AHC: Ottoman Empire seen as Greek Speaking Muslim state?

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_Muslims

Russian Empire creates a Trebizondian puppet state with an Ottoman prince as a figure-head.

Break-away state in Epirus/Ioannina headed by an Ottoman usurper that fails to take the Capital, ends up a puppet/protectorate of Italy

Osman (can't really have an Ottoman dynasty without its founder) never manage to expand against their Turkish competitors, and generally stay as a Byzantine vassal. They adopt the Greek language whilst maintaining their Muslim faith, and in a moment of opportunity conquer Byzantine lands south of the Marmara. Anatolia remains divided and the Ottomans remain a minor state at the edge of Europe, their Greek-ness solidifying. Sometime in the 16th-17th century, they conquer Constantinople and proclaim themselves an Empire, though never really expanding much after that.
By the time the Turks had come along it was too late, Anatolia had already had hundreds of Arabization and by the time they conquered Constantinople it was nothing more than a Turkish puppet state. An earlier conquest when the majority of the population was still Greek speaking and the Greek language still has prestige will have interesting affects.
If that's the case, then what would be the fate of the Seljuq (Oghuz) Turkic conquerors?
If I remember correctly, there is a short story called Roma Islamica, in which arabs conquered Constantinople and became greek speaking. But they also mixed greek religion with Islam and where conquered by the Caliphate of Rome.
No.It's rather doubtful that the empire could have survived without an Ottoman at it's helm.There's most likely a period of protracted war in what used to be the Ottoman Empire between different warlords.

Err.. Why? The janissaries were a very concise, widespread and powerful institution of the Empire and the Ottomans were aware of that (eg. Auspicious incident). I'm not so sure about inheriting the entire Middle East from the OE, but the Janissary State can certainly keep its Anatolian/Balkan power base with its hybrid Turkish-Greek nature.