Alternate Planets, Suns, Stars, and Solar Systems Thread


View of the first probe sent around our binary companion, Ares (Mars). If mars was our moon instead of the moon.

View of the first probe sent around our binary companion, Ares (Mars). If mars was our moon instead of the moon
Mars-sized planet would have a denser atmosphere and a liquid hydrosphere in the Earth’s orbit. Also, since this is a satellite of the Earth, tidal heating of the core would cause geological activity.
Mars-sized planet would have a denser atmosphere and a liquid hydrosphere in the Earth’s orbit. Also, since this is a satellite of the Earth, tidal heating of the core would cause geological activity.
Ah, but what if Mars didn't want to? Planets can be very willful, you know. :p


Hey, does anyone have the map with all of the solar system on it? Should have the planet symbols beside their names, and I believe they are Q-BAM.


This is my ideal solar system. It is located in ARP 272. It's located in the galaxy on the right, where it interacts with the one on the left.


This is the solar system as I would want it. Going in order from inner to outer. Assume all of these planets exist in realistic places and configurations. We have 2 'main' suns. We have our current sun and it's companion. The companion is a K5V star, with a mass of about 70% our sun, with 0.22x it's luminosity.

This solar system is a part of a wide quintuple star system. The most massive star in this system is a star very similar to Sirius, in a binary with a white dwarf. The A class star, and the White dwarf star orbit each other every 6 months, the A class star having a rotation period of 19 hours.. Those 2 are in a binary orbit of a G type subgiant with a red dwarf companion. The subgiant and it's red dwarf companion orbit each other every 39 days. These 2 star systems take around 36 years to orbit around each other. Due to the closeness involved they weren't able to form planetary systems like ours. If they did, their planets are undiscovered as of yet. It's likely these systems have asteroid and dust belts.

For half the year, there is no night on the main earth like world. The light from these 4 suns lights up the night side of all these planets depending on the positions in their orbits, though carries no real heat. The 2 binary 'main' suns are in an orbit around the barycenter of them, and the 4 other stars. They are separated by around 10,000 AU.

The 2 stars orbit each other every 29 hours.

The first planet is named Lamphere. It iss a roughly Earth mass planet that orbits extremely close to the 2 stars, going around the suns every 9 days. It's surface is molten and it is tidally locked.

The second planet is named Rendino. Rendino is a Mars mass world with a molten sea on the front side, and a sea of liquid nitrogen on the back side. It's tidally locked, and goes around every 36 days.

The third planet is a lunar mass world, airless and much like our Mercury, named Hunt. Hunt goes around every 80 days. It is where an asteroid belt is located, a thin debris field of rocky rubble. Perhaps evidence of a destroyed moon or a collision in the distant past.

The 4th planet is a 0.80x Earth mass world with an atmosphere at 0.1x of ours. It's name is Manning, and has a pinkish color to its atmosphere. It has a faint ring system and 2 Ceres sized moons. It orbits similar to where our Venus orbits.

The 5th planet is very much like our Earth. This planet has 4 moons. One small asteroidal moon, and 3 Moons that are 1/3 the mass of our moon each. The first orbits about 1/3 the distance of ours, they are evenly spaced. The first is of a yellow color, the 2nd is bright white, and the last more of a rust like color. Named Lederonia.

The 6th planet is a large Jupiter like world with a massive ring system similar to where Mars is in our solar system, named Boettch. The first moon is very much like Io, the next is a slightly larger version of Europa with a thin atmosphere, it's more of a tan-red like in color in some areas. The third moon is a Venus mass moon, with a thin atmosphere like our Mars. The last one is very similar to Callisto.

The 7th / 8th planets are a pair of 0.2x mass planets named Young and Helms, slightly closer than where Jupiter is. Both orbit each other every 60 days or so, and are tidally locked. Helms has a thick atmosphere of 3 times ours, while Young has a very Mars like atmosphere. They have other asteroid like objects around them, totaling up at 21 moons for both of them.

They orbit close to the next asteroid belt between Young/Helms, and Lazore. The next asteroid belt is comparable to the distance between Jupiter and Saturn's orbit. It contains the next few planets.

The 9th planet is Ceres mass, and has a thin ring system around it. It has 4 small asteroidal moons. It's name is Mantoria.

The 10th planet is slightly larger than Ceres, and is in a binary system with a Juno mass object. They orbit around each other every 12 days. Their names are Erlong and Barista.

The 11th planet is named Veris. It's a lone Vesta mass object.

These 3 planets orbit in somewhat eccentric and inclined orbits, though they never leave the asteroid belt. Their orbits intersect but due to their inclinations and eccentricities, they will never collide.

The 14th planet orbits further out than Saturn. It's the most massive planet in the solar system, named Lazore. Lazore has a mass of around 7 Jupiters. It's ring system is similar to that of Saturn. It has 4 Venus-Earth mass moons, the first being extremely volcanic, and the others being icey deserts. The last of the 4 is a Titan like moon, a Venus mass Titan like moon. The 5th moon is an oddity, it's an ice giant with 11 Earth masses. These moons are spaced out considerably, and the Ice Giant like moon takes around 6 years to orbit around Lazore.

