AHC: Turn a popular dictator into a constitutional monarch

I made that post in july lol

Oops, I hadn't realised that. Sorry.

Might have occurred to de Gaulle but his son wasn't political

Philippe de Gaulle was/is a member of political associations, a member of the political bureau of the RPR as well as a senator for 18 years. Seems rather political. And Wikipedia quotes a letter of Charles de Gaulle where he stated that he wished his son to be his political heir.

(Incidentally, Philippe de Gaulle is set to celebrate his 100th birthday in less than three weeks.)
The only reason I wouldnt go with the french guy is that after Napoleon that'd be essencially be pulling a Bonaparte 2 in their eyes
The only reason I wouldnt go with the french guy is that after Napoleon that'd be essencially be pulling a Bonaparte 2 in their eyes

A De Gaulle dynasty seems rather unlikely, given that, despite his flaws, De Gaulle wasn't a dictator. It would take a very different 20th century for such a thing to come about in France.
All in all, the least unlikely places for such a thing to happen must be in some area of the world that in OTL is prone to have dictatorships arrise - I'm spontaneously thinking of a more successful Bokassa monarchy.

If we count Boris, then we have to count Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.

No we don't. This is the post 1900 forum ;)
Hindenburg, Tito honestly finding a popular dictator is hard enough, more less finding someone who would give up power and become a figurehead. The only example that is close is King Juan Carlos of Spain
Actually, I believe a perfect candidate for OP’s requirements would be Haitian president turned authoritarian dictator Pierre Nord Alexis who ruled from 1902-1908. The grandson of former king Henri Cristophe, he wouldve agreed to the formation of a constitutional monarchy with himself as king, but rather than cooperate with him, the republicans revolted and drove him into exile. Say their revolt is unsuccessful, and theyre forced to negotiate with Alexis, who hands over much of his power to a new parliament in exchange for reinstating the Haitian monarchy permanently. A Haitian equivalent of Napoleon 3rd, but in the 20th century as per OP requirements.
I hadn't thought of him, but you are right. That is a untapped area. Haiti could have avoided US occcupation and the struggles with the Dominican Republic.