Across the high frontier: a Big Gemini space TL


There is little information bar the fact that Zubrin born in 1952 graduated from Rochester university in 1973 in maths. In an interesting coincidence in Rochester the same year there was friend of Carl Sagan that had an experiment on Viking, Wolf Vishniac. He was in the biology campus, which isn't that far way from the maths department.
You can see he was unfortunate: his Viking life-seeking experiment was sacked, and he died in Antarctica.
without a shuttle, more funding flows into Viking, Vishniac experiment isn't deleted, and he lives through, tutoring young Zubrin and taking the helm from Carl Sagan after his death in 1996.

I imagined that ITTL the two met in a hallway of the University. I can't prove they never met IOTL, so who knows. :)
Meeting with Vishniac, a man with a life seeking experiment flying to Mars (and a friend of Carl Sagan !), can only impress a young Zubrin.
With Vishniac help, Zubrin lands a job at Martin Marietta 12 years before IOTL (1977 instead of 1989). He works on Viking 3, the rover mission, then of Martin Marietta fledging Titan business.
Of course Mars Direct is butterflied away, but I'm not a great fan of it in the first place. In fact I consider Mars is over-used and cliché.

In 1972 Robert Zubrin already made headline, not because of Mars, but because of 3 chess player (!)
April 2, 1972
A Publisher Extra Newspaper
Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York · Page 182

A 19-year-old sophomore from the University of Rochester has been awarded a patent on chess game for three players instead of the usual two. Robert Zubrin's hexagonal board has three indentical territories and 96 playing spaces. The normal board, a square, has 64. The major advantage, he said, is that two-man alliances can unite against a superior gamesman. "You're not dead until someone takes your king," the Great Neck, L.I., native said yesterday from his home. "When one player takes a king, he inherits all his remaining forces. When alliances are made, you can tear the other guy apart."
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Lockheed (5) Agena robotic servicing


SAFESAT is an international organization (with both government and private members) modeled on INTELSAT. It regroups all space agencies and private users of the Agena space tug system. The aim of SAFESAT is rescue, salvaging or desorbit of failed satellites.

ESA (particularly Great Britain) was the driving force behind SAFESAT creation. The space salvaging organization was born out of frustration – the loss of a trio of expensive British Skynet satellites.

There were two Skynet 1 satellites. Skynet 1A was launched on a Delta M on 22 November 1969, but the satellite failed after less than a year of operation. Skynet 1B was placed in a geostationary transfer orbit and was abandoned in transfer orbit (270 x 36058 km) due to a failure of the Thiokol Star 37D apogee kick motor.

Following the operational failure of the Skynet 1A satellite, the timetable for the launch of the Skynet 2 communications satellite was delayed. Skynet 2A was launched on a Delta 2313 on 19 January 1974. A short circuit in an electronics package circuit board (on second stage) left the upper stages and satellite in an unstable low orbit (96 x 3,406 km x 37.6 deg) that rapidly decayed. An investigation revealed that a substandard coating had been used on the circuit board. Despite being in an unstable orbit, the ground stations successfully located and tracked Skynet 2A and were able to use telemetry readings from the solar panels to determine its alignment. Based on this analysis it was decided to use the alignment thrusters to deorbit the unit, and it was destroyed when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on 24 January 1974.

"No more Skynets !" was the motto of preliminary SAFESAT discussions in 1976 between ESA and NASA, before other space powers joined the talks.

Incidentally, in May 1977 three Intelsat 3 dead communication satellites were moved a hundred or a thousand miles above the GEO belt in what was called a graveyard orbit. SAFESAT however warned that, although space is vast, graveyard orbits were not a long term viable option. SAFESAT contacted NASA with the project of pulling dead satellites out of GEO and send them crashing on the Moon.

It happened that NASA was on the brink of shutting off ALSEP Apollo seismic lunar surface stations. Five years after the last Apollo mission, at the end of September 1977 NASA nearly decided to save the $1 million per year spent monitoring the five ALSEPs and sending the data to the Principal Investigators. Few data were being recorded by this time. It was not expected that the passive seismic experiment, probably the most interesting experiment still operating, would provide much new information because there were no more man-made impacts on the horizon, and naturally occurring major meteor impacts and large moonquakes were uncommon. This last argument was made moot by SAFESAT proposal of Agenas and dead comsats crashing on the Moon.

Another catalyst that led to SAFESAT was 1978 Kosmos 954 reentry over Canada and the safe disposal of the 150 000 pounds Skylab A. After lengthy talks SAFESAT come into being in February 1980.

As of today (1984) SAFESAT Agenas have launch pads in Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg; Kourou, Woomera, Cape York, Fort Churchill and Tanegashima. The SAFESAT organization brought together the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada and Australia. More countries could either buy Agenas or Agena launch vehicles, creating even more on-orbit capability.

A set of SAFESAT missions was defined.

Mission 1 An Agena boost a working satelite to a safe orbit for examination of its future status – desorbit, repair, or reboost.

Mission 2 An Agena desorbit a satellite that cannot be salvaged or repair

Mission 3 An Agena boost a stranded satellite from LEO to GTO.

Mission 4 An Agena boost a stranded satellite from GTO to GEO.

It happens that mostly all communication satellites have a reinforced attachment point for their apogeee kick motor, generally solid-fueled and tasked with transfer from LEO to GTO, or even from GTO to GEO. The Agena robotic arm especifically grapples that kick motor strong attachement fixture. Under ground control the Agena is able to remove a defective kick motor. The liquid fuel Agena then replace it as the satellite's booster to its definitive orbit. As an alternative the Agena can mechanically dock with a client satellite’s zenith face using its liquid apogee engine nozzle and launch vehicle interface ring. No electrical connections are necessary.

Mission 5 An Agena with a robotic arm performs a (simple) salvage mission such as unfolding stuck antennas or solar arrays.

