Alternate Popes

So basically, are there any alternate popes in history that could’ve made a significant difference in the Papacy? And could there be any Popes specifically during the Renaissance or Baroque Eras that could’ve made the Papacy a force to be reckoned with? I’m very interested in any thoughts.
I’m not entire sure how it would happen, or if he would even want the position, but I’ve often wondered what would happen if St. Francis was elected Pope.
I’m not entire sure how it would happen, or if he would even want the position, but I’ve often wondered what would happen if St. Francis was elected Pope.

Probably he would need completely different life and career. And some intrest for papacy.
Petrarch stays in the church and climbs the rungs to the cardinalate, gets elected.
Tamasz Bakocz gets elected instead of Leo X.
Savonarola accepts the cardinal's hat offered him by Alexander VI, gets elected in place of Pius III or Julius II...
Mazarin never became a French citizen so that he would still be considered in conclaves as an Italian not a French pope
@Vitruvius a thread ATM about Innocent X NOT being elected