The 1990s have seen various successful sci-fi films and shows which explored the concept of visiting alternate worlds instead of alien planets.
Examples include the 1992 film Doorways, which was technically the pilot of a series that never came to be, and the 1995-2000 series Sliders which explored a group of people visiting random parallel worlds.
By 2000, the concept largely petered out, and remained the domain of filler episodes in primarily space-related sci-fi shows, for example Stargate.
But what if, the focus of science fiction somehow shifted towards exploring alternate universes from fictional alien planets? How do you think this could have come into being, and how would it have affected popular culture?
Examples include the 1992 film Doorways, which was technically the pilot of a series that never came to be, and the 1995-2000 series Sliders which explored a group of people visiting random parallel worlds.
By 2000, the concept largely petered out, and remained the domain of filler episodes in primarily space-related sci-fi shows, for example Stargate.
But what if, the focus of science fiction somehow shifted towards exploring alternate universes from fictional alien planets? How do you think this could have come into being, and how would it have affected popular culture?