Alternate Political Parties

Given that we have threads for alternate weapons, flags and societies I figure we ought to have one for alternate political parties.

While you obviously don't have to use this, I've provided an example of how to format the post on them.

Founding: (age)
Ideology: (OTL or ATL version)

Name: Communist Party of North America
Nation: United States of North America
Founding: 1918/1930 (91/79 years)
Ideology: Communism (ATL, Libertarian Socialism)

The Communist Party of North America (CPNA) is the fourth oldest political party in the United States of North America (USNA) after the Democratic Party, Republican Party and Socialist Party.
The party was founded by Jared Kingston*, an influential Socialist and New York city City Council member (whom's also notable for leading an initiative to decentralize some aspects of the city government).
The party started off as a city then state based party but by the late thirties had managed to attract like-minded individuals across the country.
In 1930 the party went national as the CPNA. The party managed to do relatively well, coming in second and third in several North-Eastern states.
The party was one of the main proponents of American intervention in what would become known as the Great World War, though for humanitarian reasons.
In 1940 the party saw its first great success when it became the single largest seat holder in the New York state House, forming a coalition with the Socialist Party and three of the five independents.
The party did well throughout the 20th century, however starting in the late 70's the party started focusing less on the national level and more on the state and local level, going back to its roots, this lead to a slow decline on the national level, yet at the same time a resurgence on the state and local level. As of 2009 the party is the largest party in the Iqaluit coalition government, the second largest in the Kivalliq coalition government and a minor member in coalition governments in several other states as well as having elected representatives at some level in every state except Jamaica and Utah. The CPNA currently has eight seats in the national House.

The party is generally considered to be founded by Jared Kingston, however, while he supported the party, and was it's de facto leader, it was actually his protégé, Andrew Thomson that founded the party.
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Name: North American Greens/Green Party of North America
Nation: United States of North America
Founding: 1986 (23 years)
Ideology: (OTL Green Politics, old style Social Democracy)

The Green Party of North America (GPNA), also known as the North American Greens is the youngest political party with national representation.
The GPNA started off as a network of state green parties in the late 70's and early 80's. By 1986 these regional parties had coalesced into a federation, fielding candidates on all levels.
While the party had some small successes in various states, even gaining a Senator and governorship (though not at the same time) in the 90's, it was not until the beginning of the 21st century that the party managed to gain national representation.
As of 2009 the GPNA is the largest party in the coalition government of Vermont (with the Socialist Party and New Liberal Party) and is a minor partner in coalition governments of several states.
The GPNA currently holds 17 seats in the national House and the Governorship of Vermont.
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Name: Arab Socialist Nationalist Party (الحزب القومي العربي الاشتراكي)

Nation: United Arab Republic (not the OTL version, this one has Jordan and Lebanon)
Founding: 1962 (unofficial) (47 years)/ 1970 (official) (39 years)
Ideology: Arab National Socialism (ATL) (It's kinda like Nazism, but focusing on ideas of Arab superiority)

Overview: The basic ideals of Arab National Socialism began to be codified during the early days of the Republic, blending the basics of Arab Socialism with Hitlerean concepts of a "Master Race", but preaching the superiority of the Arab race as opposed to the German one. The party's first leader, Farouk Najma (1918-1963) (known to his followers as Al-Qa'id) attempted to lead the party in an overthrow of the government in Cairo one year after the formation of the party in 1962. This attempted rebellion was easily crushed by the Egyptian soldiers and Najma was executed for treason and the organization of a rival political party to the ruling Arab Socialist Union. After the death of Nasser in 1970 and the splitting of the Arab Socialist Union into the Nasserite Socialist Union and the United Arab Socialist Party (Nasserite), President Sadat declared an end to the ban on rival parties. The Arab Socialist Nationalist Party was thereby able to gain a small foothold in Parliament under their new leader, Khadim al-Zahra (b. 1931). Al-Zahra's vitriolic racist rhetoric has been widely condemned by most politicians in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, but some in the Republic, especially those who had lost land and fled the occupied territories in the various Arab-Israeli wars.
Name: Constitutional Union Party
Nation: United States of America
Founding: 1860-1900
Ideology: American Nationalism, American Unionism, Nativist Anti-Catholicism, Abolitionism, Temperance

