Albion Rising: A Henry Frederick Timeline


oh for sure...though i wonder if he would be more bothered by the catholicism or the mistresses and bastard children lol
Loool very true
Could there be a possible matchup between Henry and Maria Elizabeth of Sweden. She was born in 1596 so Henry would not have to wait long to get married and I think Sweden would be a good ally.
if Denmark and Sweden avoid the Kalmar war then possibly, if not, then no chance.
A wonderful group of chapters. Although it seems clear Henry has his group of guy friends in Sackville and other tutoring friends, could women play an outsized role in his court. I could see a) seeing a stigma towards male favorites due to his father which isn’t as present for women and/or b) a faithfulness that comes from sympathy for his mom

Considering the financial state of affairs for both the King and Parliament, is there now a greater need to improve lines of income on a national level?


A wonderful group of chapters. Although it seems clear Henry has his group of guy friends in Sackville and other tutoring friends, could women play an outsized role in his court. I could see a) seeing a stigma towards male favorites due to his father which isn’t as present for women and/or b) a faithfulness that comes from sympathy for his mom
Glad you liked it :) and I definitely think both are possible :)

Considering the financial state of affairs for both the King and Parliament, is there now a greater need to improve lines of income on a national level?
yes yes there is
Chapter 9: Assassination



Chapter 9: Assassination

May, 1610

Henri, King of France and Navarre looked out onto the street and felt a sense of contentment. For the first time in perhaps thirty years, he felt as though everything was under his control. His wife, Marie, had just been crowned Queen of France, which meant that when he went off to war, she could serve as regent without too many issues. The Habsburgs were on the backfoot, what with that buffoon Matthias pushing his brother the Emperor to grant a town to the Bavarians and thus violate Augsburg, and that other buffoon Leopold trying to claim one of Julich or Berg as well. Yes, Henri was quite sure God was smiling on him.

The carriage came to a juddering halt, causing Henri and his companion to jerk forward. “Mon Dieu!” Hercule de Rohan, duc de Montbazon muttered.

Henri snorted. “Now, now, Hercule, such language is not befitting a Duke.”

Hercule looked at him and snorted. “As you say, Your Most Christian Majesty.”

Henri leaned back against the headrest and peered to the right. “There’s a lot of blockage on this road.” He supposed that made sense. Everyone seemed to have come to Paris for his wife’s coronation. And now that it was over, they were no doubt either trying to leave or venture to other seedier parts of the city.

“How long will it take?” Hercule asked.

“Probably about twenty to thirty minutes.” Henri said, going off what one of his guards had told him.

Hercule sighed, and then asked. “You must be happy, Sire. Now that the Queen has been crowned.”

Henri snorted. “Happy is one word for it. Relieved is another. Maybe now she’ll stop bothering me about it.” That was true, his wife had been going on and on about being crowned Queen since they’d been wed. He’d managed to hold her off for some time, but not now. Now the deed was done.

“And the Queen will be satisfied?” Hercule asked.

Henri frowned. Hercule was the only man he’d allow to ask such pressing questions, but even then, the way the man was asking them didn’t sit right with him. Still, the man had asked a question and as his mother had told him time and again, it was rude not to answer. “Yes, she should be. Though I suspect she will be going for a Spanish marriage for one of our children again.” Why Marie was so keen on a Spanish marriage, Henri did not know. Especially since Henri considered the Spanish King a mortal enemy. The man’s father had spent most of Henri’s early reign trying to prevent him ascending the throne, and if Saint Germain was to be believed, the Spanish King himself was still in touch with a variety of underground groups.

“And who would you rather Their Royal Highnesses marry, Sire?” Hercule asked.

“Anyone but Spain.” Henri said simply. “Elisabeth will marry Piedmont; Louis might marry Lorraine’s girl. Bring that Duchy into French hands at last.”

“And your remaining children, Sire?” Hercule asked.

“Christine will go to Poland, and Henrietta will go to Tuscany. My younger son will go to Montpensier’s daughter.” Henri replied. He wanted his second son to have the wealth that could allow him to live comfortably and not off the teat of the state.

“Wise choices, Majesty.” Hercule said. “Though I take it that the English marriage has floundered?”

