking office as a senator for the state of Jackson in 2017 and becoming the first Democratic-Republican to represent the state since Wall Doxey's retirement in 1957. Jones' victory was seen as an upset, bringing center-left representation to one of the states most friendly to the right-wing Carolina Strong party.

In 2018, Jones was ranked 15th among American Independent's 100 most influential Americans for his work in the American Parliament and for "shaping the law of west Carolina, as well as the country as a whole."


Roy Stewart Moore (born February 11, 1947), is a Southern Unionite politician currently serving as a ranking member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union of Socialist American States (CPUSAS). Moore is the chairman of the Judicial branch of the central committee, and presides over what is essentially a one-man supreme court, in which cases that are not resolved by the next lowest court, the State Court of the Union, are sent to him for personal review. Thus, Moore has an extreme level of control over the country's laws, and his power in influencing such codes are second only to that of Secretary-General Richard Shelby.

Moore trained in the state military for most of his early adulthood, attending Thurmond College, the country's leading military school, from 1966 to 1972. Upon leaving, Moore quickly managed to become head of military police for the state of Alabama, a position which he held for roughly twenty years from 1978 to 1999. In 2000, either through appeal or pre-determined appointment, Moore became a member of the central committee. He, like most members of the committee, voted in favor of propositions supported by Secretary-General Shelby, even after the "opening acts" of 2002, which allowed committee members to vote against a proposition brought forward by party leadership without having to leave the committee as a result. In fact, Moore has remained one of Shelby's most ardent supporters, and has stood as a prominent supporter of extremely anti-American policy, even reportedly calling for a "war against the entire imperialist American network" in reference to a possible conflict against the American Union.

In serving as chief minister of the Judicial branch of the central committee, Moore has impacted the law and legal processes of the entire U.S.A.S for decades to come. He has oftentimes made ruling directly in contradiction to the 2002 opening acts, pushing for social conservatism and a dampened democracy. Moore has also been one of the only Unionite politicians to travel to other American countries. Two out of the three times he has done so, once in Dana and another time in Virginia, attempts have been made to take his life by armed assailants. Despite this, Moore has remained determined to to travel and spread his values in any country that will have him.


Thanks for this. Moore’s in particular is pretty scary.
No, I'm gonna insist on a comment explaining how that works?
Alright, fine.
The Republican Party and Unionist Party (a party set up as a homegrown alternative to the Republicans, designed to appeal to Upper Southern "scalawags" while seeming less toxic than the Republicans [who, in the South at the time, were mostly black and/or carpetbaggers] in the late 1800s) have a CDU-CSU arrangement. Meanwhile, the Popular Front (a democratic socialist pro-labor party of the Midwest and Northeast) and Progressive Party (the ideological heirs of bimetallism with a touch of George McGovern to them - the Utahn Party is a branch of them more focused on a specifically-Latter-Day-Saint Christian socialism) agreed in the 1990s not to contest each others' states, and have nominated the same nominees in every election since 2004. The Magnolia Party is the equivalent of OTL's American Independent Party except without the ambitions of expanding north and west - it was technically illegal until the '80s, but has managed to stay on the right side of the law since then, and has exploited rising voteshares for the Popular Front and decreasing voteshares for Republicans and Unionists to benefit from the splitting of the vote. The People's Party is the last surviving remnant of Huey and Earl Long's political machine.
Yeah, have you noticed the similarities between Albert Hazo of the Progressive Party and Albert Hazo of the Utahn Party, they're some pretty freakish similarities.
Don't forget Albert Hazo of the Popular Front. I think he looks more like Albert Hazo than Albert Hazo does tbh
(At the request of @InfernoMole): Alaska (Russian: Аляска, officially the Alaskan Republic (Russian: Республика Аляска)) is a soverign state located in northwestern North America. It includes three departments and one territory, covers a land area of 2,315,661 square kilometers, and has a mostly subarctic climate. It has a population of just over five million, 88 percent of which is consolidated within its southern cities. Alaska's capital and largest city is Novo-Archangelsk, located in the country's south on Baranov Island. The country's four other largest cities are Kolchak, Novo-Petrovsk, McLeod, and Denikin. Alaska is bordered by Oregon to the south and Canada to the east and southeast, and is separated from the Republic of Siberia by 48 miles of ocean from St. Peter Island and 53 miles of ocean from the mainland across the Bering Strait.

