AH Challenge: Nixon, Carter, Bush(senior) and Clinton on mount rushmore


with what POD can we have Presidents Richard Nixon,Jimmy Carter,George Bush senior and Bill Clinton on mount rushmore?

Grey Wolf

SurfNTurfStraha said:
with what POD can we have Presidents Richard Nixon,Jimmy Carter,George Bush senior and Bill Clinton on mount rushmore?

Eisenhower doesnt get the USA into Vietnam

JFK is not assassinated

Civil Rights get violent, Black Panthers blow up Mount Rushmore

Nixon is a president who is remembered for opening China and detente with the USSR; coz of no Vietnam he doesnt have the student problems

Not real sure how to get Carter

Maybe Nixon is assassinated by some hardline anti-Commy, and Agnew's corruption comes to light during his presidency.

You can have Ford then he loses to Carter

Maybe a no-Vietnam USA is more steadfast over Iran etc and Carter brings in increased detente including with Cuba

Go on from there ?

Grey Wolf


sounds like a good Tl my For Want of a Carter TL which has him being assasinated early on into his presidency will mount rushmore being wrecked and Carter,Clinton,Nixon and Bush senior end up on it...


Bill Clinton, President who is credited with beginning the Great Prosperity. The dot.com revolution began in his administration and continued on through the adminstrations of Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Amy Carter. 32 years of uninterrupted prosperity which left the Stock index at 35,000 when it ended with the passage of the Interplanetary Economics Act in 2022.
Easy instead of Mt Rushmore being a monument to the "great" presidents it is a monument to all presidents. Every president from Washington to the just finished being carved face of Clinton is there, on a some what smaller scale then OTL.
---Civil Rights get violent, Black Panthers blow up Mount Rushmore---

Can they target statehouses in Dixie where the Confederate flag was flown as well? Just Kidding :p

One thing is certain though-if Mt Rushmore was ever destroyed OTL there is no way in hell it would ever be reconstucted with these 4 .However if it were up to me we would leave off the 2 slaveowner presidents and re-construct it with Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and add FDR and JFK.2 Republicans and 2 Democrats who mostly did good for the country-everyone should be happy.
I agree with Harry. The most reasonable way to include all of these guys on Mt Rushmore is to just make Rushmore a monument to all the Presidents.

Otherwise you will need to

(A) Destroy Rushmore or have Rushmore never have been created

(B) You need to have all of these Presidents achieve great things or have an artist who greatly admires them all. (If Rushmore were being done today it would probably be Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR.)

(C) If Nixon achieves greatness (instead of resigning in embarassment) then there really is no reasonable way to elevate Carter to the White House without breaking out the ASB's.