Mission 6 Case in which an Agena can't repair a satellite, but astronauts can. Then the Agena deboost the satellite from its orbit to the orbit of space station Liberty. (NOTE: the Agena is of course limited in delta-V plane changes and altitude).

It is interesting to speculate about past missions that could have been saved had SAFESAT existed. Could Mariner 3 have been salvaged by an Agena and its robotic arm, forcing the failed shroud to open in November 1964 ?

In May 1971 Arthur Clarke travelled to Los Angeles and visited the North American Rockwell plant where he saw mockups of the space shuttle and early design of a space station. Shortly thereafter Clarke wrote a letter to the editor of the N.Y Times and it was printed under the heading "Space shuttle: key to the future" on May 22, 1971.

Clarke brought forth the example of OAO-1. The first Orbiting Astronomical Observatory was launched successfully on 8 April 1966, carrying instruments to detect ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray emission. Before the instruments could be activated, however, a power failure resulted in the termination of the mission after three days. The Spacecraft was tumbling out of control, such that the Solar Panels could not be deployed to recharge the Batteries that would supply power to the Electrical/Electronic Equipment on board.

Clarke declared that “a man with a screwdriver might have been able to fix it. As our application satellites become larger and more complex, space shuttles will be essential not only to orbit them, but to carry the technicians who must check, service and repair them.” Needless to say, like many people Clarke was crushed by the loss of the shuttle only five monthes later.

Whatever Clarke opinion, satellite servicing didn't died with the shuttle. The very unexpected (and ugly, and unmanned !) Agena took over. Could OAO-1 been stabilized by an Agena space tug ? Could the Agena robotic arm – under ground control - been used to salvaged the satellite ?

Another spectacular was the daring Solar Max rescue that involved both manned and unmanned spacecrafts in 1982.

The Solar Maximum Mission satellite (SMM or SolarMax) was designed to investigate Solar phenomena, particularly solar flares. It was launched on February 14, 1980. In November 1980, the second of four fuses in SMM's attitude control system failed, causing it to rely on its magnetorquers in order to maintain attitude. In this mode, only three of the seven instruments on board were usable, as the others required the satellite to be accurately pointed at the Sun. The use of the satellite's magnetorquers prevented the satellite from being used in a stable position and caused it to "wobble" around its nominally sun-pointed attitude.

The first orbiting, unmanned satellite to be repaired in space, SMM was notable in that its useful life compared with similar spacecraft was significantly increased by the direct intervention of a manned space mission.

Solar Max weighed 5000 pounds in an orbit that was inclined 28.5° over the equator, 300 miles high. It was thus an easy target for an Agena space tug, but the repair by itself needed astronaut brains and hands. It was decided to try the “great jump” - an Agena would push the satellite all the way from its orbit to space station Liberty. The Agena would need a lot of propellants to achieve the enormous plane change – but most Agenas reached orbit by themselves, depleting their propellant supply. Only the Titan III had enough lift capability to loft a fully fueled Agena into orbit, but it was an expensive launch vehicle.

Instead two Agenas launched into Solar Max orbit and successfully completed a propellant transfer. The ground support engineers stabilized the satellite and nulled its rotation rates for capture with the Agena robotic arm. The Agena grappled Solar Max, latched into it, and fired its Bell 8096 engine, carrying Solar Max near space station Liberty, where the depleted Agena handled it to the space station own robotic arm. The satellite had been fitted with one of the arm's "grapple fixtures" so that the robotic arm was able to capture and maneuver it into the shuttle's payload bay for repairs. During the mission, the SMM's entire attitude control system module and the electronics module for the coronagraph/polarimeter instrument were replaced, and a gas cover was installed over the X-ray polychromator. The successful work added five more years to the lifespan of the satellite. Solar Max did not returned to its 28.5° orbital slot – it was instead boosted 350 miles high, far above the space station.
Space station Destiny (1)


The Orbital Transfer Vehicle is a reusable space tug, powered by LOX/LH2 engines and equipped with an aerobrake allowing it to be returned for refueling and reuse at an orbiting space station. It is an integral part NASA's Destiny second generation space station, lunar and Mars exploration plans in the 1990's and beyond.

Destiny is Liberty twin backup module. It was build as an insurance in the case Liberty Saturn V blew up. With Liberty safely in orbit, Destiny become his successor to be launched circa 1995. NASA growing frustration with Liberty mean very ambitious plans were drawn around Destiny. It might be a space dock for advanced space tugs.

NASA conducted advanced studies of what was then called the Space Tug in the early 1970's. However all elements of NASA's future vision of space exploration were cancelled to allow funds for development of the Space Shuttle. When the Shuttle was canned in 1971, the tug returned but only as a low-cost, low-performance Agena for space station Liberty assembly. It was subcontracted to the European Space Agency.

After Liberty assembly was complete NASA began studying the tug again, now dubbed the Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV). The OTV evidently benefited from all the experience massed with Agena operations. The Agena was extremely versatile and successful as a space tug, but its storable propulsion system lacked performance to GEO and beyond.

Studies in the 1970's had already considered use of an aerobrake heat shield. This would allow the Tug, on its return from geosynchronous orbit, lunar orbit, or interplanetary trajectories, to use the earth's atmosphere to brake to orbital velocity, after which it would maneuver, then rendezvous and dock with a Space Station for refurbishing, refueling, and reuse. Use of aerobraking offered significant weight savings in comparison to pure rocket braking to return to the station. An Agena could test aerobraking and aerocapture.

One of Destiny most important missions will be to serve as a space harbor for missions to geostationary orbit, where most communications satellites are located. Large satellites would be delivered to Destiny from Earth by the Shuttle II for final assembly and checkout. An Orbital Transfer Vehicle would then transport the satellite to geostationary orbit. The OTV would be permanently based at the space station in low Earth orbit.

