A Soldier's Country: History of the American Stratocracy

Chapter One: Forged From The Forge
Chapter One: Forged From The Forge

"To see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lay on, without shoes by which their marches might be traced by the blood from their feet, and almost as often without provisions as with; marching through frost and snow and at Christmas taking up their winter quarters within a day's march of the enemy, without a house or hut to cover them till they could be built, and submitting to it without a murmur is a mark of patience and obedience which in my opinion can be unparalleled. The unmatched purity and patriotism of a soldier that nobody else can match." - General George Washington


General Washington and Major General Lafayette checking upon the soldiers at Valley Forge

The Revolution was at a crucial moment. Philadelphia, the capital of the Second Continental Congress, was under British control. The British soldiers under General William Howe were able to beat back Washington's troops at the Battle of Brandywine before seizing the capital. After the defeat at Germantown, the 12,000-man army was forced to retreat to Valley Forge for the winter. However, there would be little to celebrate for the Christmas season. 1,000 Continentals and as many as 1,500 horses would die of starvation and diseases in winter. Washington could barely supply proper clothing to his soldiers, yet they were unwavering in their belief in him. They fought through the winter, training under the Prussian drill instructor, Baron Friedrich von Steuben. They practiced volley fire, maneuverability, formations, as well as a multitude of other things. When they came out of Valley Forge after the winter, they became a cohesive fighting force that could truly challenge the British.

As the American Revolution continued onwards, the Americans saw the soldiers at Valley Forge as the prime example of the "Great Soldier", a name coined by the famous Thomas Paine when talking about the successful progression of the war, being inspired by not only the events like that of Valley Forge but also the martyred American spy Nathan Hale, whose last words were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country". Poets and authors were immensely fond of using Valley Forge and battles involving American soldiers in their literature, not only as a propaganda piece but a fascination from the simple aggrandized view of the American soldier that was romantic in every way. It was this patriotic view of the American soldiers that fostered those soon-to-be politicians of the American government. Men like Thomas Pinckney and Aaron Burr manifested a belief that the Continentals should be given a voice in the nation that they fought to liberate. George Washington himself, who wasn't much of a politician, had stated his support for soldier and veteran representation in government. Their idea would be called "Forge democracy", named after the famous Valley Forge.


The Gentle George by F.O.C Darley, highlighting Washington's stage through depression

Now as the Treaty of Paris had the United States finally free from British rule, an outburst arrived over the Articles of Confederation, where power was really up to the wealthy elite that had control. Pinckney and Burr were a branch of those who supported the ratification of the Constitution that was very much sold on the idea of the "Great Soldier" and believed in an army's representation in government. Washington became more vocal on his stances to Congress, after a series of unfortunate events befell the war hero. George William Fairfax, considered the mentor of George Washington and his closest friend, had died from a heart attack the day the Treaty of Paris was signed, where Washington mentioned the treaty as "the Paper of Curses" to his fellow commanders after hearing the news from Fairfax's wife, Sally Fairfax, who was Washington's old flame before he got married. The fortunes of George Fairfax were dashed away after the success of the American Revolution and Sally had grown resentful of Washington, mentioning to him in a letter that George William Fairfax had been "heartbroken that his closest friend was destroying his homeland and livelihood" and Sally made very vulgar letters, cursing him until she committed suicide a year after her husband's death. It was said Washington spiraled into a depression, before he, in his own words, "would be saved by Henry [Lee III] and would be forever grateful".

As Aaron Burr and Thomas Pinckney gathered support, using arguments drawn from the idea of the "Great Soldier". Their ideas would spread to the soldiers as well. Although the Newburgh Conspiracy, which appeared to be a planned coup against the Congress, was put down thanks to the emotional words of George Washington in his Newburgh Address, and the failure of the Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783, a new protest from soldiers would be the loudest of all. In the March of 1784, around 500 Continentals mutinied and arrived at Annapolis to surround the Maryland State House, demanding for the amending for the Constitution and representation in the government. Although the President of the Congress, Thomas Mifflin, was sympathetic to the mutineers, the Congress pressured him to send in federal troops. However, the army was unable to be funded and over the years had really deteriorated. Governor William Paca would work upon gathering funds for a privately-funded militia, and Henry Lee would be involved in the Annapolis Protest of 1784, strangely due to familial reasons. Henry's brother, Richard Bland Lee, had an active interest in the Revolutionary cause since it began, but he would give up a college education to join the Revolution, to the disdain of his family. "Light-Horse Harry" tried to protect his brother from real danger, but this only grew resentment from Richard, who thought his elder brother, the brother he looked up to when he joined the war, was holding him back.


