The American Constitution (the text of which is included as Annex P) contained the seeds of this destruction. You will recall the Constitution of the German Republic (an annotated text of which is included as Annex Q) contains a clause authorising the President to issue emergency decrees that have the force of law. This is the legal basis of the German Enabling Act of 1933.
The American precedent is more subtle. Article III Section 2 Clause 2 states that "the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make." Title V Section 7 of the Federal Regulations Act exempts "all regulations and executive orders needful for the carrying out of this act, and laws made in pursuance and validation of said regulations and orders, from such judicial review". Which is to say that there is no appeal from such an order.
The only way to annul this act, barring action by the Congress, would be the overturning of it on review by the system of appeals courts, which are far more powerful than the Court of Appeals here. Such a repeal was advanced, but the American Supreme Court, having been briefed by newly-appointed clerks from the CPTS, rejected the appeal, thus making the laws unassailable (the text of the decision is attached as Annex R).
As a result, the judicial power of the American government has been nullified. When added to the nullification of the review power of the Congress, the result has been an unlimited presidential autocracy.
For example, the previous session of the American Congress, on the third of January 1939, lasted four hours, most of which was devoted to the election of officers. Only two legislative acts were voted on; the General Executive Order Act, which approved the executive orders of that year, and the Budget Act, which made a block grant of budget power to the Office of Management and Budget.
In any case, the independence of the Congress is meaningless. There has been a massive turnover in its membership and the majority of its members are officials of the CPTS (a list of them and their offices is attached as Annex S); the remainder are under the supervision of the Federal Office of Mental Sanitation, which has the power under the Executive Order under which it was created to commit to a mental hospital any person who endangers the public health by reason of insanity.
Election to the American Congress is a sinecure. Over ninety-nine percent of federal elections have only one candidate. (An analysis of the 1938 election is included as Annex T.) The Federal Elections Commission, another agency created under executive order, has been given broad powers to regulate elections in, as its charter reads, a scientific, progressive, modern means. These means have included the abolition of the existing political parties and of most political organisations, and the prevention of the formation of new ones. That this repression has been and is carried out under the pretexts of scientific, progressive, sane, &c methods does not make it any less repressive.
The several states of the Union have become no more than administrative districts. Under various executive orders, the state governments have been put under administration due to financial, moral, or other real or perceived irregularities. Similar administration as was displayed on the federal level has resulted in similar results.
Again, let this be noted, the CPTS actively recruited, and continues to do so, educated and skilled men. This is not a government of open repression, or flagrant mismanagement. (Included as Annex U is a listing of known cases of CPTS members expelled and hospitalized or more rarely imprisoned for corruption or insubordination.)
Nevertheless, it is repressive.