AHC: No WWI, with a twist

You are probably right, but the Same would have been Said of WW III if the Cuban or Berlin Crisis had escalated.
perhaps the leader of the group explicitly make sa statment outlining that they are an independent group. The kaiser therefore doesn't give AH a blank check while Russia is backing Serbia. This results in a minor war but not a world war
That PoD is probably too late. By this stage, even if the Serbian-Austrian conflict gets defused, SOMETHING is going to set off WWI. It might be a very different WWI, but it's still going to be a horrific conflict that will kill millions.

That's not to say the situation can't be diffused, only that another situation will arise to take its place, and then another. Eventually, ome minor (or not so minor) disagreement will blossom into the First World War.


Everyone's forgetting about the ultra-revanchist mood in France. They were begging for a fight with Germany.

Everyone's forgetting about the ultra-revanchist mood in France. They were begging for a fight with Germany.

That "mood" was from some of the intelligentsia and the likes of Paul Déroulède's Patriots League, a proto-fascist movement based in the lower middle class. This was opposed by the likes of Jean Jaurès and Clemencea.

So bit of an over simplification to say France was begging for a rematch with Germany
Your challenge is to prevent the Great War - however, your POD must be after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Great Britian declares war on Serbia on 29 July 1914. The BEF mobilizes its 1st and 2nd ID to Hamburg, for transport to the Danube, (forming an army with a couple of German divisions that will also invade Serbia), while the RN joins with the Austrian navy to blockade Serbia in the Adriatic.
Well Wilhelm II sent a message to his cousin (Tsar Nicholas) hoping to prevent war between their nations. Perhaps there's a quick reply from "Nicky" who stresses the need for a conference to be held between the European powers. That however will only delay the issue for a few more years as they had been in the past.
Your challenge is to prevent the Great War - however, your POD must be after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Russian Revolution 3 years earlier. Russia wants to go to war against Austria-Hungary but its soldiers mutiny from the start and therefore Russia cannot mobilize. The Russian Revolution starts a few years earlier, and Serbia, seeing no allies to back it up, reluctantly agrees to Austro-Hungarian demands. With the dissolution of the Triple Entente, treaties are going to get shuffled around a bit, defusing the situation.
Well Wilhelm II sent a message to his cousin (Tsar Nicholas) hoping to prevent war between their nations. Perhaps there's a quick reply from "Nicky" who stresses the need for a conference to be held between the European powers. That however will only delay the issue for a few more years as they had been in the past.

If Germany and Russia agree to a conference, the Austrian army can veto that by crossing the Danube and attacking the Serbian army.
Russian Revolution 3 years earlier. Russia wants to go to war against Austria-Hungary but its soldiers mutiny from the start and therefore Russia cannot mobilize. The Russian Revolution starts a few years earlier, and Serbia, seeing no allies to back it up, reluctantly agrees to Austro-Hungarian demands. With the dissolution of the Triple Entente, treaties are going to get shuffled around a bit, defusing the situation.

Same thing happens if Britain backs Austria-Hungary.
Thats why they killed him... Serbia counted on russias help, so they viewed that a war would be an easy way to expand.

Kind of, but that was Not their Core Problem with FF. He was Ready to grant the South Slavs in the monarchy utmost autonomy, and they feared that would solidify the loyalty of all the regions Serbia claimed. And As FJ was aged 84, the matter was urgent.
Kind of, but that was Not their Core Problem with FF. He was Ready to grant the South Slavs in the monarchy utmost autonomy, and they feared that would solidify the loyalty of all the regions Serbia claimed. And As FJ was aged 84, the matter was urgent.

Some teenagers killed FF. I doubt there was much beyond the opportunity to their motive.
That's quite a lot of historical revisionism there, I hope you have something to back that up with.

Princip and his crew were not particularily politically sophisticated, and didn't have much of an idea about who Franz Ferdinand was or what he stood for, other than he was a Hapsburg heir on what they considered Serbian soil. Frankly, I would hazard that the desire to commit a terrorist attack against the Austrian regime was the paramount motive to their actions. Why Tankosic and Ciganovic helped them - that's anyone's guess.
Except that Vesnić, Spalaiković, and Lesanin all stated that the Serbian government had warned the Hapsburgs of an impending attempt on Franz Ferdinand's life, and Descos reported to his government that Dimitrijević's faction at court, who had previously carried out the assassination of the Serbian King & Queen just a few years ago remember, was behind the plot, and Hartwig was in talks with the Regent Alexander to guide Serbia through the crisis without a breakout of war. Then there's Pašić originally agreeing with the above but then later stating Serbia's innocent, just in time for the Serbian elections (and, no doubt, worried about what Dimitrijević might do). I mean, I'm only scrapping the tip of the iceberg here, there's a whole cornucopia of established material that pretty solidly points to some level of involvement in the assassination on the part of elements within the Serbian government, and your argument against nearly a century's worth of research is "well, they're just a bunch of kids doing normal teen stuff - you know, assassinating a world leader or two, no big deal."
It's simple enough; just have the Habsburgs behave reasonably. If you get all but one demand met without condition or negotiation, then you should quit while you're ahead.