AHC: Form alternate/new ethnic groups of the world

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create alternate or new ethnic groups from alternate timelines by creating possible Point of divergence for the ethnogenesis. You must discuss about the history of the new/alternate ethnic group.

This is the first ethnic group for the challenge.

Moorish American
Andalucian (Modern Mozarabic)
Ancestry: Moorish (Mixture of Spanish, Arab and Berber) people who immigrated to the United States in 18th century
Religion: Islam
Culture: A mixture of Arab, Berber and Spanish customs with original customs.
San Lazarene
San Lazarene (San Lazareno)
Ancestry: Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Irish, Japanese, German, Polish, Italian, French, Dutch, English, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Scottish, Welsh, Croatian, Lithuanian, and Latvian
Religion: Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Protestant, others) and Irreligion
Culture: Mixed of Spanish, German, Italian, and other European strong permanent direct influence with indirect Indian and Chinese and also American influences
Space: The Philippines (northern and central Philippines), United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, France, Germany, and other western countries
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Taong Luuk
Luuk language (Saong Luuk)
Ancestry: Austronesian (proto-Philippine and Malayic)
- Present: "Folk Christianity"
- Past: Animism with Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist influences
Culture: Predominantly Austronesian, with indirect Indian and Chinese influences, as well as WesternEuropean direct influence in the colonial period.
Space: The Philippines, most specifically the eastern part of Manila Bay.
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Romaic, indigenous languages
Ancestry: Melanesian (Kanak) and Polynesian with Greek, Slavonic, or Albanian admixture
Religion: Orthodox; Catholic and Jewish minorities
Culture: Eastern Roman (Byzantine)/Hellenic, mixed with Melanesian (Kanak) & Polynesian traditions.
Space: Neakriti, a Byzantine-colonized New Caledonia
Can contributors please specify the locations of these new ethnic groups, as @Wendell has done (thank you). I assume both the 'San Lazarene' and 'Taong Luuk' groups are situated somewhere in the Philippine/Indonesian archipelago, but it'd be nice to know more precisely.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create alternate or new ethnic groups from alternate timelines by creating possible Point of divergence for the ethnogenesis. You must discuss about the history of the new/alternate ethnic group.

This is the first ethnic group for the challenge.

Moorish American
Andalucian (Modern Mozarabic)
Ancestry: Moorish (Mixture of Spanish, Arab and Berber) people who immigrated to the United States in 18th century
Religion: Islam
Culture: A mixture of Arab, Berber and Spanish customs with original customs.

That's gonna change the common parlance of Moor

Moors Sundry Act of 1790
They have Considered the same and are of opinion that no Law of this State can in its Construction or Operation apply to them, and that persons who were Subjects of the Emperor of Morocco being Free in this State are not triable by the Law for the better Ordering and Governing of Negroes and other Slaves

All who seemed Muslim and had an "arabesque" look to them on the white or blacker end was called Moor. As were ethnic Fulani such as Ibrahim ibn Sori

Scytho-Khotanese (a.k.a. Sakan) with Tocharian, Turkic, Tunguskic and East Asian linguistic influences. Called Hvatanese and classified as an Indo-Iranian, East Persian Language.
Ancestry: A mix of Scythian and Tocharian ancestries which migrated eastward during the time of the Khotanese Empire which ruled China from c.250 AD to c.600. Intermixed with Mongol, Jurchen and Korean bloodlines.
Appearance: Inheritors of the fair hair and eye colours of they're Scythian/Tocharian ancestors with more Asiatic traits manifesting in epicanthal folds and neotenous features. Taller than most East Asians.
Religion: Predominantly Vajrayana Buddhism of a similar stand to that practised in Mongolia and Tibet. Some unique Scythian folk elements owning to Indo-Iranian paganism.
Culture: Historically diverse with a cosmopolitan settled culture developing in Southern Hvatna (Manchuria) during the mid 1st Millennium AD alongside continued nomadic pastoralism on the Western plains and a maritime culture originating in the Amur Basin.
Space: Northeast Asia, north of Korea, occupying all of OTL Manchuria (including Outer Manchuria) which is called Hvatna in ATL. Extensive historical migration and settlement to Sakhalin, Northern Japan, Korea, the Kurils and Kamchatka.

