Alternate Electoral Maps II

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That would be a very "Southern" ticket that could unite Southern blacks and whites. Such ticket would probably flip Mississippi and North Carolina too. Maybe even Missouri. Although, they would probably do worse in some northern states (Rust belt, Maine etc).

I don't know about Mississippi...

Definitely North Carolina, though. Florida as well.

If Trump's reputation continues to dive, then they could easily grab those Northern states as well.

62.72% Turn Out
110,679,800 Votes

Saffron Orange
Liberal Republican Party
Connecticut Governor Joseph Mathias - Virginia Senator Charles Whicker


57 ECV

American Party
California Radio Host Pat Helms-Congressman Brutus Boozman

16.2% PV

71 ECV

Blood Red
Democratic Unionist Party
Ohio Governor Alfred “Alf” Schwarzenegger

-California Governor Marius Blagojevich

49.8% of PV

411 ECV

2% others
I see. I made an exhaustive effort to calculate the numbers among each demographic group, and these are the figures I came up with. Based upon the county and district results, I find it plausible that Rutherford does best among lower-income voters, and Leach among middle and upper-income ones. That corresponds to how the electorate voted in earlier decades. I also think the spread among white voters is reasonable. One thing that I've been trying to determine though, is how the white vote goes in each state, based upon these results and upon demographics. Leach definitely wins whites in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. But what about South Carolina? Georgia? North Carolina? Virginia? Or the Outer South? What about Arizona or Idaho, both of which are relatively narrow Democratic victories?

These are questions relating to my scenario that I had asked a few weeks ago, and which I would still be interesting in hearing what others think about them.
Maybe I'm overly pessimistic, but I have a feeling that picking a liberal black woman as his running mate would cause Bel Edwards to do much worse in the Deep South.

The Venn Diagram of people in the south who vote democratic and the ones who wouldn’t vote for a democrat is they have a liberal black women on the ticket and just two circles who barely touch. I think Abrams would help his margins in southern states, but I don’t know if she could flip any

An alternate 1968 election from a game of President Elect 1988 I played recently.

Robert F. Kennedy/Ralph Yarborough (D) - 358 EV, 51% PV

Richard M. Nixon/Spiro Agnew (R) - 170 EV, 44% PV

George C. Wallace/Curtis LeMay (AI) - 10 EV, 5% PV


bro is this good for Dick Cheney/Bill Frist vs. Hillary Clinton/John Edwards 08? Edwards scandal is taken into account as somewhat of an October Surprise. Without that I'd give the Democrats NE-AL, Mississippi, and Tennessee too.

My prediction for 2020

Bernie Sanders/Kamala Harris Democratic: 53.2%
Donald Trump/Mike Pence Republican: 44.9%

Bernie Sanders under the umbrella of democratic socialism marches forth and defeats Trump. What follows are the most significant legislative reforms since LBJ's great society. For one a single-payer system is implemented and healthcare nationalized, this results in lower wages for doctors and increased waiting times, but overall America's life expectancy dramatically increases. Secondly, an assault weapons ban is implemented. This has the effect of slightly reducing gun violence. And thirdly the Supreme Court's decision Citizens United is repealed.

2024: Having accomplished most of his promises in the four years prior Sanders' now campaigns for his second term. However due to a combination of age, and America being wary of Sanders' increasingly radical policies he is unable to generate the same level of enthusiasm as four years previously. As a result, he faces an unexpectedly long and grueling campaign. In the wake of this, a challenger emerges in Georgia's Governor, Brian Kemp, a supposedly no-nonsense conservative unafraid to tell it like it is. Under a campaign of demagoguery and nationalism, he is able to make bring the race right down to the wire. By the end of election night 2024, Sanders pulls of reelection by a razor-thin margin.

Bernie Sanders/Kamala Harris Democratic: 49.1%
Brian Kem/Matt Gaetz Republican: 48.9%

Sanders’ health is easy to question
It's just a scenario I find to be intriguing and actually possible. Despite the fact Sanders implements a series of popular reforms, America only narrowly decides to return him to the presidency. Its what happened with Attlee in 1951 and many other governments. Even if you may be popular whilst in office when people consider your task to be done, and your candidate too old, it is common for them to vote against you.

1960 Election

Progressive Union Party

Massachusetts Senator John Kennedy-New York Senator Richard Nixon


Citizens Movement

Louisiana Senator Huey Long-South Carolina Senator Storm Thurmond


Republican Party

Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen-Oregon Senator Wayne Morse


2% other
Do you people see this as a plausible outcome?