The $1-billion OTV is planned to form part of the Destiny second generation Space Station infrastructure in the mid-1990s. Important missions include delivery of large satellites (initially weighing 8 tons) to geostationary orbit, retrieval of satellites for servicing at the Space Station and eventually manned sortie missions to GEO. In turn GEO is seen as a backdoor to lunar orbit. NASA intend to use the lucrative GEO satellite market to bootstrap lunar exploration through the OTV, since delta-v were roughly the same, 4.1 km/s.

There will be both Space Station-based OTVs as well as vehicles that would be returned to Earth by the Shuttle II for servicing. A ground-based OTV could be operational by 1992 and a Space Station-based version by 1994-95.

NASA/JSC recently awarded studies contracts to examine the effects of advanced manned lunar and unmanned planetary missions on the Destiny Space Station. The basic idea is to use the Station with a fleet of reusable OTV's for ambitious missions such as the unmanned biconic 8,890kg Mars sample return vehicle.

The space tug would require a propellant load of 27,760 kg for this mission, which is scheduled for a November 1996 launch. Mission requirements for other envisioned OTV planetary missions are summarized below. Both reusable OTV's (which would return to the Station for reuse) and Expendable OTVs, which do not carry a 3,731 kg aerobrake, were planned (coded E or R in the list). All missions except Mars Sample Return would used the Voyager Mk.II robotic spacecraft as payload carrier.

  • Titan Probes/Saturn Orbiter. Launch: 4/1993. C3 velocity requirement: 50.5 km2/sec2. Requirement: 1 Expendable OTV with 6.34t payload, 53.54t total mass, 41.81t OTV propellant, 48.15t net new payload elements required to be launched for the mission. 109 astronaut man-hours would be required for payload fueling and integration.

  • Mercury Orbiter. Launch: 6/1994. C3 velocity requirement: 18.7 km2/sec2. Requirement: 1 Reusable OTV with 5.63t payload, 41.62t total mass, 28.90t OTV propellant, 34.53t net new payload elements required to be launched for the mission. 106 astronaut man-hours would be required for OTV refurbishment, aerobrake removal, payload refueling and integration.

  • Ceres Sample Return. Launch: 10/1994. C3 velocity requirement: 9.9 km2/sec2. Requirement: 1 Reusable OTV+1 Expendable OTV with 43.57t payload, 131.59t total mass, 75.47t OTV propellant, 119.04t net new payload elements required to be launched for the mission. 247 astronaut man-hours would be required for OTV refurbishment, aerobrake removal, payload refueling and integration, and sample retrieval.

  • Mars Sample Return. Launch: 11/1996. C3 velocity requirement: 9.0 km2/sec2. Requirement: 1 Reusable OTV with 8.89t payload, 44.03t total mass, 27.76t OTV propellant, 36.65t net new payload elements required to be launched for the mission. 138 astronaut man-hours would be required for OTV refurbishment, aerobrake removal, payload refueling and integration, and sample retrieval.

  • Kopff Sample Return. Launch: 7/2003. C3 velocity requirement: 80.7 km2/sec2. Requirement: 1 Reusable OTV+1 Expendable OTV with 8.38t payload, 92.49t total mass, 71.51t OTV propellant, 79.89t net new payload elements required to be launched for the mission. 236 astronaut man-hours would be required for OTV refurbishment, aerobrake removal, payload refueling and integration, and sample retrieval.
The OTV primary mission would deliver 9t to geostationary orbit using a single stage and 18t payloads to lunar orbit using two OTV space tugs in tandem. Each OTV has a mass of 7t empty and carry up to 42t of oxygen & hydrogen propellant (engine Isp=455.4s). The primary lunar mission payload would be modules for a permanent 18-crew Moonbase in 2005-2015; as required by the plan developed by a Johnson Space Center team lead by Barney Roberts in 1984. A 3.5t expendable landing vehicle with 13.5t of propellant would land 17.5t Space Station-derived modules on the lunar surface. 100t of propellant would have to be launched per lunar mission; NASA proposed to develop a 2nd generation Saturn V heavy-lift launch vehicle for this purpose. The Shuttle II would transport the empty 21,000-kilogram lunar lander+payload to the Space Station, where they would rendezvous with the 100t propellant module. OTV's and other hardware would be integrated at a Space Station-based spacedock.

For manned lunar crew exchange missions, the OTV would carry 5,500kg or 8,000kg cylindrical passenger modules for 4 or 6 astronauts, respectively. The passenger OTV would rendezvous in lunar orbit with a 10,000kg 6-crew lunar lander which would be fueled by 4t of hydrogen brought from Earth and oxygen produced from lunar soil. This would reduce the launch requirement from Earth. The manned missions would also carry an expendable 7,600kg lander plus 3,250kg logistics module for life support of four crew members during lunar launching and landing.

The 1984 NASA/JSC plan calls for the development of OTVs and lunar landers in 1995-2003 to permit the creation of small semi-permanent manned camp on the lunar surface in 2005-2006. The ultimate goal would be a self-sustaining moonbase by 2017-18. NASA/Johnson also regards the space tug as an integral component of its Destiny Space Operations Center plan.

A modular OTV design was proposed by General Dynamics in 1984. Spherical tanks contained liquid hydrogen and oxygen propellant for the engines; three sets would be carried for manned or heavy-lift missions while one set would suffice for delivering smaller unmanned payloads.

A concept is equipped with a huge disc-shaped aeroshell which slows the vehicle down as it pass through the Earth's upper atmosphere. The space tug could then return heavy payloads from geostationary or lunar orbit without using any fuel to rendezvous with the low Earth orbit space station. Another space tug concept would have had better maneuverability thanks to its aerodynamic shape, but it would also weigh more.

