AHC Tudor Cymraegisation

Your challenge is to have the Tudor's beyond Prince Arthur ancestral pride to instead reverse their policies of Anglicanisation and spread the Welsh language (aka Cymraeg) throughout the Kingdom.
Without technically being ASB, this is ASB. The material benefits of being English (aside from the Tudors, well, actually being English by that point) are just overwhelming.
Welsh was majority only in Wales and English speakers were such majority that it would be impossible make England Welsh majority. Best case would be to make Welsh as second official language with English. And I am unsure that Tudor kings can push even that.
For further perhaps now required clarification. I didn't say English needs to be eliminated and replaced by Welsh, merely through whatever circumstance, the linguistics policies are reversed and there is a spread of Welsh throughout the Kingdom.

The spread of a language and the absolute domination of a language are vastly different things. Take Yiddish for example, spoken throughout Europe and yet has almost no dominant position.
Purely Welsh becoming the language of power and therefore resulting in it spreading where needed. Much in the same manner of say French was prior to the Tudors or during Tsarist Russia. Spoken throughout but it was not spoken by everyone!