Honestly not really, first of all I can't see Bernie taking Kamala Harris as VP, shes not progressive enough for Bernie to trust America with if he were to die in office. Then theres the people barely voting him back in, which I dont think would happen simply because if he did most of what he wanted during his first term his approval rating would be very high. Not to mention I dont think the Republican would do very well without Citizens United, especially if they were anti Bernies most popular policies, which that would probably be the Republican strategy tbh.

(Not to mention the whole thing about waiting times with universal health care being more complicated then people make seem but whatever, that's for chat)
It has been two years since I first started my Seventh Party System series out with this map of Metropotamia. I never expected to still be making these maps even after all these years and I greatly appreciate all the support everyone has continued to show this series. So, for the fiftieth entry in the Seventh Party System series I present Texas, the second most populous state of the Union.
The Seventh Party System: Part L
Map of the United States
Part I - Metropotamia
Part II - Alta California
Part III - North Carolina
Part IV - New Jersey
Part V - Adams
Part VI - Alabama
Part VII - Rhode Island
Part VIII - Sequoyah
Part IX - Assenisipia
Part X - East Florida
Part XI - Tennessee
Part XII - Kansas
Part XIII - Dakota
Part XIV - Arizona
Part XV - Delaware
Part XVI - Oregon
Part XVII - Ozark
Part XVIII - New Hampshire
Part XIX - Western Connecticut
Part XX - New York
Part XXI - Santo Domingo
Part XXII - South Carolina
Part XXIII - Baja California
Part XXIV - Chersonesus
Part XXV - Canal Zone Territory
Part XXVI - West Florida
Part XXVII - Missouri
Part XXVIII - Colorado
Part XXIX - Trinidad and Tobago
Part XXX - Pennsylvania
Part XXXI - Wisconsin
Part XXXII - Lincoln
Part XXXIII - Deseret
Part XXXIV - Platte
Part XXXV - Kiribati
Part XXXVI - New Mexico
Part XXXVII - Maine
Part XXXVIII - Alaska
Part XXXIX - Hamilton
Part XXXX - Mississippi
Part XXXXI - North Virginia
Part XXXXII - Bioko
Part XXXXIII - Hawaii
Part XXXXIV - Louisiana
Part XXXXV - Seward
Part XXXXVI - Illinoia
Part XXXXVII - Georgia
Part XXXXVIII - Columbia
Part XXXXIX - Maryland

Texas stands at the intersection of many different political systems, from the Democratic South to the Hispanic/Anglo divide of the Southwest, all of which have blended together to make the Texan political system a very competitive one.

While it had always been dominated by the National Union during their era of hegemony, ever since then their two remnants, the Democrats and Labor, have not fared too well in a state with both shifting demographics and shifting politics. Demographically the state has moved away from the old divide of white majority vs black minority, with the mass immigration from both Latin America as well as Asia. With 38.9% of the state being Hispanic and 4.3% being Asian the Progressive party has become a major force in the state, appealing to both ethnic groups with their vision of a multicultural society. However with Texas' black population still making up a significant 12.1% the Labor party and Progressive parties of this state reached a historic non-competition pact in 2014, so as to maximize their voteshare and try and hold on to power a bit longer after first gaining power in 2010.

Texas' FPTP senate in particular has made such a non-competition pact especially crucial, enabling the Progressive-Labor coalition to consolidate over a third of the districts into safe seats. However the main beneficiaries of this FPTP scheme still remains the Republican party, with many of their seats gerrymandered in such a way to maximize their seat total with the minimum amount of votes.

And while both Labor and the Progressives hold a majority of the Black and Hispanic voteshare respectively, the ethnic vote in Texas is not solidly behind any one party, but rather split into left, right, and center divisions for each ethnic group. Among the Texan African-American population the three main parties are the Black Panthers on the left, who protest the excess police brutality of law enforcement in the state, Labor in the center, which advocates for moderate social policies and center-left economic policies, and lastly the Black Baptist Bloc, which is socially conservative and economically centrist. While Labor does hold the support of most African-Americans, a majority of younger blacks support the Black Panthers, especially in the large cities of Dallas and Houston, while older and more upper class blacks support the Black Baptist Bloc more frequently than not. With the Hispanic voteshare there are five main parties competing for their attention, the Progresivos, the Verdes, Hispanos Unidos, the Libertarios, and the Partido de Dios. The Progresivo's base consists of urban and younger Hispanics, who are more likely to support their extremely liberal social policies. However, ever since they allied themselves with Labor some of the most radically socially liberal Hispanics have turned away from the Progresivos, to back the Verdes instead. Hispanos Unidos, on the other hand, is dominated by moderate social conservatives, who are mainly rural, older. The Libertarios are a party for mostly middle and upper class Hispanics, who also happen to be socially liberal. And lastly the Partido de Dios exists for extremely right wing Hispanics who believe in the Pentecostal sect, which is almost universally condemned by other parties for its hate speech against "los dos diablos" of Anglo colonizers and godless leftists.