Richard & Henry Lee


Henry Lee III looking over at the bunkered State House with his militiamen

After the Revolution was won, Richard would go to the College of New Jersey, as Henry did. However, he was still enamored with the soldier's life. He spoke to his friends from the war and led the movement of Forge democracy at the College of New Jersey, gaining inspiration from Burr & Pinckney's many pamphlets on Forge democracy. It had been pieced together by historians in the 1850s that Richard was likely the leader of the Princeton Protest of 1784, stating that he used his army and college connections to gather around 100 soldiers, but had a turn out of 500 instead as word spread. At the time it was assumed, Richard left the college campus while the protest was happening and joined, while in reality, Richard was the first one to be at the Maryland State House and was pronounced missing a few days before the protest began. The mutineers would surround the Maryland State House and make their demands. With the delegates trapped while they were having a meeting, the protestors this time were way more aggressive, at times even throwing rocks. They allowed some delegates to leave but made sure to keep the President of the Congress, Thomas Mifflin, to have the delegates hopefully keep their words. It wasn't long before the state militia formed by Livingston would march on the protesters, with Henry Lee accompanying them in hopes to talk Richard out of the protest, but soon taking command over the militia.

News that the militia was coming arrived at the mutineers and the soldiers were scared. However, Richard soon rallied them to defend themselves. Barricades were made around the State House and the mutineers armed themselves. Either there would be peace or demise. When the militia arrived, both sides tried to negotiate as the situation was very much close to exploding. Henry soon tried to reach out to Richard, but his brother was steadfast in not leaving his fellow soldiers, even refusing to see his brother.

The early Spring was still fraught with bouts of melted snow puddles from the winter, as the sun rose up from the ground behind the slate-grey clouds. The new day was also fraught with murmurs from the militiamen. Orders to ready positions and to keep rifles ready at their side. All of these militiamen looked upon the barricaded mutineers, seeing barrels that used to be filled with fruits and boxes raided from the nearby shops. The height of the barricade was as tall as the halfway point of the stairways. The front of the Maryland State House was made sure by the protestors placing an old, crimson table stacked on top of wooden boxes in front of the State House's doors. The Maryland State House itself was still under construction, with tiles from the roof still incomplete and even the brick walls having portions with open spaces of wooden plank on the exterior. From the crowd of militiamen, a dressed figure appeared behind one of the militiamen who silently looked at the mutineers.

"Weather made for a king, hm?" Light-Horse Harry mentioned as he stood beside the man, silent in response and of similar age to Henry. The war hero general soon turned to the militiaman. "I've heard your name from the others, Henry Carbery if I heard correctly? By what it seems you're as old as me! What's a good chap like you doing here, don't you have a wife to look forward to or a father to visit?" Lee chuckled.

"I'm not married sir, and my father disowned me when I joined to fight for our liberty," Carbery replied, with now the war hero general being the silent one. Henry soon faced the barricades as well, eying the mutineers that were scrambling around to see where a possible attack might come. Carbury looked at his rifle, soon speaking. "I was on the other side last year, with mutineers in Philadelphia. At this point, I'll be arrested by some officials sooner or later, so I thought I'd try doing a favor for my nation once more, and maybe a miracle may happen."

"I'll be sure to send a good word to Congress, have your name cleared if God is gracious today." Lee smiled, as he turned to Carbery. The Henry's stood there until Lee caught a glimpse of a familiar face. "Richard! Richard!" Lee howled, taking a step forward so his brother could see him. Until, boom! Henry Lee soon cocked his body backward, as he looked down to see crimson over his black coat. Lee looked up, seeing his brother, staring at him, staring at him with cold, dead eyes. Henry Lee began to stumble, before falling to the ground. Carbery, the closest witness came to Lee's side. The veteran of the Revolutionary War pressed his hands to the bullet wound, but the blood kept gushing onto Lee's coat and Carbery's hands. The soul in Henry Lee's eyes faded away, only muttering one thing. "Richard..."

