AH Nudity Challenge


AH Challenge:
Given a POD no later than 1800 make both male and female nudity a totally acceptable fashion line in the US and the Western world. By nudity I mean clothing which either is completely transparent or lacking over those areas normally covered for 'decency' and/or the complete lack of clothing at all. Normal seasonal variations and restrictions apply.

1000 bonus points if you can also make sex in public as acceptable as any other public sign of affection.

Some things we all know but should keep in mind:

Nude beaches are popular and common the world over, even in the US.
While it has never gone to the Supreme Court many local and district judges have made rulings that requiring women to cover the chest is unconstitutional discrimination if the same is not done to men under the circumstances.
Antisexuality is a recent and not entirely accepted part of the Women's Movement. 60's/70's women's advocates usually saw freer love as essentially good for women. There are still numbers of women's proponents who see pornography and sexuality as empowering women rather than victimizing them.
Maxwell Smart fails and the evil forces of KAOS exploded multiple nude bombs in the early 80's destroying the worlds supplies of clothing for decades to come. Team sports are devastated (both teams are skins), OJ is found guilty (there is no glove to not fit) and of course the Clinton/Lewinski affair is not so scandalous with out a blue dress to stain.