A Storm Over Okehazama Redux: A Sengoku Japan TL

Part 1: A Fool is Felled at Okehazama
  • June 12th, 1560

    Okehazama, Owari Province

    It was a dull gray afternoon with a thunderstorm in the sky, It was in a sharp contrast to the air of celebration that permeated the camp of the army of Imagawa Yoshimoto, eleventh head of the Imagawa Clan. All throughout his campaign into Owari, Yoshimoto had encountered resistance so pitiful, he wondered just how foolish The Fool of Owari, Oda Nobunaga truly was.

    Having heard the rumors of the disrespect he had shown at his father, Nobuhide’s funeral, and his erratic behavior, it seemed he lived up to his nickname. Yet he here was, invading Nobunaga’s land with Nobunaga not even bothering to fight. Perhaps the fool wasn't so foolish after all, although still foolish enough to not surrender to him in the first place. It made sense, he was Imagawa Yoshimoto of the Imagawa Clan, Lord of Suruga, Totomi, and Mikawa. His forces greatly outnumbered the Oda, who had yet to engage him in a serious battle, his victory was all but assured.[1]

    However, a growing sense of unease made Yoshimoto wary, what if all of this alleged weakness was really a trap. Before he could think further, a bolt of lightning struck one of Yoshimoto’s battle standards, setting it on fire. Taking this an ill omen, Yoshimoto had given the order for his men to be on guard, but not give off the feeling of alertness. Yoshimoto had turned towards one of his hatamoto.[2]
    "You, I want you to take my place for a diversion." ordered Yoshimoto "I fear an ambush, but I do not wish to let the chance to catch these snakes pass us by. Do not worry we will lie in wait to retaliate." Yoshimoto explained to ease his hatamoto's concerns.

    (One Hour Earlier)

    Zenshoji, Okehazama, Owari Province

    The Oda forces had camped not too far from Imagawa, while the soldiers were prepared their leader was not yet in camp.

    A man dressed in armor was engaging in song and dance with a fan in his hand, with only a lone attendant with a small drum to accompany him. Slowly moving around as if he were a part of his favorite play, and not about risk his life, fighting in an almost suicidal battle. “A man’s life of fifty years is nothing compared to the age of this world. Life is but a fleeting dream, an illusion, is there anything that lasts forever?” sang the man. The man was Oda Nobunaga of the Oda clan of Owari, calmly dancing and singing a line from Atsumori before what may be his last battle.

    Nobunaga’s choices against the Imagawa were bleak, A frontal attack would be foolish, but neither could he hold the Imagawa off in a siege. His only alternative was a surprise attack on the Imagawa and hope it worked. Gathering a small force of 1500 men, Nobunaga set out to ambush the Imagawa army. Nobunaga, greatly outnumbered, had to make a daring gamble. Either he would defeat the Imagawa and rise to greatness or fade into the mists of history. Nobunaga returned to his camp and set out under the cover of a thunderstorm he would begin his most important march of his life.


    Nobunaga and his men had made their way towards the Imagawa camp with one-third of them mounted on horseback while the Imagawa soldiers were still drunkenly celebrating. Having made his way to rear of Imagawa army, their main camp Nobunaga began his assault. Things seemed to be progressing with the Imagawa forces seemingly too drunk to retaliate and began to run away, but they were cut down to prevent them from warning the rest of the army.

    Yoshimoto’s instincts were proven right! Yoshimoto was hidden with several soldiers near his main camp and when Nobunaga’s soldiers came to attack his body double they were ambushed and promptly slain. Yoshimoto vowed he would personally make that upstart fool Nobunaga regret his decision. Yoshimoto had sent out a messenger to inform the commander of the vanguard Matsudaira Motoyasu to cut off the Oda escape, while he would engage in a counter attack. Mounting a horse and grabbing his bow Yoshimoto pursued the fleeing Oda forces, with his own. [3]

    Nobunaga and his forces were forced to escape back towards the forest north of Yoshimoto's forces. Nobunaga was annoyed, Apparently, not all of Yoshimoto’s army were drunken sots, and someone was taking down his horsemen with only a bow be it just the horse or sometimes the solider. Chances are it's Yoshimoto himself horse archery was an antiquated way of war fitting for a man who was a relic of the past. However, for such a relic he's no less deadly. Thought Nobunaga while he and his men where forced to press on.
    Nobunaga and his forces managed to escape the forest only to be confronted all too familar banners of the Matsudaira, most of his forces fought to cover his retreat, while he and a small group of horsemen rode back to Kiyosu Castle. However horsemen from the Matsudaira started to engage them, Nobunaga was able to best a few before comming up against a solider, Nobunaga struck the horse with his spear, but not before his own horse was struck as well.
    Both men were able to dismount safely, with Nobunaga losing his spear in the process. Nobunaga had confronted with what looked to be a commander judging by the armor. Nobunaga drew his sword before the commander could strike him with his spear. Nobunaga deflected the blow and cut off the upper part of the shaft. The commander drew his own sword allowing Nobuanaga to get a good look at his opponent, it was his old friend Matsudaira Motoyasu.

    “So Takechiyo, is this how things end?” asked Nobunaga caring little for formality. [4]

    “I am Motoyasu now Nobunaga, and I'm afraid it is the way of this world” replied Motoyasu gravely.

    Both men began to fight, with both sides evenly matched, Nobunaga was much older and exprienced while Motoyasu being well rested and was trained during his time as a hostage. Motoyasu had managed to exploit his oppentent's tiredness gradually pressing the advantage, stabbing Nobunaga through the abdomen. Realizing he was about to die he looked at Motoyasu one last time. “Motoyasu, look after Kimyomaru and the others for me.” said Nobunaga in an uncharacteristically solemn tone. [5]

    Nobunaga recalled his 26 years, the death of his father and the power struggle with his brothers and cousins, only for it to end now. Life truly was an illusion, a fleeting dream under heaven, despite believing there being nothing at the end. An another arrow had suddenly struck Nobunaga in his arm, the last thing Nobunaga saw was his fromer friend's face almost in tears, moving to decapitate him.[6]

    The Imagawa forces had managed to drive back the Oda forces, and the heads of their slain where gathered in front of Yoshimoto a their camp. One of the last to arrive was Motoyasu with the head of Nobunaga himself.
    "Motoyasu." said Yoshimoto causing Motoyasu to stand at attention. "You knew Nobunaga did you not?"
    "Only when I was a hostage of the Oda, My Lord" responded Motoyasu.
    "I had heard many things about the man most of them negative and apprently false, what where his last words?" asked Yoshimoto curious as to how foolish Nobunaga truly was.
    "He wanted to me look after his family." replied Motoyasu, unsure of how his lord would react.
    "Hmm fool or not, anyone can recognize your talents Motoyasu. I will let you honor that request if you wish." Yoshimoto's remark had slightly lifted Motoyasu's spirits. "Make sure your men are rested we are to conitune our march towards Kiyosu Castle tomorrow," ordered Yoshimoto.
    "Yes, My lord." Motoyasu had left to return to his post.
    As Motoyasu returned to his men, the Imagawa forces in camp mostly had returned to celebrating, while Yoshimoto stared at the collection of heads with Nobunaga's among them. [7]

    [1] Yoshimoto was said to engage in habits of the aristocracy such as having blacked teeth and shaved eyebrows, and for what it was worth the Imagawa did have the lineage to become Shogun, so taking a bit of liberty I made Yoshimoto a bit arrogant.

    [2] This is the Main POD in OTL Nobunaga was able to catch the Imagawa main camp off guard and managed to kill Yoshimoto, which threw the much larger Imagawa forces into confusion causing the downfall of the Imagawa and independence of the Matsudaira. This coupled with the Miyoshi imploding and Saito growing weak allowed Nobunaga to eventually start uniting Japan Here Nobunaga is not going so lucky, with fatal consequences. A hatamoto is a daimyo's direct retainer.

    [3] Yoshimoto himself was skilled at horse archery, While Motoyasu Matsudaira his Vanguard commander who would be OTL Ieyasu Tokugawa, who was an Imagawa vassal at this time.

    [4] Motoyasu had met Nobunaga when Motoyasu was captured as a child and taken hostage by Nobunaga's father Oda Nobuhide, to get the Matsudaira to back the Oda. Takechiyo was Motoyasu's childhood name.

    [5] Kimyomaru or strange one was the childhood name Nobunaga gave to his first legitimate son who would be known as Oda Nobutada who would die with Nobunaga at Honnoji. At this time Nobunaga has 4 sons and one daughter with possible leeway for a second one.

    [6] Nobunaga's eccentric behavior didn't win him any favors with several of his retainers and vassals, that Nobunaga was derogatorily known as The Fool of Owari. This led to fights within the Oda and after Nobunaga's father died that ultimately saw Nobunaga triumphant. Among one those behaviors were informal almost disrespectful speech, his atheism, which included not believing in spirits or superstitions of any kind. On the lighter scale, his referenced earlier love of the Noh play Astumori, reciting that verse before going into battle and the tea ceremony and it's tea instruments.

    [7] Head taking was a practice of the time where enemies heads would be cut off and presented to their commander for rewards.

    Well, it's been a while, and I've always wanted to rewrite this. Like the original, I'll try not to deviate too much from the established style I'll do my utmost to convey the formal honorifics of Japanese in English, and it's still a narrative TL for better or worse. Any names are going done in their respective styles, so Japanese names would be family name/surname first, personal name last.

    Footnotes are going to put for cultural notes, references to characters, and some POD effects. I definitely want to put in more realism than the previous version. Expect maps as well, but it's going to be much different from the original as well.

    Feel free to comment and say what you wish, I hope whoever is reading this enjoys it.
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    Part 2: The Imagawa Seize Owari, The Saito Extend an Offer
  • June 16th, 1560

    Kiyosu Castle, Owari Province

    Word of Nobunaga's death had spread throughout the Oda. Shibata Katsuie was one of the few survivors at Okehazama and had returned to an Oda Clan in chaos. Oda Nobuhiro had stepped in as a regent for the Oda. Katsuie would have considered urging Nobuhiro to fight on but felt too discredited to do so. However, it would seem that question would be answered for him. The Imagawa Army had arrived outside of Kiyosu Castle, and the Matsudaira was at its head. [1]

    The Imagawa had sent a messenger, the Matsudaira commander wanted to meet with Nobuhiro.

    "Lord Nobuhiro I come with an offer, surrender Kiyosu Castle, and your clan be spared, I have your late Lord's head and would like to at least have him properly buried. The only alternative is death, the choice is yours."

    "It seems there is very little choice in this matter. The Oda clan will surrender." answered Nobuhiro.

    As Motoyasu left, Nobuhiro had turned towards Katsuie "Do you believe my brother would have considered me a fool if he were here?"

    "I cannot say, I could never understand what he was thinking, as much as I hate to admit it at least we tried to fight back." remarked Katsuie.

    "I can only hope I have saved the Oda, even it means serving the Imagawa."

    Some time had passed before Motoyasu had returned, this time with Imagawa Yoshimoto.

    "I'm pleased to have ended this conflict without further bloodshed. As a show of good faith, I will have to take some hostages."

    Nobuhiro's mood suddenly became more defensive, as he figured Yoshimoto would want Nobunaga's children.

    "How can I be assured that no harm will come to them?" asked Nobuhiro ready to draw his sword, as foolish as it may be.

    "Lord Nobuhiro there is no point in killing or abusing harmless children, you have my word." replied Yoshimoto.

    The Oda had surrendered, leaving the Imagawa in control of Owari Province. Nobunaga's children and pregnant concubine Kitsuno were to be sent to Sunpu. Lady Noh was given permission to return to Mino under guard. [2]

    June 23rd, 1560

    Inabayama Castle, Mino Province

    The Saito had recently received news of Lady Noh's return. Lady Noh was brought before Saito Yoshitatsu, daimyo of the Saito. Yoshitatsu was hidden behind a screen. [3]

    "So the Fool of Owari is dead? I cannot say I am sad to hear to it." remarked Yoshitatsu.

    "I had heard the rumors you were cursed Brother, it is exactly what you deserve from your evil ways." Was Lady Noh's response unable to see her brother's face.

    "Hmph." Yoshitatsu had ignored Lady Noh completely and instead turned toward an aide. "Send a messenger to Akechi Mitsuhide I want him to arrange a meeting with Lord Yoshimoto, and I want him to send Tatsumaru along with him."[4]

    "Yes my Lord." the aide left.

    "Why send young Tatsumaru?" Lady Noh curious as to why her young nephew was being sent off

    "Although it may be of much joy to you, I do not think I have much longer to live, and I don't want my son to become a wastrel after I die. It is better than he learns how to be a ruler now." Yoshitatsu replied.

    June 28th, 1560

    Kiyosu Castle, Owari Province

    Yoshimoto had recently heard some interesting news, the Saito of Mino where sending an emissary towards Kiyosu and where to arrive today. Yoshimoto had never cared for the Viper, but the choices for where to advance next were limited. Yoshimoto could either march on Mino against the Saito who is still quite powerful even without the Viper but would allow for easy access to the capital via Omi Province. The alternative would be to go west against the Kitabatake of Ise who don't seem that formidable but would require a much less straightforward path. [5]

    A while had passed, and the Saito delegation had arrived, out of a palanquin stepped a rather plain man and a young child, while Yoshimoto was outside to greet them.

    "Welcome, I trust your journey was short and uneventful?" asked Yoshimoto.

