AHC: Alternate European Capitals

Portugal capital Rio de Janeiro (Brazil does not secede from Portugal and the Royal Family stays there) would be interesting.

But as for the proposed Europe:
Spain capital Lisbon (ITTL Portugal and Spain remain united)
England capital York (the court moved there after the invassion of the Spanish Armada and never returned to London)
Netherlands capital Brussels (Spain granted independence as a catholic nation under an Spanish-Hapsburg king)
France capital Orleans (the court moved there to be farther from the border with the Spanish Flanders, never to return to Paris)
Germany (former HRE) capital Aachen
Italy capital Milan (unification of Italy with Spanish help... Naples, Sicily and Sardinia are still Spanish)
Norway capital Trondheim
Finland capital Turku
Poland capital Krakow
Hungary capital Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia)
Greece capital Constantinopolis
Croatia capital Spalato
Turkey capital Konya

The most likely capital for a Germany derived from the HRE is Frankfurt not Aachen
Any Kingdom of Italy who do not include Rome and South Italy will have Milan as capital (with Pavia and Florence as second and third choice)
As capital for an united Spain I will say Talavera de la Reina or Salamanca are the most logical options (considering the reason behind the choice of Madrid). I guess who Toledo also can work but is a little too eastern.
Think outside the box!
capitals for european countries outside their current borders :

(some of these are a stretch)
Netherlands : New Amsterdam
Spain : Lisboa
Portugal : Rio
Germany : Wien
Vatican City : Avignon
Serbia : Timisvar
Croatia : Venice
Russia : Kiev
Greece or Bulgaria : Constantinople
Macedonia : Thessaloniki
Hungary : Alba Iulia
Italy : Ajaccio
Andorra : Foix
Turkey : Baghdad
Poland : Vilnius
Lithuania : Krakow
Estonia : Riga
Luxembourg : Arlon
France : London
Moldova : Izmail


Romania - Targoviste, Bran Castle, or Castle Dracula. Historical capitals depending on you POD


With a *Germany made from a centralized HRE it could have three capitals.
A centeralised HRE would always have it’s capital in Wein no? The only way I see a centeralised HRE rather than just a unified German is via Habsburg supremacy in the region and Prussia being dismantled/cut down to size/never rising to begin with.
Well, concerning the proposals about Versailles as a capital, it never was the official capital of France AFAIK, it always remained Paris. Some institutions moved to Versailles with the King, but the monarchy officially changing the capital to Versailles would be a pretty bold move ... the most likely way forit to happen wouldn't be under the monarchy but with the Third Republic, to punish the Commune ....

We could also have Bourges as a secondary capital for France, because it's even more central than Paris and it hosted the capital during the Hundred Years War (official capital, not just place where the court lives), and it was HUGE before the Incendie de la Madeleine. I'm not sure about how to make it the main capital, maybe some Two Centuries War ?

For Austria-Hungary, the capital could be Sopron, to symbolize the good will of the Hapsburgs monarchy for reform.

The capital of Montenegro could be Cetinje, especially if it retained it's monarchy.

Sarajevo for Yugoslavia, first or second

Bergen for Norway, it was the Viking capital

Brno for Czechoslovakia, to put it in the middle of the country, as a link.

Lausanne for a Romand-dominated Switzerland, Geneva is too "independant" to accept the offer I think.


Romania - Targoviste, Bran Castle, or Castle Dracula. Historical capitals depending on you POD
Wasnt Bran Castle on the border of Wallachia and Moldavia? Its unlikely a border town would be chosen as the capital of the duchy at the time. Perhaps after unification between Transylvania and Romania it would be chosen as a place centeral to the nation. I am more interested in why the two original duchies decided to keep the capital in Bucharest in Wallachia without any consideration of Iasi in northern Moldavia. Wouldnt a PLC Warsaw styled city be encouraged between the two duchy capitals? Was there any protest from Moldavians regarding the capital being in Bucharest?
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A centeralised HRE would always have it’s capital in Wein no? The only way I see a centeralised HRE rather than just a unified German is via Habsburg supremacy in the region and Prussia being dismantled/cut down to size/never rising to begin with.
Historically it had three (and this a a matter that predated the rise of Prussia). Wein housed the Aulic Council, Regensburg had the Imperial Diet, and Wetzlar had the Imperial Chamber Court.


Historically it had three (and this a a matter that predated the rise of Prussia). Wein housed the Aulic Council, Regensburg had the Imperial Diet, and Wetzlar had the Imperial Chamber Court.
The imperial chamber court moved around the empire since it’s inception. I wouldnt put it past the Habsburgs to move it closer to Wein.

You make a good point about Regensburg, I could see the city becoming the capital of the entire empire if the Habsburg aren’t the ones spearheading the centeralisation.

Bergen for Norway, it was the Viking capital.
The implications for Bergen capital of Norway is interesting. Would it isolate the country away from Sweden and Denmark and promote New World exploration? It could become a hub for trading with Canada.
The imperial chamber court moved around the empire since it’s inception. I wouldnt put it past the Habsburgs to move it closer to Wein.
From 1689 to 1806 the court was in Wetzlar. I mean it certainly could have been moved (and a centralized HRE requires a PoD long before 1689) but OTL it certainly settled in Wetzlar after being kicked around the empire like a soccer ball.

In the interest of keeping the HRE as quirky as possible while still going with a Habsburg-led centralization, perhaps Prague as the permanent seat of the ICC?
The implications for Bergen capital of Norway is interesting. Would it isolate the country away from Sweden and Denmark and promote New World exploration? It could become a hub for trading with Canada.

Actually it would probably make Norway even more atlantic that it is otl, you're right
A France without a Revolution would have Versailles as the capital.

Not necessarily; my understanding is that while the Royal Court was at Versailles, the capital was still officially in Paris (in the same way that Windsor or Balmoral are the country homes for the present Royal Family while London remain the capital).:)
For Italy Ravenna, Milan and Pavia are the most immediately obvious candidates with a medieval PoD. Pavia was the capital of the Lombard kingdom, Tavenna of the Gothic. Milan was briefly the WRE capital and if the Visconti succeed could become the capital of a United (northern) Italy eventually.

All roads do lead to Rome however. A unified peninsula will probably gravitate their eventually.
Not necessarily; my understanding is that while the Royal Court was at Versailles, the capital was still officially in Paris (in the same way that Windsor or Balmoral are the country homes for the present Royal Family while London remain the capital).:)

Also like how Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands despite not actually being the seat of government.