Battle Los Angeles comes to mind, considering that the US troops basically won by accident.
By the end of that movie they may have beaten back that one beachhead but there are still dozens more around the world that are more successful and the human casualties was in the millions for only a few days into war.Battle Los Angeles comes to mind, considering that the US troops basically won by accident.
I had huge problems with SU because of that. Human history should be completely different - assuming humans even happened - with an Earth like that... and yet the United States is a great power with a president in the same spot and pretty much like it is today, despite cutesy things like "oh, Hollywood is in Kansas." Doesn't help there's a similar tech level considering one of the writers said WWII didn't happen in this universe.The sheer amount of geographical changes affected to the Earth in Steven Universe during the attempted Gem colonisation.
1) A massive crater in Central Russia that has effectively created an eighth ocean reaching down to central asia. The changes alone there are too many to count.
2) The entirety of Eastern Africa has been sheared off and has collided with South America leaving a chain of islands down the coast of Africa and across the south atlantic, more that likely the genealogy of South America is vastly different.
3) Central America is accipelo, precludes any investment in a North Western passage.
4) India is also an accipelo
5) Eastern China and Australia have also been altered
I'd be curious what kind of political clusterfuck would happen if CK Walker's Borrasca actually happened.
Found the thread, but I unfortunately doubt the reaction would be as optimistic as predicted three years ago, back when we hadn't seen how something similar would play out. More likely, Sheriff Walker 'commits suicide' in prison before naming his wealthy and connected accomplices while the cell camera malfunctions, then the entire thing gets memoryholed to the point where anyone still talking about it is considered a 'conspiracy theorist'. There are lists of close contacts, but law enforcement doesn't do anything and nobody cares enough to become vigilantes.I believe that someone actually made a thread on it here on I think that the consensus was that massive distrust in government occurred and all across the country people began openly lynching suspected criminals again while the FBI was given enhanced powers in the aftermath of the incident.
What about this pre 9/11 movie:
On the plus side, a neo-Nazi panic would be something I'd be all in for unlike the Satanist one.More likely what would happen is the media trying to capitalize on the tradgedy and start a neo-nazi panic similar to the satanic panic while missing the point about how someone should have noticed the signs of a deranged psyche on the making. Think Columbine aftermatch except instead of Marlyn Mason and Videogames it's anything nordic pagan and "fascist" (with what constitutes said fascism varying wildly)
On the plus side, a neo-Nazi panic would be something I'd be all in for unlike the Satanist one.
I guess if we are talking about stuff like banning any talk of the Holocaust and media like Wolfenstine because they have Nazis in them that could be the case. If its hunting for surviving Nazis like Mengle and an increased focus on spreading awareness and educating people on Nazi atrocities, I would be supportive.Because such moral panics work so well right? You do realize a "neo-nazi" panic might actually lead to more neo-nazis than before the panic started?
I guess if we are talking about stuff like banning any talk of the Holocaust and stuff like Wolfenstine because they have Nazis that could be the case. If its hunt for surviving Nazis like Mengle and an increased focus on spreading awareness and educating people on Nazi atrocities, I would be supportive.
True. Well I guess it would probably stop after some dumbass tries to ban The Diary of Anne Frank from schools or something similar.It would be the first one for sure. Moral panics are always about jumping at shadows and virtue signaling instead of actually addressing the problem.