Albion Rising: A Henry Frederick Timeline

Chapter 29: Denmark



Chapter 29: Denmark

October, 1610

Christian read the letter from Enevold Kruse, the Governor General of Norway and snarled. Those damned Swedes were acting out again! Didn’t they realise that their place was not as an independent Kingdom but as a constituent part of the wider Danish Empire?! And even if he had to recognise them as an independent Kingdom, they could at least have the decency to respect treaties!

He threw the letter on the table in disgust and said. “I want a solution to those damned idiots in the north.”

His Chancellor, Jacob Ulfeldt immediately replied. “There is one proper solution that could be had, Sire.”

Christian looked at the man. “Go on.”

“We could tighten the embargo on Swedish vessels and trade, and we could also encourage our allies not to trade with them. If we drain their coffers they won’t be able to go on with their ridiculous scheme.” Ulfeldt said.

Christian considered this then snorted. “That would take far too long, I need a solution now!” Otherwise, the merchants and the people of Norway would be after him.

Jens Juel spoke then. “There is always a more aggressive approach that could be taken, Sire.”

“You mean war?” Christian asked intrigued. He liked Juel, the man had the brashness of youth combined with the sense of old age and wisdom.

“Yes, Sire.” Juel replied. “Sweden’s army is weak. Yes, it isn’t as weak as it once was, but it is still weak. If we can draw them into a conflict on our terms, we could beat them.”

Christian wheeled around to look at General Beck, the man he had tasked with handling military affairs. “Is this true, General?”

The General was an old man, having served under Christian’s father, and even Christian’s grandfather if the myths were true. He spoke slowly almost as if his wits were deserting him as he spoke. “I believe, Sire, that the possibility is there. But I would urge extreme caution.”

“Extreme caution?” Christian asked. He disliked such words, they usually meant something was not good.

“Yes, Sire.” Beck said. “We may march off to war, and we may win, but it will be costly, in both money and in lives.”

Christian looked at Beck and then at Ulfeldt. “We have the money do we not?”

“We do, Sire, but…” Ulfeldt began before Christian cut him off.

“Then I want a plan drawn up.” Christian said. “We will draw them into our territory, into terrain where our army is comfortable and then we will destroy them.”

“It would be good to force them to their knees as well, Sire.” Juel said.

“I agree.” Christian replied. “We must also link Scania and Norway together more conclusively.” He didn’t want to give the Swedes breathing room there for if he did, who knew what would happen.

“I would also advise on going for a naval assault.” Juel said.

“Sweden doesn’t have a good enough navy to make that worthwhile.” Beck said.

“Still, it would be better that they didn’t have a navy at all.” Juel replied.

“He’s right.” Christian said, looking at Beck. “Make sure that happens.”

“Sire.” Beck said.

Christian then looked at Ulfeldt. “Now we need to make sure those Kingdoms nearest us, or who have ties with us either support us or remain neutral.”

“I believe this would be a good time to press King Sigismund to take Swedish Estonia, Sire.” Ulfeldt said.

“I think that would be most wise, Sire. Get the Swedes fighting on two fronts, really overstretch them.” Juel said.

“We will have to give the Poles something.” Beck pointed out. “They might ask for assistance in Russia.”

“They won’t.” Ulfeldt said confidently. “Russia is their own park; they don’t want any assistance there.”

Beck still looked uncomfortable but he complied. Christian felt a thrill of excitement run through him then. “Now, how many men can we muster in time for the campaign season and do we have enough to provision them with for a long war?” He didn’t want there to be a long war, but who knew how long it might take?

“In a straight confrontation with the Swedes, we outnumber them by 1000 troops.” Beck said. “However, the quality of those troops must be improved before they are sent out to fight.”

“So, train them then.” Christian barked. He would not have his enthusiasm for the campaign against Sweden dimmed. “We will have the best prepared army that has ever been fielded and we will destroy Sweden.” He could see it now, King Charles of Sweden humbled and his prisoner. It would be glorious.

“Very well, Sire.” Beck replied quietly.