A variant of the Orbital Transfer Vehicle concept is named the Lunar Transfer Vehicle to stress its importance for manned lunar base missions. The LTV would provide transportation between Space Station Destiny and lunar orbit. The LTV would transport a crew of four astronauts in an 8.4-metric ton passenger module as well as up to 22.4t of cargo in two external containers. Propulsion in this version was provided by four 89 kiloNewton-thrust AES engines (481s Isp). The oxygen and hydrogen propellant (129.8t in all) would be stored in four 1.45-metric ton expendable fuel tanks. The empty tanks would be discarded in Earth and lunar orbit to reduce the mass of the vehicle; 10% more fuel would have to be carried if the tanks were returned to Earth orbit for reuse. The basic, reusable LTV weights 8.1t empty and consists of a propulsion / propellant / avionics module that hold 7t of propellant for returning to Space Station Destiny from lunar orbit. A large aerobrake protects the vehicle as it performs an aerocapture maneuver to kill off excess speed by passing through the Earth's upper atmosphere. This would save rocket propellant but the aerobrake would be heated to more than 1000K so it is to be made of advanced thermal protection materials. Aerobrake reuse for five missions is assumed, with refurbishment and verification at Space Station Destiny.

Beginning in late 1983, a team of engineers and scientists from NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory jointly defined a Mars Sample Return spacecraft and mission plan. Among their proposed follow-on study objectives for Fiscal Year 1985 was to define Mars sample quarantine methods and any associated risks. In addition, the team recognized the need to rapidly recover the Mars sample after its arrival at Earth.

JSC’s Solar System Exploration Division explored varied options for retrieving a Mars sample following its return to Earth’s vicinity. Capture by an Agena and sample repackaging into a heavily modified Big Gemini crew module were considered, but JSC first and foremost wanted to place its space station as a quarantine facility were Mars samples could be studied before return to Earth. JSC engineers asked, what could a space station do a ground-based laboratory couldn't ? The most salient argument (reminiscent of the Andromeda Strain) was that a space station would be out of Earth biosphere.

Option 1 was Minimal Sample Analysis. A a small sub-sample would removed from the sample canister for “minimal” biological analysis. There was some question as to how much use a minimal analysis would be.” Alternatively, astronauts would remove a sub-sample and heat it enough to kill martian microbes while preserving evidence of their existence before the sample canister was send back to Earth for analysis. The remainder of the sample - and, possibly, the Station crew - would remain in quarantine until scientists in the PSRL had checked out the sub-sample.

Option 2 consisted of a purpose-built Orbital Quarantine Facility (OQF) module that would be capable of supporting long-term detailed sample analysis on much the same scale as the Earth-based laboratory. If researchers working in the Antaeus module found that the Mars sample was safe, then it would be transported to Earth. If, on the other hand, the sample were found to contain harmful martian microbes, then the Antaeus module would be detached and boosted into a 1270-kilometer-high long-term orbit using an Agena In the event that harmful microbes escaped from the Antaeus module and contaminated the Space Station, then multiple Agena space tugs could boost the entire Station into a 650-kilometer-high orbit. JSC estimated that orbit-raising maneuvers could extend the orbital lifetime of the Antaeus module or Station for long enough to permit NASA to develop a large rocket stage that could boost the contaminated Antaeus module or Station into interplanetary space. They mentionned that Agena space tug technology could easily be adapted to a high energy Centaur.

Option 3 1/2 Quarantined Space Station would be nearly identical to option 2 except that the Station modules that would support the scientists analyzing the sample in the Antaeus module would be isolated from the rest of the Station. This would be achieved by closing pressure hatches between the two halves of the Station and slightly reducing air pressure in the quarantined modules.

Option 4 would be a dedicated, independent space station in Earth orbit This option would make unnecessary the laboratory on Earth since all quarantine and analysis would take place in Earth orbit. It was without a doubt the safest, biologically, of all the options but added that the price paid for this additional safety seems unreasonably high. JSC however mentionned that Liberty backup core module, Destiny, was already build and in storage. Further studies would explore how it could be turned into a full-blown Mars sampling laboratory.

JSC desperate efforts to link their space station to Mars Sample Return were born out of despair. With Liberty already in orbit Congress was very reluctant allowing funding of Destiny. Yet Liberty, as build, was hated by JSC – it was not the ambitious space shipyard they dreamed about. The orbital quarantine study had been a joint JSC – JPL work, together with a private companie with the name of Science Applications Incorporated (SAIC). It was from SAIC that the next major breakthrough was to come.

John Niehoff was manager of the Space Sciences Department at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in Schaumburg, Illinois, when he presented his Integrated Mars Unmanned Surface Exploration (IMUSE) strategy to the National Academy of Science Space Science Board Major Directions Summer Study on 30 July 1985. He proposed employing reusable automated spacecraft with designs “deeply rooted” in planned U.S. space station technology to carry out a complex, evolving series of automated Mars Sample Return (MSR) missions between 1996 and 2016.

His work had its origins in the 1984 joint Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA Johnson Space Center MSR study. Niehoff and SAIC provided both the JPL/JSC MSR study with planning and engineering support.

Just like JSC, Niehoff intended to link MSR with the Space Station, albeit in a different maner. The Agena space tug was extending the space station range higher and higher, to GEO and even beyond. Niehoff calculations showed that a Liberty-based Agena could retrieve a Mars sample canister in high Earth orbit and bring it back to the space station. As a proof-of-concept Niehoff proposed to retrieve on the three Pioneer solar probes in heliocentric orbit for three decades. He might have been influenced by ISEE-3 new mission to a comet, the brainchild of Robert Farquhar.

Niehoff noted that pioneering hyperbolic rendezvous was extremely important. He cited the FLEM study of the 60's – Flyby Landing Excursion Mode.

FLEM stated that, in the “standard stopover mode,” all major maneuvers would involve the entire Mars spacecraft. Since the main spacecraft would not have to brake into and out of Mars orbit, huge propellant savings were possible, drastically reducing the number of heavy rocket expensive launches.

One part of the FLEM spacecraft, the parent spacecraft, would not capture into Mars orbit. The other part, the excursion module, would capture into Mars orbit using chemical rockets or, perhaps, by skimming through Mars’s atmosphere behind an aerocapture heat shield. Assuming that the mission took place as planned, the excursion module would ignite its rocket motors as the parent spacecraft passed Mars to depart Mars orbit and catch up with it. Following hyperbolic rendezvous, docking, and crew transfer, the excursion module would be cast off.