Several indigenous people groups inhabited Alaska for thousands of years before European contact. It is believed by some that the first Russian settlement in the area was founded in 1648, but these reports are mostly unfounded, as the settlement existed for fewer than two years and might not have even been located in modern day Alaska. Thus, the first Russian American landing is held to have been in 1732 by A. F. Shestakov and Dmitry Pavlutsky at St. Gabriel, Alaska. The first confirmed European settlement in Alaska was established in 1784 as a fur trading post in the Aleutian Islands. Russian control over the region expanded exponentially throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries, with civilian settlement being bolstered by the 1869 acquisition of the Yukon region from British Canada.

Exploration of the north was extremely limited until 1876, when a series of governmentally sanctioned expeditions led to the founding of Yukkhana Town, a former British expeditionary camp that had been abandoned shortly before the Yukon transfer. Yukkhana Town remained Alaska's northernmost city until the founding of Utqiagvik in 1890, and served as a stopping point for the Trans-Yukon railroad, which carried supplies and settlers to northern and interior Alaska, significantly improving the area's general land value.

In 1879, Alaska was granted autonomy within the Russian Empire, becoming the empire's first and only "dominion." It was governed by Feodor Naryshkin, its first governor-general, for the majority of its autonomy until 1903, when Naryshkin was succeed in his office by a council of three Russian Alaskans, none of whom have names that can be found in any official records. However, it can be assumed that one of these was Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, a brother of Emperor Nicholas II, as Alexandrovich ascended to the post of governor-general after the rule of the council ended in 1909. Alexandrovich's rule continued up to the outbreak of the Russian civil war in 1917, in which the Bolshevik Red Army waged war against the Russian Empire and its western allies. As the tide of the war began to turn in favor of the Bolsheviks, Alaska became a home and base of operations for the anti-communist White Army, which took control of the region and placed it under military rule. Alexander Kolchak served as Alaska's first prime minister and declared Alaska to exist as its own independent state in 1920. This move was widely accepted by most European states, who quickly moved to recognize Alaska as the deserving owner of the territory by then controlled by the Soviet Union.

In 1923, the Treaty of Sacramento brought an end to the war between Red and White Russia, and forced both to recognize the other as controlling their respective territories. Despite the war's end, anti-communistic sentiment remained extremely popular, with "communist actions and beliefs" being banned until 1956 and an entire federal holiday dedicated to despising and destroying communism (known as Alaskan Supremacy Day) remaining publicly observed until its banning 1938. The country remained under a regime of highly conservative, almost fascistic, government until January of 1924, when a liberal republican sect of the legislature, along with most of the navy and parts of the army, launched a coup shortly after Kolchak's death due to cancer. Fighting occurred for a little over a week before ending, resulting in the republicans taking control of the government, deposing King Micheal, and forcing rouge elements of the army to stand down. The constitution was revised in February of the same year, establishing the office of president, who was to be selected by the legislature, which was given a deadline of eight years to set up and hold Alaska's first free elections.

In March of 1932, eight years after the republican coup, Pitirim Sorokin of the Alaskan Social Liberal Party became the first president not appointed by the legislature. Leading up to the outbreak of World War II, Alaska began to build up its army, along with a, then experimental, air force. Many suspect that this was a preliminary measure in anticipation of a Soviet invasion, or possibly even to prepare for an invasion of the Soviet Union. In November of 1940, with the Russian invasion of Poland and the Baltic states, president Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov made a series of inflammatory speeches directed at the Soviets, which directly threatened war and the destruction of Soviet communism. Four months later, the Soviet military launched an invasion of Alaska, capturing almost half of the country's land. Reinforcement, chiefly from Canada, Oregon, Dana, and New York, however, proved vital in pushing the Soviets back and off of the mainland. From then on, Alaska led the charge in pushing on the eastern front, spearheading the naval invasion that led to allied landfall in Kamchatka in late 1943.

At the end of the war, president Semyonev was eager to push for an annexation of Siberia by Alaska, but the international community condemned such an idea on the basis of the Treaty of Sacramento, which relegated control of Russia to Russians, regardless of government. When Semyonov's plans were rejected by other powers in attendance at the Vancouver Conference in 1947, the Alaskan delegation instead put forward a plan to divide Russia in two, a Russian republic bordered by a Siberian republic in the east, to prevent the Russian nation from ever holding the amount of power and influence that the Soviet Union did before the war. This plan was ultimately accepted, and in 1951, the Alaskan, Japanese, and Chinese zones of occupation were merged and released as the Republic of Siberia, which operated more or less as an Alaskan puppet state until the 1980s.