Christian nodded then turned to Ulfeldt. “Speak with the English ambassador, inform him that we will require England’s good will for the duration of the war. We will lower tariffs and offer up an opportunity for those wishing to fight to fight.” That would hopefully relieve the burden that his brother-in-law had, of having so many young men wanting to fight, and being prevented from doing so.

“Sire.” Ulfeldt replied.

“And send word to the resistance within Estonia. Tell them that we will increase our payments to them if they assist us in greater scope.” Christian said. What that scope would be, he would let Ulfeldt decide.

“Sire.” Ulfeldt replied.

Christian nodded; he felt the urge to go for a drink. He took a breath and asked. “Is there aught else?”

Ulfeldt shook his head. “No, Sire.”

Christian rose, prompting the others to rise as well. “Very well then. You are all dismissed.” He pushed his chair back and walked to the door, nodding to the guards as they opened it and allowed him to leave. He strode down the corridor, turning right, then left, then right again, another set of doors were opened for him and he strode to the bench. A serving girl appeared and poured him a cup of wine. He took it and downed it. She poured another one, and he downed that one as well.

He looked at the girl and smiled. “I have quite the thirst, a battle thirst.”
Chapter 30: Woolwich



Chapter 30: Woolwich

October 1610

“Oh! We’re getting closer!” Henry exclaimed as he caught sight of the Woolwich Dockyard from the carriage. He knew he was too old to be this excited about something, but he couldn’t help it. He’d been dreaming of this day for years. His first ship! One he’d helped design, it was going to be launched today, and he was excited.

“Tell me about the ship.” Anna Maria replied, smiling at him from the other side of the carriage.

Henry smiled. “Well, it’s a three-deck, first-rate ship, it’ll have sixty-four guns. It’s the biggest ship on this side of the Channel. It’ll be the best thing to happen to the Royal Navy.” Of that, he was sure.

“And you had a hand in designing it?” Anna Maria asked.

“I did.” Henry replied, beaming.

Anna’s smile widened. “Well then I am sure it will be perfect.”

“Thank you.” Henry replied, he blushed then and added. “And my apologies for acting like a child.”

Anna’s smile widened. “Nonsense, you have no need to apologise.” Anna’s English had improved remarkably, but there were times, like right now where she sometimes slipped into French, and in those times, like right now, she did a rather cute gasp, and then blushed.

Henry grinned, and went to say something, but the carriage stopped. “We’re here!” He said barely able to contain his excitement.

The doors to the carriage opened, and Henry jumped out, before turning to help Anna step out. From there they walked forward, stopping at the entrance to the dockyard, where they were greeted by the Earl of Nottingham-one of the only Howards Henry liked- and Phineas Pett, the man who had built the ship.

“Your Highnesses.” Both men said bowing.

Henry acknowledged them with a nod and then turned at the sound of trumpets. His father and mother had arrived, alongside his younger siblings. The King got out and slowly helped the Queen step out of the carriage-that was rare, to see them in the same carriage-then in the smaller carriage came Elizabeth, Charles, Robert and Mary. All of Henry’s siblings were here to witness his proudest moment to date.

Henry and Anna Maria bowed and curtseyed respectively when the King and Queen appeared before them. “Your Majesties.” They said together.

“Son, daughter.” The King said softly. He turned to face the crowd, and boy was it a crowd, and then loudly said. “My lords and ladies, people of the Kingdoms, welcome to the inauguration of His Highness the Prince of Wales’ new ship. Come follow us to witness this grand spectacle.” The King walked past Henry and into the Dockyard proper. Henry shared a look with Anna and then walked with her and the Queen into the dockyard, walking underneath the Queen’s arch, that had been built after the victory over the Armada in the last century.

His heart thumped the closer they got to the ship. It was in the furthest point of the dockyard, given its sheer size. When they got to it, Henry swallowed, and then whistled. It was huge. The ship towered over them, three decks, sails, and the Royal Standard flying proudly from on high.

“It’s beautiful.” Anna Maria said.

Henry looked at her, saw her cheeks flushed and her mouth wide open and said. “Yes, she is.” He blinked and looked back at the ship, then down at the King.