Peninsular Indios

Spanish with strong Native American loanwords
Ancestry: Native American tribes who were transported to Spain as slaves during the 16th century, mostly comprised of Nahuas, Mayans, Quechas, Tainos, Puebloans and others.
Religion: Syncretic Catholicism with indigenous animism.
Culture: Diverse, cosmopolitian culture fused with origins from indigenous cultures around the Americas.
Space: Concentrated around the coast of Southern Spain.

An English derivative with strong Slavic influences
Ancestry: English people that fled William the Conqueror to create a New England on the Crimean peninsula
Religion: Catholicism with Eastern Orthodox and a very small amount of Dvoeverie influences
Culture: Attempts to maintain traditional English culture has given way as some Anhlyiskans have married into Slavic families. Given that they started from a couple of ports spread throughout the Black Sea they have a heavy focus on naval and military service.
Space: Southern Crimea and a few ports around the Black Sea.
Mestiços de Japão

Both Portuguese and Japanese, or a creole for both languages
Ancestry: Portuguese who have settled in Kyushu island to facilitate the conversion of the island to Catholicism from the mid-16th century and intermarried with the Japanese. At its peak in the early 18th century this group comprised 5% of the island's population. Later assimilated to Kyushu's Yamato population by the mid-19th century.
Religion: Predominantly a syncretic form of Roman Catholicism with indigenous Shinto beliefs
Culture: A mix of Portuguese and Japanese culture, formed the bulk of Kyushu's elite class after the Otomo clan (with Portuguese assistance) took control of the island.
Space: Mostly in the cities of Nagasaki and Hirado since they were Portuguese concessions until an ATL counterpart of a Meiji restoration happens, with smaller concentrations in Saga, Hakata (OTL Fukuoka), Kumamoto, Oita, Kagoshima and Miyazaki

Ruchu (Novoaçorianos)

Ryukyuan languages, Japanese and Portuguese
Ancestry: Basically the OTL Ryukyuan people living under Portuguese colonial rule from 1646 (two years after the Ming collapse) until it gained independence around the 1970s
Religion: Predominantly a syncretic form of Roman Catholicism with elements of Ryukyuan religion
Culture: Original customs mixed with strong Portuguese and Chinese influence with indirect Japanese influences
Space: Mostly in the Ruchu islands south of Japan (Formally called "Nova Açores" by the Portuguese but it's used interchangeably), with diaspora populations mostly in Portugal, Brazil, Formosa and Terrastralia (ATL Portuguese Australia)
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Language: Dutch, Japanese, and a unique mix of the two (like Afrikaans but with even more simplified vowels and grammar)
Ancestry: Descendants of Dutch traders in Japan settling at Dejima
Religion: Protestant Calvinist
Culture: Japanese architecture, food and dress; Dutch music and literature
Space: Mostly in and around Nagasaki where they form a dominant minority and are around 10% of the population.
Yuzhnyian with a unique mix of creole
Ancestry: Russian and other peoples from Europe that settled in parts of Russian China
Religion: Eastern Orthodox
Culture: Mixed with Chinese and Russian customs and belief; mixed Russian architecture
Space: Northeastern China
Iberian Britons
Language: British Romance (Iberian variant)
Ancestry: Romance-speaking Britons from the southeast who fled to the northern coast of Iberian Peninsula at the wake of Germanic invasions in the 6th century.
Religion: Roman Catholicism
Culture: Western European
Space: OTL Guipúzcoa and Navarra
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New Gothian (a mix of reconstructed Gothian with Baltic influences)
Ancestry: Crimean Goths, East Germans (mainly Prussians), some Lithuanian, Estonian and Lativian
Religion: Eastern Orthodox (Kingsberg Partiarchate)
Culture: Primarily German with Baltic influences along with original Gothian traditions reconstructed.
Space: Eastern Prussia

The result of a cultural renaissance in which Prussians had decided to diverge from Catholic Austria or Protestant Germany and embrace their long-forgotten Gothic roots. Having recreated a culture based on the past Goths, including using the Gothic alphabet and a new language, various Baltic immigrants would assimilate to help recreate a true new different identity.
A couple that could show up in my timeline later down the road (yes, it's still going, I'm just really slow to update)


