Alternate Planets, Suns, Stars, and Solar Systems Thread

interesting system
...If you don't mind me, I'll just kinda average Uranus and Earth but also make it fun to live on...

Welcome to the planet Tiranos.
Equations used: G = M/R^2 = R(P),

Equatorial Radius: 15675.5 km (2.4 Earths)
Mass: 7.4 Earths
Gravity: 1.28472... g
Density: 2.9516 kg/m^3 (0.5353 Earths)
Composition: Lots of water and other, less heavy stuff. Nevermind then... Something else to average against, hm...


Here's an interesting concept. I wonder if it's possible, in some far far future time, for some vastly advanced civilization to keep a large blue giant star on perpetual life support through supplementing vast amounts of hydrogen from other sources, and using wormholes to siphon out fusion waste products from the core. These waste products, mostly helium and carbon, could even be used to construct artificial planets, or provide for such a civilization an inexhaustible source of materials, essentially using the star as a kind of gargantuan factory.
Here's an interesting concept. I wonder if it's possible, in some far far future time, for some vastly advanced civilization to keep a large blue giant star on perpetual life support through supplementing vast amounts of hydrogen from other sources, and using wormholes to siphon out fusion waste products from the core. These waste products, mostly helium and carbon, could even be used to construct artificial planets, or provide for such a civilization an inexhaustible source of materials, essentially using the star as a kind of gargantuan factory.

Should be possible - if you as a civ can create artificial planets, then you should also be able to keep such a sun alive. You just need some endless and cheap source of hydrogen, but by this stage, there are probably quarks-scale replicators, and so... you can produce hydrogen in any amount, and I find this concept believable in a Kardashev 3 civilisation. Maybe somewhat lower or higher...
Should be possible - if you as a civ can create artificial planets, then you should also be able to keep such a sun alive. You just need some endless and cheap source of hydrogen, but by this stage, there are probably quarks-scale replicators, and so... you can produce hydrogen in any amount, and I find this concept believable in a Kardashev 3 civilisation. Maybe somewhat lower or higher...
Kardashev 2.005, even. 2-20 stars could probably do it.

Isaac Beach

So this here is basically a tribute map to my home state of Tasmania; I tried pulling a George R. R. Martin and basically wondered "What if Tasmania was the size of South America?" though what I have here is a bit smaller than that in actuality. I wouldn't pay too much to the specific measurements up in the left corner, they're approximate estimates to 90% of Earth's radius and surface area. My biggest question was if I should add anything else to it? I.e. more info-boxes along the side. I'll give a full description of it's history and whatnot when I post it in the map thread but for now I'm just asking if there's any major things I'm missing here. Also if the climate map's weird that's because I upscaled Tasmania's own climate. Any suggestions?

Oh and that big symmetrical structure on the equator is a space elevator, built on a rocky coral reef.


Isaac Beach

I guess an obvious question would be if there are any Tasmanians living there? :p

Yes, but what that means is a lot different than at current. This map takes place several centuries in the future when Humanity is near the peak of their technological progress, but in the process the West had fallen, China, then India, then Africa, had arisen as global powers, and Australia had ridden many of these waves -including a brief stint of superpowerdom in the late 2200s- before falling as all nations eventually do. They were split between Indonesia in the north, a Canberran and a Perthine government, as well as an independent Tasmania.