"Bloodshed between brothers, sons of a nation they fought to preserve, pitting patriot against patriot." - Excerpt from The Lee Tragedy by poet George Washington Whitman

The Annapolis Protest took a dark turn, as the militiamen cut a bloody path through the barricades. When the majority of the mutineers were dead, the remaining ones bunkered up in the State House were heard screaming "liberty or death!" inside, before being cut down as well, with the President, Thomas Mifflin dead as well, being at the corner of the State House and with a bayonet wound in the chest. The American people were outraged of this event, as Congress tried to pin the blame on some fictional continuation of the Newburgh Conspiracy. However, no man was more filled with rage and guilt at that moment than George Washington. It was accounted for by Tobias Leer in his later life that Washington often rambled to Leer about how he could've prevented the events that had occurred and if he had not resigned as Commander-in-Chief that he could've done so much to help his nation. Not only that but Washington felt like he failed his men, ever since the events that unfolded at Newburgh, Washington was absent in their lives after the war and they soon spiraled down a hole where they would be seen as an enemy by some members of the Congress. It wasn't long until George Washington believed he could no longer stand idle.


Our Savior & Father, by George Biddle, painted circa 1935

On the 28th of May, 1784, George Washington had rallied the support of Congressmen and soldiers and marched on the new capital of the Congress at Nassau Hall in Princeton, New Jersey, while the Congress was still jumbling to elect a new President of the Congress. Washington demanded the dissolution of the Congress, stating that he would personally lead a provisional military government, with a selected few politicians to administer the intricate parts of the nation, a couple being John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox, and Edmund Randolph. He would be named Provisional Consul of the United States that day. Portions of the nation were under martial law, but there was little to no protesting, as Washington was seen as the one to save America. George Washington was easily able to gather taxes through a simple tax collection system orchestrated by Hamilton. Washington sent a successful delegation, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, to negotiate trade and commerce with multiple nations. Many like Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton believed that Washington should continue as the executive power over the United States until he died, but Washington was keen on forming a formal government. Washington urged the politicians to formulate ideas on how to run the government before he could call a convention.

While John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton wrote the famous "Papers of Greater Governance" with a total of 98 pages, which had many parts that were praised by the government, there was one controversial part of these papers that enraged many of those that believed in "Forge democracy", which was that only the landed were able to vote. Aaron Burr wrote the controversial, but well-known "Ferrum Paper", ferrum meaning iron in Latin, with Burr writing under the pen name Leonidas. The Ferrum Paper argued how the ability of the soldier or veteran to vote would foster the numbers of the army, the ability to defend their liberties when the time would come, and greater patriotism for their nation. The Ferrum Paper was very much the uniting force for politicians that believed in "Forge democracy" and on the Constitutional Convention of 1785, many things were debated but one thing was the argument over the soldier's right to vote. Many politicians like Madison, Adams, and Hamilton were active in their fight against this, believing that veterans would be swayed by their employers to vote how they wished or risk their job, while the bombastic Aaron Burr stated that if a man was willing to die for his nation, he would not just be the best at guiding it but most deserving to guiding it. In the end, Washington would agree to what Burr was saying and so many politicians agreed from Washington's opinion.

"When the Constitution was signed on the 5th of July, Independence Day became the American Days [of Freedom & Unity], as the 4th and 5th of July defined what America was." - Woodrow Wilson


Aaron Burr & Thomas Pinckney, "Fathers of Forge democracy"

When all the small parts on how the government would be run would finally be agreed upon, the Constitution would finally be completed and be ratified on the 5th of July, 1786, with a joke being amongst Americans that the Constitution would've been ratified on Independence Day on the 10th Anniversary of the United States, but George Washington had lost his pen and refused to sign it until he found it, although that story was proven a myth a few years later and was simply still being looked over while Independence Day was happening and there was no real rush to sign it. With the new Constitution in place, the head of state had to be elected, that being the Consul, with whoever came in second becoming the Vice Consul. The title Consul was chosen to be the title of the head of state, as it was drawn from Washington's title as the Provisional Consul. The name President had been tainted by the Articles of Confederation and those at the Constitutional Convention wanted a fresh slate. When election time came around in December time, it was no competition that George Washington would become Consul of the United States, popular amongst the landed elite and the veterans.