Overview: Formed by the remnants of the Whig and American (Know-Nothing) Parties in an attempt to prevent the Civil War, the Constitutional Union Party was at first instrumental in securing the establishment of the state of West Virginia following the secession of the bulk of Virginia at the duration at the beginning of the Civil War. For a brief period, they were inactive as a party, but got back their footing with the election of George McClellan in 1864 and the subsequent collapse of the Republican Party. During the 'Terror of '65', they were key in the scapegoating of Catholics, Irish-Americans, and immigrants of all stripes as those 'responsible' for the loss of the war, and the subsequent branding of President McClellan as a traitor to the republic. The Party quickly gained steam, in part thanks to business funding and the immolation of the former Republican Party, not to mention a strong paramilitary wing responsible for the untold deaths of thousands of Irish Americans during the 'Terror of '65.'

The Terror, however, didn't seem to end with the mass violence against Irish-Americans and Catholics, rather, it became a constant state of mind for much of the American public. In the 1866 midterm elections, the Constitutional Union Party swept itself into control of Congress and set its goal on 'removing the foremost November Criminal' from the White House. After impeaching McClellan on a dubious charge at best in 1868 (The so-called 'Tenure of Office' Act) and thus, lame ducking the new President, George Pendleton, they set their sights on even higher office, and in 1868, attained the Presidency as the Democrats imploded.

From 1868 until the late 1880s, when they were in power, the Constitutional Union Party paved the road for a revanchist, nearly fascistic United States. Tariffs were raised, industry flourished as a result, Separation of Church and State was eroded quickly by CU-appointed Justices on the Supreme Court, thus, promoting protestantism at the expense of Catholicism, Unions were busted, and discriminatory 'Jim O'Brien' laws were enacted, severely restricting the movement of those of Irish heritage. Immigration quotas were strict and immigration strongly discouraged by the national government. The government also began a stage of massive military buildup, in anticipation of an invasion of the Confederacy.

On the bright side, the CU did manage to live up to its promise to the Republican base it largely absorbed--slavery was abolished shortly after their initial victory in 1866, but African-Americans, much like the Irish-Americans, were denied most rights by discriminatory acts in the vein of the Jim O'Brien laws.

By the late 1880s, with the Confederate invasion of Mexico, the Constitutional Union Party finally saw its efforts of fearmongering blossom with an opportunity to intervene. The Second Mexican War, however, wasn't in favor of the U.S., and with the war's loss, the Constitutional Union Party finally fell out of favor with the American public. Riots erupted in much of the country, and the CU's leadership was forced to make note of this with the end of their hegemonic rule in the 1890s, hastened by the economic Depression. In 1892, for the first time since 1868, the Constitutional Union Party was put out of power in favor of the People's Party, a left-wing populist movement.

The party remained for the remnant of the 19th Century, however, but quickly became lauded as a sort of cabal of anti-American industrialists (at least in People's Party campaign literature) and bigots. Many members of the Party would join the People's Party (at least, the economic protectionists would), while others would coalesce to form a completely new political party, the National Republican Party (the social conservatives and industrialists). Those who remained were eventually voted out at all levels in the 1890s and at the party's 1900 convention, the Constitutional Unionists voted to dissolve the party and endorse the National Republican's candidate for President.
Name: Democratic Party
Nation: United States of North America
Founding: 1828* (181 years)
Ideology: Social Liberalism, Social Democracy (OTL)

The Democratic Party (Dems and/or DP) is the oldest party in the United States of North America, one of the oldest parties in the world and the worlds oldest existent party.
While the Dems began as a uniquely American (classical) liberal party, over time the parties ideology has changed, sometimes a great deal.
In the early years of the twentieth century the party began focusing less on economic liberalism and more on social and political liberalism.
By the 1930's the party had began to adopt many Social Democratic policies, including a strong support for Commonwealth (Welfare) programs and economic regulation, however it continued its support for relatively free trade.
Following the outbreak of the Great World War the party became split three ways over what the USNA should do, with one group advocating a non-interventionist policy, another a humanitarian/altruistic policy and the third favoring a pragmatic policy of entering on conditions the USNA be rewarded for it's aide, in the end the latter two groups would prevail.
The party remained the larger of the two main parties between 1930-1980, at times forming coalitions with the other liberal and leftist parties.
Near the end of the twentieth century the parties dominance in North American politics began to falter, as the party saw some of its worst voting numbers in decades, and, from a period between 1994-2000 was out of power and in the opposition.
While not approaching the power it once wielded, the party has in recent years (2006-present) seen something of a rebound, however this is at the same time that the smaller New Liberal Party and the minority parties have themselves seen growth.
As of 2009 the party is the single largest party in the country and is either the majority party or largest party in coalition governments in thirty-one states.
The DP currently has 206 seats in the national House.