    "Yes, Lord Yoshimoto." replied Mitsuhide. "I am Akechi Mistuhide, and this my Lord's son Saito Tatsumaru, we have come to form an alliance with the Imagawa."

    "An alliance sounds interesting, yet what is to stop us from marching into Mino?" Yoshimoto was curious to see how the Saito delegation would react.

    "Invading Mino means fighting us, and we are not pushovers like the Oda. Even if you manage to seize Mino, how will you march on the Capital if the Miyoshi clan still hold considerable power in the area?" The response unexpectedly came from Tatsumaru.

    Yoshimoto had thought it over, defeating the Miyoshi would be imperative to maintain a grip on the capital, marching through Ise and Yamato provinces would involve a greater struggle but hopefully less conflict down the line. The Saito child had a point taking on the Miyoshi first. However, the Imagawa would be safe as their rear and north were covered but it also reduced any chances for expansion, at least for now.

    "It seems we have an agreement." replied Yoshimoto.

    The Imagawa and Saito would form an alliance, and the Imagawa would prepare to march against the Kitabatake of Ise. The Saito delegation would stay the night and leave in the morning.

    [1] Oda Nobuhiro was the eldest bastard son of Oda Nobuhide and by consequence Oda Nobunaga's elder brother.

    [2] Lady Noh was a daughter of Saito Dosan, ruler of Mino to the north of Owari, and married off to Nobunaga, they never had kids so Nobunaga's children came from concubines. Japanese nobility at time did practice a form of polygamy.

    [3] Saito Yoshitatsu 2nd head of the Saito was a leper, and I wanted to rewrite him as one more accordingly.

    [4] Akechi Mitsuhide was famous for betraying Nobunaga forcing him to commit suicide at Honnoji Castle, Tatsumaru is a childhood name I've given to TTL Saito Tatusoki since I could not any info on what it actually was. Tatsuoki himself would be the last head of the Saito.

    [5] The Viper refers to Saito Dosan, who was known as the Viper of Mino, and first head of the Saito.

    I'm sorry it has taken this long for an update, it's been slow for a mix of reasons, I really want to pick this back up. To be fair I wasn't really all that happy with how I handled everything up until the fight against the Ashikaga.

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    Part 3: The Shogun Gathers Erstwhile Allies
  • August, 20th 1560

    Muromachi Palace, Kyoto, Yamashiro Province

    Word had spread to the capital of the defeat of the Kitabatake and the Imagawa's subsequent march into Ise. Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru was about to meet with his erstwhile protector, Miyoshi Nagayoshi. [1] However, Yoshiteru had thought of the possibilities, if the Imagawa were to defeat them it would be more than just changing masters, the Imagawa could overthrow them, not that his family had any real power anymore, if at all. So as much as he hated the Miyoshi's control over him, they at least kept the possibility for him to regain power.

    Miyoshi Nagayoshi had soon entered, bowing before the Shogun.

    "My Lord." said Nagayoshi bowing before the Shogun. "The Imagawa look to be a problem for both of us, so far the Imagawa can only attack us from Ise, however all they need to do is control Yamato Province to be a threat to you personally." stated Nagayoshi.

    "Hmph, perhaps I can call upon the aid of local clans like the Rokkaku and Tsutsui." remarked Yoshiteru. Nagayoshi showed no sign of it but he was inwardly nervous Yoshiteru had made some inroads to gain more influence compared to his predecessors, but then again Nagayoshi supposed they didn't have a choice he and Yoshiteru needed each other at least for now.

    "Can, we trust them?" asked Nagayoshi, wondering how the Shogun would respond.

    "We don't have much choice, the alternative is to fight the Imagawa by ourselves. We have not had the best of partnerships but we have a common foe in the Imagawa."

    Several hours had passed and several messengers had arrived to meet with the Shogun.

    "What news have we received from the Rokkaku and Tsutsui clans?" asked Yoshiteru.

    "My lord, they are willing to support us." the messenger responded.

    "What about the monks of Ishiyama-Honganji?" Yoshiteru

    "They are still unsure, my lord." replied the messenger, slightly fearful of his lord's reply.

    A look of slight disappointment crossed Yoshiteru's face "Hm, fine, we wait to see what develops with the Miyoshi clan, and the Imagawa." Ordered Yoshiteru.

    September 15th, 1560

    Shigisan Castle, Yamato Province

    The Matsunaga Clan had begun to ready their forces for battle, scouts had reported the Imagawa had sent a small force into Yamato Province.

    However, Matsunaga Hisahide had received word that Miyoshi Yoshitoki would be arriving soon.[2]

    Hisahide had considered putting his plans to gain even more power within the Miyoshi clan into action. However, they were nothing but distractions since defeating the Imagawa took precedent.

    "Father, what are we to do when Lord Yoshitoki arrives?" asked Hisahimichi, Hisahide's eldest son.

    "We must aid him, an accident will have wait another time," responded Hisahide.

    Miyoshi Yoshitoki had arrived, along with several retainers to coordinate his forces along with the Matsunaga.

    "Uncle, I wish we could be meeting under different circumstances." said Yoshitoki regretfully.

    "As do I lord Yoshitoki, although you do not need to refer to me as Uncle." remarked Hisahide, Yoshitoki unaware of the statement's ulterior meaning. " Lord Nagayoshi said you would be arriving to help us prevent an Imagawa incursion?"

    "Yes, the Imagawa's main force will likely march from Ise, we should set up some defenses, and watchtowers."

    "Does Lord Nagsyoshi expect an Imagawa attack so soon?"

    "No, Father has a suspicion the Shogun may be up to something."

    "Does that fool Yoshiteru intend to betray us to the Imagawa?" asked Hisahide not hiding his contempt for the Shogun.

    "We do not know yet, all we do know for certain, if the that the only ways the Imagawa can attack are through Ise or risk marching through Iga. The Rokaku might be fighting with us, but purely at the Shogun's insistence." replied Yoshitoki.

    "Damn the Imagawa, they will not get past us if we have anything to say about it." declared Hisahide, as Yoshitoki retired to his quarters. They've ruined everything, any chance of gaining further power within the Miyoshi will not matter. The Shogun seems to break his leash, but we are in a war for survival, so his gall must be tolerated.

    [1] Ashikaga Yoshiteru was the 13th Ashikaga Shogun, Yoshiteru had made some efforts to at least restore some authority of the Shogunate, which was almost non-existent OTL he was killed by the machinations of the Miyoshi and Matsunaga. Miyoshi Nagayoshi was head of the Miyoshi clan, the Miyoshi Clan was a major power in Kansai and the island of Shikoku, however by the time Nobunaga began to march east in 1569 the Miyoshi had succumbed to infighting, largely orchestrated by Matsunaga Hisahide.

    [2] Matsunaga Hisahde was a retainer of the Miyoshi and a childhood companion of Nagayoshi. Hisahide was known as a notorious schemer being possibly being involved with the deaths of Nagayoshi's son, brother, the Shogun and going on to betray and then ally with the Miyoshi and Oda until committing suicide to spite Nobunaga. Yoshitoki Miyoshi was Nagayoshi's son and heir but he died under mysterious circumstances.

    The frequency of updates aside, I never really liked how I treated the Miyoshi and subsequently the Ashikaga, I want to rectify that and make it more realistic.
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    Part 4: The Imagawa Consolidate
  • October 30th, 1560

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    Imagawa Yoshimoto had returned to Sunpu Palace, capital of the Imagawa clan. The day to day affairs were run by Imagawa Ujizane his son and heir. Yoshimoto had heard of some incidents with Nobunaga's eldest child Kimyomaru and hoped it was a form of grieving. Yoshimoto had soon arrived in the main hall to meet his retainers and his son. [1]

    "Ujizane, how has the clan fared in my brief absence." asked Yoshimoto with a small smile on his face.

    "The clan is doing quite well father, although some of our new "guests" are becoming a handful. Kimyomaru is angry and has tried attacking us with stones and at least one time with a tree branch. Grandfather has taken a liking to him, I suspect his skill with tree branches will improve." said Ujizane.

    "Wonderful," remarked Yoshimoto dryly. "Speaking of which how is Nobutora these days?" [2]

    "Grandfather is fine. he has helped on some aspects of military matters from time to time. How a small child can like such a man when everyone else is nervous to be around him myself included is strange." replied Ujizane

    "It would seem he is a strange one indeed." Yoshimoto remarked while Ujizane started to appear nervous.

    'What are we to do with our recently conquered lands?" asked Ujizane curious as to what Yoshimoto's answer would mean for the Imagawa's future.

    "The Oda are to govern Owari Province, under Oda Nobuhiro, until Kimyomaru comes of age. Ise is to be kept under Kitabatake rule, while Shima will be put under the control Kuki clan." [3] Yoshimoto's answer left Ujizane worried

    "The Kuki are mere pirates, can we even trust them?"

    "Reputations are deceiving my son, even if they are pirates their knowledge of the seas could be useful. If Nobunaga's reputation as a fool were true, I would not have almost of died in that ambush of his." Yoshimoto's tone became darker "If we hope to one day take Kyushu and Shikoku, control of the Setouchi is imperative. If the Kuki prove to be faithless bandits and criminals, then they will die like bandits and criminals."

    Ujizane's suspicions were still not satisfied "What if the Oda or Kitabatake decide to betray us?"

    "The Oda and Kitabatake cannot challenge us, and if we want to ensure they will not betray us, they must respect and fear us. We must reduce their capabilities to make war, but also respect their rights and reward them when and where it is due. Ujizane I do not want you to constantly assume the worse, it prevents you from seeing other alternatives." Yoshimoto doing his best to alleviate his son's worries.

    "I understand father, but having the burden of being the future of this clan is quite heavy especially since you marched westward." explained Ujizane.

    I would expect it to be nothing less, the blood of one of your uncles, was the price I had to pay to become head of this clan. The only thing I can hope for is that future generations won't have to pay that price." Yoshimoto said in an almost tired voice. [4]

    "We can always continue this later, the Oda have sent some more hostages." Ujizane remarked hoping to change the subject.

    "Very well, I will see how they are doing,"

    Yoshimoto left Ujizane to check on the Oda hostages.

    The hostages were in the company of Imgawa Ujitoyo, Yoshimoto's younger brother. [5]

    "My lord, you have returned." said Ujitoyo with a bow.

    "How are our guests?" asked Yoshimoto.

    "Several of Nobuhide's other sons had arrived not too long, they seem to be fine young men. Nobunaga's eldest is a bit rambunctious and reminds me of Nobuhide himself in some respect. I have taken it upon myself to at least introduce them to Renga" said Ujitoyo. [6]

    "Hopefully this castle will not be taken by poetry as well," remarked Yoshimoto slightly amused his brother tried to get the sons of his former Renga partner to join his hobby.

    "What you have me do Yoshimoto, teach them Kemari so they too can the joys of doing something with no purpose?" [7] Ujitoyo replied half-jokingly.

    Yoshimoto frowned a little before smiling, "Regardless, it is good to see you again brother."

    While Yoshimoto would leave to retire to his quarters, the Imagawa would spend the rest of the year consolidating their holdings preparing for the next campaign in the spring.

    The State of Japan by October 1560

    Sengoku start2.png

    [1] Imagawa Ujizane was Yoshimoto's heir, and I'm presuming his only son. OTL Okehazama left the Imagawa in chaos, Matsudaira Motoyasu would eventually manage to seize Mikawa, while the rest of the Imagawa lands were divided between the Matsudaira now Tokugawa, and the Takeda clan, who was his mother's family. Ujizane from what I can gather appears to be the only son out of that marriage. He was paranoid so I've done my best to portray that but downplayed.

    [2] Takeda Nobutora was the father of Takeda Shingen, and head of the Takeda of Kai Province. Nobutora was exiled by Shingen while visiting his daughter and son-in-law Yoshimoto. Nobutora lived out the rest of his exile in Suruga and later moved back to Kai Province after Shingen's death.

    [3] The Kuki clan where a family that claimed descent from the Minamoto and held power in the small Shima Province and whose navy was instrumental in Oda Nobunaga's war against the Ishiyama Honganji.

    [4] Yoshimoto's father was Imagawa Ujichika, who had six sons, his first two died in the same year Ujiteru and Hikogoro, three were sent to Buddhist temples, an unnamed and unknown son, and Yoshizane and Yoshimoto. Ujitoyo was young when Yoshimoto had taken over the clan. Yoshizane and Yoshimoto got into a succession dispute that saw Yoshimoto victorious and Yoshizane dead.

    [5] Imagawa Ujitoyo was possibly the only recorded surviving brother of Yoshimoto, he held Nagoya Castle but was deceived by his Renga partner Oda Nobuhide and forced out his castle. The records are not clear on his fate but I'm making the assumption he lived.

    [6] Renga itself, was linked verse poetry between partners, and usually a mark of refinement which the Imagawa in particular emulated

    [7] Kemari is a non-competitive game that involves a group of players keeping a ball in the air without using their hands, usually played by court nobles and another mark of refinement. Yoshimoto and Ujizane had a particular love for the game.
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    Part 5: The Imagawa Advance into Iga, The Anti-Imagawa Alliance Frays
  • March 8th, 1561

    Mt Shigi Castle, Yamato Province

    The Tsutsui had recently dispatched a force to join the Miyoshi at the Shogun's insistence, the combined forces and the Miyoshi and the Shogun's allies were to defend against the Imagawa then counter attack. The joint war council was headed by Miyoshi Yoshitoki, and Tsutsui Junsei [1]

    "Our scouts have reported an Imagawa force is advancing towards Yamato Province." the report came from Tsutsui Junsei.

