AHC: Make Richard Nixon Considered a Good President

Eisenhower strokes out in '55. Nixon starts his presidency with public sympathy, but his work ethic and intelligence shows the country that his generation is ready to lead, after being forged in the depression and WW2.
This is actually pretty easy as I am a Nixon fan myself:

1. Get rid of Watergate (don't need to explain this one)
2. Get rid of the War on Drugs.
3. Pick a better VP (I'd say Rockefeller or Romney is the best bet)

There's probably more but I say those are the big 3 you need to get rid of to help Nixon's legacy. Or you can just make him president earlier (winning in '60) as other users suggested.
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3. Pick a better VP (I'd say Rockefeller or Romney is the best bet)
Romney would be the better bet. Rocky more or less detested Nixon in general, hence why he always declined Nixon's requests to be VP. Nixon probably lost quite a lot without either Romney or Rocky on his side instead of everyone's favorite Greek American Vice President.
Eisenhower strokes out in '55. Nixon starts his presidency with public sympathy, but his work ethic and intelligence shows the country that his generation is ready to lead, after being forged in the depression and WW2.
Nixon at this time wouldn't be the rather dark person that he would be known as after 1960 and 1962 (especially the latter) OTL, so it would be safe to say that Nixon's presidency would overall go very well and he would probably be elected again for a second term in 1960 for the man was definitely not a slouch and at this moment in time, he certainly was not a crook in a sense, and given he would bring his family into the white house, you would possibly see the Nixon family become the embodiment of an all American family given their relative youth and the fact that the White House had two young girls occupying it and along with a First Couple that was devoted to one another (I could only imagine how well it would go is someone tried to honeypot this version of Nixon whilst he president).

With regards to what Nixon himself would be able to accomplish, it would be assumed that anti-communism would be very much a stringent thing that Nixon would use to the fullest in terms of getting his support, but for lets say civil rights, I could see Nixon doing the right damn thing and maybe given his OTL self, he would push harder to try and integrate once things are settled, though he would have to get around the Dixiecrats in order to do that, though given this time period... him and Kennedy would still be good friends and Nixon already knew LBJ so I could see some things getting thrown around to get around that.

As for things such as labor unions, Nixon would probably find an ally within George Meany and AFL-CIO as long as Nixon does rock the boat with Taft-Hartley, which he probably wouldn't given the man was more or less a Keynesian given OTL, probably to most Keynesian the US had honestly. So yeah, Nixon would have his support there, and maybe if he plays things right he could also secure Walter Reuther, though that I gotta check out on.

Economically, expect a boom so yeah.

Foreign Policy, expect it to be early Richard Nixon, as in the man who went toe to toe with Khrushchev... though it would be very interesting to see how he would handle the CIA, things like United Fruit, Iran... etc.

There is my freaky take.
And keep the Gold Standard. That was a big mistake on his part.
Well he took the US off the gold standard because of the ongoing fiscal crisis. There was rising inflation and then there was the cost of LBJ’s Great Society program which was a massive increase in government spending.
I doubt Nixon would be assassinated in the same manner as Kennedy. Nixon was a very cautious man. Nixon would never have ridden in a motorcade with the top off. Nixon was way more paranoid and more averse to risk as opposed to say Kennedy. Nixon also likely would have had a different foreign policy and domestic policy as well, and being a Republican he probably would have been more popular in Texas.
Actually I could see Nixon being assassinated in the same light (not thats it's 100% certain but it's not ASB). Nixon's pro civil rights stance could also make him unpopular in the South and also IIRC but wasn't Oswald a communist sympathizer? Nixon was anti-communist (like JFK) which could prompt an attempt to assassinate Nixon!
Kennedy was largely a mediocre president whose scandals and tarnished legacy were swept under the rug thanks to the shock of his assassination which turned him into a national martyr.
I agree that JFK historical reputation boosted after his assassination but I wouldn't say he was mediocre. His domestic policy was excellent, his foreign policy was meh so about average imo. Also, what do you mean by "tarnished legacy"? Did I miss that?
Well he took the US off the gold standard because of the ongoing fiscal crisis. There was rising inflation and then there was the cost of LBJ’s Great Society program which was a massive increase in government spending.