The King spoke clearly and concisely. “Today we are here to witness the inauguration of a project that has been incredibly close to the Prince of Wales’ heart for many years now. It is a project that has experienced set backs and delays, but those have been overcome.” The King looked at Henry then. “Henry, my son, I am incredibly proud of you. We all are. We wish you well on the seas!”

“To Prince Henry!” The Earl of Nottingham cried. “To The King!”

The cry was taken up and went on for a fair few minutes. Henry felt something lodge in his throat, he took a deep breath and exhaled. Anna squeezed his hand.

Phineas Pett, the builder of the ship stepped forward then, and in his soft voice spoke. “Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, lords and ladies, and honourable people of the Kingdoms, it has been an honour to work on this ship. She is the finest work I have ever produced. I now invite you all to board the ship and explore it.”

Pett turned and walked to the gate, unlatched it and then waited. The King remained on land-he didn’t like ships-and the Queen stayed with him. Henry therefore led the way, Anna Maria accompanying him, their siblings apart from Robert and Mary, who were deemed too young, followed. Henry gasped as they got to the first deck, the lower quarters, they were wide and spacious. Then they took a flight of steps and arrived at the second deck, again, spacious, wide, and with a large array of guns, far more than the first deck. Then they got to the third deck, and it was clear.

“I thought it best to leave this deck clear of guns for the time being, Your Highness.” Pett said.

“Of course.” Henry replied. They wouldn’t want to get into any danger with the wine and other things.

“Shall we advance onto the poop, Your Highness?” Pett asked.

“Yes.” Henry replied. Leading the way, he climbed up a ladder, helped Anna Maria up and then stopped and marvelled at the view.

“You can see everything from here.” Anna Maria commented, sounding amazed.

“You can.” Henry agreed.

“It’s one of the best sights in the world, Your Highnesses.” The Earl of Nottingham said.

“Well done, Your Highness.” John Harington, Henry’s closest friend said.

Henry smiled at John and then looked at Nottingham. “Shall we cast away? Is the condition appropriate?” He knew that if the tide was too low the ship would get stuck. But, if it was right, and the tide was high, then they’d do just fine.

“It is the right time, Your Highness, shall I give the order?” Nottingham asked.

“Yes.” Henry commanded.

“Unleash the ship!” Nottingham yelled. The command was passed down the chain of command as the voices of the ship hands carried it down, until it reached land, where one of Pett’s sons cut the chords holding the ship in place.

There was an almighty shake and then the ship was sliding down, Henry held Anna Maria as the ship shook and moved, and then there was a loud splash and the ship was being righted. A huge cheer went up. Henry joined in, then looked at Nottingham, who handed him the cup.

“The honour is yours, Your Highness.”

Henry smiled, took a deep breath, then took a sip from the cup. The wine was bitter, but that didn’t matter because his ship had set sail. He held the cup aloft, and then in one single motion emptied the remainder of it onto the deck below all the while saying. “I name this ship Prince Royal!”

A loud cheer went up at that, and Henry smiled, he handed the cup back to Nottingham, and then in a breach of etiquette, looked at Anna, smiled at her, leaned in and then kissed her. God was smiling on them today.


May the winds fill the Prince Royal's sails for years, decades to come.

Be nice if she was still around in 2021 to visit!
Oh, I think she will be. With quite the storied history ;)

What a nice success for Henry - And for the royal family. It seems like they actually all had a nice day together
Definitely, I think there's going to be a naval man in the family as a consequence.

I was so scared it would happen as it did with William Adelin
That would be quite the dampener wouldn't it.
Chapter 31: Greenwich



Chapter 31: Greenwich

November, 1610

Anne looked around the table, and smiled. Her entire family was here-well apart from her husband, but she was used to that-Henry and his wife Anna Maria were laughing about something, Elizabeth and Charles were bickering, and Robert and Mary were singing some song they’d learned. It was nice. Nice for them all to be here in one place. She wasn’t sure when the last time that had happened.

She cleared her throat and the table fell silent. “Children.” She began, speaking in English knowing that Anna Maria had Henry to help her if she got stuck. “Thank you all for coming.”

There were murmurs at that, and Robert asked. “Where’s father?”