    "Any word on how large of a force it is?" asked Yoshitoki.

    "It is apparently significant enough to be a threat, but I have several capable retainers ready to march." replied Junsei.

    "Very well, it seems your castle at Tochi will make a tempting target I believe we should bring our forces there, to stop the Imagawa, and plan from there." suggested Yoshitoki.

    While Junsei and the Tsutsui delegation left the Castle, Matsunaga Hisahide came over towards Yoshitoki.

    "The Tsutsui Clan is not that strong but has several capable retainers, we could hold the Imagawa off."

    "I am more concerned about my father, his army must march through Yamashiro, and then into Iga. We don't know how strong the Rokkaku are, or the strength of their hold on Iga is. We have no way of knowing if this is some kind of trap, or if the Rokkaku will get my father killed."

    "The Imagawa have only tested themselves against the weak, we need not worry even with these lesser clans we have a chance to overwhelm them. The Imagawa have their forces divided, and have no allies." Hisamichi remarked.

    March 25th, 1561

    Iga Province

    The Miyoshi army was divided after being forced to pull back. The Rokkaku and Miyoshi, found themselves driven back by the Imagawa after attempting to attack them at night. The Miyoshi forces were led by Miyoshi Nagayoshi and his uncle Miyoshi Yasunaga

    Damn it, Yoshikata said we could trust the Iga League and their irregular forces, and what happens their night attacks are foiled because the Imagawa were prepared for some of them. [2]

    Nagayoshi thoughts were disturbed by shouting, the Miyoshi had come under attack! The soldiers had no distinguishing markings, and the Miyoshi were quickly surrounded. "Take up defensive positions, and drive them back!" ordered Nagayoshi.

    The Miyoshi had managed to form a viable enough defensive position, to drive the unarmed assailants off. Nagayoshi took one look at the dead attackers and turned towards Iwanari Tomoichi, a Miyoshi retainer. Nagayoshi's calmness was betrayed by his eyes.

    "They do not appear to be Imagawa troops, that leaves only the Rokkaku or their supposed vassals, this coalition of clever bandits. Tomoichi we will march for a little while longer, then make camp. We will then find Yoshikata afterward, and see if this ambush was his ill-conceived idea." ordered Nagaysohi.

    "Yes my lord, the order will be sent right away."

    April 10th, 1561

    Nabari Village, Iga Province

    The Imagawa had made some gains in their advance on Iga, seizing Nabari Village and forcing the locals to relent, among the captured was a lord of the Momochi. Yoshimoto had the aid of a native of Iga who was one if Motoyasu Matsudaira's men, a warrior named Hattori Hanzo, with the nickname of Hanzo the Devil. [3]

    "Lord Yoshimoto, holding this province requires that we deal with families like the Momochi,"

    "Are you advising me to kill them, or hold them hostage?" asked Yoshimoto curious as to what the Iga native would say.

    "Only what we need to do, to secure a divided province like this." said Hanzo in response.

    April 14th, 1561

    Makishima Castle, Yamashiro Province

    Ashikaga Yoshiteru was assembled with a sizable force. Disaster had broken out in Iga Province, the Miyoshi were attacked but not by the Imagawa and promptly marched on Iga Ueno Castle and killed Rokkaku Yoshikata in the process. Now Nagayoshi was marching towards the capital.

    "Damn it all, I do not care for Nagayoshi, but his help would be invaluable. Instead, this situation goes from possibly manageable to a complete disaster. Hopefully, we can get a peaceful resolution and go back to fighting the Imagawa." Ashikaga Yoshiteru complained about this unfortunate turn of events.

    "What about Lord Yoshiharu, will he not intend to seek revenge for his father's death?" asked Hosokawa Fujitaka. [4]

    "It is possible, but this tragedy was all out an inopportune misunderstanding, the consequences for all of us will be severe." replied Yoshiteru hoping for something positive.

    The Miyoshi forces had finally arrived at Makishima but were greeted by a messenger from the Ashikaga.

    "Lord Nagayoshi, the Shogun wishes to talk." the messenger said gesturing towards the Shogun with his hatamoto away from his main force.

    Nagayoshi and his Hatamoto rode out to meet Yoshiteru.

    "Say your piece Yoshiteru, I'm not convinced you are here to just talk." said Nagayoshi with nothing but contempt for the Shogun.

    "And Lord Nagayoshi I suppose you and your army have arrived for tea?" the Shogun retorted dryly before his face turned serious. "You must listen to me, attacking you would be foolish, without you and the Miyoshi clan I would be dead. Whatever happened in Iga was a foolish action by hopefully dead men. If we are still on the same side, I would leave and rest, Iga province is a lost cause."

    "Do you really intend to abandon Iga to the Imagawa?" asked Nagayoshi still skeptical of the Shogun's motives.

    "If they are that much trouble, we let the Imagawa handle deal with them."

    However before any kind of peace could be made, a Rokkaku army had arrived led by Rokkaku Yoshiharu.

    The Miyoshi army immediately assumed a defensive position, while both delegations returned to their respective armies. The Rokkaku had arrived not to fight but for vengeance.

    [1] Tsutsui Junsei was regent for the child who would later be known as Tsutsui Junkei head of the Tsutsui and Daimyo of Yamato.

    [2] Iga was province loosely controlled by the Rokkaku with actual power in the various villages of the province, these villages were famous for their ninja, but ninja were effective irregular fighters, who conducted all manner of operations than the assassins we know them as in popular culture. Ninja could be peasants as well as samurai and they basically learned weapons training in all forms and some guerilla tactics than anything that would be exotic martial arts.

    [3] The Momochi clan were one the families of Iga, with one the more famous members known only as Momochi Sandayu or Momochi Tamba, off one of the titles he held. All that is know is that he existed, everything else is shrouded in myth. Hattori Hanzo referred to two people in Motoyasu's/Ieyasu's service, who told apart by their nicknames Spear Hanzo, and Devil Hanzo. Devil Hanzo was the one helped guide Ieyasu on his retreat through Iga Province.

    [4] Rokkaku Yoshiharu was the son of Yoshikata. Since Yoshikata has died much earlier here he is head of the Rokkaku clan of Southern Omi.

    Trying to create a more satisfactory setup for the Ashikaga and Miyoshi has been hard, in the original how this came to pass was basically ASB, and I haven't been happy with it at all since then. Now that I at least have some general direction, if real life permits it, I'll update this more frequently. Hope you don't mind a cliffhanger.
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    Part 6: The Battle of Makishima Castle, the Imagawa Acquire Firearms
  • April 14th, 1561

    Makishima Castle, Yamashiro Province

    The Miyoshi took up a Gyorin formation, as they were not as fresh as the Rokkaku. A combination of archers and arquebusiers took up a formation to screen the enemy, the Miyoshi having adopted the recently arrived weapons. The Rokkaku had advanced in a Hoshi formation and sent their own screening forces to engage them. [1]

    Both sides had continued to skirmish for several minutes before the Rokkaku had advanced. The Main Miyoshi line formed into a bell shape to hold the Rokkaku forces, with its secondary forces behind it. The Rokkaku's rear forces began to spread out to try and envelope the Miyoshi. However, as both sides were fighting the Ashikaga army started to move.

    "My Lord, the rest of the army is in position, what are we to do?" asked Fujitaka concerned how the Shogun would attempt to stop the fighting.

    "We send messengers to each army and convince them to stop. If they do not we attack both of them, it may be risky, but no one wants a battle on two fronts." explained Yoshiteru.

    Several moments later, jinkai blared out across the field and both sides began to cautiously withdraw. The messengers returned with information that both the Rokkaku and Miyoshi wanted to talk, and all 3 parties met in a neutral area. [2]

    "Lord Yoshiyasu, Lord Nagayoshi my terms are simple. The both of you are to call a truce, and we will too continue to oppose the Imagawa. Lord Yoshiyasu this incident in Iga came from an unfortunate misunderstanding, Lord Nagayoshi was attacked, by one of those clans in Iga. That being said I do not approve of how Nagayoshi reacted, however, this situation requires that we all work together unless our enemies decide to strike."

    "Hmph, the Imagawa is your problem." Yoshiyasu said giving both Nagayoshi and Yoshiteru a hateful glare.

    "And your erstwhile vassals in the Azai are yours Lord Yoshiyasu." Yoshiteru's previously neutral demeanor turned sour. "It seems having erstwhile vassals seems to be a common occurrence with your clan, but if you are willing to support me against the Imagawa, I am willing to support your clan and give it full control over Omi and Iga Provinces. If not I'm perfectly willing to take you and family in when you are finally forced out from Omi." said Yoshiteru sternly.

    Yoshiyasu drew his sword and pointed it at the Shogun, but before either Yoshiteru's guards or even the Miyoshi could intervene Yoshiteru drew his own blade. Yoshiteru stood his ground with a calm demeanor.

    "Everyone please remain calm, I would not even consider this fight practice and it should be over soon." said Yoshiteru before he began his first move.

    Yoshiteru began to strike at weak points in Yoshiyasu's armor, forcing Yoshiyasu on the defensive, trying to parry each blow. As Yoshiteru moved closer towards Yoshiyasu, he made several attempts to force Yoshiyasu off balance by striking him with his sword's hilt. One of Yoshiteru's strikes managed to hit Yoshiyasu in the face, seeing his chance Yoshiteru swept Yoshiyasu feet from under him and pointed his blade at his throat. [3]

    "So Lord Yoshiyasu, do you accept my offer?" asked Yoshiteru.

    "Yes-Yes Lord Yoshiteru." said Yoshiyasu trying to hold back tears.

    June 20th, 1561

    Outside Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    Two men were walking with a small entourage towards Sunpu, one was a foreigner in foreign dress and another in the robes of a monk. [4]

    "Thank God We've finally made it, Brother Pedro," said the first man.

    "Yes God be praised Andre, I can now rest well knowing you will not as complain as much." Brother Pedro said in response.

    "As I have said time and time again, the world isn't as different as we think it is. if I wanted to go to foreign lands with constant fighting and armed monks, I could have gone to the Holy Roman Empire." Andre was slightly annoyed his guide did not care for his reasonable complaints.

    "Yet you seemed to enjoy Saqai and I have heard there are few places on earth like Venice, so why did we leave the city?" Brother Pedro asked, less out interest and more to prove a point.[5]

    "Saqai was at least safe with no kings to tell us what to do. If things are changing as you say, then this King of the house of the Imahawa, is someone who we should at least get in their good graces with," explained Andre hoping that at least having something to focus on would change the topic. [6]

    Andre and his expedition had made it to the audience chamber, where Ujizane was in attendance. Brother Pedro had approached first to announce the delegation and serve as a translator.

    "My lord, I am honored that you would accept our delegation, you may call me Brother Petoro." said Brother Pedro bowing before Ujizane, the rest of the delegation imitated his example. [7]

    "I have heard some things about, these goods of yours. Swords and armors from your lands and these peculiar ranged weapons, that sound like thunder. Although I am more curious as to where you and your people come from." remarked Ujizane.

    Some time passed, and the delegation was led outside to a courtyard to test these new weapons. First, the foreigners had taken up positions against stationary targets, then they had fired their weapons. True to the rumors the weapons did sound like thunder, but it did not stop, several members of the court around Ujizane from making comments.

    "They seem loud and inaccurate." remarked Nobutora unimpressed with new weapons.

    "True, but they do not seem as cumbersome as bows, Sena Ujitoshi said in response. Ujitoshi looked at the foreign priest "Brother Petoro, was it?, may I have a look at one of those weapons? asked Ujitoshi

    "Yes Lord," said Petoro handing Ujitoshi one of the weapons.

    Ujitoshi first imitated the foreigners and fired at the targets standing up, after getting used to the recoil and taking some time to reload with the aid of one of the foreigners, Ujitoshi took aim but instead crouched down before firing, Ujitoshi walked back to hand the weapon to Petoro.

    "I see your point lord Ujitoshi, but the rate of fire seems impractical." said Nobutora.

    "Then we should buy some of these weapons to see how they can be improved, if do not there is always somebody else looking for an advantage," Ujizane said to end the debate.

    The delegation would stay the night before leaving in the morning to return to Sakai. While Ujizane would call a brief meeting once they left. Ujizane was impressed with the possibility of new weaponry, especially a weapon that with some refinement could replace bows as the future of warfare. However, this religion of the foreigners was most concerning, they had temples but they answered to some head priest who determined the proper way to pray and to interpret their literature. It was bad enough there was a growing Ikko movement in Mikawa province, but now the possibility of foreign agitation could not be overlooked as well.

    [1] The military tactics of Sengoku Japan largely operated on the 8 military formations of the Tang period or hachijin and it's variations. The Gyorin was a defensive formation while the Hoshi was a standard offensive formation.

    [2] A Jinkai was a conch shell used for signaling

    [3] Yoshiteru was noted among the Ashikaga Shoguns for being a skilled swordsman, trained by Tsukahara Bokuden in the Kashima Shinto-Ryu style that focused more on exploiting weak points in one armor.

    [4] Most Catholic missionaries in Japan were given the advice of trying to blend in with their local surroundings which meant adopting the clothing and learning the language.

    [5] Sakai was a city in Settsu Province run by a noble council then a feudal lord and was to European travelers known as the Venice of the East.

    [6] I'm trying to keep names and terms familiar with each character's POV for the sake of immersion. So Portuguese characters would speak of their own names and terms, but they would not talk of Daimyo or Japanese freely but do what was done historically and try to reconcile the differences with close enough terms or pronunciation. The Shogun or in the case of Hideyoshi, for example, was explained as the King of Japan.

