Take away Britain's ability to rebuild post-WW2 and you set the pace for disaster.
Increased repayments on wartime loans - decide to repay it all within 20 years
Because We Can. But we really can't.
Increased military spending that includes the atom bomb "We’ve got to have this thing over here, whatever it costs. We’ve got to have the bloody Union Jack on top of it." Can't really go much higher than OTL but...
Keeping the British Empire going strong, no matter the cost. But we won't have them over here.
It's a matter of British Pride, dammit!
No Nationalization - Railways stay as the Big Four with big govt investment for little return.
Rationing continues until 1965 leading to poorer diets and stunted growth all round. Black market flourishes so lower tax income which means less money for the govt to spend.
Psst guv! Wanna nice leg of farm fresh lamb? 2 shillings and that's cutting me own throat.
No NHS so lower birth rates, lower infant survival. Basically lower survival rates all around for all diseases.
Could you go cough your lungs up somewhere else, please?
No Abercrombie Reports. We'll just fix up the appalling hovels and do basic repairs of bomb damaged housing.
Rats, Pneumonia, and Cholera? It's character forming!
No New Towns - no large scale builds of decent homes for people out of the cities. They can stay in the slums.
No Clean Air Acts. Ignore the effects of the
Great Smog and keep pumping dirt into the city air.
We'll keep the coal fires burning!
Urban motorways for all! Mainly for the few who can afford cars and the transport firms. This leads to mass demolishing of homes.
https://www.roads.org.uk/ringways/plan-greater-london That's just London -
Newcastle and
Manchester had similar grand plans for urban roads.
Results: more Ten Pound Poms, more US/Canada Brain Drain, less immigration.
That little lot should be a good starter for ten!