It's a fair point that the final part leaned far more into dramatic storytelling than technical rigour, and the radiation effects were not calculated from a detailed engineering analysis, more a finger-in-the-air, based on my (possibly flawed) understanding of how nuclear reactors work in a space context. In particular:
- The reactor is not heavily radioactive on launch, until first activation
- When running, it's very radioactive
- After shut-down, the core remains highly radiatactive, and the unsheilded structure around it low-to-moderately radioactive from neutron activation
- The whole thing is radioactive enough that it causes considerable concern when scattered over large parts of Canada.
1. You could touch an unshielded reactor's fuel before activation and have no problems.
2. Yes.
3. It remains highly radioactive for a good while, but soon-ish loses the extremely high doses of radiation from the fast decaying isotopes, then medium term like a year, loses even more of its radiation, leaving only the slow decaying (and less radioactive) isotopes. Space reactors are surrounded by a neutron shield, in some cases even the coolant that leaves the reactor has a neutron reflector/shield as transportation pipe.
4. Everything mildly radioactive is a concern, even if a dose doesn't kill in a day, the concern is in regards to cumulative effects of long exposure and environmental contamination.
My go-to comparison for the part was Kosmos-954.
According to Wiki, parts of the recovered reactor "...displayed radioactivity of up to 1.1
sieverts per hour".
Atomic Rockets quotes the ESA astronaut career limit as 1 Sievert. So from this, I assumed the radiation from a much larger reactor after 6+ years of operation would be severe enough to be dangerous to an astronaut handling it at close quarters. My wet finger suggested to me that this was radioactive enough that Kostya knew he would certainly die in the near future, and to start displaying symptoms of accute radiation poisoning, although in this I may well have erred on the side of the (melo?)dramatic.
Uh... so you based the station's reactor (and the safety of it) on a reactor and reactor design from the 60s that would have never been used on a space station? The BES-5 (Buk) thermoelectric reactor used on the Kosmos satellites was an interim design since the beginning, to be later replaced by a safer, more powerful and more ambitious thermionic design.
If anything, the space station's reactor will be completely different from the BES-5 reactor because, OTL, if not the Topol (Topaz I), at least the Enisy reactor (Topaz II) was actually considered for a moon base reactor. It also would have used Hall effect thrusters for altitude control.
My issue with the story arc is that it goes wrong for the sake of going wrong, throwing away Soviet safety and test standards. For example, in the case of the Topaz reactor, while the US would build a few test articles and do a lot of stress analysis through mathematical means, the Soviets built more than 30 functional reactors that they tested to failure, their designs were also safer as it involved no moving parts and even now you can find articles about the Topaz II reactor's still outstanding safety.
It also uses less fuel than the BES-5 reactor, produces more power and operates for longer. 6 kW for 5 years is well within the scope of a 1 ton reactor, add 3.5 tons of shielding to protect the crew doing maintenance and 0.5 t for the fuel and the Hall and chemical thrusters for altitude control.
And that's just for a small satellite, not for a space station with crew onboard that might have to do maintenance on the reactor. You pointed out the Kosmos-954 incident, but forget that they launched successfully 29 such satellites and only had 2 failures after they started to get lax. That would never have happened with a first of its kind station reactor, maybe down the road but not the first example which would have been verified and individually tested a dozen times before actually launching the damn thing. (Though I honestly doubt they would have launched the whole thing in one go with the station, not only because it is unsafe but, if looking at slightly later reactor designs for manned stations by the Russians in the early and late 90s they would have approached something like 10-22 tons to be launched separately from a Proton or Angara rocket so I am unsure if they would have even considered a 5 ton reactor)
There's also the issue of this urgency that in 1 year it will fall back to Earth, but at an altitude where the station is situated (at 350-450 km) it will take, worse case 2-3 years for the reactor to deorbit. More than enough time to create an autonomous tug to push it at a higher orbit. (Though there would have been no reason for the thrusters to fail, as this reactor would have had multiple redundancies)
Another thing that was not mentioned was the US response to the nuclear powered station, were they trying to push for a faster development of the SP100 reactor? (Which was approved OTL in 1983) A return to the mostly finished SNAP 50 reactor? Or pursue a scaled down, 10 kW SP100 variant?