While the modern Democratic Party was founded in 1828, it is the direct descendant of the Democratic-Republican party of 1792.
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Name: Serbian Orthodox Socialist Union (Serbische Orthodoxe Sozialistische Union/ Српска Православна Социјалистиццке уније)
Nation: The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary
Founding: 1899 (110 years)
Ideology: Christian Socialism, Serbian Nationalism

Overview: The Serbian Orthodox Socialist Union was founded in 1899 in Bosnia, but Serbian naionalists in Austria-Hungary who wanted to join the Serb-majority areas of Bosnia with Serbia. Since then, their numbers have remained small, but they remain a force, due to their military wing, The Serbian Society for Socialist Liberation (Serbischen Gesellschaft für Sozialistische Befreiung/ Друштво за српски Социјалистиццке Ослободилаццке). In recent years, their power has been growing under their new leader, Zoran Radenković, though they have not gained any seats in parliament, as the government does not view them as a legitimate party.
Name: American Labor Party
Nation: United States
Founding and Dissolution: 1936-1956
Ideology: Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Trade Unionism

Overview: The American Labor Party came into being in 1936 with the split of the U.S.' Socialist Party into two opposing factions in the early 1930s. On one side, radical pacifists, lead by former Presidential nominee Norman Thomas joined forces with younger, more militant Marxist youth, angering the party's 'Old Guard', who saw a declaration by this wing in the party's own 'Declaration of Principles' as a move towards communism and authoritarian policy by that wing of the party. The Old Guard quickly moved to create a parallel party apparatus, and shortly afterwords, the Old Guard completely broke with the Socialist Party, establishing itself nationwide as the American Labor Party, and in doing so, taking a majority of the party's loyal trade unions with it.

In truth, however, there were quite a few active Communists within the party's ranks, and many were given prominent governmental positions when the ALP managed to attain power. As the red-baiting of the 1950s began, this would lead to the the party's downfall and its eventual eclipse in power by the Liberal Party.

The ALP did manage to get on the ballot for the 1936 election, and, although it wasn't successful in winning the White House, it did manage to take out the Socialist Party, in large part. The 1940 and 1944 presidential elections would see it return to prominence. Indeed, the nationalization of much of the US economy for the war effort was largely in part due to the strength of the ALP and public support for its wartime policies, all of which were opposed by the isolationist Socialist Party.

The party faltered in 1948, in part due to accusations that it's Presidential nominee was in fact, a Communist. With the rise of conservatism in the late forties and early fifties and rampant red-baiting under the guise of patriotism, the party would eventually fall prey to attacks of it being undemocratic and un-American. The party performed so poorly in the 1952 Presidential Election that by 1956, it decided at its national convention to dissolve and endorse the Liberal Party's candidate for President.
Name: Liberal Party
Nation: United States
Founding and Dissolution: 1944-2004
Ideology: Social Liberalism (1944-1980), Trade Unionism (1944-1980), Neoliberalism (1980-2004)

Overview: With the second term of the first ALP President assured as WWII continued, many discontent members of the ALP itself began lamenting the perceived (real and imaginary) communist influence within the ALP itself. These members, mostly leaders of trade unions, officially, then, decided to break with the ALP and form their own party, the Liberal Party, which would run its first candidate for the presidency in the subsequent 1944 Presidential Election.

The Liberals lost, but managed to do well, despite a popular incumbent and a split left-wing vote. They continued their success in the 1948 Presidential Election, winning with a fair bit of anti-communist red baiting of their own against the ALP's candidate. Their first term in office, however, was at best turbulent, and at worst, a disaster, with a mounting war in Korea and domestic stagnation. The Liberals were put out of office in 1952, but would again take the Presidency in 1960, 1964, 1976, and in 1992 and 1996.

