A visit at the Emperor’s. 2nd Edition.

Having been doing some reading lately on the early Medieval times I have felt a need to revise parts of this TL. The edits are mainly on the matters of religion and trade of the times, but these tend to alter the TL quite a bit.
Here goes:

In earlier days, before the invention of the telephone, you’d go visiting friends and relatives when arriving at a new place. Or if you were lucky you might have obtained a written introduction to someone important, that would give you access to a wide range of opportunities. And place you in the centre of events.

Denmark has always been on the periphery of Europe and only on few occasions have this minor power had decisive influence on the chain of events that were to shape the fate of Europe.

One of these occasions developed, or rather could have developed in 810.

In 810 the Frankish empire had already been divided twice since the coming of the Carolingians to power in 687.
It will be divided several times again from 840 to 887 where it is broken up for good.

The Danish King Godfrey would in 810, brag about “visiting” the Emperor in his capital of Aachen. Godfrey had been at odds with the Emperor Charlemagne since 804, when Charlemagne finally settled his score with the Saxons. In 810 Godfrey is on an expedition to Frisland extracting tribute of Charlemagne’s subjects. It is at the time of this event that Godfrey brag about visiting the emperor in Aachen. Shortly afterwards Godfrey is killed by one of his Hird (personal armed force). The threat to the Emperor has been removed.

The Frankish empire in 810:
Charlemagne had been crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Eve 800. As such he held powers as both head of state and head of church! He was the sole decision-maker on who’d be prince or bishop.
Charlemagne placed his sons in different parts of the empire as rulers, perhaps trying to make transition into post-Charlemagne time easier, around 806.
Charles rules Neustria (comprised of northern France, Frisland, Saxony, Hesse and Franconia), Pippin rules in Italy and Louis the Pious rules in Aquitaine with Septimania, Provence, the Spanish March and part of Burgundy. Pippin dies on July 8. 810, but his son Bernhard continues the reign until 818 when he is captured, blinded and killed by his uncles.

Internal trouble spots:
The Langobards in Italy: Conquered in 774 and several counts and dukes still in office, i.e. Friuli, Benevent, and Spoleto.

Bavaria. The Duke and family disposed of in 788. Bavarian settlers are moving into Lower Austria and Carinthia. Later in the HRE Bavaria is going to be a trouble spot.

Saxony: The area of several campaigns and uprisings from 772 to 804; finally conquered in 804. King Sigfred of Denmark was militarily supporting the Saxons during the uprisings.

Europe in 810:
The Viking raids have been going on since 787.
The Muslims are settled in Spain with the remnants of the Visigoth Kingdom in the Northeast; now named Asturias and preparing La Reconquista.
The Bulgarians are giving the Byzantine a tough time.
The Arabs in the Middle East are in internal strife.
The Arab pirates and Magyars are yet to appear in the years 826 and 862 respectively.
The Byzantine are under pressure from the Bulgarians and later the Arabs, and will not have an impact until 885.

Scandinavia, origin of the Vikings, is divided into the Kingdom of Denmark, being much more than Denmark of today, incorporating Denmark, Sleswig, Scania, Halland on the West coast of Sweden, and Viken of Southern Norway. Norway consists of a Danish part in the South, Viken, and a number of independent Earldoms in the West and North. Sweden isn’t formed yet either, but in Southern Sweden a Gothic Kingdom of West – East – Smaaland – and the island of Öland hold sway. North of this are a number of independent princedoms.
Scandinavia is religiously comprised of shamanist, Old Norse religion (Asa paganism), Arian Christianity and Greek-Orthodoxy. The peoples are to a great extent shamanist and Arian Christians with these beliefs stressing of equality but the ruling classes are adopting the Greek-Orthodoxy replacing the Asa paganism because of the elitism supported by these beliefs.

Weaved through all these different peoples and lands are trade, procuring goods for the wealthy, needed items for the not so wealthy and a means to explore the world. The traders are a fund of good tales, expensive goods from far away, easy to plunder as they travel through foreign lands – this forcing them to be adept with a sword or an axe! To these peoples no religion is foreign, and they are willing to adapt to the situation. Those wanting to trade are also willing to adapt and so traders are often allowed to trade with both sides of a conflict!

King Godfrey is, as already written, killed in 810 and Denmark plunges into dynastic strife. This occupies the Danish Royal family from 811 to 828 with the occasional Frankish intervention. In the time thereafter the Vikings run rampant all over Northern Europe and then come the conquest of England. But in 881 the Vikings sack Aachen, burn the palace of Charlemagne and uses the Maria church for stables. So in the end the Danes did pay a visit to the Emperors.

But, WI Godfrey in 810 took beyond bragging? If he is detected on the way to sacking Aachen it would merely be another victim of a Viking raid. Yes a loss of prestige on the part of Charlemagne, but he would be rallying troops to strike back. But if Godfrey is able to arrive in Aachen undetected or so speedily, that nobody is able to say “Constantinople”, then he may catch Charlemagne in his palace. With Charlemagne out of the way, what happens next? A lot of butterflies! These will be slowly spreading the effect outwards from Aachen, during the following centuries.

My scenario is that Godfrey’s ships are closing on Aachen undetected, and Charlemagne is killed by Godfreys Vikings. Godfrey loots the city and sails back down the Maas to Frisland that is made a dependency of Denmark.

When word of what happened in Aachen gets around, Saxony rebels and the duke of Bavaria goes for independence.
If Pippin, in Italy, isn’t dead by disease by now, he lifts the siege of Vienna and takes on the quelling of Langobard unrest all over Italy. His son Bernhard is sent to Friuli to watch the Bavarian Duke.
Charles in Neustria has his hands full, gathering an army to quell the uprising in Saxony and regain Frisland. Louis in Aquitaine is the only one not having an immediate uprising on his hands.

Louis leaves his eldest son Lothair in charge in Aquitaine and goes for Austrasia, hoping for Pippin and Charles to be occupied long enough, for him to be in control of the major part of the Empire.

Godfrey sail from Frisland to Saxony and is recognized as overlord and he promises to support the Saxon struggle. He then sails into the Channel raiding the coast of Neustria to the utmost. Then he turns north, sail up the Schelde and meet Charles’ army at Tournai. With the Viking army in front of the burning city Charles’ army is already demoralized and is easily defeated by Godfrey. Godfrey then sail back to Saxony and extracts tribute.

In Italy the Langobard Dukes are going for independence, but not being able to elect one as king, Pippin and Bernhard comes out victorious. Pippin however dies during the campaign leaving Italy to Bernhard.

Charles goes on assembling a new army amid rebellious nobles and Viking raids. The news of the death of Charlemagne has prompted every Viking able to hold a sword to go to France for loot.
In the end Charles gets his army going and moves into Frisland reincorporating the Frisians into his kingdom. Then Charles decides to go for Austrasia and move south into Lorraine to catch up with Louis.

With Charles and Louis in Franconia negotiating the title of Emperor, Bernhard with his Frankish – Langobard army crosses the Alpes into Bavaria. Bernhard halts in Bavaria waiting for his uncles to finish their negotiations, and securing the Dukedom for himself.

Charles and Louis aren’t able to come to terms so battle is joined at Ingelheim. Charles is victorious; Louis is killed in the battle. Charles is proclaimed King of the Franks.

811 Charles rounds up Louis’ sons in Aquitaine and take them to the court in Ingelheim. Charles dies suddenly, leaving Bernhard sole surviving adult male in succession. Bernhard move into Ingelheim and is proclaimed King. He keeps Louis’ sons and his half brothers at court. His aunts meanwhile are running wild all over Christian Europe searching for matching husbands now that Charlemagne is dead.
Possible grooms would be the kings of Wessex, Northumbria, Mercia and Asturias, Dukes of the various Frankish lands and in Langobard Italy and other great nobles.

Saxony has, with the help of King Godfrey thrown out the Frankish lords and clergy and recognizes Godfrey of Denmark as overlord and Duke to whom it pays tribute.
Frisland also recognizes Godfrey as overlord. In both countries sons of Godfrey’s brothers is made rulers. Sigfred is Duke in Saxony, Hankwin in Frisland.
Other sons and relatives are making raids on both sides of the English Channel. Godfrey himself is in the Slav lands south of the Baltic, making the Slavs recognize him as overlord and pay tribute.