    [7] Christian names are going to be rendered in transliterated Latin for Japanese POVs.
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    Part 7: The Takeda Post-Kawanakajima, Sue Harukata Pushes for Conquest
  • October 23rd, 1561

    Tsustujigaski Palace, Kai Province

    Takeda Shingen had recently returned from battle with the Uesugi. That damned monk from Echigo never learns, that brief skirmish at Kawanakajima at least saw the Uesugi driven off. The losses on both sides were quite steep, Shingen nearly lost Kansuke, Nobushige, and Yoshinobu.[1]

    Shingen's eyes towards an approaching visitor, it was Yoshinobu, who had some time to heal his wounds.

    "Father." Yoshinobu said, Shingen noted Yoshinobu still seemed irritated since Kawanakajima.

    "My son, you wished to see me?"

    "Yes, now that Kenshin has been driven at least for a time, what will be the future of the Takeda clan?" asked Yoshinobu.

    "For the time being, we are to wait and consolidate what we have. Engaging the Hojo serves no purpose with the Uesugi still a threat, betraying the Imagawa while tempting does not seem feasible at this time, perhaps we shall march against the Anegakoji of Hida, but that risks widening the front against the Uesugi." answered Shingen.

    "How can you talk of betraying our allies, as if it were so easy!" Yoshinobu had begun to shout, as Shingen's gaze became sterner.

    "Yoshinobu, allies are temporary, even ones through marriage. I had waged war against my brother-in-law Suwa Yorishige and defeated him. This world is ruthless, and while it is no excuse for wanton cruelty, it does not allow for any weaknesses in the pursuit of one's goals." Shingen said, making his position clear.

    December 8th, 1561

    Yamaguchi Castle, Suo Province

    Ouchi Yoshinaga was expecting the arrival of Sue Harukata. Yoshinaga did not care much for the near constant quarreling in the capital, and apparently, neither did Harukata, yet he is apparently considering calling for a clan-wide meeting. It was almost 10 years since Harukata had put Yoshinaga into power, but Yoshinaga had managed to gain some influence from Motonari's children of all people. [2]

    Apparently, they have received inspiration from the foreigners and their ships, it was risky considering Mori had betrayed them once before. Several of these smaller ships have suffered accidents, with the survivors graciously accepted into our ranks. However, those damned monks from the Iezusu sect are poking around in places they should not be, but that was the price of keeping that temple here in Yamaguchi running. [3]

    An attendant had arrived with Lord Harukata

    "My Lord, Lord Harukata is here to see you" the attendant had announced his as both men had bowed towards Yoshinaga

    The attendant left the room, leaving only Yoshinaga and Harukata.

    "My Lord, have you considered my proposal?" asked Harukata

    "You wish to call a conference for the entire clan, for what purpose?" Yoshinaga was quite suspicious of the timing of such an idea.

    "The recent struggle in the capital presents several opportunities to expand," Harukata said.

    "Here I thought you would be suggesting I emulate my Grandfather." remarked Yoshinaga with a small smile. [4]

    "Ha, I heard many stories of your grandfather from my father, he was quite the warrior. He fought his way through every warrior family of note to reach the capital to restore Yoshitane to the Shogunate," Harukata said sharing a laugh with Yoshinaga. "Not that sorry state of peace your uncle wanted to stay in." Harukata said with a tone of disgust. At this Yoshinaga's expression grew serious.

    "If I feel my uncle had a point given, the fact that Yamaguchi's splendor brings trade and with it wealth for military expeditions, or will you have me killed as well?" Yoshinaga had replied, who was all too resentful of Harukata's control. [5]

    "No Lord, you are not your Uncle, he went too soft. Wanting to bring the capital here, focusing on the arts when we should have brought down the Amago already. What good is culture if gets wiped away by the strong." Harukata said hoping Yoshinaga would at least back down.

    Japan at the end of 1561

    Sengoku start2.png

    The only real change here is that the Imagawa has secured Iga Province.

    [1] Originally had a battle at Matsumoto as an erroneous alternate Battle of Kawanakajima. I don't know if I could have done the original justice but the POD here is Shingen and Yamamoto Kansuke's trap works as intended. The Uesugi get off with fewer casualties but Shingen does not lose Kansuke or his brother Takeda Nobushige, but his eldest son Yoshinobu is injured as a result. Takeda Yoshinobu himself was Shigen's eldest son but was executed plotting against his father, that led to Takeda Katsuyori being placed as a regent for his son Nobukatsu.

    [2] As a "small" POD before Okehazama I had the Ouchi win at the Battle of Miyajima. As a result, the Ouchi still control Nagato and Suo Provinces but have control over the Mori of Aki, who rebelled against the Ouchi and would come to control the Chugoku region in OTL. Ouchi Yoshinaga himself was born Otomo Haruhide, Otomo Sorin's half-brother. He was installed as a member of the Ouchi clan and took the name Yoshinaga, after a coup against Ouchi Yoshitaka the current ruler at the time. Yoshinaga's mother was a daughter of Yoshitaka Ouchi's father Ouchi Yoshioki, and that made Yoshitaka and Yoshinaga uncle and nephew respectively.

    [3] Yamaguchi Castle located in modern Yamaguchi had a Christian community that was permitted by under Ouchi Yoshitaka but forced out once the Mori took power, here it survives under close watch under the Ouchi.

    [4] Ouchi Yoshioki was famous for restoring Ashikaga Yoshitane to power by marching all the way from Suo Province fighting many in the process.

    [5] Yamaguchi was noted to be one the places known as Little Kyoto, and it was suggested that the emperor could move his court there. Sue Harukata and many and hawkish retainers of the Ouchi disapproved which lead to Harukata's rebellion, the installation of Yoshinaga, and in OTL the rise of the Mori after Miyajima.
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    Part 8: The Miyoshi are Thrown into Chaos, Ashikaga Yoshiaki Goes West
  • March 25th, 1562

    Kotoku Temple, Yamato Province

    The Imagawa and Ashikaga had fought for several days at Kotoku Temple. The Imagawa had intended to attack both Yamato and Omi Provinces, with Yoshimoto leading a force to seize Tsustui Castle. The Ashikaga had held the Imagawa to a stalemate, as they were supported by the Rokkaku and Miyoshi.

    Hosokawa Fujitaka was the commander of the Ashikaga, while Miyoshi Nagayoshi, and Rokkaku Yoshiharu, commanded their own forces respectively. The Imagawa vanguard was nearly forced back, with the Miyoshi leading the way, Nagayoshi Miyoshi himself was close to the fighting.

    The Rokkaku had sent a small unit of archers to move behind Miyoshi lines. The archers had let loose their volley's hitting the Imagawa and several stray arrows hitting the Miyoshi forces as well. Nagayoshi was struck by one of the arrows, and as the Imagawa had begun to pull back the Miyoshi ranks had broken out in confusion and considered the friendly fire to be a Rokkaku attack. Hosokawa Fujitaka was forced to intercede to prevent any more casualties.

    Yoshiteru would soon learn that the Miyoshi and Rokkaku attacks had escalated and that both sides returned home. Yoshiteru had begun to send out summons to local clans to gather more aid. Yoshiteru had the feeling he would not be receiving any more help from the Miyoshi or Rokkaku.

    April 7th, 1562

    Mt Shigi Castle, Yamato Province

    Damn the Rokkaku and damn the Shogun. I was planning to kill the boy and Kazumasa, now Nagayoshi is dead, and the Miyoshi are going to end up in chaos. The Imagawa Army was outside Mount Shigi Castle Hisahide was interrupted by Hisamichi.

    "Father, the Imagawa have sent a message they have captured Lord Yoshitoki, and are bringing him with them to demand the surrender of this castle." Hisamichi was worried since Mount Shigi would be their next target.

    So the Tsutsui has been defeated as well, but why offer Yoshitoki unless they do not know Nagayoshi is dead? Hisahide thought to try to figure out what to do. "Then we do the only thing we can do, and surrender to the Imagawa." Hisahide certain of what must be done.

    "Father, are we to simply abandon the Miyoshi, and not even bother with token resistance?"

    "Nagayoshi is dead any plans for gaining power through them are now gone, our future lay with the Imagawa."

    Hisahide had left the gates of the castle with a small troop of guards and rode out on horseback to meet the Imagawa commander Matsudaira Motoyasu.

    Hisahide had ridden towards Motoyasu who had Hisamichi in tow. Hisahide had stopped just short of Motoayasu's guards.

    "Lord Hisahide, are you willing to surrender?" Motoyasu was suspicious of Hisahide's motive for surrendering.

    "Yes Lord Motoyasu, the times are changing, perhaps more quickly than one can imagine."

    "Very well, my lord will be pleased." Motoyasu had left before motioning to his guards to bring Yoshitoki forward

    Yoshitoki was ushered forward and was lead towards Mount Shigi Castle

    "So you've betrayed us Uncle?" asked Yoshitoki bitterly breaking the silence.

    That boy was more perceptive than he realized, he could take him back to Mt Shigi and have him killed, no one would know. However, as Hisahide recalled his past with Nagayoshi, A new idea formed in Hisahide's mind.

    "It is hard for me to tell you this Yoshitoki, but your father is dead." Hisahide said with concern, Yoshitoki had gasped.

    So the boy did not know his father was dead, excellent "The way I see it, you should surrender to the Imagawa I can arrange safe passage for you to Sunpu Castle. From there you should petition their lord for support and return to Kishwada Castle,"

    "What about Uncle Kazumasa or Fuyuasu, the clan must still be standing?" Yoshitoki was reluctant to make the journey, and abandon his clan. [1]

    "I do not know if the Shogun will strike against them, but it seems likely, your only chance for survival is with the Imagawa."

    "I am willing to do so, but why would you help me?" Yoshitoki

    "You are the son of my best friend, I would never let you come to harm." Nagayoshi said. It was not like keeping the boy alive mattered anymore, there was always another chance for power.

    May 26th, 1562

    Muromachi Palace, Kyoto, Yamashiro Province

    Ashikaga Yoshiteru had sent for his brother Ashikaga Yoshiaki, he knew he would not like this, but he saw no other way. Chaos had erupted in Kansai, after Nagayoshi's death, the Ikko Ikki had seized Settsu Province. Miyoshi Nagayoshi had supposedly fled to the Imagawa, who tightened their hold in Yamato. Yoshiaki had soon entered Yoshiteru's chamber. [2]

    "Brother, you summoned me?"

    "Yes I have sent for a delegation to assist in improving relations with the Ming court, specifically fighting pirates they derisively say are ours, and I want you to join them." Yoshiteru said to his brother's shock.

    " If, if, if I am to leave will anything even be left to come back to?" Yoshiaki worried about what may happen, trying to maintain his composure.

    "It does not matter. I want you to leave this place and never come back, you would just become a pawn in a struggle for a worthless position. I would rather be the last Ashikaga shogun and die fighting then let that be the case." Yoshiteru said.

    "Yoshiteru, I only do this because you insist, but do really believe things will be that bad?"

    "Yes we must rely on more distant allies, and they can only be of so much use, and if they are defeated we will not have much left to defend the Capital, the ship will be waiting at Sakai."

    Yoshiteru had given his brother one last hug before leaving towards Sakai.

    June 8th, 1562

    Beijing, Beizhili Province, Empire of the Great Ming

    Yoshiaki was brought before, Yan Song Senior Grand Secretary of the Ming Dynasty. [3]

    "You are the Mufu's brother he has sent to aid us in quelling these pirates?

    "Yes, Your Excellency." Yoshiaki replied, still trying to get a grasp on speaking the language.

    "Good, His Majesty will be most pleased you take your troops to assist us in our campaign down south." Yan Song had given Yoshiaki his orders.

    Yan Song had turned toward his son Yan Shifan. "I do not know how long I have to live, I supposed it is miraculous the Court of Riben had sent this aid, or else I could find myself disgraced or worse. If I am to die soon I want these pirates dealt with, it should at least secure you from my enemies. I have one piece of advice, I have much from this position in both wealth and enemies, Implore you to act better than I have my son." [4]

    [1] This is referring to Sogo Kazumasa and Atagi Fuyuyasu, Nagayoshi's brothers and heads of the Sogo and Atagi clans who both served the Miyoshi.

    [2] Ashikaga Yoshiaki was the last Shogun of the Ashikaga as in OTL, and Yoshiteru's younger brother.

    [3] Yan Song was the Grand Secretariat of the Ming, serving as both 41st and 43rd, by this Yan Song was openly corrupt by his later years.

    [4] Yan Song who had to deal with the Jiajing Wokou Crisis, is given some token aid that convinces the Jiajing Emperor to keep Yan Song for at least a little longer. The Wokou Crisis itself was a long period of time where the Ming beset by pirates back by influential native Chinese families.
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    Part 9: The Ikko Ikki Problem
  • June 25th, 1562

    Kiyosu Castle, Owari Province

    The Imagawa had entrusted the Matsunaga to rule what they had in Yamato Province, while the Imagawa retreated back home to deal with a more pressing matter. the Ikko Ikki had recently become more than a nuisance as revolts had sprung up in Owari, Yamato, and Mikawa, that would mean an assault on their temple holdings in those areas. [1]

    Yoshimoto was with Motoyasu to discuss the Ikko Ikki Problem.

    "These priests look to be a problem, they stir up the commoners with admittedly legitimate grievances. The longer these wars drag on the more popular appeal these movements will gather."