However, one thing that was to be fought over was the role of Vice Consul. With limitations set by the Constitution to be Consul, the key requirement being that you had to be 35 or older to run for Consul, the popular Aaron Burr did not run for Consul and Thomas Pinckney, who had many calling for him to run, decided not to run. In the end, the veteran voters were split upon many candidates with military backgrounds. While John Adams was unable to garner support from the veterans with him being against their right to vote, John Jay was able to come into the spotlight by taking advantage of his role in the Treaty of Paris, so he could be painted as the peacemaker to the soldiers. His staunch opposition to slavery was taken advantage of by Southern candidates, but those Southern voters' votes would be fractured amongst candidates having personal likes and loyalties with each during the Revolutionary War, while Northern soldiers were more unified in their vote, with most voting for John Jay. When it all finally came to an end in 1787, George Washington was elected Consul, with John Jay becoming the Vice Consul. With the first election over, the Congress was questioning if their decision was correct. Many Southerners feared that if Washington were unable to be Consul later on or stepped down, John Jay being his successor would spell doom for the South. Not only that but they feared the growing popularity of Aaron Burr. Would the power go to his head?


Consul George Washington & Vice Consul John Jay
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So is the constution the same ( except for the name of the head of the exacutive) in this timeline execept that only soldiers and veterans are allowed to vote?
Something I expected from a Latin American country than the US, interesting nonetheless. Although I don't see the point to changing President to Consul. Is the major difference in Soldiers and Veterans gaining the right to vote alongside Property Owners?
So soldiers are getting the right to vote, veterans being given representation in the country they fought to create is great. Though for stratocracy you would need a greater emphasis that the military and even military rank has on government policy.

Imagine a someone needing to have been a Sergeant to be even remotely electable as a governor in their state, that could be an interesting chain of events
ISTM that the proposed change would be aggressively centralist. It would presume to dictate the form of each state's government by regulating the franchise.

It seems to include property qualifications for voting, which some states had already abolished IIRC. The extension of the franchise to all "soldiers" is problematic as well, because who is included? The vast majority of "soldiers" were state militia, whose service might be formal or casual. Also long or short, or in wartime or in peace. Who controls the records of service?

If a man served in the militia of one state, what happens if he moves to another state?

All this was in the hands of state governments, and did not have the profound political effects as ITTL.

And what about sailors? They endure hardship and risk their lives, too.

Also, ISTM that such a rule creates an obvious tool for a ruling clique to manipulate elections; they can simply arrange for men of their faction to be mustered into the militia for guard duty or during some alleged Indian threat. Others would be excluded simply not publishing announcement of the muster till the last minute, then informing latecomers that the quota is already full, or even that the muster is already over.

And finally, during most of American history, before the ARW and in OTL after it, there were not many wars for men to serve in. Establishing this rule now would entrench the veterans of the ARW as a ruling class for a generation. Or... it could create incentives for ambitious men or groups to foment wars, and thus opportunities to gain veteran status. Every future war/peace decision would be influenced by those political consequences.
I like it a lot, subbed

As a side note, when I was reading, it occurred to me that “the Iron Manifesto” would be a cool alternate name for the “Ferrum Papers”. Just a suggestion tho
And finally, during most of American history, before the ARW and in OTL after it, there were not many wars for men to serve in. Establishing this rule now would entrench the veterans of the ARW as a ruling class for a generation. Or... it could create incentives for ambitious men or groups to foment wars, and thus opportunities to gain veteran status. Every future war/peace decision would be influenced by those political consequences.

So a class of pro-peace veterans extolling the horrors of war and virtues of peace even as ambitious filibusters try their best to ignite war with anyone in the same hemisphere? This is shaping up to be a weird mix of Rome and Mongolia.
If this leads to a US enamored with soldiers fighting for their freedom, maybe there's a chance they'll respect the upcoming Latin American wars of independence and not screw them over?
I'd love to see at least one TL where Mexico and the other Spanish speaking countries don't just exist to show the "American Might"
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Interesting idea. Soldiers, veterans, and landowners have the vote. This will encourage non-landowning men to join up. The consequence of this will be a military composed of the lower and middle classes. Thus backing up the concerns of working people with the distantly implied threat of force.
Chapter Two: Cleaning The Mess
Chapter Two: Cleaning The Mess