With Saxony and Frisland under control of Denmark and the Frankish nobility in different parts of the Empire in revolt, Bernhard spends the year putting down uprisings all over the Empire.

In the east the Byzantine army is annihilated in the Balkan Mountains and the Emperor Nikeforos is killed. His brother, Michael 1, becomes Emperor.

812 Godfrey is again pillaging the Frankish coast.
Bernhard is busy putting down uprisings. He is having Louis son Lothair with him on campaign.
The Saxons raids Franconia and gains a foothold on the Baltic coast by pushing the Slavic Abodrites east out of Holstein.
The Bulgars capture the fortress Mesembria.

813 The Saxon raids have made the nobility in Franconia and Lorraine more willing to accept Bernhard’s kingship. Because of the expelling of Catholic clergy from Saxony the bishops support Bernhard and he is able to raise and lead an army into Saxony. The Saxons is reinforced by the Danes and Bernhard’s army is repulsed. The Danes pillage the Channel coast.
The Bulgars reaches Constantinople and the Byzantine army brings down Emperor Michael 1. An Armenian general Leo 5. is made Emperor. The Bulgarians capture Adrianoble.
Al Mamun’s army captures Bagdad and murders the caliph Al Amin after his surrender. Al Mamun becomes caliph.

814 Bernhard returns to Saxony. On the march he encounters a Saxon raiding force and descends on it, totally annihilating it. He then makes a short incursion into the Saxon territory looting and burning. Upon returning to Franconia, he begins to build a number of castles to watch the Saxons.
The unrest in the Frankish Empire is taking on new steam, as the husbands of Charlemagne’s daughters are making themselves of notice.
The Saxons are busy pushing the Slavs east along the Baltic coast. Godfrey who takes part in the Saxon campaign is killed in battle. The Saxons renounce the Danish overlord ship and Sigfred is elected King of the Saxons. In Denmark there is strife within the Royal family as to who is to succeed Godfrey.
Peace is made between the Byzantine Empire and the Bulgar Khan.

815 The new Saxon king Sigfred immediately put Lothair to the test by attacking a number of forts on the Saxon – Frankish border. The forts hold and Sigfred give up the sieges. On return to Saxony Sigfred dies in a hunting accident and his brother Harold is elected King of the Saxons. Bernhard also sends an embassy to the Pope to get support for war against the heretic Saxons. The Pope is sympathetic to Bernhards plea, and asks Bishops and Priests to rally peoples to the Frankish cause or at least donate money for it.

817 Lothair is made Duke of Lorraine and given the task of watching the Frisians and Saxons. Lothairs brother Pippin is made Duke of Aquitaine and his brother Louis Duke of Bavaria and Count of Friuli.
Bernhard goes to the Channel coast to renew Charlemagne’s coastal defences as the Danes are still active.
The Avars in Pannonia is again making them noticeable, raiding Bavaria.

818 The War of Succession in Denmark is ended with Horik, son of Godfrey, being victorious.
King Horik has begun making attacks on England and goes to Saxony to enlist troops for the campaign. Harold protest, but the prospect of loot is convincing and many adventurous Saxons follow Horik.

819 Duke Louis of Bavaria/Friuli effectively destroys the Avar remnants in Pannonia.

820 King Bernhard is having his hands full. Duke Pippin declares independence in Aquitaine. Duke Louis does the same thing in Bavaria/Friuli and the husbands of Bernhard’s aunt’s are going for it! And the results of the Papal help are meagre.

822 The Frankish empire is breaking up. Bernhard is still holding on to the majority of Austrasia and Neustria (Germany and northern France) but Aquitaine and Bavaria/Friuli are independent Duchies.
Burgundy is also taking advantage of the situation and its Duke declares independence. The various states and Duchies of Italy are engaged in rivalries for the Kingdom of Italy.

825 The Danes are pillaging the English countryside with the aid of numerous Saxons. At the same time Saxons are moving east along the Baltic shore into Mecklenburg. Occasional raids into Frankish lands are also undertaken.
In the Frankish lands Aquitaine is making ties with Asturias in northern Spain, aiding in the fight with the Muslims. Aquitaine and Asturias thus secure the goodwill of the Papacy fighting the infidel in a just war and not carrying arms against their fellow Christians. The Pope asks his flock to support this war.
Burgundy and Bavaria are fighting it out in Italy for dominance of the Italian city states. But nothing decisive is obtained by either and the Italian city states revert to virtual independence.
Bernhard is still going along with Lothair and is fighting the uprisings in Neustria and Austrasia as they occur. His aunts are still stirring up tensions.

826 Duke Lothair moves into Saxony, on the instigation of King Harold, who wants to make himself independent of Horik. Harold is baptized a Catholic but Lothair and Harolds army is routed at Verden by a joint Danish – Saxon force led by Horik. Harold is dethroned and Horik elected King of Saxony.
The Arab raiders take Crete and turn it into a pirate base.

827 An Arab army lands in Sicily.
Danish and Saxon forces raids Franconia.
Harold is set up in the northern part of Thüringa by Duke Lothair, to bolster the defences against Horik.
Danes and Saxons are establishing themselves in Kent.

828 King Horik moves into Saxony picking up reinforcements and leads a large scale raid into Lorraine. Harold marches to the aid of Duke Lothair, but his force is routed at Cologne.
The second war in Italy between Burgundy and Bavaria/Friuli. Still there is no decisive result.

829 Egbert of Wessex is recognized as King of all England except Kent, which is the base of the Danes (and Saxons).

830 Duke Lothair with aid of his aunts husbands’ rebel against King Bernhard. Bernhard is briefly in control of central Austrasia only, but soon regains strength and allies. With the “aid” of a large scale Danish raid on Paris, Bernhard is able to resume power and Lothair pays homage.
The Caliph Al Mamun initiates war on Byzantium. Byzantium is on the defensive until 863.

831 Palermo in Sicily is captured by the Arabs. The Arab raiders in the Med are getting attention at the Frankish court.

834 Western Neustria is raided by Danes.
The Danish/Saxon army in England is moving out of Kent.

836 The Danes/Saxons and Anglo-Saxons clashes at Carhampton. The Danes/Saxons are victorious.

837 Naples is attacked by an Arab fleet.
The Christian uprising in Moor Spain is triggering Duke Pippin of Aquitaine into action. But the Aquitaine army is sent reeling back across the river Ebro.

838 Duke Pippin dies. But Aquitaine independence is assured as count Sans II Sancion of Gascony ascends the Aquitaine throne, deposing Duke Pippin’s son Pippin II.

840-900: Aquitaine, Burgundy and Bavaria/Friuli become Kingdoms in their own right, Burgundy and Bavaria/Friuli fighting repeatedly on control of Italy.
Burgundy elects Duke Lothairs son Charles as King in 855.
Aquitaine is supporting Asturias campaign against the Spanish Moors and is more and more consumed in the affairs of the Iberian Peninsular.
Neustria and Austrasia are torn up by internal strife on the issue of inheritance of Charlemagne’s legacy. Duke Lothair now King is battling his aunt’s husbands and later their sons, Lothair’s base being central Austrasia, which is the most threatened by Danes and Saxons. King Lothairs son Louis is made Duke of Lorraine. King Lothair’s other son Lothair is made Duke of Paris.
Saxony is becoming the manpower pool of Denmark, supplying troops to conquer England and also fuel a campaign against the Slavs on the Southern shore of the Baltic. The Danish King is as a matter of ceremony elected Duke of Saxony, de facto being the only choice, as Charlemagne made sure the Saxon nobility were exterminated or moved off Saxon ground.
Frisland is a Danish vassal, the Danish King governing by substitute.
The Danes conquers all of England just before 900 and the surplus warriors go on pillaging Neustria and Aquitaine.

840 King Bernhard of the Franks dies. His son Lothair is elected King of the Franks.
Bari in Southern Italy is captured by the Arabs.
The Byzantine Emperor recruit troops in Scandinavia for his Vaeringa Guard.

