AHC: Get French Guinea to go Independent

With a POD after 1900, make French Guiana. became a Independent State and not apart of France still, bonus points if it's independent name is French sounding.
The French Guinea movement gains steam after the 1970s rather than losing it. Maybe the Dutch keep their portion.
With a POD after 1900, make French Guiana. became a Independent State and not apart of France still, bonus points if it's independent name is French sounding.

Have France and Great Britain go to war against each other, and have Great Britain win. No Entente Cordiale would work for that.

As a result, Great Britain gains French Guiana, which is probably renamed Cayenne.

Later, during decolonization, Cayenne becomes independent along with British Guiana.


If she's not butterflied away... that women would be perfect for the job...

She's too busy being kick-ass in France :rolleyes:



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Yes! And France needs her. Independent Guyanne française butterflies this and maybe gay marriage away in France. Not awesome.
Without Christiane Taubira we can have homosexual mariage in france like in other country without any problem.

The big difficulty for an independant Guyanne is the spaceport of Kourrou, France doesn't want to release it after 1964.