“Yes.” Henri said, he saw no point in lying about that. “The King of England wanted Elisabeth, and considers Christine too young for his son. I had thought about offering Louis for the man’s daughter, but given the angle that the man seems to be playing, I decided against it.” And besides, having an older woman married to you was never a good idea.

“So, what will happen to the English alliance?” Hercule asked.

“It remains.” Henri said. “England seems to be considering a marriage to Poland. I will speak with the Polish ambassador tomorrow and offer to contribute toward the dowry for Sigismund’s daughter, in return for trading concessions.”

“And will the Polish go for that?” Hercule asked.

“They will if they know what’s good for them.” Henri said.

Their carriage started moving again, albeit slowly. As it moved, Henri glanced to his right and saw various people milling about on the street, some cheered when they saw him, others merely nodded. Paris would move with people tonight, of that Henri was sure. That would be good, it would mean that the people had overcome their fear and were enjoying the peace he had given them.

“I am glad to see people out on the street.” Henri said then, turning back to look at Hercule. “Some of the men will need a good celebration before the war comes.”

Hercule nodded. “It will lift their spirits, Sire.”

“Indeed.” Henri said. “We shall march out in June.” He had spoken with his commanders and that was what had been agreed on. La Chatre was already in the north-east, if Henri joined him, they could finally make their move.

It seemed Hercule had also had the same thought, for he asked. “How many men would you take with you, Sire?”

Henri frowned. “Chatre has twenty-two thousand men with him already. I think another ten thousand should be enough. They’ve already been raised and trained. We just need to figure out how to divide them appropriately.”

“You mean who will command each subdivision, Sire?” Hercule asked.

“Exactly.” Henri replied. There was a brief pause as their carriage juddered to a halt again. Henri leaned out and saw that there were at least five or six carriages in front of them. What the cause of delay was he didn’t know. “Jacques,” he said to the driver then. “Go and see what is causing this delay.”

“Sire.” Jacques, a rather portly old man answered. He stood up, bowed once then got down and walked off to see what the issue was.

Henri turned back to Hercule and said. “Any move to sort out the Julich issue will involve antagonising Spain through marching through the Spanish Netherlands. Therefore, we need to be prepared.”

“Do you think they will try and invade Southern France?” Hercule asked.

“It is a possibility.” Henri said. It was what he would do after all. “Therefore, we will need our garrisons in the south to work with Marie, which means I need someone I can trust commanding them.”

Hercule seemed to get the hint, for he immediately bowed his head and said. “I would be honoured, Sire. Truly honoured.”

Henri smiled. “Good.” He frowned as he heard something creak. Jacques hadn’t come back yet, at least Henri didn’t think so. Still, he turned to see whether Jacques had indeed returned, and instead found himself face to face with a rather dishevelled looking man.

“Who are you?” Henri exclaimed.

“Your death!” The man exclaimed before he launched himself at Henri. Henri punched him, but that didn’t seem to stop the man. For he got up and moved at him again. Hercule tried to stop him and got thrown to the side for his efforts.

The man roared an oath and then Henri felt something sharp plunge into him. He looked down and saw blood beginning to pour out of him. He looked up. The man was roaring at him, Henri staggered forward, tried to punch the man and failed. Instead, he ended up getting pushed back into his seat.

“Hercule!” Henri groaned.

Vaguely he could see Hercule get up, only to be pushed out of the carriage by the man. The man then advanced on him. He lunged forward and Henri felt something plunge into him again. He grunted. He felt cold.

“For His Holiness and for all of mankind, die, you devil!” The man bellowed, lunging forward once more.

Henri braced for another blow to his stomach but instead, the blow came to his throat. He coughed and spluttered. Feeling himself get soaked. Marie is going to be regent now. Henri thought to himself, and that both intrigued and terrified him.
And then Henry IV’s plans for his children will be messed a lot as the double Spanish match for Louis and Elisabeth will happen as OTL, leaving Christine to Savoy and either Tuscany or Poland for Henriette, while Gaston will definitely marry the Montpensier heiress


And then Henry IV’s plans for his children will be messed a lot as the double Spanish match for Louis and Elisabeth will happen as OTL, leaving Christine to Savoy and either Tuscany or Poland for Henriette, while Gaston will definitely marry the Montpensier heiress
Yes indeed