841 King Lothairs son Charles is elected King of Burgundy. Lothairs son Louis is made Duke of Lorraine and his son Lothair is made Duke of Paris.

845 Rome is attacked by the Arabs.

855 Lothair King of the Franks dies. His son Lothair is elected King. His brother Charles is made Duke of Paris.

862 Rurik is elected to rule Novgorod. Rurik is of the Danish Royal family and a follower of the Greek-Orthodox belief.

863 King Charles of Burgundy dies. Louis Duke of Lorraine is elected king of Burgundy.
869 King Lothair of the Franks dies. His uncle Charles, Duke of Paris is elected King. Charles the Fat, son of Louis Duke of Bavaria/Friuli is made Duke of Paris.

871 Burgundian King Louis capture Bari from the Arabs.

873 The Duchy of Benevent puts itself under Byzantine over lordship and leaves Bari to the Emperor.

875 King Louis of Burgundy dies.

876 Duke Louis of Bavaria/Friuli dies. His son Karloman succeeds him.

877 Count Boso of Vienne is elected king of Burgundy. King Charles of the Franks dies. His son Louis the Stammered is elected King. Charles the Fat, Duke of Paris goes for independence.

878 Battle of Paris. King Louis the Stammered dies. His cousin Louis, son of his uncle Louis, is elected King. Charles the Fat is recognized as King of the West Franks.

880 Oleg ruler of Kiev.
Duke Karloman dies and is succeeded by his son Arnulf.

882 King Louis of the Franks dies. Louis the Stammered’ son Charles is elected King of the East Franks - Germans.

885 Byzantine general Nikeforos Fokas arrives in Southern Italy for re-conquest of Byzantine possessions.

886 Nikeforos Fokas re-establish Byzantine hegemony in Southern Italy.

887 King Boso of Italy dies. His son Louis succeeds him.

888 King Charles the Fat of the West Franks dies. Count Odo Capet is elected King of France.

890 The Magyars appears in Pannonia.

891 Duke Arnulf of Bavaria/Friuli attacks Italy and wins the battle of Padua.

892 Charles, King of Germany, on campaign in Moravia. Duke Arnulf defeats King Louis of Italy at Milan. Louis retreats to Burgundy.

894 Moravian King Svatopluk dies – the kingdom dissolves.
Duke Arnulf is recognized as King of Italy.

898 King Odo of France dies. His brother Robert is elected king.

899 King Arnulf of Italy dies. His son Louis succeeds him as King of Italy and Duke of Bavaria/Friuli. Magyar raids on Italy. King Louis of Burgundy moves into Italy but is defeated by the Magyar raiders at Pavia.
900-950 Magyar raids on Bavaria. Burgundy is again able to expand in Italy at the expense of Bavaria. Repeated Magyar raids on different parts of Germany, and into Burgundy.
Vikings settle at the mouth of the Loire.

900 The Norwegians and the Danes clash in Northumbria. King Hardacnut of the Danes is victorious and then focuses his attention on Norway itself.

906, 908 Magyars pillage Saxony. The King is away in England and Norway and the Saxons elects a Duke to lead the army against the Magyar raiders. Saxony gains independence for 10 years.

911 Louis Duke of Bavaria/Friuli dies.

917 Magyars raid Saxony. King Hardacnut land in Saxony with his army and deposes the Duke and demand tribute. Danish control of Saxony is reinstated.

921 Wenzel, Duke of Bohemia.

927 Bulgarian czar Symeon is defeated by the Croats and his son Peter makes peace with Byzantium.

928 Robert, King of France dies. His son Hugues le Grand is elected King. King Louis of Burgundy dies. Charles his son ascends the throne.

929 Charles, King of Germany dies. Not being able to elect a King the German kingdom disintegrates.

930 Eric Bloodaxe King of Norway.

931 As the German Dukes are warring among each other for the crown, Wenzel takes advantage of the situation and moves into Thuringa. Bavaria/Friuli is losing ground to Burgundy in Italy.

932 In Spain the counties Castille and Navarre tries to secede from Asturias.

933 The German Dukes have agreed to counter Wenzel’s aspirations. A great army is assembled in Thuringa but Wenzel is forced by a Magyar raid to withdraw his forces. Wenzel doesn’t seek battle with the Magyars but retreats into Bohemia. The German Dukes follow Wenzel and runs into the main Magyar force at Naumburg. The German army is routed.

934 Wenzel is back in Thuringa. This time there is no defence and the Duchy is incorporated into Bohemia.

935 Eric Bloodaxe is driven out of Norway.
Wenzel is killed by his brother Boleslav. The Bohemian empire falls apart.

936 King Hugues start the campaign to drive the Vikings out of western France. His effort is futile however as the Vikings are too strong.

937 King Hardacnut of Denmark moves into Lower Lorraine. He defeats the German Dukes at Cologne. Lower Lorraine is made a Danish Duchy. A Magyar raiding force returning from Burgundy is ambushed by Hardacnuts forces and a great slaughter follows. Hardacnut is praised in German parishes, albeit with mixed feelings!

938 Hardacnut dies. His son Gorm Englishman follows him as King of Denmark, England, Frisland, Saxony, Lower Lorraine, Southern Norway and the southern shore of the Baltic.

939 Vikings from the nordic Kingdom in Dublin, lands in northern England.

940 The invaders are driven out of England by King Gorm.

941 Russian prince Igor attacks Constantinople, but is driven away by Greek fire.

942 Byzantine general John Kurkuas conquers Nibisis in Mesopotamia.
King Gorm dies. His son Hardacnut is elected King.

944 Hugues of France move into Upper Lorraine. His move is countered by Hardacnut that routs Hugues army at Verdun. Upper Lorraine is made a vassal of Denmark.

950-1000: The Vikings at Loire are carving out a Duchy of their own at the expanse of Poitu, Aquitaine and Brittany.
The Danish King devotes more time to the rule of Saxony and England. In order to get better administration of his lands, the Danish King decides to get Greek-Orthodox clergy settled in his lands and adopt Byzantine administration. The Catholic faith is not considered as it was expressed by the Holy Emperor Charlemagne, defeated by Hardacnuts ancestor. The Arian beliefs with their equality observance are also rejected. This is stirring up tensions in Hardacnuts English lands.
Aquitaine and Asturias are united by intermarriage of the Royal lines. All of the Iberian Peninsular is claimed by the Royal house, on the decendance of the ancient Visigothic Kingdom.

950 King Hardacnut is declared as King of Kings in his lands and assumes the title of Basileus or Emperor. He puts the crown on his head himself to signal his control of religious as well as worldly issues. His lands are divided into themes to be ruled by loyal governors. Hardacnut reforms the trading in his lands, keeping control of the major cities as royal territory, thus gaining more resources for the crown. Greek-Orthodox clergy are given control of bishoprics in Denmark, Saxony and Frisland. In England and Lorraine Greek-Orthodox bishops are installed side-by-side with Catholic bishops. This move creates tensions in England as the Anglo-Saxon nobility is Catholic whereas the Danish-Saxon nobility is Greek-Orthodox. In Lorraine the move triggers an uprising, which is supported by the German Dukes.
Hardacnut moves his army to Lorraine and a long struggle begins of sieges.

952 King Ordono III of Asturias is introduced by the Pope to the Duchess of Aquitaine. On the instigation of the Pope a marriage is agreed to. The Pope will support the combined efforts of Asturias and Aquitaine in the Reconquista, and the fight against the heretic Vikings of the Loire.

953 King Hugues of France enters an alliance with Asturias-Aquitaine against the Vikings of the Loire. In a combined effort the French and Aquitaine army is able to inflict defeat on the Vikings and their leaders are baptized and given authority to rule French lands north of the Loire and Aquitaine lands south of the Loire.
The King of Burgundy dies and the Burgundy/Italian Empire crumbles and unrest rules in Italy.
Hardacnut make an alliance with the King of Poland, surrendering the Baltic Shores to Polish expansion and suppression of Slavic raids on Danish lands.