"What has gotten to our nation? Elections are dictated by a military, voting is rigged by those who carry the ballot box, a mere ten year old could say he fought some redcoats during the Revolution and place a vote for John Jay! We are a mess of a nation!" - John Adams speaking to a crowd of elites before being tarred and feathered by a band of intruding veterans


Walter Livingston, founder of Columbia Hall
On the outside, the Election of 1786-1787 showed the strength of the veteran-voter. John Adams, who was very much popular with the elite voters, was out of touch with the soldiers, leading to his inability to compete with other candidates. However, on the inside, the elections were a mess. There was no official charter of who fought during the American Revolution, so it was often the case where men who fought for their nation were refused to vote, often being sailors and militiamen, under the justification that they didn't really fight in the army or that they had no proof that they did so. It was even rumored children were allowed to vote if the ballot-holders had them vote for the candidate they believed in. All this made the idea of Forge democracy unpopular with many, mostly being the elite. Congressmen had their gripes with this policy since the election, until John Adams was famously tarred and feathered by a band of veterans. Adams's career quickly went in shambles and his most important role in the American government would be the United States Minister to the Kingdom of Sardinia. This forced politicians like Hamilton and Madison to be silent, but they would spread their beliefs in other ways.

Walter Livingston was a merchant and lawyer around this time, and he grew a resentment of the soldier, as his representation in the government was being washed out by the veteran majority. Livingston soon started a secret society called Columbia Hall, whose goal was to diminish the veteran-voters' power and empower the landed voters. Walter's society was able to grow in power as he tapped his connections with Livingston's wealthy family members, as well as the Schuyler family, as his distant relation to the family allowed him to get in contact with Alexander Hamilton, which opened Columbia Hall to notable Congressmen. In a matter of a single year, Columbia Hall turned into a shadow organization that spread negative news on the use of Forge democracy, which recruited more elites to Columbia Hall. The increase of voting fees was a popular idea, as well as rank requirements, where one can only vote if they were of high enough rank. However, in some ways, Columbia Hall helped streamline voting for the veterans. A recent issue that happened during the election was that men joined the army only to fake injuries or conditions to leave military service and earnt the right to vote. A circle of military medical professionals would be busted by government officials selling their services so they can "confirm" these conditions, which would strain the idea of Forge democracy. To stop this, Columbia Hall would call for there to be a military service requirement to vote, being two years, which Consul George Washington would accept, to the dismay of Aaron Burr. This issue, as well as the militia issue within Forge democracy, would be solved, as some militiamen would be considered on-off combatants and not given the right to vote, with many exceptions being made for more involved militiamen who would need some sort of proof to show they showed their service. Of course, there would be ways men could lie still, but it very much made sure it wouldn't go out in a way as it did during the elections, and new charters were being written to document military service in a more streamlined way. None of it was perfect, but it was an improvement. Crazily, the decision of Columbia Hall would save Forge democracy from a quick grave.

Under George Washington's Consulship, he would be in control while the First Bank of the United States had formed thanks to Hamilton. The Federalist Party formed by Alexander Hamilton and Democratic-Republican Party formed by Thomas Jefferson would be the primary factions within the government, the Federalist believing in a stronger central government and the Democratic-Republicans believing in stronger state power. The height of Washington's term would be in 1788 when militiamen were confirmed to not be included in the voting, which enraged a good number of militiamen. David Williamson, a discharged Colonel of the Pennsylvania militia that was involved in multiple native massacres, giving him the nickname, "The Moravian Murderer", would rally multiple militiamen in Pennsylvania to rebel against a government in which they believed took away their right to vote. With many Congressmen itching to enforce government power, especially Treasurer Alexander Hamilton. Washington called for the militiamen to answer his call, but he soon resorted to calling the military as well, as most local militiamen that weren't a part of the rebellion were still defiant, meaning only. The military was not at it's finest, but it was the only option, as the militiamen rallied were too small. The Militia Rebellion was a serious danger however, soon boosting up to 2,000 participants, with 10,000 men on the government's side. Luckily, there were rifts within the rebels' ranks.