Wuchodolian (a West Slavic based language with a lot of loan words and influence from Saxon, Frisian, Vulgar Latin and Frankish)
Ancestry: Descended from the Sorbian warriors granted land in OTL Alsace by Widukind during the Great Pagan Invasion of Francia
Religion: At the current point in the timeline (825) it's Slavic paganism. Later on they're likely to turn to the Bavarian Church, though many folk beliefs will stick around.
Culture: A mix of Sorbian, Saxon and Frnakish customs, with the elite especially adhering to the Sorbian way of life.
Space: Concentrated along the Rhine river, especially the west bank of the Rhine river.


Basque, with Berber, Norse, Latin and Arabic influences.
Ancestry: The Akituniyyans are the culmination of mixing cultures between the native Basques of OTL Navarre and the Berbers expelled from Al-Andalus following the Berber Revolt. Later on trade, settlement and finally conversion by the Norsemen in Northern Iberia would add the last major piece of Akituniyyyan heritage. Additional influences by trade with the more populous Al-Andalus and Al-Gharb would result in Arabic influences as well.
Religion: Kharijite Islam
Culture: Due to their history, they are suspicious of outsiders. The combination of Kharijite beliefs and Norse culture has also given them a not totally undeserved reputation as warlike. They will mellow out over the centuries if they survive, but at the moment they're going to exploit every advantage to survive.
Space: Northeast Iberia, southwest France.


Frisian with Anglo-Saxon loanwords
Ancestry: Descended from the Frisian invaders of Britain in the late eighth century
Religion: Currently Germanic Paganism. Likely to fall into the influence of one of the Catholic churches eventually though.
Culture: Very similar to their continental Germanic brethren, the Anglo-Frisians are heavily based on raiding, ring-giving and warband loyalty.
Space: The British Isles, especially centered in OTL Wessex and OTL Kent

And one group that might make an appearance later in the TL:


Papar, a Celtic language
Ancestry: The first settlers of Paparia (OTL Iceland) came from Ireland in the fifth century. They established monasteries, and later monks brought family with them to the north (celibacy was not universal at this time).
Religion: Celtic Catholic
Culture: A highly religious and ascetic people, the Papar have little time or resources for frivolity. Architecture and clothing is very utilitarian. Settlements are small and intimate. Due to a low population, young people are encouraged to marry outside of their home villages to prevent consanguinity.
Space: OTL Iceland

And finally one that has nothing to do with my timeline:


Japanese with Ainu and French loanwords
Ancestry: The Ezo Republic was founded in 1869 to preserve the traditions of Bushido and other aspects of traditional Japanese culture that the Samurai viewed as being under threat. Granted land in the island of Ezo, the Ezoese established their state as an autonomous vassal of the Japanese Empire, where they could rule as they had before the Boshin War.
Religion: Shinto, Buddhist, Ainu animism
Culture: Though the Ezoese were originally meant solely to preserve the traditional Japanese way of life, they soon began to incorporate the traditions of the Ainu natives of Ezo, as well as the new technologies and ideas from the French who provided much of the financial backing for the Republic. Architecture and clothing is generally traditional Japanese however, with the only European style buildings being those built by foreign investors or embassies. Traditional ways are prevalent in the island, and modernization such as the power grids were made custom to maintain the pre-Meiji atmosphere of Ezo. (What I'm trying to go for here are basically Japanese Mennonites)
Space: Ezo (Hokkaido)


Indo-Anatolio-Caucasians: Caucasian and Anatolian confederation consisting of Hurrians,Urartians,Kaskians,Hattians,Georgians,Anatolians migrates into the Northern regions of Indian subcontinent in large numbers and colonizes it and also urbanizes it. Those regions have a majority of the people there. IVC is assimilated into the confederation and eventually ASI people would be. Indo-Iranians in this timeline still enter India but further History is deflected. India becomes an eastern version of Rome and Europe exactly. Only difference would be language which would be mostly Anatolian. Tocharians become like Gauls and Indo-Iranians become the later invaders. Eventually Vulgar Anatolian becomes the language which evolves into later languages. White Pamiris who don't go extinct become like Finns and Burusho like Basque.
Religion: Anatolian and Caucasian mixed Monotheism and Buddhism with Iranian and Aryan elements in the later ages.
Appearance: Northern regions from Pamir to Himachal/Punjab are just like Europe have Blonde/Red hair and Blue/Green eyes. Slightly different Caucasoid features.
South and Central is mostly appearing like today's Georgians,Armenians and other Caucasians with a large minority of Middle East looking peoples.
Language: Mostly Vulgar Anatolian derived language in the Middle and Modern eras,Classical Anatolian in the Classical era and minority languages of the confederation are also spoken.
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New Netherlander, a West Germanic language evolved from the Dutch dialects spoken by the New World-bound colonists; historically Arabic, Berber, etc.