    "My lord, are we to send soldiers to every temple in our lands?"

    "No, but something must be done to address, this situation. If it means a peaceful resolution for some temples or the sword for others, then so be it."

    October 8th, 1562

    Muromachi Palace, Kyoto, Yamashiro Province

    The tensions between the Imagawa and Ikko Ikki had deteriorated into open warfare, the Imagawa had surrounded the Ikko Ikki fortresses of Nagashima Castle and Jugo Temple. Imagawa forces led by Oda Nobuhiro, in conjunction with the Kuki naval forces, had surrounded Nagashima Castle. While the Jugo Temple was attacked by the Matsudaira in Mikawa. In response, the Ikko Ikki had sent Rairen Shimotsuma a representative to join forces with the Shogun.

    "My lord, our forces from Ishiyama Temple are willing to support you," Shimotsuma had said before leaving to return to Ishiyama Temple,"

    "Very good, give Abbot Kosa my regards," Shimotsuma had given a small nod leaving the Shogun alone with Hosokawa Fujitaka. [2]

    "Fujitaka, have you received any news from the Azai or Asakura?"

    "No, my lord, but we have received word from the Suzuki mercenaries of Kii, they also intend to send troops to fight.

    February 5th, 1563

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    Ujizane Imagawa had recently received news of the Matsudaira clan's triumph over the Mikkawa Ikki, and in the interest of the Imagawa's future devised a new set of laws to curb the power of the Temples.

    All temples would be forced to register within Imagawa lands. These temples would only be permitted small guard forces, anything larger would see the temple. In order to address the grievances of the people taxes where to be reduced, and a system of village councils were encouraged to help address the needs of the common folk. These changes would be considered to be made permanent in the Imagawa House Codes. [3]

    Ujizane had also learned that his father would intend to march on Yamashiro and by extension the capital this Spring.

    [1] The Ikko Ikki or singleminded leagues where coalitions of peasants, monks, and samurai that fought against the feudal rulers, and where powerful forces in their own right. They were a movement based on the Pure Land School of Buddhism that was easily accessible to the common people. The Ikko Ikki had numerous temple bases in the area such as Settsu, Owari, Mikkawa, and complete control over the province of Kaga.

    [2] Abbot Kosa known also as Kenyo Kosa or Honganji Kennyo was the chief abbot of the Temple fortress of Ishiyama Honganji. He was the tenth abbot of the Honganji, which was passed through the lineage of Shinran the founder of the Pure Land School.

    [3] Clans tended to operate on a system of house codes published by daimyo in lieu of a nationwide law. Although I intend to change that

    Below is a map of a Japan. The only real changes are the Imagwa have taken Yamato Province, the Ikko Ikko control Settsu Province and the Azai in Yellow have beaten the Rokkaku and now control Omi Province.

    Sengoku start2.png

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    Part 10: The Matsunaga March on Kawachi, Fortune for the Fearsome Tsar
  • I wanna see Otomo dominated Kyushu. Not saying it's likely, but a more permanent Catholic presence in Japan would be cool.

    I'm hemmed in by time, the Otomo never bothered to expand, and Kyushu had more of a general status quo save the fall of the Ouchi. I had Japan unified before anything really happen in either Kyushu or Shikoku, I had to keep the Ouchi around or else nothing would really happen in western Honshu. Christianity is going to stay in Japan but really be curtailed in it's power, after all religion has caused enough trouble in Japan.

    April 6th, 1563

    Mt Shigi Castle, Yamato Province

    Instead of participating in the march on the Captial, The Matsunaga and their new Tsutsui vassals where sent to seize Kawachi Province from the Miyoshi. The Miyoshi had found itself in a period of disarray. With Yoshitoki in Imagawa hands, the Miyoshi were split into two factions. One faction led by Miyoshi Yoshikata, Sogo Kazumasa, and Atagi Fuyuyasu, supported Yoshitoki, while Miyoshi Yasunaga and Miyoshi Masayasu supported replacing Yoshitoki with another member of the clan. The purpose of this attack would be to convince the Miyoshi to surrender and with it enable the Imagawa to secure its grasp in Kansai and gain a foothold in Shikoku.

    "Father, the men are ready to march but is Lord Yoshimoto right in leaving us out their advance into Yamashiro?" asked Hisamichi.

    "Lord Yoshimoto has plenty of men to spare and no enemies except in one direction, besides if we succeed in this endeavor we are sure to be favored," Hisahide replied with confidence in his voice.

    The Matsunaga began their march on Kawachi Province and to Imagawa control of Kansai.

    May 20th, 1563

    Moscow Kremlin, Moscow, Tsardom of Russia

    "Iva, is our brother really part witch?" said a who appeared child no older than 6 years of age.

    "I hope not Fyodor. I do not want a brother that is as evil as father's second wife. they said is but he recovered." said the other child.

    before they could continue, a figure stepped in front of them. It was a man with a thick reddish black beard, whose eyes held a mix of anger and disappointment.

    "Ivan, Fyodor!" The man had called their names.

    "Yes father," the boys had said in unison, revealing this man to be their father.

    "I do not ever want to hear those words come out of your mouths ever again!" Their father had said sternly. After a moment he knelt down towards both children "My sons when I was young, I had no parents or anyone else I could try and turn to for help, all I had was your uncle Yuri, who is both younger than me and deaf. While I wish you would think higher of Maria, when I am gone, you may find yourselves in a similar situation. Who will watch over your brother or any other siblings? You must be your brother's keeper and of each other." Their father had given them a small smile before hugging them. [1]

    A man had come out meet their father, he looked like a Tatar but spoke Russian fluently. "My Tsar, Vasily has recovered, the Tsaritsa wishes to see you!" The man exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. The two children were more than just children they were the sons of Ivan the Fearsome. [2]

    "Mikhail, can you please keep an eye on those two?" Ivan had asked with a small smile on his face.

    "Certainly Brother." Mikhail's attitude did not change.

    As the Tsar went to see the Tsaritsa and his new son, Mikhail had walked towards Ivan and Fyodor. "How are my two favorite young men?" Fyodor smiled, while Ivan remained neutral.

    Mikhail had noticed this with concern. "Prince Ivan, what is wrong?"

    "Will my new brother be mean like Maria?"

    "I hope not, my sister simply needs some more time to adjust." [3]

    Ivan had entered the room to see his second wife, with his 4th son, Vasily Ivanovich in her arms, with a smile on her face.

    "My love, you seem quite happy."

    "Why would I not my dear? God smiles down upon us, Polotsk is ours, but more importantly, God has seen fit to ensure our son and my brother still live. Have you felt better since your labor?" Ivan asked. [4]

    "Yes, it is just I have had a hard time adjusting and would like to brush up more on reading, It makes me feel like a disappointment," Maria's face had formed a small frown. "I know your children do not like me, but now that they have a brother from me, I do not wish for them to hate him because of it." [5]

    "They will come around, it has only been 3 years since their mother's death." Ivan's face took on a somber tone as well before giving a small smile, they know that he is their brother and they must take care of him, because who else will?"

    [1] Yuri was the deaf younger brother of Ivan the Terrible. Apparently, both were mistreated by the boyars or Russian noblemen. As a word of warning the historiography of Ivan the Terrible is often fraught with plenty of apocryphal stories and fabrications. This information, for example, came from a correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Prince Andrei Kurbsky, that has been called into question with regard to its accuracy, or if it even took place at all. For the sake of even having information to go off of, I believe the document is the real but Ivan's perspective could be more self-serving than accurate.

    [2] Ivan and Fyodor were the two remaining children from Ivan the Terrible's first marriage to Anastasia Romanovna. Ivan had 8 children 3 daughters who never made it to their teenage years and 5 sons. Dimitry who died in a boating accident when Ivan took him and Anastasia on a pilgrimage to Krillio-Belozersky Monastery. Ivan Ivanovich who Ivan had killed in a fit of rage after attacking his daughter in law and causing her miscarriage. Fyodor, his heir who be the last Rurikid ruler of Russia, Vasily who died of illness after a few months, and Dimitri of Uglich who died under mysterious circumstances and was impersonated during the Time of Troubles.

    [3] Mikhail is Mikhail Cherkassky, a Tatar prince of Kardbardia was an acquaintance of Ivan in his youth, and the brother of Maria Temryukovna, who was Ivan's second wife.

    [4] As an effect of the POD, both Vasily Ivanovich and Yuri Vasilievich manage to survive Ivan's son and his younger brother respectively. At this point in the time, Russia was embroiled in the Livonian War and had managed to seize Polotsk.

    [5] Maria Yemryukovna herself tends to get a very bad reputation, with her being demonized in folklore or being seen as the person responsible for the Oprichnina system. Regardless of the fact, most Russian Historiography seems to either have something positive to say about the Oprichnina or not go far in criticizing Ivan the Terrible. She was either killed with Ivan's blessing or poisoned at age 25.

    I hope no one minds me using fearsome instead of terrible as Ivan's sobriquet, but it is to convey Grozny's meaning more accurately. Next update I will head back to Japan.
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    Part 11: The Battle of the Yodo River, the Imagawa Seize Kyoto
  • June 8th, 1563

    Yodo River, Yamashiro Province

    The Ashikaga and their allies had assembled at the confluence of the Yodo river where the river split in 3. The Ashikaga had 14000 soldiers with 9000 allies. Fifteen hundred soldiers each from the Bessho, Hatano, Isshiki, and Akamatsu, and three thousand warrior monks from the Ishiyama Honganji. The Imagawa had 27,000 soldiers.

    Both sides had started to cross the rivers in anything from riving going ships and boats to rafts and landed on the ground in the middle of the river. The Ashikaga had taken the initiative to strike first and drive the Imagawa back. The Ashikaga and their allies had arrived from the Katsura river, while the Imagawa sailed across the Kizu river. The Bessho, Hatano, Isshiki, and Akamatsu forces had formed what would be the allied vanguard and landed first. While Oda Nobuhiro and Matsudaira Motoyasu formed the Imagawa vanguard of 5000.

    The Allied vanguard adopted a Hoshi formation, their ranged forces where a mix of archers and some arquebuses, the Imagawa vanguard had taken up a Gyorin formation and braced for the allied attack. The Imagawa had gradually held their position, despite being outnumbered. In response, more vessels started to be sent out from both sides. [1]

    "Hail to the Amida Buddha, Hail to the Amida Buddha!" [2]

    The distinctive mantra of the Ikko Ikki heralded their arrival, as they and troops from the Ashikaga had arrived to try and overwhelm them. Just as the vanguard was being pushed back more Imagawa reinforcements had arrived led by Il Naotora and Asahina Yasutomo to join the fray. Even with more troops, the Shogunate's initial advantage had turned into a stalemate

    "Hmph, we must find a way to break through, Fujitaka I will join the next wave personally." Yoshiteru said.

    "My lord!" Fujitaka had shouted as worry and fear crossed his face "Do you really intend to march to what might be your death?"

    "Yes, if I do not make it back please write to Yoshiaki that while the time of the Ashikaga as Shogun may be over, there's still a future worth fighting for even if it is not here."

    "I understand my lord." Fujitaka remained with the Ashikaga forces that did not cross.

    The battle had started to turn against the Shogun, his allies save the Ikko Ikki began to pull back and the Ikko forces of monks and peasants had fought to the death, by the time Yoshiteru had arrived the Imagawa were on the verge of a counter-offensive.

    So is this to be the end? I must admit I'm afraid, but at least I will die with a sword in my hand. Yoshiteru steeled himself for what was to come.

    Yoshiteru and his men charged into the fray "For the Ashikaga!" Yoshiteru had shouted leading his unit head into battle

    The Ashikaga were now outnumbered and losing momentum, but gained a small second wind. What remained of the Ashikaga took up an Engetsu formation to cover those that attempted to retreat by boat. Yoshiteru managed to kill several soldiers, they did not have the training but fighting against multiple opponents was something else. [3]

    The Imagawa had driven the Ashikaga forces towards the Katsura River. Yoshiteru and his men kept on fighting, but he himself was cut down. What remained of the Ashikaga had retreated upon learning of Yoshiteru's death, while their allies had begun their long march home.

    "My Lord, Yoshiteru is dead."

    "Excellent, inform the rest of the army once we cross the river to begin to make camp, and I will award highest honors to the warrior who took Yoshiteru's head."

    June 14th, 1563

    Kyoto, Yamashiro Province

    Yoshimoto and his army had finally arrived at Kyoto. Kyoto was a shadow of its former self. The outskirts were either abandoned or in squalor, even if there were attempts to rebuild Kyoto they did not seem to amount to much. Upon heading near the Flower Palace, the main residence of the Ashikaga Shoguns, Yoshimoto had accepted the surrender of Ashikaga Yoshitsugu.

    Yoshimoto had then entered the Imperial Palace to meet with the Emperor Ogimachi. Yoshimoto was stood while the Emperor made his approach and kneeled before him.

    "Lord Yoshimoto welcome, please sit down." said the Emperor a slightly older man.

    "Your Majesty, I am honored to be here." replied Yoshimoto.

    "I wish there was more than just the honor of my presence," the Emperor had said in an almost sad tone, before starting Yoshimoto in the eyes "The country is in a sorry state of affairs, but I am willing to support the Imagawa as Shogun, provided you have descent from the Seiwa Genji." [4]

    "Your Majesty, my family traces their line back to the Ashikaga and by extension the Minomoto, as our founder Kuniuji was a grandson of Yoshikane of the Ashikaga." Yoshimoto stated.