In the modern day, Alaska is a major military player in the Arctic, and carries out the most naval and army exercises in the far north of any country on Earth. Economically, Alaska is deeply interconnected with Canada, its largest trade partner, as well as the American Union. Despite a typical negative view of the American Union among Alaskans, the country does meet all union requirements, and its ruling Green Party, which took power in 2012, has a history of being Pro-Americanist and supporting legislation to bring Alaska economically closer to the Union.


I'm contemplating making a separate thread for this timeline once I'm done with all the requests I've got to take care of first, so all future posts may go there depending on whether or not I think I can maintain such a thread.
If you are taking requests, may I make one?: Please can you give a bit of information on Alaskan politics and maybe the most recent election.
The 2012 election in the Reverse Sealionverse Federated States of Russia, a German-settled US analogue.

As always, questions and comments are vastly appreciated!

Interesting, what is that state of on the bottom left corner, is it something like Pontus?
It’s the state of Kur, TTLs Hawaii. The parallels definitely stretch believability, but hopefully they’re fun!

I should mention that TTLs Russia is founded on hardcore genocide. Russia has more or less ethnically cleansed it’s way from the Baltic to the Bering straits. Native cultures (Komi, Evenki, etc.) have more or less gone the way of the North American Indians.
(At the request of @Peyton, probably the last one I'm taking until the TL thread does or does not go up.): Guillaume Long (born August 11, 1952) is a Louisiana politician currently serving as a member of the Louisiana Legislative Assembly, representing the constituency of Des Arc. The constituency consists of outer eastern Springfield, as well as the countryside around it, and extends to border southern Lafayette City at its northernmost point. Long is a member of the centre-right to right-wing Bloc Populaire, and is oftentimes considered to be a key representative of the party's hard right. Before taking office in the 2009 general election, Long was a talk radio host for the conservative Canal de la Liberté station, and had made an unsuccessful run for office in the extremely liberal east-Springfield seat of Vitrolles in 2005. He is a member of the Louisiana Auctioneers Association and the Firearm Owners' Rights Convention.

Long has been almost universally opposed to the agenda of the Verne and Duflot governments. He has also been a vocal supporter of closing off the border with the predominantly native-American Tecumesia, making unsubstantiated suggestions that its residents steal labor from Louisianians. Additionally, Long is a marked Americo-sceptic, opposing Louisianian involvement in the American Union and supporting Louisiana's immediate exit from the entity.


James "Jim" Evans (born July 12, 1948) is a retired Louisianian teacher, businessman, and army veteran, as well as a former candidate for the Louisiana Legislative Assembly. Evans ran for the seat of Des Arc twice, in 2009 and 2013, as a member of Bloc Populaire, and ran again in 2017 for the same seat, instead as a member of the Northern Independence Party.

Evans is a veteran of the Mexico War, and served in the Louisianian army from 1970 to 1973. Evans later taught high school math and computer science, and raised cattle for about ten years on his personal farm while maintaining ownership of a small-time real estate investment and management business. Evans entered politics in 2009, running in the Bloc Populaire primary against Guillaume Long, who would go on to defeat Evans two more times and maintain control of his seat to this day.

This one was a bit shorter, mainly due to a lack of in-depth information about the write-up's two subjects, but I'm going to start stockpiling (more detailed) entries to this TL in my test thread, where they will either be posted en-mass to the TL thread (that I might put) up or slowly released onto this thread if I feel like I can't feasibly get a separate thread going.

Articles of De-Confederation:
New York Legislative election, 2008
New York Progressive Party

Midatlantica Legislative election, 2017
Carolina Presidential Election, 2017; Matt Watson
Cabinet of President Bob Casey Jr.
Mexican General election, 2012; Robert F. Kennedy
Union of Socialist American States; Gavin Newsom
Louisiana general election, 2017; Ernie Chambers
Alaska; Doug Jones; Roy Moore
Guillaume (Billy) Long; Jim Evans
French Presidential Election, 2017; Xu Qiliang
Danic General/Presidential elections, 2016; Loretta Sanchez
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