Niehoff’s IMUSE spacecraft – which he dubbed an Interplanetary Platform (IP) – would transport smaller vehicles between Earth and Mars. At Mars, it would drop probes; while at Earth, it would handle Mars samples to an Agena tug.

The Interplanetary Platform would provide planetary payloads with “keep-alive” solar cell-generated electrical power, thermal control, course-correction propulsion, and other requirements typically provided by a throwaway spacecraft bus. The IP would cut costs over the course of the IMUSE program because it would need to be launched onto its interplanetary path only once. As the IP flew without stopping past Mars or Earth, the smaller vehicles would separate to land on or go into orbit around the planet or would leave the planet to rendezvous and dock with the IP.

He described a pair of IMUSE scenarios. In both, the IP would follow Versatile International Station for Interplanetary Transport (VISIT) cycler orbits, which would, Niehoff explained, be “simultaneously resonant with both Earth and Mars.” A spacecraft in a VISIT-1-type orbit would circle the Sun in 1.25 Earth years, which meant that it would encounter Earth four times in five Earth years and Mars three times in two Mars years. A VISIT-2-type orbit, on the other hand, would need 1.5 Earth years to complete. A spacecraft on a VISIT-2 path would encounter Earth twice in three Earth years and Mars five times in four Mars years.

Niehoff concluded saying that the diminutive Agena could be replaced by a high-energy Centaur or a dedicated Orbital Transfer Vehicle. Space station Liberty currently acted as a fuel depot transfering storable propellants to Agenas. In the future Destiny would do the same, albeit with high-energy liquid hydrogen and oxygen.

The recovery of Pioneer 7 (1992)

The mission was the brainchild of two Goddard engineers. Robert Farquhar was an expert of libration points and low-energy trajectories. Frank Cepollina expertise was in-space servicing. Pioneer 7 had been launched in August 1966. It was a joint JSC – Goddard project inspired by Robert Farquhar ISEE-3 “ICE” cometary mission of 1982-1986.

On March 20, 1986 Pioneer 7 flew within 12.3 million kilometers of Halley's Comet and monitored the interaction between the cometary hydrogen tail and the solar wind. The Deep Space Network atempted to contact all three Pioneer probes, and all three were found to be still functionning.

Frank Cepollina arranged with JSC for the Agena. JSC goal was to prove lunar swingby hyperbolic rendezvous, space tug, satellite retrieval from heliocentric orbit.Long term objectives were to proof of concept for Destiny as a link for planetary exploration through space tugs and semi- cyclers – an orbital quarantine facility. Further missions included flights to an asteroid (pushed by Jim Benson) and to the Moon (SDIO).

Mission profile

A modified Agena space tug is launched by a Thorad to space station Liberty

On orbit refueling of storable propellants

Fire the rocket engine, climb to Earth escape and cislunar space

Perform a lunar swingby to get into an heliocentric orbit

Hyperbolic rendezvous with Pioneer 7 (6 and 8 are backup options)

Catch Pioneer 7 with a robotic arm

Restart the engine a first time to get back in the direction of Earth neighborough

Propulsive bracking back into space station Liberty orbit

Thorough examination of the old solar probe by EVA astronauts

Eventually, packaging of the small probe into a modified Big Gemini crew module (through a wider hatch in the heatshield)

Return to Earth for further examination

Final resting place: the Smithonian

The mission has a lot of firsts

  • propellant refueling at Liberty

  • first lunar swingby by a space tug

  • hyperbolic rendezvous, docking and retrieval

  • propulsive braking from interplanetary space to low Earth orbit

  • first interplanetary probe brought back to Earth surface after decades in deep space


So here come Destiny, which is essentially OTL Freedom, with all the issues.
JSC hates Liberty and Agena, not high-tech enough for their taste. Even with Liberty in orbit by 1980, some heavy historical trends doesn't change: JSC wanted a space shipyard (their Space Operation Center), even if it cost $15 billion they didn't care.

ITTL JSC tries to sell Destiny as a space shipyard to support unmanned robotic exploration first, followed by the fabled mission to Mars.

JSC effort is two-fold

- Orbital quarantine facility (has anybody seen this LIFE movie ?)
Mars Sample Return rocks are analyzed aboard a space station in the case they contaminate the biosphere. This is a strawman, shameless atempt by JSC to give Destiny a role in unmanned planetary exploration. IOTL they tried it with Freedom, they will try it ITTL, and it will equally backfire on them.

- Mars semi-cyclers (IMUSE)
Mars semi-cyclers are linked to LEO destiny by Agenas and later by the OTV. It is a two-way network between Destiny and Mars.

Liberty big core module has been launched in 1980 with a useful life of 15 years, so it will be toast circa 1995. Hence JSC wants Destiny into orbit by that date.

The big core modules are 33 ft wide and weights 100 tons, maxing Saturn V performance to a 200 miles high, 51.6 degree orbit. They are derived from S-II stages that are given a Skylab treatment.

Liberty core got five smaller, Skylab-look-alike 22ft diameter modules that were launched by spare Saturn IBs left by Apollo. The last Saturn IB flew in 1985.

Per lack of Saturn IBs, Destiny modules will be either Big Gemini 15ft cargo sections - or larger inflatables (there won't be a Robert Bigelow space program ITTL)
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They got still a Saturn V in storage to launch the Destiny core module ?
That would be in a 28° degree orbit for purpose of Space Operation Center so OTV can operate optimal to GTO and beyond
Two option for JSC more payload into Destiny or Higher orbit for longer life span in orbit


Yes they have, the launcher that was earmarked for Skylab B (can't remember the number, either -514 or -515). Good point about 28.5 degree. IT will make for another thorny issue, with Liberty at 51.6 degree.