The Republic -and later Principality- of Tasmania, as it's known, has seen a resurgence in the Tasmanian Aboriginal population, has retained a plurality of it's Anglo population and has very large minorities of Chinese, Somalis, Sudanese and various Balkan-based ethnicities especially from the former Yugoslavia. It's known for possessing abundant rain forests which grew as the planet warmed, a thriving arts scene and an economy based around tourism, gambling, seafood and hydroelectricity. It is also known as one of the few nations that still practices 'democracy' by the 2400s -most states having moved onto more techno-bureaucratic means- which is seen as a quaint oddity and an attraction all it's own.
When Iutruwita was discovered, needing minimal adjustments to it's atmosphere and rotation, it was noted by surveyors that it had a climate oddly reminiscent both in makeup and distribution to Tasmania's. This was eventually used as a tool to attract pools of Tasmanian migrants -as it's difficult to get the initial batch of colonists because no one wants to settle on a planet with no infrastructure- and the planet was named after the Tasmanian Aboriginal word for their homeland, Iutruwita. Since then, a slow but steady stream of migrants mostly from China, Jordan-Hejaz, Lebanon, Bosnia, England and Chile, have filtered in and Iutruwita has a small population of some 12 million.


Another thought: I am inclined to believe that Buddhism will be regarded in the farthest future to be homo sapiens sapiens' greatest general achievement and most profound and cosmic intellectual leap.

Isaac Beach

Another thought: I am inclined to believe that Buddhism will be regarded in the farthest future to be homo sapiens sapiens' greatest general achievement and most profound and cosmic intellectual leap.

Sorry, was that addressed to myself? And if not are you sure you're in the right thread? Not to sound rude, but just kinda outta nowhere.


Sorry, was that addressed to myself? And if not are you sure you're in the right thread? Not to sound rude, but just kinda outta nowhere.

No. No one in particular. Just a random thought about the future of humanity and its descendents. I think that once brains far greater than our own think about the nature and ontology of the universe, Buddhism will be regarded as the original humanity's greatest philosophical insight.

Isaac Beach

And here is another map; a redo of Bijel, which is a page or two back in this thread. I'm working on a big, full map that'll have climate, religion, politics and ethnic distribution but I won't flood any threads until it's wholly finished. It's 110% the size of Earth, has a bustling and expanding population of 2.2 billion and a not inhospitable but far from comfortable environment only mitigated by advanced infrastructure and the white-knuckled determination of it's original settlers. From it's origins as a backwater littered with pirates, refugees and frontiersmen a bit of a gold rush regarding it's enormous helium 3 deposits, an important fixture of interplanetary travel, saw the population swell from a meagre 11 million to over 60 million in a decade. After that it just continued to expand, but that'll be covered in the completed map.

Bijel - Climate Map.png


Here's something I created a long time ago for a nationstates nation called Cybercratic Synecho

The Hyas System is a small star system located within the elliptical galaxy M32, a satellite galaxy of Andromeda. It was first settled approximately 13,000 Terra-years ago by the Human Expansion Corps and the Terraforming Authority, directed from earth as was common during the early times of colonial expansion. Once the rudimentary wormhole networks were developed in Andromeda through interbiotic cooperation with the community of intelligent civilizations in that galaxy, and trade networks began reaching their tendrils to the resource-rich globular clusters, Hyas, being the first system in M32 to be colonized, served as a permanent forward base for further colonization and assumed a leading role among the interstellar polities of the region. Still a center of resource trade, a beacon of high culture and effective government in a rather lawless region, the system has retained its independence and maintained its highly efficient and just artilectical government system.

The system consists of the red dwarf star, Hyas, which has been in existence for approximately 7.8 billion years, orbited by:

Aesyle - A very hot terrestrial world about twice the mass of earth, tidally locked orbit extremely close to star. Rich in heavy and exotic metals which are a major export. Surface is semi-molten due to proximity to star, allowing lava-dam mining operations. Atmosphere is thin but significant and consists of outgassed mercury and sodium vapor, wispy pink clouds of condensed sodium droplets can be seen in the polar regions near the terminator.

Niseis - A smaller (about 1.2 Terra masses) twin of Aesyle, much cooler and only mostly tidally locked, with a very slow rotation of one per three local years. Metal-mining, gas mining, and chemical industries major sources of system wealth in Andromeda and M32 economies. Substantial atmosphere of ionized free chlorine under about 7 terra-atmospheres' pressure present, resulting in thick clouds rolling along the planetary wind currents, and which occasionally form convective cells and fronts in the twilight regions and rain down to the surface resulting in ephemeral lakes of liquid chlorine and chlorine oxides which form along the terminator and dissipate in the "dawn", spectacular views from both the surface and space, and another source of export profits.

