AH.com's copy of For All Time has errors


It's a lovely archive from a newsgroup almost gone, but there are a few issues with it.

1. 9.5, 17.5 and 24.5 are all missing.

2. The ending parts:
Found it!

Part 125
Part 126
Part 127

And finally, For All Time: The Revenge, the final "Where are they now?" segment

3. Going by this archive, at least Pt. 7 is missing some parts. Some more investigation needs to be done to see what else is missing. Of course, I'm not sure if the author ended up retroactively editing some of these segments.

For All Time Pt. Seven

January-February 1943

-In President Henry Wallace's first full year in office, 1942, he has managed
Wreck US-South American relations
Alienate the US from Britain
End bipartisanship toward the war effort in America
Elect a Congress dominated by his enemies
Lose most of FDR's top-ranking cabinet
and that's just the stuff he's done accidentally.

-The Havana Conference (January 14-24 of 1943) is one of the more ghastly
experiences of Winston Churchill's life. At times it seems as if President
Wallace is simply ignoring him in his discussions with Soviet Foriegn Minister
Molotov; even when official negotiations are over, the two chat with each other
long into the night about the USSR and the USA working together for global
cooperation and peace.

In the end, the conference manages to accomplish a lot, though. The United
States makes a firm commitment to open up a second front in France in 1943,
and, reluctantly, agrees to support a British/Commonwealth/French invasion of
Sicily in that same year. George C. Marshall will command the big American
invasion, codenamed ROUND-UP, while the British will give command to _the_
British general in North Africa, Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, for
Operation HUSKY.

With both the recent British victories in Libya and the tentative approaches
made by the Darlan government in Algiers freshly in mind, the Allies pledge to
recognize any French government that becomes hostile to the Germans, Vichy or
Free French. Charles De Gaulle, who was not invited to the conference, goes
half-mad with rage, but there's little he can do about it; even his monumental
ambition cannot stop him from fighting the Germans. The Soviets agree to launch
an offensive against the Germans as soon as possible; in the summer, when the
Allied landings are planned.

In the Pacific, Churchill proves to be a bit more successful, perhaps because
he is, for once, in agreement with Admiral Ernest King. While the American
island-hopping campaign will continue, none of the powers will take the
offensive into Burma or another area of jungle, instead the British will move
into China, to keep supply lines open that way. Also, the Anglo-Austro-American
forces agree to ensure the crushing of the Japanese Navy as soon as possible.

The worst finally happens at the very end of the conference, after a long
speech from Molotov that the Americans should have opened up a second front in
France in 1942, perhaps even in French North Africa. While Churchill rolls his
eyes inwardly and idly contemplates a world where he doesn't have to listen to
these people, President Wallace listens intently, and then tells the Foriegn
Minister that yes, that's true, the military could have moved more
quickly...but he does have compensation for their gallant allies.

There's a project the US government is funding in Chicago...after some
negotiation, the Soviets and Americans agree to cooperate on their projects,
such as they are. The liason between them, chosen to assure Churchill that the
British aren't entirely screwed over, is a fine gentleman named Klaus Fuchs,
who is soon on his way to the University of Chicago...

-In early February of 1943, Tripoli is beseiged by Montgomery's forces. Things
are going pretty well for the British in North Africa; Torch hasn't happened,
of course, but the Axis is still in full retreat. Plus, all the high-ranking
officers enjoy reading the dispatches from the Vichy French to Rommel; Admiral
Darlan writes that he is shocked, _shocked!_ that the latest shipment of
supplies has yet to reach Rommel's men in Tunisia and Libya, and he'll...do the
best he can to see that more arrives.

Meanwhile, the French fleet at Toulon has slipped past the Germans and docked
at Algiers; through a pre-arranged communication, they made it through the
Allied fleet as well. Darlan is almost ready, now, but he sees no reason at all
why he shouldn't wait until Rommel is at his weakest. He and General Henri
Giraud plot strategy long into the night.

Concious of just how weak the Wehrmacht looks, Hermann Goering, in his
infrequent periods of not being high on heroin, has worked out a plan of bold
skill, to shock the Americans into sensibility, and, even better, to make
Herman Goering look really, really good. Plans are already underway for the
Ju-190, and so he throws his considerable weight behind them, aiming to have a
squadron of fifty within two years.

-With the New Year, Cordell Hull finally throws in the towel. He has fought
hard and long to stay at the helm of State, but with Wallace having given away
Manhattan _and_ been of such signal service to the Russians at Havana, without
even bothering to inform Hull that he was going...it's more than the old
Tennessean can take.

In mid-February, Henry Wallace announces his intention to appoint White House
Chief of Staff Hiss as his new Secretary of State; in the same press
conference, he announces he is simply creating the Food for Victory Commission,
nationalizing war industries, and putting White in charge of race relations.

Furious at the blatant executive smackdown, Senate Majority Leader Charles
McNary vows to give Hiss the grilling of a lifetime; if Wallace wants to make
the war effort partisan, that's exactly what he'll get. Meanwhile, in New York
City, a slightly sweaty ex-newspaperman named Whittaker Chambers is pondering
his next move.

4. Parts 179 "A New Hope" and 180 "Freedom's Champion" were written as "fanfics" by other SHWI denizens, I do not have links to them.

5. Of dubious merit are the author's comments on threads, such as this-

Reinhard Heydrich survived his assasination attempt, and went on to head the SS
and eventually a portion of the Reich. As part of a purge of Himmler loyalists,
he replaced several corrupt SS officers with his own Scary Aryan Guys.
Schindler was arrested for attempted bribery in early 1945, and every one of
his workers was sent to a death camp.

The open and virulent racism of Georgia drove [Jimmy Carter] north after leaving the (much
smaller) fleet upon his father's death. Carter is chief of operations at the
Columbus nuclear plant, probably.
I've been rereading FaT, and this is a PSA in case anyone is collecting and archiving notable works of online AH. The archive on this site is incomplete without those source material.