"I am America's savior! The true Consul of the United States! No Taxation without Representation! We will liberate ourselves, my brothers, liberate our liberty!" - the famous line of David Williamson, showing his madness


Execution of David Williamson "The Moravian Murderer" by his fellow rebels

The Moravian Murderer had been growing more unstable throughout his career, and the Militia Rebellion would be where he would pop. It was said that Williamson declared himself "Consul of the United States, Savior of the American People, Liberator of Liberty", in that order. Williamson obviously losing his mind had many militiamen lose belief in the rebellion and left while they could get away with it, reducing the rebels' numbers to just 1,000 men, under the new leadership of John B. McClelland, with Williamson being executed when he attempted to kill a fellow militiaman. The rebels tried to set up a defense, but many had gotten cold feet as the federal forces got closer and fled to the mountains westward. This would result in only a small scruffle in Fort Burd, where many of the leaders of the rebellion, including McClelland, would be captured and tried for treason. Although men like Hamilton wished for them to be hanged, Washington would pardon many of them, including McClelland, stating that "I would not have wives become widows at a time where enough blood has been spilled already".

When Washington finished his first term, he would, of course, win his second term for the office of Consul, however, this time John Jay would be dethroned as Vice Consul. Aaron Burr, the key figure when talking about Forge democracy, would run for the Consulship. Burr would be a Federalist nominee but with his many disagreements with the Federalist Party, and even similar ideas with the Democratic-Republican Party, Burr would refuse the Federalist nomination and instead run as an independent, just like how Washington did in the first election, which was very symbolic to many people. Although Aaron Burr did not dethrone George Washington, he crushed his competitors, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and George Clinton. Meanwhile, Thomas Pinckney, who was at this point the shadow of Burr, was still very much popular with the veteran-voters. Although he didn't run for Consul, he gained four electoral votes from electors that voted for him instead of the actual candidates, even one that was meant to vote for Aaron Burr. With Burr becoming Vice Consul, he would evolve the role from a symbolic one to a contributor within the government. At this point, veteran-voters allowed for not only high-ranking commanders to be members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, but also ambitious soldiers were able to gain enough support. The Vice Consul would soon gain powers that would have them oversee all the other Cabinet members, with the decisions made by them only able to be challenged by the Consul themself. It was said Burr found enjoyment making Hamilton's work more difficult. In 1793, Alexander Hamilton would resign due to this and also gain a better income for his family. This would greatly hinder Burr's support, as Washington grew much disdain for Burr, which had him fall in favor with multiple Congressmen. Although he still had the hearts of the veteran-voter and many Congressmen, his peak of power was over. The Vice Consulship would soon return to a more symbolic role due to Burr's blunder.


King Louis XVI of France, Maximilien Robespierre

Across the Atlantic, another Revolution was brewing. With the Kingdom of France going into deep debt after financing the Revolutionary War, people were increasingly losing their faith for King Louis XVI. It wouldn't come until the Estates General would be called by the King and the Third Estate was outvoted by the First and Second Estates, where Revolution would finally be brewed. The Jacobins would soon rally support within the National Assembly, calling for the overthrow of the monarchy, and when the French military presence grew around Paris, erupted the city with a voice of revolution. Weapons were acquired and violence would soon pour in the city thanks to the writing of the well-known Jean-Paul Marat. Soon, a mob of people walked all the way to the Palace of Versailles and forced Louis XVI to share power with the revolutionary government. His powers would be revoked after he tried to escape France, and when France was at war with Austria and Prussia, a series of events would lead the king to take refuge with the National Assembly, who in turn voted to destroy the monarchy and imprison the former king.

The new French Republic would rapidly change how French society worked, with the atheistic, government-sponsored Cult of Reason being made to replace Catholicism, as well as the Christian Calendar being replaced with the French Republican Calendar. Meanwhile, the French Army was influenced by George Washington's coup of the United States government, which led to a cabal of French generals believing that democracy can only be restored through a military coup, but most generals were too busy on the front to effectively plan a revolt. As enemy forces captured Verdun, aristocrats and clergy would be mass executed out of fear. The Jacobins would gain enough support to execute King Louis XVI, as the enemy got closer, along with his wife later on. The French Army was able to push the Austrian-Prussian forces back, but soon more nations would join. Conscription would be introduced so the French Revolution could live on, but conservative, Catholic French people were very much against this and led counter-revolutionary uprisings. Enemies were invading from all sides, and many were growing more radical and restless. When the leader of the Jacobins, Maximilien Robespierre, called for the people to oust the moderates in the French government, one French general decided to do something.