Polyxo - A small terrestrial world about mid-way between the mass of Mars and Venus, but only a little larger in volume than Mars due to greater density. Solid Cobalt inner core and liquid Copper-Manganese outer core produces a powerful magnetic field, while the atmosphere, at about a tenth terra-atmospheric pressure, consists of various chlorine oxides, some free chlorine, nitrogen and neon, while the surface consists of soil and rock based largely on fluoride minerals of Aluminum and Manganese. The planet is geologically active to a weak but present degree, with some active volcanoes and four major tectonic plates, while wide, shallow seas of hypochloric acid have produced a native biosphere metabolizing chlorine compounds between the air and water, while cell walls manifested through organohalogen chains. Small rooted plants reside by the seas and long, snakey rivers. At about two feet tall at most, the intertwined, nonvascular black plants appear as a kind of mangrove swamp in miniature. Inland, in the wide and dusty deserts, there are isolated cactus-like flora which feed on pure water in deep underground aquifers, growing to over 200 meter heights over many thousands of years, while a class of motile fungus-like organisms which feed from detritus, manifesting as small, thin, chinese-fan-like creatures which use the relatively powerful coastal gale-winds to move from tree to tree. Surface temperature ranges from 50-90 Celsius.

Synecho - A cool, habitable world on the outer ends of the goldilocks zone, geology is like to that of a gigantic Mars. At twice the volume of earth and about 1.4 times the mass, it is not very dense at all, and its geology is weak, with no tectonic activity (although there is evidence of some in the past), but some geological activity, as evidenced by the huge shield volcanoes. Its magnetic field is provided by a small Cobalt-Manganese core. The planet possessed no native life upon discovery, and was classed fit for terraforming. Terraforming was completed within 200 Terra-years. Today, the planet is covered with vast cities visible from space and stretching across the surface between lakes, shallow seas, rivers, and mineral-rich mountains, connected by hyperloops. Cities are also built deep in the deserts to take advantage of aquifers, mineral deposits, and serve as space-ports around the planet's 14 elevators. The center of the majority of the system's population, at 19,459,034,762 registered sentient beings, Synecho is both the capital and namesake of the CCS. The planetary government, as well as the administration of the rest of the system, is carried out by a series of interconnected artificial intelligentsia which manage all aspects of the economy and most aspects of politics. As part of the AI-drafted Cybercratic Constitution, economics are planned towards equitable abundance for all sentients, and the fulfillment of needs first, with the remainder production being sent for trade and export, the AI and their official sentient emissaries negotiating deals with other systems and trade networks across the galaxies. Social policy is extremely free, with the only restrictions on personal autonomy being ecological concern, while crime is dealt with via education and reform institutions, with exile being the final punishment for incorrigible repeat-offenders.