954 King Hugues attack and is repelled from Burgundy, but Burgundy isn’t able to reclaim its supremacy over Italy. Italy is divided into warring Duchies.
The former Norwegian King Eric Bloodaxe invades Northumbria but is defeated and killed by Hardacnuts son Godwin.

955 The Aquitaine/Asturias campaign in Spain is going well. The newly baptized Duke of Val-de-Loire takes part in the campaign. King Ordono III renames his Kingdom Gothia in honour of the ancient Visigothic Kingdom.

956 King Hugues of France dies. He is succeeded by his son Hugo.

957 Duke Ludwig of Franconia calls upon the other German Dukes, as this is the time for reasserting German might on German soil against the infidel. After much arguing, the Dukes decide to elect Ludwig as their King and leader in the struggle against Emperor Hardacnut in Lorraine.

958 King Ludwig leads the German army against Emperor Hardacnuts troops in Lorraine. King Hugo of France decides to join the fight and invade Frisland. The Frisians are able to halt the French invasion in Flanders.

959 The tension in England between Catholics and Greek-orthodox explodes in a Catholic rebellion led by the Anglo-Saxon nobility. The rebellion is able to make Wessex and Anglia west of Watling Street a free Catholic nation. The Eastern part of England remains in Danish-Saxon control.
Hardacnut under pressure from the English uprising gives in and surrender the vassalage of the Lorraines to Ludwig King of Germany.

961 Emperor Hardacnut moves his army into Catholic England to re-conquer it.
Crete is conquered by the Byzantines.

962 The Danish-Saxon army campaigns in west Anglia.
The Byzantines defeats the Syrian emir Saif Al Daula and conquers Aleppo.

963 The Danish-Saxon army moves into Wessex, but a new uprising forces it to move back to west Anglia.
Still occasionally troubled by Magyar raids Ludwig leads an expedition into Hungary. The Magyars are defeated and their leader forced to baptism.
Polish Duke Mieszko 1. is able to have himself recognized as lord of the Slavic tribes of the Baltic coast.

965 King Ludwig attacks Bohemia, in order to have its King recognizes him as his lord. This triggers off Polish Duke Mieszko in defence of Bohemia. The army of Ludwig defeats Mieszko and he are forced to baptism and take his land as a German fief.
The Byzantines conquers Cyprus.

966 The war in England drags on with a number of long sieges. Emperor Hardacnut suddenly calls off the campaign as he has to deal with an uprising in Saxony led by his son Godwin. Hardacnut then move his army to Saxony defeating Godwin and beheading him. The nobles that supported Godwin are also beheaded.
King Ludwig continues the campaign in Bohemia making the Duke his vassal.

967 Emperor Hardacnut visits Novgorod, Kiev and Constantinople. In all three lands he concludes treaties and marriages with members of the Royal families. He prays in Hagia Sophia and then return to Saxony and dies in Bremen at Christmas.
First part of the revised TL - comments are welcome.


Thrilling, not at least the part about an Orthodox Christian Viking Empire!

But just so I understand: is there also a PoD (apart from Godfrey's "visit") about early Christianity in Scandinavia? You write about this being Arian and Orthodox, and in OTL AFAIK it was outright Roman Catholic and with the Bremen "office" eventually winning over the British and settling with a Lund Archbishop.

But once again we see how much the nation of Germany appear of to vanish from the future when we reinforce their neighbors on the northern flank.

The Basileus of the North will in the next centuries have good chances of consolidating power in the Baltic and even go for incorporating/joining some Moscowy and Kiev duchies. The total wank would be an empire going from Constantiople over Russia to the North Cape and with the British Isles being the occasional hotspot of the periphery - Roman Catholic barbarians you know!


Steffen Redbeard
Thrilling, not at least the part about an Orthodox Christian Viking Empire!

But just so I understand: is there also a PoD (apart from Godfrey's "visit") about early Christianity in Scandinavia? You write about this being Arian and Orthodox, and in OTL AFAIK it was outright Roman Catholic and with the Bremen "office" eventually winning over the British and settling with a Lund Archbishop.

But once again we see how much the nation of Germany appear of to vanish from the future when we reinforce their neighbors on the northern flank.

The Basileus of the North will in the next centuries have good chances of consolidating power in the Baltic and even go for incorporating/joining some Moscowy and Kiev duchies. The total wank would be an empire going from Constantiople over Russia to the North Cape and with the British Isles being the occasional hotspot of the periphery - Roman Catholic barbarians you know!


Steffen Redbeard

Hi Steffen, thanks for your reply.
About the religious ideas, well these came from readings of books on beliefs in Scandinavia pre-Catholic era, mainly Søren Nancke-Krogh and Mads Lidegaard. So not really a POD, but thoughts on how the religious climate would be in Scandinavia with no threath from the Empire, be it Frankish or German. But it does have some far reaching effects.

I hadn't really thought in the terms of a wank, but the TL might unfold in that direction.

I'm pondering further effects especially as the rings spread in the pond.
Europe in 965.

A visit 965 ba.JPG
New Installment

968 The Byzantines take Emesa and lay siege to Antioch.

969 Antioch is taken by storm.
Fatimid general Djawhar conquers Egypt with Berber troops.

971 King Ludwig of Germany dies. His son Johann is elected King.
Given the relative isolation of Ireland since the Danish/Saxon conquest and change to Greek-Orthodox belief, the Celtic church goes into a revival. Irish monks travel the isle, Wales and Scotland. A few attempts at getting into Catholic England and Danish Orthodox England are repulsed by the local clerics. The Irish monks are also allowed travelling through Norwegian areas of Dublin, Man and the Isles of Scotland.

972 The Duke of Val-de-Loire is contacted by the Catholic English and decides to aid their cause. A fleet land in Wessex and the Loire troops march on London. There they are met by the Danish-Saxon army and routed. They aren’t followed by the Danish-Saxon army as the Emperor Harold is delayed by a renewal of Slavic raids on Denmark and goes to the Baltic to settle things.
Prince Vladimir of Kiev flees certain death as his brother Jaropolk declares himself Grand prince. Vladimir arrives in Denmark and asks for help in regaining his inheritance.

973 Having put an end to the Slavic raiders Emperor Harold turn to English matters. During winter the Loire troops have been pillaging the Catholic England and now the Catholic leaders want them out. As they are not able to do so themselves, they take their lands as fiefs of the Emperor Harold on condition of freedom of faith and the Emperors forcing the Loire troops out. Harold pursues the Loire troops out of England.
Spanish caliph Hakam 2. conquers Morocco from the Fatimids.

975 King Johann of Germany wants to reunite Saxony with Germany, but his troops are routed when marching north along the Weser River. A few Saxon/Danish raids are undertaken afterwards into German territory.
The Saxon nobility is a mix of migrated Danes and some of the survivors of Charlemagne’s campaign of 784. Since 810 the peoples of Saxony have come to regard the Danish Emperor as their rightful Duke and after nearly 200 years nobody’s questioning these affairs any longer. As well as in Saxony proper the Danish and Saxon nobility in England is merging and so are the languages – originally close, but closing in.
The Danevirke in southern Sleswig build in 650 and 737 are given up as a fortification and it slowly fades into the Mist’s of Saga’s. The story is of a beautiful Danish Queen, who builds the wall to fortify Denmark from Slavic attacks.

976 A Welsh raid into Catholic England. It is repulsed.
Hakam 2. dies and his minor son Hisham 2. succeeds him. There is internal strife in the Caliphate which Sancho of Gothia takes advantage of and launches a campaign.

977 King Johann of Germany decides to leave Denmark and focus on reuniting Charlemagne’s Empire. Johann attack France but is repulsed by King Hugo with the support of the Duke of Val-de-Loire and the Burgundian King. Johann is forced to agree to eternal peace with France and Burgundy.
Vladimir returns with a Danish army to Kiev and dethrone Jaropolk.
More Welsh raids into Catholic England.
The Burgundians sets out to re-conquer the Italian Duchies.