Ancestry: Arab, Berber, Spanish, Dutch, French, Native American and English.

Religion: Islam

Culture: Mistakenly thought of as Turks, the ancestors of the Toorkmen were actually Iberian crypto-Muslims fleeing persecution in Spain and found sanctuary amongst the Dutch. The Muslim community, while grateful, were afraid of their children completely losing connection with their Islamic roots and thus moved to the sparsely inhabited Dutch colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America. These Muslim Dutch, or Toorkmen, would achieve initial success as businessmen, setting themselves up as intermediaries between their Dutch contemporaries and the Maroon and Native American communities in the interior. Their connection to their Iberian Muslim roots would eventually wither due to time and generations of intermarriage, making the Toorkmen indistinguishable from your average New Netherlander save for religion.

Region: Republic of the New Netherlands (Hudson River Valley, Long Island, New Jersey)
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Oriental Europeans: Indo-European Anatolians with Caucasians flourish in the Middle East,North Africa,Parts of Sahel and even conquer Yemen and Hijaz too.
Language: Classical Anatolian,Greek,Caucasian,NW Semitic.
Appearance: Same as Europeans and ranges with region.
Region: Whole West Asia and North Africa,Sudan,Western Iran.
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Oriental Greeks and Oriental Romans: Greek colonies in Central Asia and Indian subcontinent are flourishing and Romans join it too. Making the region settled and populated with them.
Language: Classical Greek and Classical Latin with some Iranian,Dravidian and Aryan languages.
Appearance: Southern European and many French looking.
Region:Highlighted parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan,Tajikistan and Tarim Basin.
Finnish Vinlanders (Viinamaansuomalaiset)
Language: Vinlandic dialects of Finnish--these dialects are most closely related to Eastern Finnish dialects.
Ancestry: Finnish settlers who formed the core of immigration to Vinland from the early 16th to 18th century, some indigenous heritage
Religion: Protestantism
Culture: Northern European
Region: Vinland (especially the Atlantic provinces and far north), New England, Michigan, Minnesota

The (re-)colonisation of Vinland in the late 15th century by what would become the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia attracted a variety of people from the Finnish provinces, mostly small-scale farmers, hunters, and trappers. They were among the first settlers of the mainland of the country, and formed the vanguard of Norse colonial expansion in North America. While many assimilated into mainstream Vinlandic culture (indeed, the majority of Vinlanders have Finnish heritage to this day), in their traditional homelands of the Coast Provinces [Maritimes] and in the mid-north and far-north, the inverse occurred and many kept their language and traditions. The Finnish national movement of the 19th century inspired Finnish Vinlanders equally, and helped preserve their culture and customs. At the same time, their homelands were impoverished in many parts (despite early industrialisation), so many emigrated south to the border regions of the United States.

In provinces where they form a majority or a significant minority, the Finnish Vinlanders have managed to establish Finnish as the sole official language or co-official with Norse. Some critics claim this hinders the economic growth of the Coastal Provinces, already a declining region due to deindustrialisation and the decline of local fisheries. In response, the notion of "Atlantic secession" has become increasingly popular in this region--if successful, the proposed "Atlantic Republic" would become only the second independent country in the world to speak a Uralic language. While most Finnish Vinlanders only passively (at best) support this and believe it should be done through the democratic process, some militant groups have appeared, including a local branch of the notorious Finnish militant group IjV (Isänmaa ja Vapaus, "Fatherland and Liberty") which has taken credit for several terrorist attacks and represents one of the most dangerous domestic terrorist threats in Vinland.