Thyone - An ice-giant planet about the size of neptune, consisting mostly of methane and ammonia with some hydrogen and helium and a core of ices. Its atmosphere is used for gas mining and radiation collection, while the largest moon, Aethra, is believed to have once been a small captured planet with rocky crust and cobalt-rich mantle. Aethra sports a native biosphere based on its sunward hemisphere ocean of liquid ammonia, and atmosphere of methane and carbon dioxide (produced by the ammonia-organisms), with deep purple plants hugging red seas full of dissolved alkali metals, while ruby rivers race down from icy highlands and purple jungles are lashed by frigid cyclones. The world is considered a xenobiological garden and access is strictly controlled, especially with the presence of known biont intelligence in a species known as the "Triskelion Walkers", bright red entities which consist of a central node with three legs spaced in a triangular fashion, locomotion achieved through the use of a hydraulic counterweight system which causes water to fill an outward-stretched forward leg which pulls the organism forward, the bottom leg acting as a fulcrum, while the hind leg empties and becomes lighter, rising to the apex, filling with ammonia, and falling forward, beginning the walk cycle again. Between the legs are three sets of branching tendrils which are used for manipulation, two large deep-infrared receptive lens-eye structures are set in either side of the central node, and sphincter mouths on the ends of the feet, surrounded by fourteen claw-like growths, and within which are small rocks embedded into the esophagal skin which are believed to function as grinding teeth. The organisms have displayed complex social behavior, mastery of reducing reactions in their local environment for useful purpose, tool-use, and primitive agriculture along the largest river systems utilizing some variety of watermelon-sized purple-blue root which is mashed with large rocks and subject to various reducing reaction treatments to create a thick mash which is apparently edible. Tourists and scientists flock to the system to view these creatures from space. For the 14,000 years the species has been observed, it has undergone a very slow state of advancement, with very gradual spreading of the agriculture and some congregation of habitats manifesting as town-like structures beginning about 2,000 years ago. It is unknown how long this state will continue.

Other than Aethra, the other large moons in the system, Pytho and Eudora, are typical gas-giant ice-moons. Eudora is considerably rockier than most of the rest, and its interior is warmed considerably by tidal forces resulting from interactions with Aethra and Pytho. It is geologically active, with tectonics, high mountains, and volcanoes, mostly of a cinder-cone type but with the presence of a few shield and composite cone varieties and a terraformed atmosphere of nitrogen-oxygen, which has allowed some controlled melting and shallow seas, and a small amount of settlement. Pytho is more typical, and is rather callistonian, with numerous impact craters and a frosty surface. It possesses an extremely thin atmosphere of ammonia vapor, which occasionally results in ammonia snow and thin, wispy clouds.

Great Lakes Earth is the third planet of the solar system, just like our Earth, 93 million miles from the sun, 8,000 miles wide and weighing in at six sextillion tons. But that’s as far as similarities go.

Back home, the moon has a diameter of 2159 miles and orbits Earth from a distance of 240,000 miles. You would need 81 of them to match the mass of Earth, and six of them to match its gravity. The moon that orbits Great Lakes Earth is far larger — 3200 miles in diameter. It’s also a little farther from the parent, orbiting from a distance of at least 300,000 miles.


It’s not just the life-planet and its moon that make this solar system different from ours. Mercury, the first planet from the sun, orbits at a much closer distance. Whereas ours orbits the sun from a distance of 36 million miles, the Mercury of AE 111 orbits the sun from a distance of five and a half million miles, spinning so fast that one Mercurial year lasts five days. Compared to Earth — both ours and theirs — Mercury’s twice as wide and eight times greater in mass. As a result of the intense heat and pressure from both the sun and the underground volcanoes, the carbon-rich surface is pretty much a whole crust of diamonds.


Venus orbits the sun from a distance of 51.61 million miles, a moderate difference compared to our Venus. But one difference that is bigger is size. Our Venus has a radius of 3760 miles — almost perfectly compatible with that of Earth’s 3959 — and a mass 82% that of Earth’s. In the solar system of Great Lakes Earth, Venus has a radius 175% wider than Earth and a mass five and a half times greater. The atmosphere is thick with carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid, methane and nitrous oxide.


The next planet after Earth isn’t Mars, but what the people of Great Lakes Earth call “Neptune”. Two-point-six times wider and seven times greater in mass than Earth, Neptune is a literal waterworld — a thick atmosphere of oxygen, hydrogen, helium, methane and water vapor conceals an ocean so extensive that land makes up only half of one percent of the entire planet. It orbits from the sun a distance of over 140 million miles, putting it in the same exact position that Mars has back home. It is the thick atmosphere comprised mostly of greenhouse gases that explain how Neptune’s water could still be liquid.