Maybe JSC will try to have both space station operating together, even for a brief time, or an OTV transfer of Liberty modules to Destiny (the Russians wanted to send Mir's Krystall or Priroda to the ISS back then)

three Apollo killed, three Saturn V left, four space stations: Skylab A, Skylab B, Liberty, Destiny. Skylab B gets grounded as per OTL, so there is barely enough Saturn Vs.

By the way Skylab B (minus the ATM) has been rebuild as a ground-based mockup of Liberty's modules.
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That's SA-515 since it's S-IVB stage was used to build Skylab B
There were Proposal to launch Skylab B during 1975-76 with that Saturn V

and do i see right it's last Saturn V left in storage ?


Yes. One LC-39 is used by the last Saturn Vs (1980 and hopefully, 1995...), the other (more frequently) by Saturn IBs through the milkstool. Surely, maintaining the LC-39 infrastructure and all those Saturns in storage is bloody expensive, but just think about Constellation / SLS driving force: keep the shuttle job and infrastructure. And the shuttle did the same with Apollo. It was also a consolation price after losing the shuttle.

By the way, who can say if Saturn V won't be resurrected (since Shuttle HLVs are out of the picture) ? If the giant moon rocket is to return... someday, you'll better keep LC-39 in good shape. ;)
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Whoo ! we talk here about launch a Saturn V that is almost THIRDY years old
i wonder who many people scream murder and mayhem about last Saturn V use, with argumentation "why not be better to hand over to Smithsonian institute ?"
But that would NOT be the end of Launch complex 39 either used for Post Saturn V proposal or the real Shuttle in this TL
and there is issue of "Occupational therapy" similar what personnel of Shuttle underwent after STS program was terminated and came SLS


They could do minor updates to that Saturn, improving electronics, removing some weight here and there. LC-39 won't be razed. It will survives (hint: read the 2001 novel by Clarke, where he briefly describes the space coast :) )


Robert Zubrin (April 9, 1952 - )

Born in the Bronx, Robert Zubrin first hold a B.A in mathematics at the University of Rochester in 1974.

In 1972 while at Rochester the young Zubrin randomly learned about his university connection to the Viking program. Indeed Rochester biology department (which was only some doors away from Zubrin math department) had a researcher and scientist called Wolf Vishniac.

Vishniac was an extraordinary man. First, he was a good friend of Carl Sagan. Secondly, he was a pioneer in the quest for extremophiles life forms – first on Earth Antarctica, and later on Mars trough the Viking life-seeking package.

Vishniac was one out of five scientists with an experiment to be flown to Mars aboard the Viking landers. Late 1971 however due to cost and technical delays with the biological package Vishniac “Wolf Trap” experiment was very nearly deleted. Only an unexpected cash infusion into Viking – related to the space shuttle cancellation – saved Vishniac experiment.

For years Carl Sagan friend had actively tested his device in Antarctica, the most similar environment from Mars surface on Earth. In the process Vishniac used to enlist Rochester students for trips to Antarctica. The young Zubrin was so impressed with Vishniac that he resolved to bang at the scientist door, and together they went to Antarctica, a place that made a lasting impression on Zubrin. “It was as if we had landed on another planet.” After they returned Vishniac was gentle enough to encourage Zubrin, actually changing the student life.

Vishniac went as far as aranging a meeting between Zubrin and Carl Sagan. The young Zubrin saw a career opportunity and, thanks to Vishniac and Sagan backing in 1975 he landed a job at Martin Marietta, builder of the Viking spacecraft. He worked on the Viking lander, notably the Viking 3 tracked rover launched in 1979 and a possible follow-on Viking Sample Return (VSR). Because Viking was too small for sample return, Zubrin sought a way to cut weight, and in the process ran into early work on ISRU by Ash in 1978 and brought it to people like Al Schalenmuller and Benton Clark. Together they integrated ISRU into Viking Sample Return, albeith the mission was never flown. ISRU needed nuclear power and Zubrin got interested in RTGs, SP-100 and Molten Salt Reactors. In the process he met David Buden. Buden was a nuclear scientist having worked on the US - USSR Molten Salt Reactor research program spearheaded by Senator Howard Baker between 1973 and 1979.

In 1972 NASA was caught in a major media storm when a vague discussion about flying a subscale NERVA atop a Titan III leaked and catastrophically backfired. The disaster had the entire aerospace nuclear program shut down by 1973 – and beyond. In the aftermath NASA lost its Lewis space center. In order to salvage something, NASA called in former astronaut William Anders and former manager Robert Seamans. With the help of Anders Space Council Lewis was transfered to Seamans ERDA.

First task Seamans assigned to Lewis staff was a major review of past nuclear aerospace efforts, and whatever technology could be salvaged and applied to gound-based energy in the wake of the first oil shock. To perform that review Seamans and Anders sought a nuclear scientist with a long career and extensive knowledge of aerospace reactors. Soon a name floated at the top of the list: Los Alamos engineer David Buden.
Buden reviewed the Aircraft Nuclear Program, NERVA, the SNAP RTGs, and Lewis thermionics, notably the heat pipe design.

In the final report Buden briefly discussed alternate reactor designs for space power.

Heat pipe reactor designs appear to be a feasible concept up to maybe 1 mW. An alternate core that might be desirable to investigate is a fluid core.

As a candidate for the multimegawatt power plant, we might want to consider a fluid reactor. Fluid-fuel reactors probably in the form of molten salt offer the potential of high temperatures, avoidance of fuel element fabrication, rapid and inexpensive reprocessing, on-line refueling, a good neutron economy. The major problem is possible corrosive interactions between the molten salt and the core structural and heat transfer materials. Molten plutonium or uranium chloride for fuel with molybdenum as the structural material may be candidates. The core can be designed with a very strong negative temperature coefficient of reactivity; arising out of any power excursion we get an increase of fuel temperature, causing a decrease in density and an ejection of part of the fuel material from the core region through specially arranged tubes. The molten salt can be removed from the core continuously or periodically to remove undesirable fission products. The reactor size is expected to be quite compact.