    "Very well, Yoshimoto of the Imagawa, I hereby grant you the title of Shogun, may you restore order to the country."

    "I understand Your Majesty." Yoshimoto had said kneeling before the emperor.

    Yoshimoto left the Imperial Palace, while finally Shogun, the authority of the new Shogunate would have to be established.

    The State of Japan by June 1563

    Sengoku start2.png

    [1] Sengoku military tactics largely had their inspiration from tactics from the Tang Dynasty, the Hoshi was the basic offensive military formation, while the Gyorin was a more conservative formation.

    [2] The Nembutsu, was the only thing someone needed to say for salvation according to the pure land school and was used as a rallying cry by the Ikko Ikki

    [3] The Engetsu was a crescent moon formation used for last stands.

    [4] Several clans could trace their lineage back very far, even tracing their lineage back to one branch of the Imperial family. However in for someone to become Shogun that had to trace their line back to the Minamoto clan and by extension to Emperor Seiwa. Although the Oda could have become Shogun if the emperor and Nobunaga had cared despite being related to a different branch of the Imperial family. The Toyotomi being peasants had to settle for becoming Kampaku or regents, with any chance of improvement being dashed with the Toyotomi being thrown into chaos.
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    Part 12: New Laws of the New Shogunate
  • September 8th, 1563

    Muromachi Palace, Kyoto

    Imagawa Yoshimoto had called a meeting of his retainers. While it would be too soon to enforce his authority, it would not stop the creation of a new set of laws.

    The Temple Laws of the Imagawa would eventually be expanded, so that sectarian conflict would be eliminated, all Buddhist temples would be forced to register with the Shogunate and disarm or risk being disarmed by force. If temples had disputes they were to be taken up by the provincial governor. [1]

    The Provinces where to be governed by one lord for each province. The Imagawa clan proper where to maintain their control over Suruga, Totomi, in addition to Yamashiro. Mikawa Province would be governed by the Matsudaira, Owari by the Oda, but under the Regency of Oda Nobuhiro, until Kimyomaru came of age. Ise and Iga would be governed by the Kitabatake and Morita, and the Kuki and Matsunaga would control Shima and Yamato provinces respectively.

    The Miyoshi clan had agreed to submit to the Imagawa and would be subject to the same laws, and their land would be divided. The Miyoshi clan proper elected to retain Izumi Province and with it the city of Sakai. The Atagi and Sogo clans would rule Awaji and Sanuki provinces. Awa would be governed by the Asahina, and Kawachi would be granted to Hosokawa Fujitaka.

    Another law was the establishment of village councils and the creation of a system of petition boxes, to help keep the common people's concerns addressed. This council had adjourned leaving only Yoshimoto and Ujizane alone. [2]

    "Father have you given my concerns some thought?"

    "Ujizane, You do not approve of having clans submit to us?"

    "No, it makes disarming them too much of a problem, what happens if we must face the Hojo, Takeda, or Uesugi, we need the power to enforce our rule, and they will not give up without a fight."

    "Perhaps we can at least come to an arrangement with Shingen and Ujiyasu, but for now we wait, our more pressing concerns are to reign in Kii and Settsu."

    Japan by December 1563

    Sengoku start2.png

    [1] A law based on a Tokugawa law, It was more to keep track of people in OTL, think of it as a pseudo serfdom law

    [2] This has its basis on a custom that was once nationally supported, but by the Sengoku period supported by only a few daimyo, Yoshimoto being one of them.

    As the map shows not much has changed aside from the Imagawa now controlling Miyoshi lands.
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    Part 13: The Cub Schemes Against the Tiger: The Shinano Disturbance Begins
  • So I have another question are the Imagawa going to move their capital outside of Kyoto like how the Tokugawa did and if so where would they move it? Or will that be spoilers?

    OTL Toyko was a consequence of the Matsudaira/Tokugawa agreeing to leave their traditional power base to their new power base in Kanto, with Edo becoming a second capital of sorts as the Tokugawa relied on its vassals. I have toyed around with the idea of Sunpu as an ATL Tokyo, which could work given Shizuoka is one of Japan's 20 designated cities with a high population.

    February 2nd, 1564

    Tsutsujigasaki Palace, Kai Province

    Takeda Shingen was in a meeting with his retainers. The era they lived in was chaotic, and here was proof. Uesugi Kenshin had sought an alliance, to defend against the Imagawa.

    "My Lord, do we know of the Hojo's position on this, perhaps they are eager to end hostilities with the Uesugi?"

    "Perhaps but one thing is clear, I have worked too hard to ensure our clan's position, I will not simply surrender it to Yoshimoto. I want an emissary sent to Ujiyasu, to see if the Uesugi have sent an offer to him as well."

    Takeda Yoshinobu had left Tsutsujigasaki with Kiso Yoshiyasu.

    "Master Yoshiyasu, are our conspirators in place?" Yoshinobu asked?

    "Yes, if nothing changes we are willing to make our move, you may need to convince a few others, to support us."

    February 22nd, 1564

    Odawara Castle, Sagami Province

    Hojo Ujiyasu sat with Shingen's brother Takeda Nobushige.

    "So you believe Kenshin is looking for reassurances against Yoshimoto?" Ujiyasu had asked

    "Yes Lord Ujiyasu."

    "I have my doubts that Yoshimoto would move against any one of us alone, Kenshin is right to seek an alliance. For now, we are willing to agree, I am considering sending my son Saburo as a hostage. However, we will wait and see what moves Yoshimoto will make. [1]

    April 2nd, 1564

    Yoshida-Koriyama Castle

    "Do you think Duke Tacamoto is pleased, with the changes made to their ships Gilberto?"

    "I hope so Dinis, I could only work with so little,"

    The men were foreigners impressed into the service of the Ouchi, and were sitting at what passed for a drinking establishment in the castle town. Before they could continue, a new person had joined them. A foreigner like them but wearing the armor of one the native warriors and carrying two swords at his waist. Both men made a mocking gesture by bowing towards the warrior.

    "Don Antonio, what vile manner of beast have you vanquished? what princesses have you saved?" Gilberto had said trying to suppress a chuckle.

    "None, the King wants me to serve as his guard with the Atamoto. How has working on these so-called ships been for the two of you?"

    "It's awful, who thinks putting a castle on a boat and calling it a ship is somehow a good idea?" Dinis complained.

    "Well, with luck and some more unlucky bastards like us, we could build an actual ship soon. Duke Tacamoto is really insistent to build a ship he believes could cross the oceans."

    The conversation would continue between the three men into the rest of the night.

    May 8th, 1564

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    The Imagawa had recently secured both Kii and Settsu Provinces, securing most of Kansai. The Suzuki was given Kii provided they aid in the Imagawa in their usage of muskets. While the Udono would receive Settsu establishing a fortress at Ozaka on the grounds of Ishiyama Temple. Abbot Kosa was forced to accept that a new temple could be built but not as a fortress, and with greatly reduced in size, but they would be protected from sectarian violence.

    Negotiations had also gone underway between the Imagawa and the Hojo, Uesugi, and Takeda. The three clans were willing to accept the Imagawa's authority provided, they get to form close associations with other provinces they are giving up. However, a crisis had reared its head. Discontent had risen in the Takeda led by Shingen's eldest son Yoshinobu, who had gathered allies in Shinano.

    As the young Yoshinobu was Yoshimoto's son-in-law, this put Yoshimoto in a difficult position. Either back Yoshinobu and risk an all-out war or simply let it slide. Yoshimoto had a war council comprising nearby lords to call upon for a possible conflict.

    "This conflict could be the perfect opportunity, we can secure the Eastern half of the country." Ujizane had stated.

    "Yet it would still be risky, Sunpu would be their first target," Motoyasu had spoken next.

    "This is assuming a conflict breaks out, I have sent out a message to at least encourage reconciliation."

    May 13th, 1564

    Kai-Shinano Border

    Shingen had arrived at the border with a small entourage including his younger brother's Nobushige and Nobukado, across from him was his not just his eldest son, but his brothers Suwa Katsuyori and Unno Nobukatsu, a representative of the Nishina, and Yoshinobu's tutor Obu Toramasa. [3]

    "Yoshinobu, why do you act so foolishly? I have no intention to fight Yoshimoto but I will support him on my own terms, and Ujiyasu and even that bastard Kenshin intend to do the same. This conflict will get us nowhere."

    "Your actions saw me get this scar on my face, and nearly saw us beaten at Kawanakajima if I could not trust your leadership then, what makes you think I could trust it now?" Yoshinobu replied with a scowl on his face.

    "You can trust me because I have not shied away from harsh decisions, for our future, even if in this case it means servitude."

    "Then will you take the harshest decision of all and step aside for new leadership?"

    Shingen this time had a scowl on his face as well. "What have you done aside from starting a stillborn rebellion, because you have not gotten your way? You insolent boy, I will put you in your place, you wish to play leadership like some game, well now you must act on it."

    Seeing no chance of reconciliation both sides had started to return home to prepare for war.

    "Do you suppose if father were still here he would find this situation humorous?" Nobukado had asked his brothers.

    "In a way, his upstart son who betrayed him with the support of his brothers, is, in turn, betrayed the same way by his upstart grandsons." replied Nobushige.

    "That fool, I hope I do not have to kill him." Shingen said in a sad tone.

    The Shinano Disturbance, a misleading name for a war that would engulf Chubu and Kanto had just begun.

    [1] Ujiyasu's 7th son, Hojo Saburo would OTL be adopted into the Uesugi as Uesugi Kagetora.

    [2] Close to OTL Yoshinobu had plotted against his father, here he is not found out.

    [3] Shingen had put his other sons in control of various clans in Shinano to main power in such a large region. Suwa Katsuyori, in OTL would become Takeda Katsuyori, ruled the clan of mother's side the Suwa. Note how he does not have Nobu of his father's clan, but his mother's character Yori, so instead of being known as Takeda Nobukatsu, or Katsunobu, he is Katsuyori. Unno Nobukatsu was born blind and given as an heir to the Unno family, the Nishina also had one of Shingen's sons.

    Sengoku start2.png

    As a bit of housekeeping, Bitchu is now under control of the Mimura clan, while Dark Red is the Takeda clan rebels under Takeda Yoshinobu. The only other changes are the Imagawa control of Kii and Settsu. The Shinano Disturbance is in a similar vein to the Tenbun Conflict which was a civil war within the Date clan of Mutsu.
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    Part 14: The Siege of Sunpu Palace and Invasion of Izu
  • June 5th, 1564

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    The Imagawa had for a long period of time had their main fortress of Sunpu, defended if not by its walls then by its nearby allies the Hojo and Takeda. However, that assurance was gone and Sunpu itself was under siege when Yoshimoto announced his intentions to support Yoshinobu. Yoshimoto over the years had added an extra layer of defenses, however, it would not deter a joint Hojo-Takeda siege.

    The Takeda forces were small, Yoshimoto presumed the Takeda would be busy with Shinano Province. However, the Hojo force was quite significant, it figured the Hojo would have more resources to spare, given their proximity. Yoshimoto was confident they could out as reinforcements from Totomi and Mikawa, and if all goes well the gamble for Izu could pay off.

    June 12th, 1564

    Eastern Sea, 20 miles off the coast of Izu Province

    The Imagawa had sent a fleet to send troops to invade Izu, with the Oda and Kitabatake forces providing troops and the Kuki providing naval expertise. The Imagawa forces were sent with two objectives first to seize Izu and put Odawara Castle in danger. Seeking to redeem themselves the Rokakku had gathered former retainers and troops and volunteered as the Vanguard. As the Imagawa fleet started to near the coast a small Hojo fleet was spotted.

    The Imagawa sent a mix of smaller craft mixed in with medium sized ships first. Both sides had started to skirmish before their ships engaged in boarding actions. The Rokkaku had fought hard and managed to seize several smaller craft. The medium ships of the Kuki navy had seized the rest. After executing what few captives there were the Imagawa navy proceeded to land near the Kano River.

    June 30th, 1564

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    The Hojo-Takeda forces remained outside Sunpu, but word had traveled that the Imagawa had managed to land a force in Izu and attack Nirayama Castle. The Hojo had retreated to defend Izu Province, while the Takeda retreated towards Kai. Yoshimoto gave the order to march his force towards Kai Province while providing orders for Sena Ujitoshi and Matsudaira Motoyasu to assist in the attack on Izu Province.

    July 6th, 1564

    Uehara Castle, Shinano Province

    Suwa Katsuyori did not like this situation at all. His father had assembled an army to take Uehara Castle and try to force his brother to surrender. Fortunately for him, his father had managed to renovate the castle. However, the Suwa were a warrior clan descended from Suwa Myojin himself and Katsuyori had intended to live up to that reputation. [1]

    The Suwa was not alone as the Kiso, Unno, and Nishina had troops prepared to fight with them. the Takeda rebels adopted Kakuyoku formation spreading into a wide and enveloping formation along the Kami River. the Takeda simply advanced, before adopting a Choda formation. Both sides vanguards had skirmished retreating before the main lines had clashed. The allied formation while wide could not penetrate the depth of the Takeda formation. [2]

    In an act of desperation, Katsuyori had taken his personal guard and what remained of the vanguard to cross the river and attempt to encircle the Takeda. Katsuyori's unit had made it towards the rear of the Takeda, only to be confronted by a larger force with Furinkazan banners. Directly in front of Katsuyori's forces stood Takeda Shingen himself! Katsuyori's blood ran cold, but before he could order his forces to pull back, Shingen had sent his forces to attack. [3]

    The fighting between both units had broken out, but the Suwa had held out before disengaging. The next several days would see sporadic clashes between the rebels and the Takeda, but with no clear winner.