978 King Johann decides to use his resources in Eastern Europe. To this end he makes use of his vassals the Dukes of Bohemia and Poland to keep the Magyars in check. The Slavic areas in between Poland and Germany, Lausitz, Meissen and Zeitz are taken over by Johann as well as Ostmark (Austria) between Germany and Hungary. The German King as well as other European Monarchs is naming the new Bishops in the settled and converted areas.
The Catholic English mounts a counter raid on Wales.
The Gothian army reaches Palos. An alliance is made with Berber tribes that close off the southern shore of the Med to Hisham 2. and invades Morocco.

980 King Johann is settling Germans in Lausitz, Meissen, Zeitz and Ostmark, as well as encouraging German merchants to settle in Bohemia and Poland. The goal is to get part of the Baltic trade going overland into Germany.

982 King Anund of Göteland sends an expedition to the island Gotland in the Baltic to get control of trade. Another is send north into Svealand.

983 Emperor Harold is in the Baltic leading an expedition to Gotland to gain control of the rich island from Götaland. King Anund cedes Gotland to Harold.
Sancho makes a treaty with Hisham 2. All lands west of Guadiana and north of the Tajo and Ebro are now part of Gothia. A ten year truce is agreed upon.

984 Göta raids on the Danish eastern provinces. King Anund arranges a marriage between his son Inge and Grand Prince Vladimir of Kiev’s daughter Sophia.
Greenland is discovered by Eric the Red.

Norway and North Atlantic:
The southern part of Norway, Viken, has been a Danish possession since time immemorial (almost!). The northern parts are ruled by various Jarls/Earls. There are occasional skirmishes between the Danish Emperor and the Norwegian Jarls, but mostly in the form of border clashes, raids and counter-raids.
As a result of the Catholic Church not being present in Scandinavia Norway stay divided and the OTL migration by peoples not satisfied with the influence of Catholicism do not occur. Iceland has a somewhat lesser population than OTL and Greenland a much smaller one. There never is the basis for a Diocese in Gardar, Greenland and the total population there never exceeds 2000 in both settlements. As another result Vinland isn’t found by Leif Eriksson, as he stays in Norway, carving out a Jarl-dom of his own and never returns to Greenland. The tale of his achievements in Norway pleases his father immensely.
The Norwegians also maintained their presence in the Scottish isles, Man and Ireland.

986 In Byzantium Emperor Basilios 2. is threatened by rebellion of general Barda Skleros and later Bardas Fokas. Basilios asks his son in law Grand prince Vladimir of Kiev for help. Vladimir gets permission from Harold to lend Basilios his army. Harold asks Basilios supply him with more clergy in return.

988 The Danish army destroys Bardas Fokas army at Abydos in Asia Minor.
Renewed Welsh raids into Catholic England. Irish raids on Cornwall.

989 The Greek-Orthodox empires of Denmark, Göteland, Kiev and Byzantium royal families are now joined together by intermarriage. The rulers control most of Europe’s trade with the East, be it through Russia or the Med. Trade is going overland through Russia during winter, along the frozen rivers into the Baltic where Scandinavian merchants stand by with ships ready. Through the Med trade is carried by ship to the ports of Italy, Burgundy and Gothia. This control of trade is making the Greek-Orthodox monarchs wealthier and envied by their Catholic neighbour’s.

996 After some years of German, Bohemian and Polish pressure as well as uneasiness regarding the Bulgarians under Samuel, Stephan of Hungary is baptized after having made the Pope Protector of his country. He is later made King by the Pope.
Death of King Hugo of France, succeeded by his son Robert.
Basilios 2. defeats the Bulgarians at River Spercheios. Nicknamed Bulgaroktonos.

1001 King Inge of Götelands daughter Sophia is married to Danish Prince Hardacnut.
Burgundian Duke Arnulf claims Italy after having married the widowed Duchess of Lombardy. For the time being the unruly Italians accept Arnulf’ over-lordship.

1003 In Hispania Hisham II feel the time is right for a Moorish re-Conquista and attack Gothian strongpoints. King Pedro calls for help by any Christians and his call is responded by the Duke of Val-de-Loire. Pedro is the able to regain his losses. Hisham on the other hand is “de-throned” and a power-struggle is initiated. Relieved Pedro resumes the re-Conquista and crosses the Tajo.
Emperor Harold orders his Vaeringa to return from Byzantine service.

1004 King Pedro of Gothia continues the re-Conquista. Moorish defences crumble.

1008 Gothian re-conquista halts on the Guadiana.

1010 Emperor Harold dies.


I had no idea there was a pre-catholic Christianity in Denmark, got to get my hands on the books you mention, but it is very spiriting to know there still is so much to be known...:)

It is also very spiriting to see that new, interesting and even plausible TLs still are possible :)

Considering the OTL close ties between Scandinavia and Russia (Rus, Kiev princes etc.) I wonder why no one (to my knowledge) has thought this one up before.

Especially the PoD generating potential of a economical, cultural and religious system from Scandinavia over Russia to the Med. is fascinating. I haven't got a good map of the Russian river system at hand but AFAIK you do not need that long canals to connect north and south running rivers - could it be Dvina and Dnjepr? If so the traditional norse trader going by boat up the rivers will be unstopable and generate tremedous riches. But we a need a power in central Russia strong enough to build a canal, and the obvious taxing potential in it will make this power even stronger (unless they decide to spend all the money on drinks and women, then they won't be powerful but just have lots of fun).

Look forward to seeing more...:)


Steffen Redbeard

BTW there is not necessarily anything wrong with wanks, the good wanks are good and the bad ones are just bad... ;)
I had no idea there was a pre-catholic Christianity in Denmark, got to get my hands on the books you mention, but it is very spiriting to know there still is so much to be known...:)

It is also very spiriting to see that new, interesting and even plausible TLs still are possible :)

Considering the OTL close ties between Scandinavia and Russia (Rus, Kiev princes etc.) I wonder why no one (to my knowledge) has thought this one up before.

Especially the PoD generating potential of a economical, cultural and religious system from Scandinavia over Russia to the Med. is fascinating. I haven't got a good map of the Russian river system at hand but AFAIK you do not need that long canals to connect north and south running rivers - could it be Dvina and Dnjepr? If so the traditional norse trader going by boat up the rivers will be unstopable and generate tremedous riches. But we a need a power in central Russia strong enough to build a canal, and the obvious taxing potential in it will make this power even stronger (unless they decide to spend all the money on drinks and women, then they won't be powerful but just have lots of fun).

Look forward to seeing more...:)


Steffen Redbeard

BTW there is not necessarily anything wrong with wanks, the good wanks are good and the bad ones are just bad... ;)

Interestingly I only thought that it was something out on a limp, until I stumpled upon these two. It is also referred in a summary of the Viking age published this year.
Also the implications of the Catholic beliefs are touched upon, the most interesting part of it all. I hadn't the faintest of ideas what changes this would make to the TL.

About the trade through Russia.
Swedish scholars made the journey years ago. The sailable part of the Russian rivers from Lake Ilmen or Ladoga to the Black Sea amounted to just 250 km! That made peoples think about it and it is now assumed that trade went through Russia by sleigh in winter time over the frozen rivers, now turned into highways. You'd then sail the Baltic into Lake Ladoga or Ilmen wait for winter and then have russians transport you and your goods by sleigh to the lower Dneipr, Don or Volga and sail again in spring.
That made the river mouths on the Baltic very important as well as Gotland. And you don't need canals. But of course inn's and stations along the rivers were important to guard the trade routes. And any monarch or magnate did tax any and everything moved through his lands and into his cities, so wealth were generated - and spent at times of course.

Trade has been found to have occurred even during wartime!

So religion and trade is two of the main shapers of early Europe and will feature importantly in the TL.

A wank perhaps - it wasn't intended, but it may go that way, and the hopefully a good one. I was merely going to examine my newfound potential of religion and trade.

Thanks for your interest and comment - it helps keeping spirits up.:D :D :D
1011 The first year after Harolds death is taken up by his heirs going through a bloody power struggle, from which Hardacnut emerges victorius and puts the Imperial crown upon his own head in the basilica of Bremen.
Sophia gives birth to a son, Inge. Hardacnuts lineage is secured.
Frisians are settled in the Fens to drain and cultivate the area.
King Johann of Germany looks east towards the rich trade going through Russia. As part of it goes via the rivers emptying in the Baltic he talks the Polish Duke into a campaign along the Baltic coast towards the Gulf of Finland.
At the time the Götaland King Inge establishes a settlement on the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland with the same purpose.

