Alternate Ideologies
This is a thread for Alternate Ideologies (preferably those that appeared in the mid 1800s-early 1900s, so modern/industrial ones).

The ideology could be an alternative/analogue to an existing ideology, an ideology that could have arisen at the time, an OTL ideology that could have gained more popularity/become significant in an ATL or a new ideology altogether (as long as it's realistic in context).

It could be linked to a specific TL but that is by no means necessary. You can use alternate names for OTL minor ideologies but you can't just call fascism Lacroixism and have it start in France or stuff like that.

[edit] make sure you explain where and why the Ideology is likely to become prominent (not necessarily in power, just prominent)

OTL there were 3 general directions for new ideologies:
  1. Nationalist/Racist - for a certain ethno-cultural group, based of historical "glory", some kind of "purity", and devotion to the group
    1. could be totalitarian
    2. Expansionist
  2. Socialist - for the working class
  3. Anarchist - against the government
Feel free to use these broad groups as a base for your ideologies if you want.

I will post a few of my own examples when I have time.
Monarcho-Socialism: Kings force the capitalist class to share their wealth with the people to prevent the lower classes from revolting and the capitalists to become to powerful.

This necessitates that the nobility don't directly fund/form the foundation of that class from the get-go.

Enlightened Paternalism, or Egalitarian Monarchy, which I think you're describing, is interesting though. Requires competent nobility, though.
Egalitarian Imperialism-the idea that to protect the freedom of the home nation's people they must conquer new peoples, which incidentally are now the nation's people who need protecting
A few ideologies. Featuring: Pan-Latinism and Militant Globalism
I wonder if we could have a "Pan-Latinism", which is all about unifying Latin peoples in general - Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Romanian, etc. Probably venerates the Roman Empire a lot.

Pan-Lusitanism seems like a potential thing as well. I think what stopped it is the Anti-Lusitanic stream that ran on Brazilian Thought for a good while and still exists today.

Militant Globalism. The world MUST be unified, by pen or sword, whatever the cost, because that's the only way it can be at peace! Closest things are the current Globalist ideology, and Societism from Look to the West, but Societism has its own quite peculiar characteristics.

A "continuation" of Feudalism, in which the King has more power, but overall the nobles are pretty free. Kind of a "Aristocratic Federalism", so to say.

In a world with more advanced genetics technology, an "Eugenic Aristocratic" ideology, where the Upper Castes are made of the "Genetically Superior", while the lower ones are made of the "genetically inferior".

Gnostic methods applied to politics? Politics and information are kept as secret as possible, but in exchange, the ruling class must provide its ruled with all the prosperity and conforts it can.

Italy is the successor of the Roman Empire and the Western Empire. Constantine the Great donated the West to his holiness the Pope and Italy is what remains of the Western Empire. His holiness is the rightful ruler of Italy. The Pope has superiority over the Gothic usurper of Sardegna-Piedmont.

With the Eastern Empire gone, Italy is the last remains of the Roman Empire against Russian and Turkish usurpers.

Basically Christian-Nationalism in Italy, closely resembling Iran post Shah. The pope and the Curia are the rulers of Italy, protecting the Roman Church and Italian Culture. Developed in the 1850s.
Utopian imperialism, an idea of creating a futuristic and ideal society within the boundaries of an empire. Utopian imperialists believe that they should expand their empire as large as possible to spread their utopian society all across the world.
Monarcho-Socialism: Kings force the capitalist class to share their wealth with the people to prevent the lower classes from revolting and the capitalists to become to powerful.
I'm sure most capitalists ITTL would agree that the lower classes are revolting.
Revolutionary Confuciansim
Presuming this is aimed at making non-existing ideologies, I have a weird one.

Essentially, revolutionary confucianism.
The core idea is that power, to be legitimate (in having the mandate of heaven) and strong, requires consistent and constant challenge.

How I see this developing is in a "east asia industrialises first" tl as another approach at liberalesque values. The better versions would promote things like democracy as the constant challenge of the mandate, whilst darker versions form a sort of social darwinism.
Monarcho-Socialism: Kings force the capitalist class to share their wealth with the people to prevent the lower classes from revolting and the capitalists to become to powerful.
To an extent, this was an ideology IRL in a small section of the PSP after the revolution where some socialists wanted to reinstate the monarchy, believing the King would protect them against the capitalist bourgeoisie
Monarcho-Socialism: Kings force the capitalist class to share their wealth with the people to prevent the lower classes from revolting and the capitalists to become to powerful.

This term has also been used on this forum to describe Bismarckian reactionary welfare-state "socialism"