For most of the party's existence, they found themselves the victims of the very same red-baiting they'd used against the ALP in the late 1940s, effectively pushing them out of office, all of this, of course, combined with failed military interventions in Korea and Vietnam didn't bode well for the Liberals' image. By the 1980s, the party was quickly losing steam, and it only managed two victories in the 1990s because of a strong third party showing in those races.

The formation of the Working Families Party in the 1998 midterm election and the bolting of labor unions from the fold circa 2002 (with ever neoliberal the candidates being the norm for the Liberals), the Party effectively dissolved in 2004 when its candidate for the White House didn't manage to carry a single state.
Name: Party for the Preservation of the Holy Empire of Britannia (official); Britannian Preservation Party (colloquial)
Nation: Holy Empire of Britannia
Founding: 1888 a.t.b. (130 years old)
Ideology: Britannian Nationalism, Britannian Imperialism, Right-wing populism, Social Darwinism, Nativism, Absolute Monarchism

Overview: Founded following the beginning of the gradual manumission of slavery within the Holy Empire of Britannia, the Party for the Preservation of the Holy Empire of Britannia (or simply, the Britannian Preservation Party), was formed in opposition to any sort of rights for soon-to-be freed slaves by a group of ultranationalistic aristocrats and industrialists.

The party was quickly successful, as well. As only nobles were allowed to vote or run in elections for the Britannian Parliament, they managed to begin to pick up seats on a wide scale in this purely advisory body, forming a coalition with the Conservative Party of the Holy Empire of Britannia. The party tried but failed to enact harsher measures over the course of the manumission of the slaves during the reign of the relatively liberal Britannian Empreror, William il Britannia, his death, and the rise to the throne of his conservative uncle, Albert von Britannia gave the party a new lease on power. During the reign of Emperor Albert von Britannia, they managed to significantly slow down manumission to a grinding halt, creating a new, even more disturbing form of slavery that would come to be known across the world as the 'Number System', wherein conquered peoples would be stripped of their national identity and given a new identity, in the form of a number (an example of which would be the re-enslaved 'Ones', those of African descent). Also of note, the party was successful in getting Emperor Albert von Britannia to implement a 'pure blood' policy within the military, thus barring all non-Britannians from holding military positions.

The coalition of Preservationists and Conservatives was well recieved in power until minor squabbles over colonization eventually forced it out of power for some time, putting into power the Liberal Party of the Holy Britannian Empire, which was far more willing to accept non-Britannians in the military and more sympathetic to the cause of the Numbers. While they were unable to get Emperor Claude lo Britannia to endorse the abolition of the Numbers system, the Liberal Party did manage to create the ultimate bugaboo of the BPP, the creation of the 'Honorary Britannian' system for citizenship and military service, which, in some circles, could even pave the road to nobility within the Empire. The BPP, of course, was outraged at the policy, and while in the minority, began coming up with ways to undo this percieved wrong on the Britannian people.

Despite its own best efforts, the BPP would never again gain enough seats in Parliament to be truly relevant in any Conservative coalition. They would, at times, be included in the governance of the nation, and many prominent nobles are still a member of the party, but they would never enjoy the successes they did in the 1880s and 1890s a.t.b. This would cause a shift in policy of the purists to focus exclusively on the issue of foreigners in the military, thus, causing many party leaders to try and exact control over the issue by taking control of the military itself and eliminating the policy from within. This was of course, well known within the Holy Empire of Britannia, but it was of little consequence to most politicans and even the Emperor himself.

The latter blossomed, of course, with the assassination of Prince Clovis la Britannia in 2017 a.t.b. and the ascension of Jeremiah Gottwald to the post of Governor-General in Area 11. Gottwald, an ardent purist, would do his very best to root out Elevens and other numbers from the Britannian military, but in the end, would be disgraced by the loss of then-suspected Suzaku Kururugi to the terrorist 'Order of the Black Knights', led by the Japanese nationalist, Zero. Gottwald would then vanish into obscurity, and in doing so, shatter the hopes of a Purist military with the arrival of Princess Cornelia li Britannia in Area 11 as Governor-General. The Princess would order massive investigations into the extent of Purist inflitration within the military, leading to the faction's eventual disapperance in military affairs.
Name: Republican Party
Nation: United States of North America
Founding: 1854* (155 years)
Ideology: Neoliberalism, Social moderate (ATL & OTL)

