AHC/WI: George McGovern, Frank Church, Birch Bayh, Gaylord Nelson, Among Others Survive the 1980 Midterms

Basically what the title says. Have the Democrats not lose as badly as they did in 1980 OTL, and specifically save those four Senators.

How would this effect the Reagan Presidency, at least for the first two years, and the 1984 Election. Could someone like Birch Bayh make an attempt for 1984 and do better than Mondale, or could Mondale himself do better?
Basically what the title says. Have the Democrats not lose as badly as they did in 1980 OTL, and specifically save those four Senators.

How would this effect the Reagan Presidency, at least for the first two years, and the 1984 Election. Could someone like Birch Bayh make an attempt for 1984 and do better than Mondale, or could Mondale himself do better?
a POD for your request would definitely butterfly away a Reagan presidency