Alternate History Podcast about Canada

New episode up this week:

Episode # 20 - "The Big One, Part 3: Pontiac's Revolution"

This is the last part of a three-part series on the worldwide conflicts that led to the fall of New France and one of the biggest early moments in Canadian history.

This episode returns to North America and examines Pontiac's Rebellion, an Indigenous uprising against the coming of British rule that resulted in a change to British policy toward Indigenous nations with long-term consequences on all sides.

I've been quite a bit busy with work and getting ready to move in the summer, but I have managed to put out a couple of episodes in the last month:

Episode # 21 - "No Canada Part 4: The Expulsion of the Quebecois"

I combine a number of themes and ideas from previous episodes to create a scenario in which the British decided to expel the Quebecois from Quebec after the conquest of new France.

Episode # 22 - "Interlude: The King's Escape and the Two Frances"

I take a wider look at the idea of two separate Frances coming about due to divergences that culminate during the French Revolution.

I also put up another Counterfactual Puck episode on the early NHL and a short April Fool's Day episode.
