sure, you can copy and modify if you want.
the Spanish and Portuguese versions are more complete than the English versions of the subject.
In Portuguese:
In the early 19th century, independence movements began to emerge across Hispanic America, spreading war and chaos. Faced with this feeling of insecurity and fearing chaos, in June 1822, the three governors of the Spanish departments of Upper Peru (which had already been threatened by the troops of General Antonio José de Sucre and Simón Bolívar), met in Cuiabá (capital of Captaincy of Mato Grosso, Brazil) and asked the governor to intercede with Prince Regent Dom Pedro (soon to be crowned Dom Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil), in order for the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves to annex these territories, seeking to spare their population from massacre and chaos.[19]
Immediately, the governor of Mato Grosso sent troops that were under his captaincy to Alto Peru, blocking the advance of Bolívar and Sucre, and sent a letter to Dom Pedro, informing him of the dispatch of troops and the request of the authorities of Alto Peru. (later to become Bolivia). Letter that was only received by Dom Pedro I in November 1822, when Brazil was already an independent nation. In addition, Bolívar and Sucre were faster and sent representatives to the City of Rio de Janeiro, which came before the governor's letter. Thus, upon receiving the letter, the Prince Regent had already decided not to annex Upper Peru, rejecting the request of the region's governors and ordering the troops to be withdrawn from there. With that, Dom Pedro I left the region of Alto Peru (now Bolivia) on its own, which culminated in the invasion of Bolivar and Sucre troops and Bolivian independence from Spain. Clearly, at that moment, Dom Pedro I was more concerned with defeating the resistance of Portuguese liberal troops on Brazilian soil, ensuring the unity of the newly independent nation. However, without this decision being taken, the Bolivian territory could have been integrated into Brazil.
source :ívia