    [1] One of the names of Takeminataka-no-kami a God of wind, water, agriculture, hunting, and warfare. The Suwa clan traced their lineage from the keeper of the shrine of Lake Suwa, as Shinto shrines ran in the family.

    [2] Kakuyoku or Crane wing formation was a wide formation with a V-shaped line, it was what Shingen had used at Kawanakajima. while the Choda is long serpent was a formation that emphasized depth.

    [3] Shingen's personal battle standard named after the seventeenth and eighteenth of chapter 7 in the Art of War.

    Sorry if this part is a little weak.

    Note: I've changed the above map in the previous to better reflect the actual makeup of Shinano, not all of it rebelled against Shingen.
    Part 15: The Imagawa Prepare to Attack the Tiger's Den
  • Nirayama Castle, Izu Province

    July 12th, 1564

    The Imagawa had recently seized Nirayama Castle in Izu. Yet the Hojo were poised to take it back, Hojo Ujimasa had led his force to at least preserve the Hojo's hold on Izu if they could not take Suruga. The Hojo had managed to surround the castle, despite being tired and had suffered loses from Sunpu. Ujimasa had ordered his forces to storm Nirayama Castle.

    The Imagawa forces consisted of a token force from the Kuki clan, with the Oda and Kitabatake comprising most of the defenders, being led by Oda Nobuhiro and Kitabatake Tomonori. The defenders had started to fire upon the Hojo with a combination of arrows and muskets. The Hojo was slightly driven back but regrouped to scale the walls.

    The Oda forces were armed with long spears and braced for the Hojo to either climb over the walls or break open the gate. The Hojo forces had found themselves cut down, however breaking down the hastily repaired gate allowed more pressure to be applied to the besiegers. The Hojo had only managed to seize one level of Nirayama Castle, before nightfall as back and forth fighting continued throughout the night.

    July 13th, 1564

    The Hojo resumed their attack only for the Hojo to learn of the advancing Imagawa forces, the Hojo Ujimasa had retreated. Motoyasu and Ujitoshi had approached Nirayama Castle to greet the defenders.

    "Lord Motoyasu, we are grateful for your arrival." Tomonori said.

    "Think nothing of it, we are here to relieve you so you can return home, as soon as possible."

    "I'm sorry this wreck of a castle does not have much to celebrate with." Nobuhiro remarked.

    "My lords if I may, perhaps Shimoda Castle may have more alcohol, it would at least be in a much better state than this castle."

    "Who are you?" asked Ujitoshi.

    "I am Rokkaku Yoshiharu, formerly a lord in Omi, I fight in Lord Tomonori's service."

    "Commander Yoshiharu and his men are quite impressive."

    The Imagawa would advance onward to take the rest of Izu Province.

    September 30th, 1564

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    Yoshimoto's incursion into Kai had only managed a tenuous hold on Nakano Castle in the south. Yoshimoto had sent orders for the lords of Mikawa and Owari to prepare to assist Yoshinobu's forces in Shinano by way of Mikawa. Yoshimoto would prepare his own forces to seize Odawara Castle, various forces from the Imagawa in Kansai were sent via boat to Izu Province. In recognition of their service, the Rokkaku was permitted to govern Izu Province. For the now the Imagawa advance would stop

    October 6th, 1564

    Tsutsujigasaki Palace, Kai Province

    "Lord Shingen, we have received news the Uesugi are prepared to march next spring." a messenger had reported.

    "Very well." To think it has come to this, needing Kenshin's help to secure my own land and drive Yoshimoto back. My foolish sons to their credit have not wavered.

    Japan by the end of 1564.

    Sengoku start2.png

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    Part 16: The Battle of the Fuefuki River and the First Siege of Tsutsujigaski Palace
  • April 17th, 1565

    Fuefuki River, 10 miles from Tsutsujigasaki Palace,Kai Province

    The Imagawa march towards Tsutsujigaski Palace, would not go unopposed. The Takeda had received aid from the unlikeliest source Uesugi Kenshin himself.

    The Imagawa army had stopped between the meeting point of the Kamanashi and Fuefuki Rivers. Yoshimoto’s senior commanders Okabe Motonobu, Asahina Yasuyoshi, and Sekiguchi Chikanaga, and Udono Nagamochi were given command of the vanguard, rearguard, and flanks respectively. The Imagawa army had several thousand hand gunners with both shields to set up makeshift defenses, and cases for their weapons as recent innovations.

    The Imagawa had adopted a gyroin formation, which saw Motonobu’s forces form a semicircle with Yasuyoshi and Chikanaga commanding the flanks. The Uesugi advanced in a loose formation, with the Takeda advancing behind them at a slower pace on the flanks.

    The Imagawa sent a small force to screen the Uesugi, both sides had skirmished with archers and muskets before withdrawing as the Uesugi continued to advance. Motonobu's forces continued to remain where they were as the Uesugi finally attacked. The Imagawa and Uesugi largely remained in a stalemate, however, the Uesugi were rotating fresh units of troops to drive and brake the Imagawa center. [1]

    the Takeda cavalry had ridden around the Uesugi to the flanks of the Imagawa, with infantry not far behind them. The cavalry had dismounted and join the infantry, with the Takeda forces advancing in waves. The Imagawa had set up makeshift defensive positions with their gunners behind shields and with the rest of the Imagawa flanks as support. The Imagawa had fired off several volleys, to varying degrees of success, but the Takeda had reached the Imagawa flanks. [2]

    The fighting saw the Takeda and Uesugi forces making little headway but gradually tiring the Imagawa army. The Takeda's first wave had retreated, while the Uesugi and Takeda sent in fresh troops. The Imagawa had remained in position and withstood the second set of attacks.

    Yoshimoto had given orders for the rearguard to move around their own flanks and strike at the Takeda. The attack by the rear guard was followed up with the flanks attacking the Takeda army, the Takeda were driven back allowing detachments from the flanks to relieve the front. The Uesugi army had pulled back to join with the Takeda forces.

    Uesugi Kenshin had ridden towards the Takeda army to meet Takeda Shingen.

    "This plan of yours has failed Shingen, what are we to do now? The Imagawa seem undaunted in their march," Kenshin had said with an annoyed tone.

    "We retreat and let Yoshimoto believe he has won. I will head back to Tsutsujigaski and man the defenses, you are to retreat in a different direction, and start moving towards the palace when I give the signal."

    "And if this plan fails too?" asked Kenshin, his tone unchanging.

    "Then retreat back to Echigo if need be, that foolish brat will get his wish." Shingen had said with a tone of resignation.

    April 18th, 1565

    Tsutsujigasaki Palace, Kai Province

    The Imagawa Army had besieged Tsutsujigasaki Palace, while not an actual castle it was still formidable in own right. The Imagawa were preparing to assault the castle when the Takeda sallied out catching them off-guard. The Takeda forces charged the Imagawa who only had a little time to organize, with both sides clashing in a disorganized melee. The fighting saw the Imagawa make a temporary withdraw, while the Takeda formed a Kakuyoku formation.

    However, the Takeda was not the only threat the Imagawa faced, as the Uesugi were marching from the west. The Imagawa adopting a Ganko formation and shifting their position against the incoming enemy, with the Imagawa gunners hastily forming a screening force. The Uesugi adopted an aggressive Hoshi formation to overwhelm the Imagawa

    The Imagawa army had started to spread out to face the combined Takeda-Uesugi armies. With three central units led by Yasuyoshi, Motonobu, and Chikanaga backed by four smaller units and a 3 unit vanguard in front of them, with several clusters of gunners only slightly behind the vanguard.

    The Uesugi would advance towards the left unit while the Takeda attacked the vanguard and remaining two units. The initial Takeda attack drove the vanguard back and forced the central and right units together leaving them under threat to be enveloped, while the left unit was in danger of being overwhelmed by the Uesugi. The Imagawa only had four smaller units in reserve to engage the enemy, they split into separate commands of two units. One group would attack the Uesugi and the other group would attack the Takeda.

    The force attacking the Takeda struck at one of their formations wings, allowing Motonobu and Chikanaga to counter-attack the Takeda. While Yasuyoshi's unit managed to stop the Uesugi attack to a standstill. Both sides had started to pull back. Both sides had suffered serious losses with the Takeda retreating back to Tsutsujigaski, and the Uesugi preparing the march back towards to Echigo. The Imagawa would opt to retreat rather than risk another battle with the Takeda and Uesugi.

    [1] A tactic Kenshin had used at the fourth Battle of Kawanakajima.

    [2] Apparently the Takeda cavalry may not have existed as popularly depicted. Most Japanese horses could hardly carry an armored samurai of the period or at least not charge with them, nor did they exist as dedicated cavalry units. so cavalry was either mainly used as dragoons except for troops to dismount and fight or used as horse archers. There is an exception at Nagashino, one unit of Takeda Cavalry did ride quite fast, but they were from Kozuke in Kanto.

    A apologize if it has been almost a month, last month was not kind to me at all. More updates are incoming I've taken to adding some improvements to the maps, and an index.
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    Part 17: Siege of Odawara Castle and the Second Siege of Tsutsujigasaki Palace
  • May 6th, 1565

    Odawara Castle, Sagami Province

    The mighty fortress of the Hojo found itself under siege by the Imagawa. Having taken the castle town, Morita Joun had given orders to his co-commanders Kitabatake Harumoto, Matsunaga Hisamichi, and Suzuki Shiegehide to continue the siege. Unlike the Uesugi, the Imagawa would be prepared to stay for long as it took. In order to isolate Odawara Castle local fortresses would have to be seized. [1]

    June 16th, 1565

    Tsutsujigasaki Palace, Kai Province

    Yoshimoto and his army had returned to Tsutsujigaski Palace to besiege it once more. Reinforcements were sent from Suruga to boost the Imagawa's numbers. The Takeda did not try to contest the siege. The best case scenario would be that Shingen would surrender, if not Yoshimoto believed that only an assault would defeat the Tiger of Kai.

    Shingen sat brooding on what to do before his younger brother Takeda Nobuzane came up with a suggestion.

    "Brother, I have a plan but it is quite the gamble."

    "Very well, Nobuzane lets hear it."

    "I'll take your place as a body double, by the time Yoshimoto finds out, it could buy us time." [2]

    "Time for what, that brat will get what he wants, to be the head of a weakened clan, from the power that both my father and I spent blood, sweat and tears building up. What would be the point in fighting him now?" Shingen said in a flat tone betrayed by a bitter glare in his eyes.

    "You could defeat Yoshinobu, or at least show him that if it was not for his father-in-law he would be humiliated and imprisoned."

    "If it were not for Yoshimoto, Yoshinobu would be dead." Shingen said in barely concealed rage. Shingen had calmed himself "Very well, but if you know we are close to having Tsutsujigaski overwhelmed just surrender. People are the real castle and we cannot lose them."

    "I understand Brother." Nobuzane replied.

    September 15th, 1565

    Odawara Castle, Sagami Province

    "Father, we have been isolated and the Imagawa show no sign of letting up," Hojo Ujimasa had remarked to his father Ujiyasu. While Ujimasa was head of the clan since the beginning of the year, his father still retained plenty of influence.

    "Then we must negotiate with Yoshimoto, at the very least he will understand this was a difficult choice for us."

    Ujimasa and Ujiyasu had gone to meet the Imagawa commanders.

    "Lord Ujimasa, Lord Ujiyasu." Joun said bowing to each figure. "My Lord Yoshimoto wishes only the surrender of Odawara, but you may maintain your defenses elsewhere."

    "It is a generous offer. Give Yoshimoto my regards and I hope we will meet on better terms."

    October 2nd, 1565

    Tsutsujigasaki Palace, Kai Province

    The Imagawa had finally taken Tsutsujigasaki Palace. Yoshimoto had his guard had reached Shingen's chambers, Yoshimoto had taken a look at Shigen and noticed he looked different.

    "Ah Lord Yoshimoto, it is nice to meet you, I take it your wait was productive." Shingen had said in a mocking voice Yoshimoto did not recognize. As Yoshimoto approached Shingen he noticed that he looked different before a horrible realization came over him.

    "You! You are a body double?" Yoshimoto grew angry, that this foolish conflict which he hoped he could resolve quickly has had its victory tauntingly remain out of reach. Yoshimoto called for guards to detain this imposter.

    [1] Odawara while a fortress that was besieged 3 times were sieges never lasted all that long. The Uesugi and Takeda sieges were called off due to larger concerns for both clans. While the Toyotomi had Odawara surrender to them after 3 months.

    [2] Shigen's brothers had sometimes played the role of body doubles, aside from Takeda Nobuzane, his brother Takeda Nobukado played that role as well.

    Nothing all that major to the map below, I only added Kai and Sagami Provinces to the Imagawa and changed Kanto from Yellow to Dark Green for visibility. Storywise dealing with Odawara Castle was something I was never really satisfied with, this is only marginally better, even If I've gone with less dramatic moments overall.

    Sengoku start2.png

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    Part 18: The Battle of Chikuma River and the Sunpu Conference
  • April 15th, 1566

    Komoro Castle, Shinano Province

    Takeda Shingen had rallied his army for one last battle. Shingen had received word that Yoshinobu with help from the Imagawa had seized Fukashi Castle. Shingen's remaining forces would be in danger from the west and the south. His scouts had reported no Imagawa movement southward but his son was mustering forces to attack him.