The three remaining giants — Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus — are identical in size and distance from the sun, but they are named differently. Jupiter is named “Jove”, Saturn “Kronos” and Uranus pronounced “Ouranos”.

There are two important factors to consider that most scientists believe are connected to the orbital mechanics of our solar system.

The first and more obvious is the asteroid belt, leftovers of rock, ice and metal that survived the mighty pull of the gas giants.

There is a second, more complicated factor connected to the solar system — the Milankovitch cycles, named after Serbian geophysicist/astronomer Milutin Milankovitch. He proposed that the ice ages Earth had been experiencing for the past two-and-a-half million years were made possible by three basic factors:

  • Eccentricity (Orbital shape) — In an average ice age, the shape of the Earth’s orbit varied from 0.000055 to 0.0679 with the mean being 0.0019 over a cycle of 100,000 years. (Just so you know, 1.0 would make a perfect circle.)
  • Obliquity (Axial tilt) — In an average ice age, the earth’s axis varies from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees over a period of 41,000 years.
  • Precession (Axis of rotation in relation to fixed stars) — Today’s North Star is Polaris, but won’t be the case forever — its supposed duration is 26,000 years.

The cause is now set. Now to investigate the effects these changes have on Earth’s nightscape, its Milankovitch cycles and even the asteroid belt (if it could still exist.)

Isaac Beach

(Taken from the Main Map Thread)

So I've moved for uni, and I may not have wifi at my new home for six odd weeks. The silver lining is that at the moment, in the time before classes actually commence, I've had plenty of time to make maps and experiment; the bad news is I can't look up relevant information while doing so, so my current maps have mostly been born from what I can recall off the top of my head. The side effect of that is that I can't think of any good PODs to play around with, and so I've not been able to throw together any good alt-history maps as of yet. (Though that too will likely be dealt with as I'm using the uni library, which is open 24/7 and gives me access to over 4 million books, papers and reports on colonialism alone, for example) So I've been making a lot of alternate worlds, and here's one; Ibeji, though the full map -politics, religion, ethnicity- is a long way off.

Ibeji - The Third Earth - Copy.png

Ibeji is often nicknamed the Third Earth -the 'Second Earth' being Venus- due to it's material prosperity and cultural consequence, and much of this comes down to it's bountiful climate. The more exotic climates are described below.

Bluegrass - Malleable earth intermittently covered in shallow water and compact grasses, when properly cultivated it can support both megastructures and heavy shipping and has lead to the emergence of many a partially submerged city-complexes the likes of which Venice would be envious.

Goldgrass - Wet, fertile grasslands perforated with the same subterranean waterways that make Bluegrass possible, perfect for rice, lettuce and other water-intensive crops.

Grasslands - The most basic and endemic biome to Ibeji and most eminent in interstellar media.

Swampcrest - The salty cousin to Bluegrass, not nearly as infrastructurally stable but twice as productive with regards to aquaculture.

Steamcrest - A dense, humid pocket of jungle caught at the confluence of two oceans and four rivers, the Steamcrest is most remarkable for the billowing steam that clouds it's treetops.

Drywake - Often rocky, craggy and dry, but more comparable to the Australian Outback than the Sahara.
  • Eccentricity (Orbital shape) — In an average ice age, the shape of the Earth’s orbit varied from 0.000055 to 0.0679 with the mean being 0.0019 over a cycle of 100,000 years. (Just so you know, 1.0 would make a perfect circle.)
I think you mean 0.0, because otherwise the Earth's orbit would be hella elliptical.
Er, I am aware of what eccentricity is, which is why I pointed out that you said e = 1.0 is equivalent to perfect circularity when it is actually e = 0.0. To quote the article you link,

Wikipedia said:
A value of [the eccentricity of] 0 [corresponds to] a circular orbit, values between 0 and 1 form an elliptical orbit, 1 is a parabolic escape orbit, and greater than 1 is a hyperbola.