Buden report was issued to NASA, the Space Council, and ERDA. Meanwhile on a trip to the Soviet Union in 1973 Senator Howard Baker briefly discussed molten salt technology with Soviet nuclear scientists. While anything but a dove, Baker dared to discuss molten salt reactors with the Soviets for two reasons. First, the technology was being abandoned in the United States.
Secondly, it could hardly be weaponized.
Baker suggested to use the frame of the SALT-II talks to try and have limited nuclear cooperation with the Soviets; getting Buden in touch with them so that they discussed ground, space and aerial applications of molten salt reactors. Interest for nuclear aircrafts had briefly surged in the wake of the first oil shock, since they essentially ran on hot air, eliminating kerosene. Baker had the grand vision of a civilian or space initiative draining nuclear scientists away from atomic weapons, somewhat like Apollo-Soyuz ending the space race on détente.

Only much later did the West learned that after 1978 MSR technology had found its way into the MKBS giant space station.


"Enter David Buden, another extraordinary engineer. I met David at Los Alamos. He had credentials that made him unique - he was a true veteran of nuclear propulsion. In 1958 his first job had been at General Electric in the vaning days of the aircraft nuclear propulsion program (ANP)

The nuclear aircraft promised unlimited range because it no longer burned air with a limited supply of kerosene. Instead a nuclear reactor would heat air; it was pretty much a hot-air aircraft ! Buden and I spent a lot of time discussing "atompunk" concepts of the 50's, the golden age of nuclear power. We pieced together a bold nuclear future: a world with molten salt reactors that couldn't meltdown, nuclear aircrafts with unlimited range and endurance, and the Army Nuclear Energy Depot. Back then the military had a grand vision: they wanted to get ride of gasoline and run their tanks, trucks, helicopters and aircrafts on liquid hydrogen, ammonia and methanol. To achieve that, air's nitrogen and water's hydrogen would be split using nuclear power from compact, mobile reactors.

"ANP was an enormous project at the time, spending the equivalent of about $20 billion in today's money over ten years. Not quite as big as Rickover submarine project, but still big. And it produced working hardware, including three nuclear turbojets that were static-tested in Idaho."

Buden had worked on the direct-cycle option by GE.

"In its final incarnation, this consisted of an air-cooled, beryllium oxide-moderated reactor with uranium oxide fuel elements. Air would enter the turbojet, be ducted to the reactor, be heated by direct contact with the fuel elements, and then be ducted back to the turbojet. Now this has some serious problems, even leaving aside the whole "crashing" thing. First, it's not going to be fast. It's just not. What it can do is stay aloft for a couple of weeks - its endurance is limited by maintenance and the crew's sanity, not by fuel." Buden joked. "That could still be really useful, for things like missile carriers and command planes."

A massive aerial platform staying airborne for weeks, now that was a grand vision. In fact it was something Tony Stark would have loved; the infamous Marvel helicarriers.

"Unfortunately, that's not what the Pentagon wanted - they wanted a fast, high-altitude bomber, basically the XB-70 Valkyrie. This led to regular oscillations in the program's support, as it was alternately scaled up and cut back, which wasted a huge amount of money and time. Despite that, they still managed to produce a few turbojets, and by the time the program was cancelled in 1961, they basically knew how to build a nuclear airplane. It would be big, expensive, and slow, but it would fly, and it would not be completely useless."

Buden's General Electric studied the direct cycle, where the air passed through the nuke core. Pratt & Whitney was tasked with the indirect cycle, where a heat exchanger stood between the reactor and the flowing air. The two cycles mandated different nuclear reactors with better performance than the usual water-cooled power plants found on Rickover's submarines or civilian facilities. The advanced reactors designs (liquid metal, molten salt, gas-cooled) later found their way into the civilian world. Pratt & Whitney indirect cycle was the first to go, in 1957; General Electric limped on until 1961, when JFK definitively buried nuclear aircrafts. Everything was not lost, however; as nuclear rockets soon replaced nuclear aircrafts.

So Buden moved to the Rover / NERVA space program, working on the so-called NRX - the closest thing from a working nuclear thermal rocket NASA ever saw.

When the space nuclear program collapsed in 1972 Buden moved to Los Alamos advanced designs division, and there he was when the SP-100 program got started. I saw Buden career as a bridge spanning over the successive eras of aerospace nuclear propulsion. Although NRX prototypes were only tested at Jackass Flats, Nevada, non-nuclear tests were also done at Plum Brooks - NASA Lewis test facility once build for the nuclear aircraft, then recycled for the NERVA. At General electric Buden had worked on both programs, so he knew Lewis pretty well. He had heard the lab had been moved out of NASA and to the ERDA; it had specialized into energy programs - although in fact the relation with NASA had not been totally severed.

From Lewis come an intriguing concept - of the molten salt reactor. Which reminded Buden of his early days at General Electric, working on the nuclear aircraft program. The molten salt reactor made sense, and not only for the multimegawatt future lunar base - it also made sense at the SP-100 scale.

In 1982 through Zubrin and Vishniac Carl Sagan learned about Buden's Molten Salt Reactor; and the more he dug, the more he liked it. A reactor that was so hard to melt was pretty welcome in the aftermath of Three Mile Island, and Tchernobyl just cubed that feeling. The best of fission working hand by hand with tritium fusion powerplant was an exciting prospect. That, and the MSR was proliferation-proof since one couldn't build nuclear bombs from uranium 233. And then he learned about Weinberg and Baker decade-old cooperation with the Soviet Union, including application of the reactor to the space program.