The Republican Party (Reps/GOP) is the second oldest political party in the United States of North America.
The GOP, has throughout it's history has seen major ideological changes four times in its history.
The GOP started out as a Progressive (classical) Liberal party, however by the nineteen-twenties the party had changed to a party favoring National Liberalism, socially moderate policies, and, unique to the time, support for keeping the system of plurality first-past-the-post voting and the electoral college in the new Constitution being written at the time.
Following the outbreak of the Great World War the GOP was split into two groups, the minority (estimated at 20% of the party) isolationists who wanted nothing to do with the conflicts outside of the Western hemisphere and the majority interventionists who supported entering the war as a way to bolster the USNA's influence and power and possibly gain some territory. While the majority interventionists were the winning faction, the split would not heal, as the isolationists would come together to create their own faction.
In the later forties the party, in an effort to keep from splitting into two or more gave-in to the National faction (the new faction created by the isolationists), and changed its ideology to supporting a mixture of economic protectionism and free trade with allies in the Western hemisphere and social conservatism, however this would prove ultimately to be a mistake on the part of the party leaders.
By the late 50's the GOP was completely out of power, not even having enough votes to stall legislation or the appointment of officials, though remaining the second largest party, this would remain the case until the late seventies.
In 1978 at the national party conference the majority of party members, tired with the parties policies that many perceived as failures, gave the party leadership a choice, either adopt the ideologies supported by the majority of the parties members or, face the consequences of millions of party members leaving, and subsequently losing its place as one of the top two parties, eventually, after much debate, the party leadership agreed and adopted the modern policies of economic Neoliberalism (classical liberalism with some national liberal leanings) and a moderate policy on Social issues. This of course greatly angered the conservative minority who had controlled the party for so long, and after they realized the party was not going to change back they officially left the party to found the modern Conservative Party.
As of 2009 the party is the second largest party in the country and is either the majority party or largest party in coalition governments in sixteen states.
The GOP currently has 194 seats in the national House.

While the party was founded in 1854, it can indirectly trace its origins back to the Democratic-Republican of 1792.
Name: Labour Party
Nation: Holy Empire of Britannia
Founding: 1955 a.t.b. (63 years old)
Ideology: Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy, Trade Unionism

Overview: Formed in mid 1950s a.t.b., the Labour Party was to be a coalition of the underclass, motivated towards a realization of socialism within the Holy Empire of Britannia. This entry reads as 'was', because unfortunately, that's not how things turned out for the young party, not to any one in the Empire's great astonishment. As only nobles could vote or even hold office in Parliament, it would become something of a novelty within the Empire, an organization created by trade unions (illegal in every area of the Empire) to represent the working class in Parliament.

The Party, with its ideological stances diametrically opposed to the Social Darwinist state ideology of the Holy Empire of Britannia, failed to even lobby a single nobleman to come out in favor of the party or run in its stead in any general election hence. With labour unrest apparent in Britannia at any given time (with a real lack of a social safety net or even economic protections), the Parliament instead branded the party as a conspirator with its trade union base and its anti-Social Darwinist (and therefore, 'anti-Britannian') stances, leading to the party's banning soon thereafter.

Going underground, the Party would become the key organizer in strike action and protests against the authoritarian Imperial government for the next half of a century. While many party leaders were imprisoned and thrown in jail, the membership of the party found itself expressed in the Numbers of the Empire and in general lower class Britannian peoples, and because of this, the underground organization didn't cease to exist altogether.

With the rise of Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia in 2018 a.t.b. and the abolition of the Numbers system, the nobility (except for the Emperor himself, who would govern continually as an absolute monarch), and the Imperialist system, the Labour Party was free to come out in the open for the first time since the 1950s a.t.b. It at first supported the goals of the new Emperor, but quickly became his enemy as well as his dictatorial rule hastened before his assassination in Japan.

Since the coronation of Empress Nunnally vi Britannia and the creation of a constitutional monarchy, the Labour Party has become the dominant party in Britannian politics, having won the first post-Absolutist Parliamentary Election in 2018 a.t.b.