The 15th planet is very similar to that of Uranus, it's slightly larger and has a bigger ring system. It's 8 main spherical moons are like that of our Uranus. It's a bit further out than our Uranus. It's name is Caelus.

Between Caelus and Nicolum is the 3rd asteroid belt. It's like our Kuiper belt, but much thinner.

The 16th planet is named Nicolum. It's very Neptune like, with a large ring system and a single large moon called Tempest that orbits in an orbit very much like Neried.

The 17th planet, further out from Nicolum and in a somewhat inclined orbit named Amman is a 4-5 Earth mass ice world with many icey moons. It's a pinkish-purple world with a brilliant ring system.

Beyond Amman is the great scattered disk, containing many small worlds notable enough to be planets but they are not listed here.

The 18th planet, Accordino is much like our planet 9. It orbits in a very eccentric and inclined orbit. With it's distance from the sun, it could very easily have the most moons in the system. It's an ice giant. It's more of an orange color.

The 19th planet, Kierste is very much like Accordino, just on another tilt. It is also an ice Giant, and has similar properties to Accordino. Kinda like a dark green color.

The 20th planet is named Riceraria. Riceraria is strange, because unlike the other planets at this distance, it is extremely hot. Perhaps due to a recent collision. It's completely molten, similar in size to Venus.

The 18th-20th planets have orbits comparable to that of Sedna, and other eccentric objects. The planets Accordino and Kierste intersect the orbits of Amman and barely skim closer to the binary suns than Nicolum. They will never collide or get too close to one another.
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Discovery: 1877
First landing: (Robotic) 2037

(Manned) 2045

Probos is the biggest human settlement in the Mars system. The first base was established in 2052, where NASA established a base on the moon on its second Mars mission. It was meant as a space port from where missions to Mars could be launched. Phobos delivered both radiation shielding and in the longer term raw material. The base was only semi-permanent without a permanent crew and only room to 15 people. In 2067 it was replaced with a permanent international base (IPB) with room to up to 1600 people and which was self-sufficient with food. While the 2nd base was never filled up, it meant a permanent outpost with several hundred people, with people spending 5-year missions on Phobos and the first local mining and manufacturing outside the Earth-Moon system. This gave a lot of valuable knowledge which was used later in the development of Phobos and Deimos, but also the expansion into the Asteroid Belt.

Phobos stayed a pure scientific base until 2091, when Stephen Chen a Singaporean billionaire was the first tourist to visit Phobos. It was insane, but it was the start of a few more tourist arriving and in 2100 Victoria Travel established the first permanent space hotel (Hotel Ares) on the Phobos. It was a place for the elite of the elite, but for IPB it created a new source of funding as their manufacturing and farms could sell their surplus production to Hotel Ares. This meant a new and important secondary funding. The result was the continued expansion of IPB, but also the growth of a lot of secondary habitats with focus on manufacturing and food production. In 2150 the most ambitious project was begun. The Bowl of Phobos was a half sphere with a diameter of 1,5 kilometer, which rotated once per minute. The sphere opened to a dome on Mars-ward side of Phobos.

The Bowl was finished in 2157 and this allowed the expansion of the Phobos tourist industry. But also, an expansion of the secondary industries. This resulted an influx of people, what followed should have been expected the first few children born on Phobos. This created new problems, but the Bowl was big enough for schools, and most of the children and their parents returned to Earth before their adulthood. But not all and the fact that schools and childcare had been established resulted in over the decades that more and more people stay in the outpost permanent. This resulted in demands for local election, instead of Phobos being run from Earth. The result was a mess but inspired by the space metropolis Gateway and its status, the Bowl was kept as an international territory with local election to a town council. By 2190 Phobos have 26.000 permanent inhabitants (95% of the inhabitants of the Mars system) plus 100.000 tourists and scientific visitors annually. It had in 2187 established its own university.

All in all, it’s expected that Phobos will continue growing, and Phobos may very well serve as a gateway to a true colonization of Mars. Of course many see this as a naïve dream and see the continued development of Phobos and Deimos as the future of the Mars system, not Mars which lies at the bottom of a gravity well.


so if some of you remember about 3 years ago i started a series of planet base maps that never went anywhere. well i decided to redo them, and this time go off the nextgen projection for earth.

this is my progress so far, from mercury to ceres. i would like to add that i am considering doing certain objects (such as the martian moons and inner planet trojans) at a different scale. do you think that would be a good idea?


I like it, just two little things that annoy me:

. Mars' colors should probably be the other way around
. There are no borders between the low-altitude and high-altitude areas
  1. i can do that
  2. i did that bc i only want borders on the coastline. however i understand why you want that so i will add borders
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