Anne opened her mouth and then closed it. James was off on some hunt or the other with Carr, she’d written to him to ask that he be here for this, but he’d decided to go off with that idiot instead. She pushed down the bitterness and instead said. “He had some important government business to attend to.”

“Then why isn’t Henry with him?” Robert asked. “Henry’s part of the government too is he not?”

That was true, though Henry hadn’t yet had the pleasure of attending a privy council meeting. Anne went to respond, but instead it was Henry who answered. “This is something above my level. Only things Kings can handle.” He winked for added effect, Robert giggled. Anne smiled at her eldest, he was very good with dealing with the younger children’s questions, far better than she had been with his own.

Anne continued. “Now, I want us to go around the table and talk about how our days have gone and if there is anything that is concerning us.” It was something that her own mother had done with her and her siblings when they’d been younger and she found it very relieving.

“Henry, do you want to start?” Anne asked.

Her eldest smiled. “Of course, Mother.” He paused and then said. “Well, today has been a very interesting day. I got to take the Prince Royal out for a journey. We went from Woolwich down the Estuary and then back.”

“You did?” Anne asked, slightly alarmed. “And how did that go?”

“It went very well; we were able to see how the ship would handle the waters and the changing currents and weather.” Henry said. Anne watched as her eldest then looked at his wife, there was such adoration in his eyes that Anne’s heart swelled. “Anna also had a go at commanding the ship.”

“You did?” Anne asked looking at her daughter in law, she was filled with surprises.

Anna blushed. “I did, for a little while of the journey.”

“And how did you find it?” Anne asked. She’d never really gotten over her fear of ships after the disaster that had been her voyage to Scotland.

“It was a lot of fun.” Anna replied.

“Would you do it again?” Anne’s eldest daughter Elizabeth asked.

Anna’s blush deepened. “If Henry was there with me, then yes.”

Anne nodded and smiled, she was happy that her son and his wife seemed to have taken to one another. That was always a good sign. She looked at her eldest daughter Elizabeth. “And what of you, my dear?”

Elizabeth remained silent for a moment and then when she replied, her words were tinged with some sadness. “I had to spend most of the day comforting Anne Drummond.”

“Why?” Anne asked.

“Because her love broke her heart.” Elizabeth said sighing.

“Who?” Charles asked then.

“George Gordon, the Marquess of Huntly’s son.” Elizabeth said. “It seems he’s found someone else to love.”

“Oh that’s simply terrible.” Anne replied, knowing that it wasn’t really, Gordon was an idiot, but given her daughter’s age, she decided to play along.

“Indeed.” Elizabeth replied. “She’ll get over it.”

Anne was about to ask Charles what he’d been up to today when her youngest son Robert spoke, excitedly. “I went on a whole ride without anyone there to help me!”

“And where did you go?” Anne asked. Her youngest son had struggled with horse riding for a time, he feared horses, or rather he had feared them. So, this was huge news.

“I went across St James Park, and the park near Westminster.” Robert said. “It was a lot of fun; I think Archibald is a good horse.”

“And who do you have to thank for him?” Anne asked.

Robert blushed and looked at Anna Maria. “Thank you, Anna.” He said softly.

“You are very welcome, Robert.” Anna Maria replied smiling.

Mary spoke then. “Well, that’s nothing. I learned how to swim!”

“Mary!” Anne exclaimed, but that was something. Her daughter was only five years old and yet had learned how to swim earlier than any of her older siblings, that in of itself was impressive.

“Well, are you going to become a little fish or something?” Elizabeth asked.

“I’m going to become Queen of the Sea!” Mary exclaimed loudly.

“You’ll have to fight Charles for that title.” Henry quipped. “You like the sea don’t you, Charlie?”

Her middle son stuck his tongue out. “Charles!” Anne snapped.

“See.” Henry remarked. “He’s acting like a sea animal already.”

“Henry!” Anne snapped again.

“I will be Queen of the Sea and I’ll give Charles some bit of land that he can reside one.” Mary said.

“I’d rather go into the Church than take a bit of scrap land.” Charles said, sounding somewhat bitter.

“Excellent. I’ll suggest it to father then.” Henry remarked. “Shall we make you Archbishop of Canterbury once old Bancroft has gone?”

