AHC: No President Jackson - Effects on Sam Houston?

Sam Houston is often described as the political protegee of Andrew Jackson. So this begs the question: if Jackson never became President, for whatever reasons, how would this impact Houston's career? I've speculated that without Jackson's presidency Houston might not have fled to Texas as in OTL his political reputation was soured due to an assault case with anti-Jacksonian Congressman William Stanberry.

With a POD around 1821, immediately after the conclusion of Jackson's stint as military Governor of Florida, how would Sam Houston's career be affected if Jackson never pursued the presidency? Would Houston still make his way to Texas? If not, would the Revolution last longer? How would early Texas history be affected in Houston's absence?
No Jackson may mean Davy Crockett replaces him. Then you have the question of who all becomes the famous leaders of Texas. If Jackson dies of malaria or something in Florida, things might go somewhat similarly, but if something happens that Jackson doesn't run for office you could even have Jackson at the Alamo.
That leads me to wonder, who would be among the different leaders of Texas? If Crockett left earlier (say 1833, around the time that Houston left) could he work his way up the ranks of Texas politics, eventually becoming Commander in Chief during the Revolution and maybe even Texas President? Who else would be involved in a Houston-less scenario? (Assuming Jackson is no longer a factor.)