AHC: French Algeria and Italian Libya in 2012

By dint of being their colonizer and the record of oppressive brutality carried out in Algeria dating back to the 19th century, the French little to no prestige to speak of amongst their colonized subjects.

They are also in stronger position and don't have loss of Indochine happening only a few years prios.

Why should the French compromise when their Colonialist mindset is spared the reality-smack of Indochina?

OP asked how to keep Algeria French. I said that French are willing to give some concessions. Why? Well, I don't know, it's just a POD that results in that they are willing to do so. More realistic french leadership willing to give in at some points to keep Algeria.

And Algerians don't want compromise--that assumption is based on the fallacy that the Algerians want to be Frenchman, which by definition is a Catholic White Man. Algerians did not want to be French, they wanted to be Algerians and have nothing to do with a bunch of racist conquerors who legalized mob terror and routinely carried out torture and massacre, all while insisting that they were spreading the virtues of the Enlightenment and Western Civilization.

Can you be sure that every Algerian wanted an independance at any cost? That given political rights they wouldn't be prepared to remain in France? And don't forget French population in Algeria. Or that there were Algerians fighting for France against insurgents/guerillas/pro independance forces/whatever you call them.

France pouring more money into the Algerian abscess, that just means that more Frenchmen (and many, many more Algerians) die. Independence is perhaps delayed by a few years, but the fundamental difference between Indochina and Algeria is that the Viet Cong weren't bombing Parisian cafés.

From what I gather French did won military control (more or less) but the problem was that French population in France was sick of war, sick of cost, coming right after Indochina war. Remove that war and there is no weariness among the people and no waste of resources there and French in France are more willing to see the war through to victory. Seeing how Algeria was seen as ore important than Indochina anyway. Combine that with copromise acceptable to both majority of French and Algerians and you get Algeria remaining French.