The current leader of the party, and the Prime Minister of the Holy Empire of Britannia, is Hubert Humphrey, a former pharmacist, and the first commoner to lead the nation's government.

Note: Code Geass' Ascension Throne Britannia (a.t.b.) calendar is roughly 55 years ahead of our own calendar. The year the series ends (2018 a.t.b.), then, would really be 1963 AD. This is why Hubert Humphrey is the ATL Prime Minister. :)
Name: New Federalist Party or simply Federalist Party

Nation: United States of America

Founding: 1876

Ideology: Progressive nationalist.

Overview: Founded after 16 years of one party Democratic rule in the aftermath of the War of Southern Independence and the collapse of the Republican Party, the New Federalists campaigned on a platform of civil service reform, economic development, equal rights for all Americans and a return to national greatness. The Party's early leaders were Benjamin Bristow of New York (formerly of Kentucky), James Garfield of Ohio and Benjamin Harrison of Indiana. Garfield was the first Federalist to be elected President but its most famous Presidents were Theodore Roosevelt of New York, his son Theodore Roosevelt ,Jr., Thomas Dewey of Michigan and Daniel Moore of Pennsylvania. In the late 20th Century and the early 21st Century the Party has tended to emphasize fiscal conservatism over economic development but it has maintained the commitment of its founders to equal opportunities for all Americans, regarless of race, creed or national origin. Its policy of national greatness was expanded by the two Roosevelts into practical internationalism and the Party has continued to support the World Assembly and and the Atlantic Alliance which the Roosevelts were so instrumental in creating.
Name: New Liberal Party
Nation: United States of North America
Founding: 1978 (31 years)
Ideology: Social Liberalism, Left of Center (OTL)

The New Liberal Party (NLP) is the second oldest of the 'New Generation' of parties, having been founded after the Libertian party, but before the Conservatives and Greens.
The NLP was founded as a result of a split among the early founders of the Libertian Party. The Liberals, while supporting personal freedom, and generally supporting a free market economy differed from the Libertians in their support for some economic regulations, Labour standards and environmental protection laws.
While the party was founded four years after the Libertians it found success much faster, winning seats in the second elections it stood in.
Since ti's founding and initial growth the NLP has more or less stabilized in terms of size, usually winning a combined 60-80 seats in the house.
As of 2009 the NLP is either the largest party, or the largest party in a coalition government in nine states and a minor member of coalitions in many other states.
The NLP currently holds 71 seats in the national House.
Name: National Party
Nation: United States of America
Founding: 1870 (139 years)
Ideology: Trans-Americanism, Expansionism, Socially Moderate, Economic Nationalist

The National Party is one of the two major parties in the United States of America along with the Labor Party.
The National Party was founded in 1870 following the collapse of the Democratic Party, initially just a re-organization of members from the
Democratic Party, when it finally formed the National Party had coalesced into a party that was significantly different.
The National Party espouses a form of Regionalism called 'Trans-American Nationalism', that is while it tends to support nationalistic policies
it also supports regional integration and encourages the formation of a 'United States of the America's'.
In terms of Social issues the National Party tends to be moderate, though in many cases it leaves it up to it's members to decide their own
stances on the issues.
In terms of Economic Issues the National Party opposes Trade with other countries outside of the America's unless necessary.
The party is currently suffering several ideological splits in regards to an official position on Alyeska and a position on the Liberian petition
for statehood.
Name: Labor Party
Nation: United States of America
Founding: 1920 (89 years)
Ideology: Social Liberalism, Progressivism, Social Democracy

The Labor Party is one of the two major parties in the United States of America along with the National Party.
The Labor Party was (officially) founded in 1920 with the merger of the Republican Party, Social Democratic Party and the Party of
Labor and Socialism.
The Labor Party supports regional integration of the America's and generally supports the peaceful independence of Canada and Guyana
from Britain.
In terms of Social issues the Labor Party tends to be Progressive and Socially Liberal.
In terms of economic issues the Labor Party supports a 'Free Trade Area of the America's' as part of its pro-integration policy, in terms of
trade in general the Labor Party supports Fair Trade and tends to be critical of Free Trade.
The parties official stance on Alyeska is that it is a historic and integral part of the Eurasian Federal Union and as such it is up to the people
of Alyeska to decide on whether or not they wish to remain a part of the EFU or become independent.
In regards to the Liberian Question the party officially support the Liberian bid for statehood, though their exists a minority within the party
that are opposed.
Name: Deutsche Adelspartei (DAP) (German Nobility Party)
Nation: Federal Republic of Germany (Neutral Reunificated Germany)
Founding: 1960
Ideology: Democratic Monarchy/ Conservatism