One political party which is unique to Texas, however, is the Texan National Party. Founded in 1992 by oil magnate and multi-billionaire Jerry Perot he founded the TNP to champion Texan values of liberty, Christianity, and protectionism against a Republican party which he viewed to be too much in the pockets of multinational corporations. While the party at first struggled to find their footing after the Labor surge in 1994 saw the left gain control of the Texan government many Republicans and Democrats jumped ship to the TNP which offered a hardliner stance against Labor's left wing government. With the Constitution party merging into the TNP in 1999, the rise of the TNP to become a party to eclipse even the Republican party was all but assured. However, following the failure of the TNP-Republican-Democratic government in 2010, as well as the continuing changing demographics of the state of Texas, their popularity has begun to wane, with fewer and fewer Texans being willing to support such a xenophobic party.

In the 2016 election the right wing trio of the TNP, Republicans, and Democrats once again secured a majority and were able to kick the Labor-Progressive minority government out of power. However, in the 2018 election the populist surge which occurred in 2016 had long since faded, and for the first time since 1998 the TNP secured less seats in the House than the GOP. Part of this is attributed to the new Republican party leader, Rick Cruz, who has increased the party's outreach to Hispanics and succeeded in siphoning off some upper class voters, but another part of it is attributed to the growing size of Texan suburbia as whites from West Coast and Midwestern states have immigrated to the state for its fabled business friendly laws and zero income taxes.

However all three parties suffered losses in the 2016, with the TNP and Democrats being hit especially hard, leaving the trio was left short of a majority in both the House and the Senate. While at first an alliance with the Libertarians was attempted, the numbers simply weren't there and differences between the extremely socially liberal Libertarians and extremely socially conservative Democrats lead to the Libertarians walking out of negiotiations. Thus the right was faced with only one viable option towards making a majority, gaining the trust of Hispanos Unidos.

With both the Democrats and TNP having campaigned explicitly on stopping Hispanic immigration negotiations with Hispanos Unidos were extremely strained. However, with the HU having been sick of the 6 years of left wing government of which they had only begrudgingly supported for the first four years, they decided that supporting a right wing government was preferable to letting the left gain power once again. But knowing their negotiationing power the HU was able to extract heavy concessions from the right, getting everything from requiring bilingual teachers in school districts with a majority of Spanish speaking students to special grants of over a half a billion dollars to be given to "Hispanic small businesses." A similar $150 million dollar "small business" fund was also extracted on the part of Asian Action, whose party members were happy to support any government which was willing to buy their votes.

Thus, right wing government has continued to reign over Texas for at least another two years, however with demographics continuing to shift away from the white plurality towards a new Hispanic plurality, not to mention the rise in Asian immigration, many analysts doubt the trio will be able retain their power after 2020.

Republican - The grand old party which stands for economic conservatism above all else, in the fairly right wing state of Texas they are also dominated by the Buckley faction, with the Dewey Republicans having been almost all but purged following the 2016 election. Led by a Hispanic, Rick Cruz, for the first time in the state party's history, their outreach to Hispanics still remains rather limited as whites are estimated to make up more than 70% of all Republican voters. Nevertheless, the growth of suburbs around major cities such as Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and Austin has allowed them to soften the loss of 2018, and they ended up lossing only 5 seats in this election.
Texan National Party - A right wing party which represents the "true" Texans which are white and Christian, they suffered massively in the 2018 election as shifting demographics and the flight of whites from rural areas has deprived them of their natural voter base. Only begrudgingly accepting the support of Hispanos Unidos out of practical concern, many on the party's right wing have threatened to succeed from the party and rejoin the Constitution as a stand against the "anti-American" agenda of Hispanos Unidos.
Democratic - Once the largest party in Texas, in 2018 they are only the fourth largest party, mainly confined to the votes of rural whites in the Eastern half of the state. Unlike the GOP or TNP the Democrats are economic centrists and believe in limited welfare, so long as it goes only to whites. While they reached a peak in 2016 with 45 seats in this election they lost 12 seats, reducing to them to only 33. And with their prospects not looking the best in 2020 either, many believe that Hispanos Unidos will soon over take them as the fourth largest party, relegating the Democrats to fifth, or maybe even sixth place.