“Henry!” Anne exclaimed horrified that her eldest would say something like that.

“I…I…would like that.” Charles stammered.

Anne looked at Charles in surprise. “You would?”

Charles nodded. “Yes, I’d like to see what I could do.”

Anne was surprised by that. She’d always thought Charles wanted to become an artist or a sailor not join the church. “Well, we can see what we can do.” She said then. Charles smiled and the conversation moved on, but Anne still didn’t know what to make of Charles’ stated desire.
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Charles would make an interesting Archbishop of Canterbury. He’d probably be better at that then rulership.
Possibly though Tbf his personal rule was one of the more peaceful periods in English history and one of the more stimulating for the arts
I wonder who of this lovely family will end up in the Colonies? Be nice if someone went and took charge…

Nice family dinner there, good to see more of the Queen. I really feel for her situation with James.

When is Henry getting to Wales and Scotland btw? perhaps he could sail there now he has his Big Ship?

More please!

Deleted member 147978

Charles would make an interesting Archbishop of Canterbury. He’d probably be better at that then rulership.
For all I know, I haven't seen any British Royal Family member being assigned to the Priesthood. I only heard talks about Henry Tudor, Duke of York becoming one, but nothing came out of it.

King James ITTL currently has all of three sons surviving. Perhaps if Henry becomes King, maybe he'll place Charles as Archbishop of Canterbury. If that happens, what becomes of Prince Robert Stuart then?
I wonder who of this lovely family will end up in the Colonies? Be nice if someone went and took charge…

Nice family dinner there, good to see more of the Queen. I really feel for her situation with James.

When is Henry getting to Wales and Scotland btw? perhaps he could sail there now he has his Big Ship?

More please!
I can't imagine any of the royals going to the colonies. At this point there hardly are any colonies even. Perhaps in a hundred/hundred and fifty years, a royal family member could be sent to the colonies as a form of governor, but even that is not guaranteed. It would more likely be a more prominent earl or duke

Also, always nice to see Anne have some happy family moments :) She deserves it
Must say I really enjoy the family stuff makes it much more immersive.

Now it has been three months since the wedding, thus pressure will start to build on Anne-Marie to produce a heir. Just low key for now but it is one of that she will be reminded of almost daily.
the more stimulating for the arts
Something that won't really be affected by taking vows, as Arch-Bishop he will be able to be an outstanding patron of the arts.
Prince Robert Stuart then
Either the navy or the army will welcome him with open arms.


I wonder who of this lovely family will end up in the Colonies? Be nice if someone went and took charge…

Nice family dinner there, good to see more of the Queen. I really feel for her situation with James.

When is Henry getting to Wales and Scotland btw? perhaps he could sail there now he has his Big Ship?

More please!
I tbink the colonies will need to wait at the moment there’s only Jamestown and it’s a bit shit aha.

soon he’ll be going soon :)
For all I know, I haven't seen any British Royal Family member being assigned to the Priesthood. I only heard talks about Henry Tudor, Duke of York becoming one, but nothing came out of it.

King James ITTL currently has all of three sons surviving. Perhaps if Henry becomes King, maybe he'll place Charles as Archbishop of Canterbury. If that happens, what becomes of Prince Robert Stuart then?
I think Robert remains as is, Charles can still marry and have kids.
I can't imagine any of the royals going to the colonies. At this point there hardly are any colonies even. Perhaps in a hundred/hundred and fifty years, a royal family member could be sent to the colonies as a form of governor, but even that is not guaranteed. It would more likely be a more prominent earl or duke

Also, always nice to see Anne have some happy family moments :) She deserves it
Must say I really enjoy the family stuff makes it much more immersive.

Now it has been three months since the wedding, thus pressure will start to build on Anne-Marie to produce a heir. Just low key for now but it is one of that she will be reminded of almost daily.

Something that won't really be affected by taking vows, as Arch-Bishop he will be able to be an outstanding patron of the arts.

Either the navy or the army will welcome him with open arms.
Glad you're liking it, and oh Anna Maria has got some surprises in store on that front.

And indeed, tbf, he can still marry and have kids as well.

Oh indeed.