    However, Shingen would ensnare that foolish son of his. Shingen had spread a rumor that the Sanada family, was discontented with Shingen, and were willing to defect. Shingen had faith Sanada Masayuki would play his part well. If all went according to plan Yoshinobu would march on Komoro Castle

    May 7th, 1566

    Chikuma River, Shinano Province
    Takeda Yoshinobu and had advanced towards Komoro Castle. Sanada Masayuki had recently offered to defect stating discontent with Shingen, Yoshinobu would strike at his idiotic and unflexible father, and then take his rightful place as head of the Takeda. Yoshinobu was prepared to face his father who had sent his own army up north to defend against Yoshinobu's advance towards Komoro.

    Yoshinobu was not alone, however, aside from his forces composed of his brothers and loyal allies, the Imagawa, through their vassals the Oda and Matsudaira had each sent a small detachment of troops.

    Shingen's army had taken up a Hoen formation, in preparation for Yoshinobu's forces. Yoshinobu's forces marched with the Chikuma River at their right flank, the Oda, and Matsudaira on their left. The Sanada where left to bring up the rear.

    Both sides had sent out their screening forces, peppering each other with arrows before Yoshinobu main force advanced to engage his father. Shingen had started to pull his forces back, anticipating Yoshinobu's attack. Yoshinobu's main force began its attack and had begun to overwhelm Shingen's initial forces, or so it seemed as Yoshinobu encountered fierce resistance. Shingen had a tall signal banner set on fire.

    Horns had blared out from behind Yoshinobu's forces, the Sanada were advancing on Yoshinobu's forces! Yoshinobu hurriedly gave orders for his rear to form a second defensive position to stop the Sanada. Yoshinobu's forces were pinned, and if the rear broke then Yoshinobu would risk being overrun. The Matsudaira proceeded to assist Yoshinobu's forces in their battle with Shingen, while the Oda did battle with the Sanada to save Yoshinobu's rear.

    The initial Sanada advance was gaining momentum, only to begin to gradually slow down, as the Oda troops had joined the fray. While Shingen's defensive formation while weakened had managed to stave off his son's bolstered attack. The fighting continued for several minutes with no change in outcome.

    Shingen had sat in his tent. This is pointless, I will call a truce, and hope that fool is open to reason

    Yoshinobu had received startling news his father had wanted to discuss a truce he recalled his troops from the frontlines, as the Takeda did the same and saw his father riding out with his guard. Yoshinobu had gathered his guard and did the same, meeting his father alone halfway between their lines.

    I could attack and possibly kill him right now, Yoshinobu thought, while both men stared at each other in silence.

    "My son, I've come to offer a truce. This war is senseless, it has always been. I have made mistakes, even if they have wounded you, but those wounds can be mended and those mistakes reflected upon. However, killing my sons over a senseless conflict would be something that cannot be amended or reflected upon."

    "Then what would you have me do father? recognize your infinite wisdom?" Yoshinobu said contemptuously.

    "No, recognize that had your father-in-law not supported you, this outcome would be different. That you have spent resources to gain an outcome that was inevitable. If you want to surpass me, then do not make mistakes I would not have made. "You do not have to love or respect me, but are you willing to put this conflict behind us?"

    Yoshinobu was still angry, but his father's words rung true. Yoshinobu extended his hand, which Shingen then clasped it, before hugging his son. Both sides had begun to withdraw.

    "What will you do now father?" Yoshinobu had asked.

    "I will head towards Tsutsujigasaki, to meet with Yoshimoto and tell him this war is over."

    "Father, at least allow me to join you."

    "Very well, Yoshinobu."

    June 18th, 1566

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    The reconciliation of Takeda and surrender of the Hojo had led the Uesugi to follow suit, a conference was called for all parties involved. In attendance were Takeda Shingen, Takeda Yoshinobu, Suwa Katsuyori, Uesugi Kenshin, Nagao Masakage, Hojo Ujiyasu, and Hojo Ujiteru. All parties were willing to agree to negotiations set out almost a year prior.

    Each Clan would give up a province to be administered by a relative or chosen retainer. The Takeda would give Shinano to the Suwa, Hojo Ujiteru would create the Edo clan and rule Musashi out of Edo, while Kozuke would be given to the Nagao under Nagao Masakage. The acceptance of the Takeda of Kai, would the eventually mean the relocation of the Takeda of Wakasa.

    In the coming months, the Imagawa would return to the task of uniting Japan, by peace or force if necessary.

    Map of Japan after the Shinano Disturbance.

    Sengoku start3.png

    Much has changed with the submission of the Takeda, Hojo, and Uesugi to the Imagawa. I have changed the color of the Honma of Sado as well, which is the small island in the northwest.
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    Part 19: Consolidation and the Kaga and Satomi Campaigns
  • Fall-Winter 1566

    The Imagawa had begun to demand the submission of local lords. The Saito, Azai, and Asakura accepted further securing Imagawa control in central Japan. However, the question remained what to do with the more divided provinces. Beyond the lands of the Hojo and Uesugi, most of the provinces were divided between numerous lords. Shimosa Province to the East of Musashi provided access to the Boso Peninsula in the south, while the Hojo controlled most of the province, the Yuki was the only significant power of note in the area.

    In cases like the Yuki, they would be given control of the Hojo's land and be forced to give up land in other provinces in exchange. However, the Satomi of Kazusa and Awa refused to. In response, the Imagawa had requested the Rokkaku, Hojo, Yuki, and Edo to force the Satomi to heel. The Satomi were beaten back at Konodai and had seized half of Kazusa and were pushing on towards Kururi Castle. The Satomi in response had fled to Tateyama Castle in Awa, and after a 30-day siege had surrendered. The Satomi would be allowed to keep Kasuza but their Vassals would be given Awa.

    At this same time as the offensive against the Satomi, the Azai and Asakura were given orders to defeat the Kaga Ikki. The combined forces of the Azai and Asakura had taken Daishoji Castle and were preparing to besiege Oyama Temple the Kaga Ikki's stronghold. Oyama Temple was defended by the remaining local lords who were not pacified as well as warrior monks. Oyama Temple was quickly seized and the Kaga Ikki defeated, Kaga would be given to the Sena family, closely related to the Imagawa.

    Before the year had ended plans were made to curb the strength of the feudal lords. As well as a plan to sponsor local powers in exchange for fealty, when it came dealing with the large and unruly northeastern part of the country.

    Japan by the end of 1566.

    Sengoku start3.png

    Sorry if the update is quite small, I wanted to wrap up this particular year. I'm considering touching more on Europe and Asia next update.
    Part 20: The Clan Charter System is Formed, Turmoil Breaks out in the West
  • March 20th, 1567

    Muromachi Palace, Yamashiro Province

    Yoshimoto had recently engaged in correspondence with The Jinbo, Anegakoji, and Hakateyama. They had agreed to submit under a new system suggested by his son. The feudal lords and their descendants would be allowed to govern their provinces in exchange for being reduced to one castle. The eventual plan would be to extend this system across the whole of Japan ushering in a new age for Japan. At this time Yoshimoto was also courting lords both closer to the capital and in the northeast.

    May 6th, 1567

    Yamaguchi Palace, Suo Province

    A gathering of the major powers of Chugoku had taken place, not that Yoshinaga had much choice, Sue Harukata had been itching for a war. The Ouchi had recently taken Iwami and with its valuable silver mine and sued for peace with the Amago clan. In an effort to oppose the Imagawa, Harukata had forced Yoshinaga to call this meeting with the Amago and Yamana clans, as his faction was still in power.

    Yoshinaga had half-heartedly proposed an alliance with both clans, but he more concerned with reducing Harakata's power. then trying to resist the Shogun, however this push to war had presented an opportunity while Harukata would lead a force East towards the capital, Yoshinaga could take the Sue clan hostage and with it force Harukata to back down and give control of the clan to him. [1]

    June 14th, 1567

    Sunpu Palace, Suruga Province

    The Hatano and Isshiki had agreed to submit to Imagawa authority, while the Takeda of Wakasa had to be convinced by receiving an estate near Kyoto. Their vassal the Awaya clan where given Wakasa. In the East, Yoshimoto had received word from Date Harumune and Mogami Yoshimori, Satake Yoshiaki, and Utsunomiya Hirostuna about their willingness to support him. The Satake quickly fell in line and secured Hitachi Province, however, the Date, Mogami, and Utsunomiya would require the assistance of the Imagawa. It would be the perfect opportunity to reduce the power of feudal lords and bring order to the northwest.

    However dire news had come from the West, almost outraging Yoshimoto. Apparently, Ouchi Yoshinaga had dared to rally the Amago and Yamana against him. Yes, these clans were distinguished, but the Yamana and Amago were in decline, and Yoshinaga was nothing more than a usurper and fool who could only claim his name due to his own mother. They would be dealt with in due time.

    September, 8th 1567

    Moscow, Tsardom of Russia

    It was an uncertain time for Russia. Russia had seen tremendous success in the Livonian War, occupying the Voivodeships of Polotsk, Vitebsk, and the Duchy of Mstsislaw from Lithuania, and maintained a presence in Livonia. Yet even with a marriage alliance with Sweden, Livonia remained in turmoil. Denmark and Sweden clashed over disputes left from the recently failed Kalmar Union, Ivan was called to as a mediator between the two. [2]

    Ivan's court was visited by Magnus, the Bishop of Osel-Weik and Courland, Brother to King Fredrick of Denmark and the Duke of Estonia Svante Stensson Sture representing Sweden. Each of whom who constantly presented their case. Ivan had also grown irritated with the stubborn refusal of that mere king Sigismund, it seems he would have to compromise. Ivan would make the king an offer, recognize his gains in Lithuania and surrender all of Livonia up to the Daugava, save the city of Riga. [3]

    Internally the Boyars were satisfied, Prince Kurbsky had led several more campaigns into Livonia, even Ivan had wondered if he had gotten too rich for own good. [4]

    October 6th, 1567

    Qazvin, Safavid Empire

    Shah Tahmasp, sat with the latest reports from the West, not too long after the death of Suleman, did chaos break out among the Turks. It helped that Tahmasp did not have Prince Bayezid killed, with his help Bayezid managed to gain support in the Eyalets of Baghdad, Basra, Van, and Shahrizor, and Kars initially and has even seized Mosul and Rakka. [5]

    Tahmasp thoughts turned towards his own family situation. Currently, he had not decided on an heir and did not want the problems his enemies in the west were facing. As it stood the system of his father had worked for some time, but things would have to change. Tahmasp though back to his early days as Shah, while he managed to live long enough to break through the Qizilbashi's power over him as reagents, what would happen to possibly more unlucky successors? [6]

    Winter 1567

    Date Harumune had received the support of the Imagawa to rule Mutsu Province, at a cost. Mutsu would be reduced in size to make it easier to manage, a similar plan had occurred with Dewa Province. Dewa was recreated with its southern half and given to the Mogami. The remaining Date lands outside of Mutsu was handed to the Shogunate. These new Provinces, along with other lords of the east were forced to reduce the number of castles, and conduct land survey's for taxation and to administer the law with a set amount of troops provided. [7]

    Japan by the end of 1567

    Sengoku start3.png

    [1] I've tried to make the internal situation of the ATL Ouchi clan more relevant and less of a throwaway detail, as well as an earlier mentioned alliance from the older thread.

    [2] In my second crack at Europe, Ivan IV has allowed his son Ivan Ivanovich to marry Virginia Eriksdotter of Sweden daughter of Eric XIV, however, Russia still has good relations with Denmark. At this time both parties were engaged in the Northern Seven Years War with each other, also Russia has more success in the Lithuania theatre of the war.

    [3] Magnus was the brother of Fredrick II and given lands in Livonia so Fredrick could expand his power at home. Svante Stennson Sture was a member of the Sture family who was executed during the madness of Eric XIV, I'm not sure how that bought of madness came about but here I've butterflied that way. Here Ivan is making a smaller offer for what he wanted which was all of Livonia and making more permanent gains in Lithuania.

    [4] As another POD Prince Kurbsky does not defect to Lithuania, and the Oprichnina is not formed. This at least prevents the later instability of Russia, as people are not indiscriminately killed and their land seized.

    [5] I looked at some events I could play around with a 1560 POD, the survival and insurrection of Shahzade Bayezid a prince of the Ottoman Empire is something I'm taking a crack at. In 1561 Shah Tahmasp had Bayezid who was a political refugee killed to appease his father Suleiman the Magnificent, here Tahmasp keeps Bayezid alive and when Suleiman dies in 1566 he and his followers come back east to dispute the succession of Selim II in the usual Ottoman fashion. Bayezid and his followers have made some gains in the eastern parts of the Empire, namely the recently conquered parts of modern-day Iraq and Armenia taken from the Safavids only 11-12 year ago.

    [6] The Safavids themselves would have their own succession problems. Until Abbas the Great, Turkic Shia tribes of Qizilbashi or redheads would have a say in succession. When Tahsmph died it led to a period of chaos, as tribes backed rival claimants. Tahmsph had made some gains in bring Caucasians as another factor to the Safavid state, but the power of the Qizilbashi would still be a problem.

    Mapwise, the Imagawa have made some more gains around the capital, and in Eastern Japan. Red colored provinces are lands controlled by multiple members of the anti-Imagawa alliance.

    I know I'm stepping into quite unfamiliar territories with Scandinavia, the Ottomans, and the Safavids, but I'm trying to take what I can get in terms of shaping the rest world at this time as well.
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