Hispanos Unidos - The party for centrist and right leaning Hispanics who are sick of the Progressives' policies, their main voter base remains among rural Hispanics. While they had been in government as a part of the Progressive and Labor coalition from 2010 to 2014, in 2014 they left for the opposition, no longer agreeing with the extensive welfare policies and socially liberal agenda which the Progressives had pushed. For this election, however, seeing as they have now eclipsed Labor for the first time, they knew the strength of their votes in the House and Senate, and played their hand well to extract a landmark educational reform which requires bilingual teachers for school districts with mainly Spanish speaking students, making Texas now the fourth state to do such a thing, following in the foot steps of New Mexico, Arizona, and Media California.
Asian Action - A party for centrist and right leaning Asian Americans, unlike in other Progressive states where they tend to get only around half or sometimes even less than that of the Asian voteshare, in Texas AA dominates the Asian voter population, and over 75% of Asian Americans are estimated to have voted for Asian Action over the Progressives. As such, they form a very significant political party, and have provided supply to many different coalitions in the past, from Progressive-Labor to now the right wingers.

Progressive/Progresista - The largest party in the state of Texas, they nevertheless have been relegated to the opposition ever since the right wing trio took over in 2016. While still getting a fairly significant amount of their support from left wing whites, the overwhelming majority of their voteshare comes from Hispanics, who make up more than 80% of Progressive voters. A somewhat significant portion of their vote also comes from African-Americans in those districts were Labor has stepped down in favor of the Progressives, making Anglos a very small sliver of the total Progressive voterbase. Nevertheless the Progressives remain committed to a principle of bilingualism, and have even gone so far as to suggest all primary and secondary school teachers be mandated to become proficient in both Spanish and English, as is already the case in Media California. However Labor remains vehemently opposed to the idea of "forcing Hispanic culture on African-Americans" so this proposal has never been brought to a vote.
Labor - Sister party to the Progressives ever since the historic non-competition pact of 2014, the majority of their voterbase is African-American. In a state where "right-to-work" is enshrined in the state constitution and labor rights have been destroyed for decades, the white voteshare of Labor is only just barely larger than their Hispanic voteshare, which is due to the districts where Progressives stand down in favor of Labor. Except on the issue of labor unions, Labor acts a moderating force on the Progressives, preventing the passage of gay marriage in Texas, though they did lift the ban on mentioning homosexuality in school and managed to secure LGBT individuals as a protected class under the law.
Libertarian/Libertario - A party for the socially liberal but economic right wing, they are another bilingual party with a surprisingly large Hispanic voterbase. With 40% of their voters being Hispanic they are the second most Hispanic libertarian party in the entirety of America, next to the New Mexican Libertarian party. As such, among upper class Hispanics they have become the dominant political party, those the Republicans have begun to take away some of their more conservative voters. The party also has a large following among the anti-TNP whites in Northwestern Texas, however due to the prevalence of single seat districts in that part of the state their actual seats from such areas of rural support are rather limited.
Greens/Verdes - The third and final bilingual party in Texas, despite the conservative reputation of Texas they are actually more left wing than most state Green parties. Not only do they support economically left wing ideas and socially left wing ideas, but they also are left wing in terms of immigration policy and wish to legalize all the undocumented immigrants of Texas, who are estimated to number anywhere from 300,000 to 800,000. This has allowed them to grow immensely popular among left wing Hispanics, especially after the Progressives entered into a non-competition pact with immigration wary Labor, leading to Hispanics now making up more than 60% of Green voters. They are also very strong among white gays, who were upset at the Progressives inability to pass gay marriage, a fact which when combined with their base among college students has allowed them to dominate the city of Austin.
Partido de Dios - A right wing Hispanic party representing the interests of Pentecostal Mega-Churches, their fiery rhetoric against even the "heretical Catholics" have left them a political pariah. Nevertheless, with Texas being the state with the third largest number of Hispanic protestants, next to Baja California and of course New Mexico, they remain a significant protest party.
Black Baptist Bloc - A party for conservative African-Americans, they have been steadily decreasing in numbers as the state both becomes more and more left wing and also less and less black.
Black Panther Party - A party of black nationalists and socialists, their protests against the brutal nature of Texan police have fallen on deaf ears with only the Progressives and Greens paying lip service to the idea of criminal justice reform.


Credit for the basemap goes to Chicxulub.
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Do you people see this as a plausible outcome?

No Democrat is going to win West Virginia in the 2020 presidential election. That was Trump's best state by vote share (68.50% of the vote and winning every county). There are West Virginians who would vote for Sanders, but they are far outnumbered by the brainwashed Breitbart crowd who think Bernie stands for "cultural Marxism" and "white genocide".
bro is this good for Dick Cheney/Bill Frist vs. Hillary Clinton/John Edwards 08? Edwards scandal is taken into account as somewhat of an October Surprise. Without that I'd give the Democrats NE-AL, Mississippi, and Tennessee too.


Seems about right, actually. Darth Cheney would have been absolutely crushed by any competent Democrat in '08. I'd probably have Tennessee go for Clinton even with the "October surprise".
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