Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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I know orcs, I have the best orcs, they're yuge, believe me.

"President Paul has been shot! We repeat! President Paul has been shot!"

"Thief! You stole the election from us! Now you're going to pay!" - Jonathan Smith right before he shot President Paul

"News is coming in that President Paul has been shot by Trump supporter Jonathan Smith. Witnesses report that the assassin had called Paul a thief for being chosen as President instead of Trump. Many other Republicans have also faced threats of violence since the election, some even resigning for it." - CNN

"We have three confirmed deaths from this attack." - MSNBC

"My son was a good man, he had the best interests of Americans at heart, he was a true believer in Liberty and the Constitution, but most importantly of all, he was a good son, husband, and father." - Ron Paul during a eulogy at President Paul's funeral

Rand Paul is an interesting case, chosen to be President after running the most successful third party election in US History. Despite his short run as President, he did have quite the impact, or at least his death did. The Libertarian Party received a large amount of votes during the 2018 and 2020 elections, some out of pity, some from Republicans leaving for the Libertarian Party. One thing that ended up happening because of President Paul was the Electoral College was reformed, with a proportional system allocating electoral votes. A compromise for those who wanted to abolish the Electoral College and those who wanted to keep the Electoral College.

"President Paul inspired me and many others into running for office. He showed that despite hardships, you can do anything if you put your mind to it! No matter who opposes you! That is why I shall run for President of these United States!" - Gov. James Wahlgren (L-NH) in 2035

"The effect of the Free State Project also changed the election system. New Hampshire became a Libertarian safe-state up to the 2072 election when the state was lost to the Progressive Party. Even after the Free State Project's 20,000 movers had reached New Hampshire in 2013, more Libertarians kept moving to the state to make it into the perfect Libertarian paradise. Multiple other similar projects were set up in various other states in the US including Washington, Texas, and Indiana. Those kinda stalled, but recruitment to Libertarian ideals did spread in those states with Washington eventually becoming a swing state and Texas and Indiana becoming Libertarian safe states." - Libertarian States of America by Max Gilbert © 2100

"I nominate Former Governor Gary Johnson for Department of Commerce." - Late President Rand Paul

"Tim, look, I'm thinking about resigning. Rand's death is getting to me, I thi-"
"Gary, I need you to stay right now. I'm already inheriting a mess of a situation. Just until the midterms, at least. You were his running mate, you might be able to help me keep the peace."
"Keep the peace? Rand is de-"
"I know he is! Look, I may not have agreed with him on many issues, but I do know he was a good person. I want to keep my administration as moderate as I can. Keeping you on my cabinet is one step to doing that."
"*sigh* Okay, I'll stay, but you have to make sure to input some of his Libertarian ideals into your administration."
"Deal."- Part of a private Conversation between President Tim Kaine and Secretary Gary Johnson.

"Gary Johnson was an inspiration to me. His determination to keep going even after President Paul's death is something that kept me going. With the support of my husband John and my dear friend James, I have decided to run as Washington State's Senator to D.C.! Together, we will bring Liberty to all!" - Senator Eric Cole (L-WA) at the start of his Senate run in 2030.
Inspired by the new style of maps for recent Canadian provincial elections, I decided to revisit the same universe these two infoboxes were set in to try my hand at it/update it.


The Minnesota Liberal Party convened for its 16th leadership convention in May 2017 to replace Mark Dayton, who announced his retirement before the scheduled 2018 due to health problems, including several episodes where the premier fainted in public, once on while on his way to a meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau. Due to the Liberals' majority in the Legislative Assembly, the new leader would also succeed Dayton as premier, giving high-profile candidates like federal politician Tim Walz and St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman an incentive to jump into the race that would normally be filled solely with Liberal MLAs. The winner, however, was an insider: Dayton's Minister for Health and Social Services, Erin Murphy, who successfully navigated the factional politics within the Liberal caucus to become the first woman to lead the party, and the first female premier in Minnesota history.


While Murphy and the Liberals would have expected to coast to victory in 2018 off of the rosy fiscal situation left behind by the Dayton government, this was not the case. The Progressive Conservatives had replaced their young former leader Marty Seifert with another fresh face, Kurt Daudt, who saw a path to victory by targeting rural voters who did not see their economic situation improving nearly as much as the residents of the Twin Cities area. Meanwhile, Tom Horner of the Minnesota Party was able to succeed in making more inroads to soft-Liberal voters who could not bring themselves to vote for the Progressive Conservatives— although extremely thin-spread voter distribution meant that while the Minnesota Party increased its total vote-share to around 18 percent, it wasn't able to do more than retain its sole seat (gained as a result of party-switching during the previous assembly). The more important result of the Minnesota Party's increase in support, however, was the blunting of the anti-Liberal swing that year by dividing it between the two parties. Outside of several rural seats targeted by Daudt, the Liberals were able to hold onto most of their marginal ridings and retained a slim three-seat majority as a result.


GURPS Infinite Worlds

Following the conclusion of the War of Southron Independence, the Democratic Party totally disintegrated in the United States, being identified by most as the party of Rebs and racialists.
However, the Republican Party which had lost the war was almost as unpopular. The 1864 elections saw the Constitutional Reform Party, which had unsuccessfully challenged the big two in the 1860 election, win the presidency with candidate-orator Edward Everett. Since then, the Constitutional Union Party has been the opposition party in Yankee politics, arguing for a theoretically non-racialist nationalism, though it is often criticized for being the platform of those few racialist Yankee politicians not disappeared by the Underground Railroad. Following the Republican Party-sponsored Negro Homestead Act, which promised free land and farming assistance exclusively to Negro farmers moving to the new western states, the Constitutional Union Party has struggled to win any of the Negro-majority states in the Union. In response to the Republican Party’s advocacy of the laissez-faire Cabal model of agricultural-agrarian economic combine, the Constitutional Unionists argue for a brand of fiscal progressivism not unlike that of the National Socialist Nordic Model, though the party does not use the term, instead preferring the otherwise out-of-use synonym of Social Democracy.
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