1012 New Irish and Welsh raids on Catholic England. Acting as their feudal lord Hardacnut moves his army by ship to the Irish Sea raiding the coasts in retribution.
Knowing Hardacnut is away Johann and Duke Boleslaw move against the Prusians and the Lithuanians. Hardacnut is able to swiftly, in a matter of weeks, move his army into the Baltic and lands in the mouth of the Oder moving into Lausitz and Poland, raiding, pillaging and burning. This stop the German/Polish campaign as the newly converted Slavs in Lausitz, Meissen and Zeitz rejects Catholic baptism and revolts. The Polish army had been stopped by the Prusians and was in retreat but to the German King the revolt is serious and has to be dealt with.

1013 King Inge of Göteland dies. Prince Inge of Denmark is recognized as legitimate heir and is crowned by the Göta. Emperor Hardacnut reign in the name of his son.
In northern Göteland the Sveas rise against the new King. Hardacnut sends his army to Svealand, making the Sveas acknowledge Inge as their new King. To keep control of the trade with the Sveas the trading town of Birka is fortified and given a Danish garrison.

1014 King Johann of Germany suppresses the last revolt. Upon his death the same year the revolts flare up again. Johanns son Konrad is elected King.
The Polish Duke Boleslaw resumes the attack on the Prusians. Hardacnut enlarges the Danish trading posts at the mouth of Rivers Vistula, Njeman and Dvina.
King Robert of France looks at the Catholic England and wants to become its lord. The Catholic English Earls rejects Robert’s proposals, as they are rather content with the Danish Emperor as their feudal lord. The English Earls are content with having no King to interfere in their affairs to name their own bishops, quarrel and fight each other, the Welsh and the Irish. The Pope is not satisfied however but has no direct way of getting them back in the fold. As King Robert also is defiant of the Popes wishes to bishops, he doesn’t get papal support for his plans. The populace is also dissatisfied seeing their kin in Orthodox England living in peace with Imperial administration to keep Thanes, Earls and bishops in check.

1015 Having heard of the armoured cavalry of the Germans and with the stories of ex-Vaeringa troopers of Byzantine armoured cavalry Hardacnut restructures part of his military. The nobility of Saxony and Jutland, except for the northernmost part, are now asked to supply his imperial majesty’s governors with armoured cavalry when called upon. The Danish Isles, Scania, Viken, Frisland and Götaland are to supply the ships for the navy along with crews and troops. In England the Thanes and Earls are to supply the governors with infantry, light cavalry and ships.
Prince Vladimir of Kiev dies. A long struggle between his sons and nephews for the crown begins. Vladimir’s nephew Svjatoslav ascends the throne, but his cousin Yaroslav takes Novgorod as his prize.
King Konrad of Germany suppresses the revolts and a large number of the Slavs are resettled in other parts of the Kingdom.

1018 A Welsh raid into Catholic Mercia result in a battle with the army of the English Earls. The battle is disastrous for the Earls as a large number are killed in the initial English charge. The remnants of the army retreat south of the Thames and the Welsh pillage the countryside. When the Welsh leaves and a small noble’s army enters Catholic Mercia and requests lodgings and supply the peasants rise in refusal of the demands and slaughter the noble’s army. A new noble’s army moves into Catholic Mercia, but the uprising is spreading and this army is met in battle by a large peasant army at Worcester. The peasant army is able to hold its ground and the noble’s army retreats south of the Thames. As Emperor Hardacnut rejects the Catholic Earls plea for help as it is their duty to keep internal peace, the Catholic Earls asks King Robert of France for help and accept him as their lord. A small French army lands at Southampton and joins the noble’s army. Hardacnut sends his army into Catholic Mercia to restore order in his vassals’ lands. Order is restored, fiefs are granted to Danish nobility as the Anglo-Saxons have been killed and Orthodox bishops installed on vacant seats.
Fuelled by the success of the conquest of Bulgaria the Byzantines lands an army in Italy and marches north. The Burgundian Duke Arnulf is able to make the Italian nobles recognize him as King of Italy and leads a combined Burgundian/Italian army against the Byzantine army.

1019 Realizing the importance of the Oeresund between Sjaelland and Scania Emperor Hardacnut enlarges the small port of Havn (Port) on the Sjaelland east cost into a trading town. The town acquire the new composite name of Kjoebmandehavn (Traders port).
Demanding and not getting feudal service by the remaining Catholic Earls on an expedition to Wales, Hardacnut moves south of the Thames. The French army avoid battle and leave for France and the Catholic Earls are made to choose between renewal of vassalage or loss of title and life. The Catholic Earls again take their lands as fiefs of Hardacnut.

1020 King Sancho of Gothia son Ordono is married to Adelheid of Burgundy.
1021 For years Hardacnut has tried to get his nobility in Saxony and Jutland to go along and change their Hird to heavy cavalry. This year a group of Saxon nobility gather and go for a raid into Franconia. The infantry army is heavily beat up by King Konrads cavalry and routed back into Saxony. Only the timely arrival of Emperor Hardacnut and his heavy cavalry is able to save the day.
King Konrad of Germany sends missionaries off to the Baltic.
In Italy King Arnulf is able to rally the Italian Dukes to his banner. The Byzantine army has been advancing towards Rome and the Italian Dukes realize that a weak King is better then a strong Emperor and Arnulf’s army swell with new troops.

1022 In southern Italy Arnulf capture Capua from the Byzantines.

1025 Hardacnut is ready to test his new heavy cavalry in Russia, helping Yaropolk defeat Svjatoslav. Svjatoslav raise a new army and foreseeing a long war, Hardacnut insist on Yaropolk giving his nobles fiefs in Novgorod so that the armoured cavalry doesn’t need to be shipped home. Realizing Hardacnuts intention Yaropolk protest but in the end give the fiefs. To soften up Yaropolk Hardacnut marries his daughter Sophia to Yaropolks youngest son Vladimir.
Emperor Basilios 2. dies, his brother and co-regent, Constantine 8. is a fragile old man and power slips away from the Emperors.
Upon the news from Constantinople Arnulf renew the campaign of southern Italy. This time the Italian Dukes are rather unwilling to participate. Arnulf is checked by Byzantine general Maniakes.

1026 Hardacnut and Yaropolk resume the offensive, once again defeating Svjatoslav. In the persuit of the remnants of Svjatoslavs army, Svjatoslav himself is killed. Upon entering Kiev Yaropolk is about to put the crown on his head, but Hardacnut has him killed and Vladimir crowned Grand Prince instead. Yaropolks other sons are also killed off. Vladimir is made to cede Novgorod to Hardacnut in return for the crown. Hardacnut then travel to Constantinople visiting the Emperor and pray in Hagia Sophia.
General Maniakes leaves Italy for Dalmatia and dies shortly after. King Arnulf once again resumes the offensive and lay siege to Beneventum.

1027 Hardacnut sends more settlers to the Baltic. Missionaries are also sent into Estonia, Semland and Courland. The missionaries reports of German missionaries and their activities in Lithuania. They also report of Polish missionaries in Prussia.
Seeing Hardacnuts actions as a threat King Konrad of Germany sends off more missionaries to the Baltic. More Germans are encouraged to settle in Bohemia and Poland. Lausitz, Meissen, Zeitz and Ostmark are much more germaniced by now and the border of Germany is moved east.
Having a lull in his own campaign Arnulfs in-law, King Sancho of Gothia supply Arnulf with much needed troops. Arnulf negotiate the surrender of Beneventum. Naples and Salerno also yields to Arnulf now the prospect of Byzantine rescue has vanished.

