The 2009 animation Tsu no akai būtsu (つの赤いブーツ) known in English as 'Three Pink Boots' is famous for being Studio Ghibli's only real flop so far.
True, along with several truly great movies, over the years Ghibli also made a couple of movies that were just plain good, but it took Ghibli's retelling of the faerie tale of 'Puss in Boots' situated in the 1970's Tokio gay scene to actually loose money. True, the idea of a closeted young boy ultimately finding true love and acceptance throug the help of a gay cat spirit with three light brown 'socks' was groundbreaking, even radical for it's time and place. Yet in reality the movie dabbled in every Japanese and western gay stereotype without making it clear whether it embraced or parodied them, leaving viewers confused about the true message of the flick.
Insiders now see the movie as the prime example of the 'late Miyazaki period' where Hayao Miyazaki, nearing his 70th birthday tried to distance himself from daily operations in order to pave the way for his retirement. The movie, the story goes, came about when Ghibli's marketing department made a compelling case that folllowing Dreamworks' reinvention of the character 'Puss in Boots' as a Zorro-type Mexican swordfighter, a gay samurai cat would be the next big thing. Common sense should have proven them wrong immediately, but apparently Miyazaki's response was 'Well, let them try'....
Next up:
President Evil
Note: I have had this on my list ever since posted a challenge for 'Resident Evil'. However real llfe events every time convinced me that those was not yet the right time. It may not even be now. So I ask to everyone responding not to take the 'obvious' approach but to take some time to come up with something truly original like Evil Knievel's run for president of the Screen Actor's guild or something......