Well, taking America off the gold standard didn't work did it? Stagflation still occured in the 1970s and many people blame Nixon's decision to terminate the Bretton Woods system in 1971.


This. Nixon was forced to work with a Democratic Congress and he signed various workplace and environmental reforms only because they were popular at the time. He once said that he cared as much about domestic policy as he did about outhouses in Peoria.
Presidents are more free in foreign policy.


2. Pick a better VP, George Romney is a good choice.
3. Save South Vietnam
4. Pass Nixoncare(employer mandate)
5. Pass Nixon's negative income tax plan.
6. Better tackle the 1973 crash: keep Bretton-Woods, not reinstate price controls, encourage consumption
6. Officialy recognize China after admittance into the UN
7. Pass ERA
8. Pardon the draft-dodgers
9. Don't start the War on Drugs
There you have it. Nixon is the President which handled the 1973 crash, furthered multilateralism (Helsinki Accord, SALT, China), significantly reduced US poverty, kept America's allies safe and reconciled the country with the draft dodgers. Romney is off to easily succed him.
Romney loses more votes to Wallace than gains.


Richard Nixon has a controversial legacy. He is the only President to resign from office due to his cover up over the Watergate Scandal, and he escalated the war in Vietnam despite promising to end it. But his defenders credit it him with ending America's direct combat role in Vietnam, recognizing China, and creating the EPA.

Nixon was an intelligent person and a talented politician who had the potential to be great, but his paranoia, jealousy, vindictiveness, and dishonesty led to his downfall. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to alter the course of Richard Nixon's political career so that he not only wins the Presidency but is considered a successful Commander in Chief. The POD is of your choosing.
He somehow breaks deal with Mao while visiting China for south Vietnam and Cambodia to be under US influence while North Vietnam and Laos would be allowed to be communist. Basically, Chinese pressure them too their sphere(or at least create internal divisions between pro soviet vs prob sino sects of party) and cut aid to point they can’t make counter offensives anymore. The US withdraws without fall of Saigon but like Korea keep few bases there. It’s technically “victory” but somewhat Pyrrhic victory.

He also avoids water gates. He basically is very polarizing figure now but well remember by good bit too.
Make him less of a paranoid fuck who sees his list of political opponents as literal enemies so he doesn't sign off on Watergate.

Done. He is remembered as one of America's left-leaning presidents domestically, but a tad hawkish on the foreign policy issues.
One option might be to find some way for him to win the 1962 gubernatorial election in California. It's difficult but winning that might potentially take some of the sting out of the 1960 presidential election loss. Provided he didn't make any major missteps it sets him up nicely for another tilt at the presidency in 1968 whilst making him unavailable in 1964.
An interesting POD would be if Nixon decided to avoid challenging incumbent Pat Brown for California governor in 1962 and waited until the 1964 US Senate election in California where the incumbent retired due to ill health or alternatively even bided his time until the 1966 gubernatorial election when Brown was considerably more unpopular due to the Watts riot. It would be interesting if Nixon uses this time to travel more around Asia and Latin America, making him at least somewhat more understanding of Third World leftism.
An interesting POD would be if Nixon decided to avoid challenging incumbent Pat Brown for California governor in 1962 and waited until the 1964 US Senate election in California where the incumbent retired due to ill health or alternatively even bided his time until the 1966 gubernatorial election when Brown was considerably more unpopular due to the Watts riot. It would be interesting if Nixon uses this time to travel more around Asia and Latin America, making him at least somewhat more understanding of Third World leftism.

Brown was popular in 1962 so challenging him so soon after losing to Kennedy was a bad move on Nixon's part. 1964 is a possibility that hasn't been mentioned before but it could definitely work. It would also make more sense for Nixon considering that he had been a Senator 12 years earlier.

So a less embittered Senator Nixon is nominated in 1968. Though if Nixon does not interfere in the peace talks, might Humphrey win?