Fouded 1960 in Dessau at Georgium Palace by some Aristocrats and Monarchists.
Objectiv of the Party is the reintroduction of an Emperor and Monarches in Germany. So a Monarchistic Germany, but with a strong parilament.
At the parlimentary elections of 1983 the party got 6,4 % and went for the first time in the Bundestag.
At the elections of 2008 the party got 19,5%.
Republican Party

Founded - 1792

Ideology - Federalism, state's rights, classical liberalism, liberalism, isolationism

Colors - Green

The party can be traced back to the Democratic-Republican Party founded by Jefferson and Adams, in opposition to the Federalist Party. The Democrats broke away and the moderate Federalists were absorbed during the mid-19th Century. Currently the party is popular in New England, the Rust Belt, and the Pacific coast.

Democratic Party

Founded - 1828

Ideology - Anti-federalism, state's rights, conservatism, isolationism

Colors - Blue

The party was founded by John C. Calhoun after the so-called "Tariff of Abominations." The party gained strength in the mid-19th Century after the Republican Party adopted an anti-slavery platform. Currently the party is popular in the South.

Federalist Party

Founded - 1799

Ideology - Federalism, nationalism, non-intervention, liberalism

Colors - Brown

The party was founded as the High Federalist Party after a dispute between supporters of Hamilton and supporters of Adams after the end of the Quasi-War with France. The party officially dropped "High" from it's name in the early 20th Century, after the Federalists they broke from were long gone. The Federalists are mostly popular in the Northeast.

Socialist Party

Founded - 1854

Ideology - Socialism

Colors - Red

Founded by socialist author and activist Abraham Lincoln. The party was deeply opposed to slavery, which Lincoln saw as subjugation by the rich. It grew to be popular in the industrial Rust Belt.

American Party

Founded - 1845

Ideology - Protestantism, nationalism

Colors - White

Founded after dissatisfaction with the Republican and High Federalist parties after an influx of Catholic immigrants from Europe. The party was deeply prejudiced against Catholics, and members would often say "I know nothing" when asked about party business, leading to the party also being known as the Know Nothings. The party currently has popularity in the South, the Midwest, and some areas of the Northeast.
Name: Obstructionist Party
Nation: United Kingdom
Founding: 2001 (8)
Ideology: "Small-n nihilism"

Overview: Founded initially as a macabre charade, the OP's stated aim is to bog down the House of Commons in endless red tape, bureaucracy, aimless rhetoric and - when all else fails - petulant and childish behaviour.

Their de jure motto is de nihilo nihil, but their de facto motto - "Would that be civil or criminal contempt, your honour?" - is spoken far more often, to great effect. It has also earned them the nickname 'The Utterly Contemptibles'.

The party is currently led by Aloysius Wrackham, purveyor of the "Wrackham's Thunderer" line of pagers. His current best 'skelp', as the members term a successful waste of everybody's time, consisted of holding forth at tedious length on the wrong subject for a full fifteen minutes before attempting to start a Mexican Wave.

The party's eventual goal is to slow the passing of each and every law down to a grim and deeply depressing death march. Their manifesto is simply a business card engraved with a single phrase: They Don't Like It Up 'Em.
Name: Scientific Democratic Party
Nation: United States of America
Founding: 1962
Ideology: Liberal

After JFK's speech to Rice University in 1962, a group of Democrats (particularly the young and college educated) were seized with idealism over the potential of technology and science and created a parallel political party that remained closely allied with its parent party. These Democrats focused on NASA support, theoretical and practical research, education, and social progressiveness. As problems grew throughout the 60's and 70's, so did support for this parallel group until it fully splintered from the Democratic party in 1980. The Democratic party would eventually fold and be absorbed into the Scientific Democrats.