1031 Hardacnut dies. His reign has seen Denmark prosper and growth in the east. Even if ruthless in war he was able to make trade enrich his lands and make possible the transformation of his army. His son Inge is elected Emperor in the Danish Empire.
Upon the conquest of all Italy King Arnulf has the Pope crown him as Holy Roman Emperor in Rome. But to make sure even the Pope understands who runs the country, Arnulf himself name new Bishops in southern Italy. Arnulf also appoints relatives as Dukes in southern Italy to get a firm hold of his new possessions. With his hold on southern Italy Arnulf is able to have the Pope crown him Holy Roman Emperor. The Italian Dukes doesn’t like it, but with Arnulf to the northwest as well as in the south they accept it. The Pope doesn’t like Arnulfs appointing of Bishops but are told to put the crown on Arnulfs head and shut-up.
King Robert of France has been present at the coronation and wants to get his nobles to accept a treaty with Burgundy upon his arrival back in France. On entering French Burgundy Robert falls ill and Prince Henry goes to his father’s sick-bed. When news reaches Paris of Roberts death Prince Robert immediately has himself pronounced King of France. Henry rushes back towards Paris, but are met by Roberts’s men at Sens and cut down.
Having completed preparations Sancho of Gothia initiates a campaign in the Med. His troops lands in the Baleares claiming the Islands.

1032 King Robert of France decides to go on Catholic England. He asks for Papal approval and gets it and lands with his army in Southampton. In response Emperor Inge of Denmark sets sail for Saxony calls his nobles with their heavy cavalry and moves into Flanders. Robert hurriedly leaves England and return to France. During negotiations Robert has to recognize the Danish Emperor as feudal lord of Catholic England as well as give Danish traders unlimited access to Flanders and the markets of Champagne.

1033 Hiiumaa (off the coast of Estonia) is conquered by Emperor Inge to secure the trade route through the Baltic to Novgorod.
King Robert of France decides to go for another foreign adventure. To finance it he taxes the church and his vassals as well as demand feudal service for a campaign in Aquitaine. As Duke Rolf of Val-de-Loire refuses to do service King Robert lay siege to Tours. Calling on his other feudal lord, King Sancho of Gothia, Rolf promise to send an army to the fight against the infidel in Iberia in return for help against King Robert.

1034 Emperor Inge leads a large scale raid into Wales. Afterwards he has his nobility in Mercia change their Hird to heavy cavalry to be able to respond to raids and invasions more strongly.
With a Gothian army Duke Rolf is able to lift the siege of Tours and during the subsequent melee the French troops are routed and the Dukes troops enter the French camp looting and burning. After the battle it is discovered that King Robert was killed during the looting and Rolf heads off for Paris. Arriving at Paris Rolf secure the allegiance of the city and then proceed to Rheims and is crowned King of France.

1037 Sancho of Gothia dies. His son Ordono is crowned King of Gothia.
The Seljuq Turks conquer Chorasan, defeats the Ghzanavid’s and enters Iran.

1045 The Pope tries to rally support for a war against the infidel Orthodox believers. Emperor Arnulf rejects the proposal and asks the Pope to call for war on the infidel in Iberia. The Pope reject Arnulf and Arnulf then marches his army to Rome sacks and burn the city and throws the Pope into prison.

1046 A new Pope is elected by Arnulf’s clergy and Papal approval given for a war on the infidel in Iberia. Burgundian, French and a few Catholic English nobles go to Iberia.

1047 Emperor Arnulf dies. His son Benedikt is recognized as Duke of Burgundy and King of Italy.
Here we go again - new installment.

1051 Emperor Inge of Denmark dies. His son of the marriage with Elisabeth of Götaland, Valdemar is recognized as Emperor.

1053 The possession of the north European coasts’ by the Danish Empire is making itself felt in the observation of Lent in Catholic Europe. Danish, Norwegian, Frisian and English fishermen are providing a large part of the dinner table of Catholic Europe. In the weeks preceding Lent large quantities of salted cod and herring are shipped south from northern Europe. Merchants of France, Germany, Gothia and Italy travel north and secure the shiploads. Treaties are made between the Danish Emperor and the various trading houses, securing the passage of traders and taxes are paid in return to the Emperor. Part of the fish is shipped along the rivers of Germany and cities along them prosper. As time progress other goods catches the eyes of the merchants and the amount of trade grow.
King Konrad of Germany dies. The Dukes recognize Konrad’s son Heinrich as successor.
Responding to the Polish preoccupation in Prussia, the Danes push east along the Baltic shore, across the Oder and into Pomorze.

1054 The Byzantine Patriarch refuses admittance to the Papal emissary as he doesn’t accept Papal sovereignty and is duly ex-communicated. This much annoy Valdemar as he had cast his eye on the beautiful Berengaria daughter of King Ordono of Gothia. Due to the ex-communication there are no further negotiations and Valdemar instead approach the Byzantine court. As he receives a negative answer Valdemar turn to his governor of Mercia and is married to his daughter Anna.
Succumbing to the armoured might of Valdemars cavalry the Duke of Pomorze swear allegiance to the Danish Empire. The Poles being preoccupied in Prussia is unable to retaliate.

1060 In spite of the ex-communication trade in the north flourishes. The Pope tries to enforce the ban, but the prospect of wealth from trade is too tempting. The Pope is more of the Patriarch of the Burgundian’s Italian Empire, than the successor of St. Peter.
Valdemar is becoming a serious competitor to the Byzantine trade net in the Med.

1062 Pondering what to do to get trade directed back to the Med, Emperor Constantine is interrupted by Toghril Beg, who attacks the Byzantine Empire in Eastern Anatolia. Emperor Constantine leaves Constantinople with the army.

1063 The war in Iberia is still slugging on with the Catholic army of Ordono moving towards the Ebro. Looking at the example of Italy, Ordono is pushing his own clergy with the Arch-Bishop of Tolosa up front around to satisfy his own needs in the campaign. Income from church possessions are used to buy provisions for the army and the Arch-Bishop of Tolosa sent to give absolution to the troops.

1064 The Pechenegs march on Constantinople. As Emperor Constantine is in Anatolia, Prince Vladimir is asked to attack the Pechenegs. Vladimir answer and the Pechenegs are forced to accept the superiority of Byzantium and Kiev. Vladimir expects some kind of gratitude from the Byzantine court but get nothing.
King Rolf of France dies. He is succeeded by his son Knut.

1065 Grand Prince Vladimir of Kiev secure his borders and sends traders, clergy and troops into Livonia and Courland to gain control of the Dvina River.

1070 Ordono of Gothia dies. His reign saw Gothia gain in strength through the conquest of the Balearic isles and the seaborne trade were increased making southern Italy a transit-area. To guard the merchants against Saracen piracy the Gothia navy were increased. Ordonos son Alfonso was crowned immediately upon his fathers’ death.
The Burgundian control of trade through southern Italy filled the coffers of the royal family. With the revenue increase an assault on Sicily was launched to remove Saracen piracy and provide for a more secure trade route.

1071 In the battle of Manzikert Alp Arslan of the Seljuq Turks defeats Emperor Romanos 4th.
Watching your thread grow hot is VERY pleasing. :D
Even better would be comments on any subject of said thread. ;)
I'd tried to let things universal such as religion and trade have a significant influence upon the TL, actually they had a greater impact than I had myself expected.
This I feel should make peoples not familiar with Scandinavian matters able to have a say, as I feel is the general medieval European setting.
So your comments, questions or critique dear reader are very welcome, but I also appreciate your interest in the thread.:) :) :)
1072 The victor of Manzikert Alp Arslan is killed. His son Malik Shah succeeds him and conquers most of Asia Minor.

1075 Vladimir of Kiev desires to control the trade going through Russia, and free himself of Emperor Valdemar’s influence. War breaks out between Kiev and Denmark. As Valdemar has spent a substantial time in England his hold on Denmark and the Baltic possession has diminished. Tightening the reins Valdemar move troops east and use the opportunity to an exchange of governors. The process is weakening Valdemars strength in Novgorod and Vladimir is able to advance.
Polish King Boleslav allies with Kiev in order to regain control of Pomorze and strengthen its influence in the Baltic.