For good or worse, thanks to Buden the MSR found itself high on Sagan political agenda....
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David Buden is a real-world engineer which career is an alternate history godsend, spanning over four decades of nuclear aerospace projects. Discussing atompunk scenarios with Asnys on another thread I realised I had forgotten my "green revolution" story arc. I'll thrown Zubrin and Sagan weight to make it happen.
They could do minor updates to that Saturn, improving electronics, removing some weight here and there. LC-39 won't be razed. It will survives (hint: read the 2001 novel by Clarke, where he briefly describes the space coast :) )

Actually there were allot Studies for "remake" Saturn V during 1980s 1990s and 2000s
From "let's build the Saturn V from original plans" to "let's build a Saturn V size rocket with hardware of today"
The First idea was quite impossible since hardware manufacture and electronic was not more available, except if you plundering museum for Hardware...
others were more realistic by restart F-1 and J-2S production at Rocketdyne and build the Tanks like External Tank of Shuttle.
like the Saturn V-derived heavy lift launch vehicle with cost estimation around $4.8 billion for First Lunar Outpost study of 1992.


Yup the Comet monstrosity. I had forgotten that one.

Soviets in space (27)


December 20, 1984

Trust (rocket thrust ?) your old deputy like you thrust your mother. Vladimir Chelomei glanced at Gerbert Yefremov seating on the passenger seat of his Mercedes. They were on their way to Fili, to the plant that churned rocket and missiles like sausages - according to Krushchev years ago.
Yefremov looked optimistic - how could he ?
The empire they had build together for decades had been agonizing steadily, since 1976 and Andrei Grechko death had left them without any protection against Ustinov wrath.
All that was left was OKB-23 antiship missiles – Glushko being hardly interested by that. The space branch, OKB-52, was under Glushko control since 1977. Sergey Afanasiev ultimate fall the year before had not helped either; to Ustinov great pleasure, that asshole Glushko had stolen one element after another, ruining Chelomei empire day after day.

"The times are changing, Vladimir." Yefremov said "Ustinov has caught pneumonia in October."

"Yes, and since then the old crook suffered sepsis, aneurysm in its aortic valve, malfunction of the liver and kidneys and, finally, blood coagulation - and yet he is still alive !"

Yefremov smiled. Ustinov vengeance had heen lasting, and harsh - just because, two decades before in the Kruschchev days, a triumphant Chelomei had humiliated the marshal...

"His days are certainly counted, and we already have some positive contacts with Sokolov..." "Sokolov ? he is more dead than alive !"

"...and Serguei Akhromeyev" Yefremov added, as he turned the radio on.
The morning news flooded the car, and instantly Yefremov eyes rounded. For a second it was as if Chelomei had not realized what he had already heard and understood.
He shouted in surprise

"Ustinov has died ! what the fuck does that m... oh, shit !"

During a second a surprised Chelomei lost control of the car, which headed toward a big military truck coming from the other side of the road... he regained control in extremis, and said nothing for long seconds.

"Talk about a day to die in a car accident." he just groaned. Yefremov couldn't resist any longer, and started laughing loudly.

"The news is worth a glass of Stolichnaya." Chelomei pulled a bottle of vodka from nowhere, poured himself and his deputy a glass, and sipped it in one gulp. All he had to do now was to find a way to tackle Glushko plans. For all its ambition, the man had just been a play into Ustinov vengeance. And he was actually in poor health. And they had altready worked together, pushing the UR-700 against Korolev lunar plans and that N-1 monstrosity...
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I have changed Chelomei late life ITTL.
I never really understood how Chelomei died OTL. The official story is that somewhere in December 1984 he had his legs crushed by his Mercedes while opening his garage, and died at the hospital of complications. Whatever, his death was accidental, he was (AFAIK) pretty healthy. The accident near miss is a nod to his OTL fate. :p

So Chelomei won't die this day, and probably live until the 2000's. Interestingly enough IOTL his deputy Yefremov took over in 1984 and lasted two more decades.

Meanwhile his rocket empire has been entirely taken over by Glushko, which turned it into his own space program running along Chertok MKBS.Unlike Chelomei Glushko wasn't very healthy and died of old age in January 1989 after an attack the year before.

Space stations obviously (cut-down OTL Mir) but also the LK-700 lunar program, since the next step beyond LEO space stations is the Moon.

OTL Glushko took over Mishin L3M 1972 lunar program and rehashed it two times - before Buran and after Buran, in 1975 and 1988.
1975 variant
1988 variant

ITTL Glusko will remake, not Mishin L3M, but Chelomei LK-700, at the same moment - 1988 and beyond. Hence the revived LK-700 will outlive Glushko... you can guess who will take back the project after Glushko death ;)
Chelomei death was bizarre, got his leg crush by his own car in his garage and died of Thrombosis in Hospital on December 8, 1984
Born in 1914, he could live into 2000s without this Accident.

interesting in TL will be feature the return of Chelomei after dead of Glushko or will be he the "godfather" of Post soviet era spaceflight ?


Chelomei will have his revenge ;)

Meanwhile the NASA - NRO relationship is still amazing. This week episode has spy satellites snapping pictures of other satellites
Including STS-1 and Skylab.

Unbelievable when you think about it: different orbits, speed, heights, and inclinations, yet they managed
STS 2 Encounters with KH 11-3

Aviation Week and Space Technology reported on 2003 Feb 28 that a KH-11 had been employed during the second shuttle flight in 1981. I have found one close encounter between STS 2 and KH 11-3, which could have supported imaging at about 9 cm resolution, with good illumination, and angular velocity not exceeding a KH-11's known maximum of 1.6 deg/s relative terrestrial targets.

At 9cm in resolution you could clearly see an astronaut at the cockpit window waving his hand. :p Mind-blowing.

Once again I may use that in my TL. It seems that most spy satellites could pull that trick (KH-8 and KH-11). and zap, just as I type this, an idea pops in my brain.
I should use Mike Mullane and their KH-10B to snap pictures of satellites or space station Liberty.

It seems they imaged one of my beloved Agena in orbit
. Later in the 1960s, the Program 437 anti-satellite project included a satellite inspection variant that apparently successfully returned a film image of an Agena spacecraft in orbit.
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