1077 The war in Russia is an unending series of sieges except in the Baltic, where the Danish presence is growing due to the influx of Frisians and Saxons. This also brings the Danish Empire and Germany in conflict. A joint Polish – German army enters Lithuania that is in effect a Danish vassal. At the small village of Voruta the quickly assembled force of the Danish Imperial Governor of Latvia is able to rout the Polish – German force and then advance into Poland.
The Seljuk Turks chieftain Sulayman Ibn-Qutlamish proclaims himself sultan of Rumelia and moves his residence to Nicea. The Seljuk Turks conquer Jerusalem.

1078 Pulling their forces out of Kiev the now strengthened Polish – German army moves into Lithuania after having crushed the Danish force from Latvia. Having moved a large part of his army into Novgorod Emperor Valdemar is eager to finish off the Baltic business and the vassalage of Lithuania is turned over to Poland and Germany. In return Poland declares everlasting peace.

1080 Having been robbed of his Polish ally Vladimir of Kiev enters negotiations with Valdemar. As Valdemars conditions are too harsh war is renewed and Valdemar is hit in the eye by an arrow during the siege of Uglitsj. With the Emperor dead his son John is elected Emperor by the army and negotiations with Vladimir are reopened.
The Burgundians complete the conquest of Sicily and cast their eyes on Africa (Tunesia). In order to move troops to Africa the Burgundian King Benedikt has Genoa and Venice merchants prepare ships to take his army to Tunis. The Bishop of Rome is rallying money and warriors for Burgundy.

1082 Only recovering from war Kiev is attacked in the south by migrating Cumans. Vladimir takes up fighting the invaders.
Berber King Ibn-Kusaila invades Iberia. Gothian King Alfonso wisely stays neutral in the inter-Muslim conflict. Gothia and Burgundy decide to wait for an opportunity to strike at the Muslims.
Germany tries to exercise rights in Lithuania, only to get in conflict with Poland.

1083 Ibn-Kusaila move into Andalusia. King Alfonso feels his opportunity form and crosses the Guadiana into Andalusia. Being informed by an embassy the Burgundian army is ferried to Tunesia and is able to capture Tunis. The Bishop of Rome accompanies the army and baptizes scores of peoples in Tunis.
The German – Polish conflict over Lithuania erupts into a short war with Germany the victor. Poland is becoming a German Duchy along Bohemia.

1085 Vladimir of Kiev is able to have the Cumans move further west into Poland and Hungary by a combination of military force and negotiating. The Cumans settle in Volyhnia and Wallachia and is in repeated conflict with their neighbours.
The Burgundians is slowly gnawing off more of Tunisia’s coastline. In Iberia Alfonso has conquered almost all of Andalusia.

1090 As the Muslims in Andalusia were easily conquered, Gothian King Alfonso decided to rob the Berber Dynasty of its communications to North Africa. A Gothian landing was made at Tangiers, but it was only just possible to hold onto the city. The Burgundian army moving inland in Tunesia is hit by fever and large numbers of troops die.

1095 Emperor Alexius of Byzantium pleas for help against the Seljuk Turks. In Western Europe his plea is silenced by the pre-occupation of the Burgundian-Gothian war in Africa. He then turns to the Orthodox rulers of Kiev and Denmark, whom he thinks of like his predecessors – servants of Byzantium. And Alexius gets a positive answer.
New Burgundian advance in Tunesia gains ground.

1097 Having set their personal animosity aside Emperor John of Denmark and Grand Prince Yaropolk of Kiev arrive at the gates of Constantinople at the head of two large armies. Being assured of their will to renew old alliances with Byzantium Alexius has the Danish and Kiev armies ferried across to Asia Minor and agree to supply them. In the opening battle the Turkish army is able to lure a Kiev detachment into a trap, but a Danish cavalry charge saves the day and the allied army goes on to lay siege to Nicea. The Turks surrender the city to the Byzantines, much to the anger of Danes and Kievians. The Allied army then moves along the northern coast of Asia Minor to be able to get supplies from the Byzantine Navy. At Herakleia the Byzantines still supply the Allied army and it is able to beat off a Turk attack. Moving on to Sinope the Byzantine supplies dwindle and after having taken Sinope John and Yaropolk halt.
The Gothians are able to take Ceuta.

1098 Yaropolk and John are able to make a communications line across the Black Sea to Dnejpr and Don River mouths for re-supplying their armies. Yaropolk and John then move inland up the Halys and in the battle at Ancyra Kilij Arslans Turkish army is defeated. After the battle Ancyra opens the gates to the victorious armies. During the cleaning up of the battle field Kilij Arslans body is found and a prisoner of war is sent off to Konya with the Sultans head. Negotiating settlements with the Turks Yaropolk and John re-establish the Roman provinces of Bithynia and Galatia under joint rule and then move the armies to Nicea. Demanding Byzantine surrender of the city and re-supply of the armies neither is given by Emperor Alexius. Siege is then laid to Nicea and the Cumans asked to attack the Byzantine.

1099 The Byzantine relief army ferried across the Bosporus is defeated by the Danish-Kiev army at Nicea. Attacked in the north by the Cumans, Emperor Alexius gives in to John and Yaropolk. Nicea is handed over and the armies re-supplied. Further Alexius is demanded to recognize Denmark and Kiev as empires. Refusing this a blockade of Constantinople is initiated. The Byzantine possession of Greek fire greatly favours the Byzantine Navy but the ability of the Danes and Kievians to blockade is viewed out of proportion to its effect. Adding to the Byzantine perception is the Cumans reaching the gates of Constantinople making the siege seem effective. Alexius finally gives in recognizing Danish and Kievian empires and buying off the Cumans.

1100 Emperor John of Denmark travel home. Grand Prince Yaropolk of Kiev stays in Asia Minor further carving out the old Roman Province of Asia and adding it to his possessions.
Robbed of the Asian provinces for the second time Emperor Alexius is deposed off. A struggle for the throne begins.
Thoughts, comments???

My ideas for the continuation of this TL is that there is going to be no discovery of North America by the Norse. As traderoutes is going to be kept open through the Med and into Asia, partly due to no crusades, the need for an alternate route to Asia isn't felt, so a late discovery of America, but Gothian landings in Brazil around 1550. No colonies however due to climate and diseases.
The Gothians and Burgundians is going on with their "crusades" in North Africa.
1241: The Mongols will face a more coherent Russia - Kiev and take greater initial losses, then face the German-Polish army, defeating it and then itself being defeated by the Hungarians at "Mohi". Then will come the time of the Hungarians!
I see Germany breaking up following the defeat in the East and Hungarian expansion. Also Poland re-emerging a strong nation.
Norway may at long last form a Kingdom of its own, stretching into the British Isles. This will also trigger off rebellion in Swedish lands.
The Danish Empire will hold together for some time and then split into a number of independent kingdoms of related royal families due to the long time span of overextension. It should have done so early on, but keeping it together was just too tempting.

Valdemar II

My ideas for the continuation of this TL is that there is going to be no discovery of North America by the Norse. As traderoutes is going to be kept open through the Med and into Asia, partly due to no crusades, the need for an alternate route to Asia isn't felt, so a late discovery of America, but Gothian landings in Brazil around 1550. No colonies however due to climate and diseases.

This is unlikely, Denmark or another North European country would most likely discover New Foundland in the 15-16 century because of the Cod, and with a discovery of Brazil, there will be colonies the either because timber or further south the pleasant clima (mediterranian)

I see Germany breaking up following the defeat in the East and Hungarian expansion. Also Poland re-emerging a strong nation.
I not sure that Poland can ermerge as a strong state that early, unless they can find a way get more people

The Danish Empire will hold together for some time and then split into a number of independent kingdoms of related royal families due to the long time span of overextension. It should have done so early on, but keeping it together was just too tempting.
I realy doubt it would split if it have found a way to stay together so long, a worst I could see England becoming indepent in a internal royal feud, Novograd need Denmark to much.
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Neither Newfoundland nor Brazil have such a pleasant climate. People will go to the New World, but not that many. It will take some time and accidents until they stumble over better objectives.

Valdemar II

Neither Newfoundland nor Brazil have such a pleasant climate. People will go to the New World, but not that many. It will take some time and accidents until they stumble over better objectives.

Newfoundland will most likely not be colonised, but Brazil is a big country and the south are almost like home for Iberians, and if I do remember it right it was rather south the Portugese landed.