"Robespierre is an enemy of the French! He will kill all who stand in his way of being King! The Queen has brought herself to this hellhole, and now she's selling her body to Robespierre to get out of it! Fight my brethren! Fight for the Revolution!" - line in Jean-Paul Marat's final paper before being killed


General François Christophe de Kellermann

François Christophe de Kellermann, a member of this secret military cabal and who had been famous for the Battle of Valmy, was now out of the fight. He had been injured from his famous battle from some shrapnel and was seen as unfit to lead men into battle if his condition worsened and he was soon delegated to leading the French garrison at Paris to his dismay. However, when he saw the French people seek to submit to complete radicalization, François believed it would be the fall of the revolution if Robespierre took power. So, as he had to ready a garrison, he made a lie to his garrison so that they wouldn't defect to Robespierre's side. He claimed that Robespierre was planning to declare himself King of France, Maximilien I. However, as the effectiveness of this lie worked, it spread to the common people. It even got to Marat, and he would even support this conspiracy, that the French people were being deceived, even spouting that the imprisoned Marie Antoinette seduced Robespierre and he sought to make her his new Queen, and when Marat was killed, Robespierre was seen as the perpetrator for the Marat's murder. All these accusations were insane to the common man, but conspiracy and fear were what filled Paris. When Robespierre would formally take power after the moderates in the government were rounded up, many French saw this as Robespierre being exposed. Even a few of Robespierre's own Jacobin members started to think Robespierre was seeing Antoinette, even one claiming to have heard them making love. Marie Antoinette was executed after Marat was killed, but this was seen as even more proof that Robespierre was guilty as if he was trying to do a cover-up. The complete lunacy of these accusations with the events folding right before them made people believe it more, as to how could this be faked! Maximilien Robespierre was unable to imprison Kellermann as support for him fell and the General was being protected by the city garrison, and soon, Kellermann demanded the overthrow of the Jacobins, pseudo-royalists of France, wishing to place a lunatic king on the throne. A lie he had made to his soldiers in hopes to have them loyal to him, soon spread across Paris and France, and Maximilien Robespierre fell from grace in the same way he rose to power, fear and hysteria.

With François Christophe de Kellermann taking power in France, declaring himself "Provisional Director of the French Republic" on August 12th, 1793. Robespierre would be imprisoned, and later would face the guillotine, along with other Jacobines. Kellermann was focused on ensuring the Republic will live on. Although symbolically he was the single power in France, in reality, he gathered as many moderates as he could find and had them practically lead the government, as war and battle was Kellermann's true passion, although he was keen on enforcing a strict power over the moderates, to ensure no corruption would arise. Some Radicals believed that Kellermann was trying to destroy power himself, which led to pro-Kellermann and anti-Kellermann French people fighting one another in what was called the Paris War. Kellermann's position would be strengthened when he would defeat a pro-monarchy insurrection in Paris. Soon, the moderates were being replaced by military officials, with Kellermann fearing the moderates were becoming too corrupt and if some of them were radicals that escaped death. 1794 would be the year military presence over the government would rise. Influenced by the United States and how military involvement in government was working well for them, the French generals believed that military control over France would be the only way they can safeguard citizens' rights, however, most of these men only wished to gain more power or to further their agendas.


Flag of the Batavian Republic


General Napoleon Bonaparte

In 1795, The French Army was able to capture the Austrian Netherlands and established the Batavian Republic, under a provisional executive as well before a true republic could be made, Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck would be chosen by a committee as the Provisional Pensionary while the Netherlands was gathering itself together. In the same year, the French Republic made peace with Prussia and Spain, ending the war finally when the French Republic planned a three-pronged attack, where only one general by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte was able to succeed and force the Austrians to sign a peace treaty. Although citizens rejoiced at the relative peace, naming Napoleon a hero, citizens saw the increasing military presence over the French Republic. Kellermann would be named the first "Grand Director of the French Republic" under a new constitution French generals, who at this point just a small collective of Kellermann loyalists, formed the new Directory government, with the Grand Director presiding over the Directory made up of Directors, who are nominated by fellow Directors and confirmed by the public. In reality, the Directors controlled who would be with them in the Directory, and there were no clear parts in the constitution on how long a Grand Director reigns, how they are chosen, and what are their requirements. François Christophe de Kellermann could be the permanent ruler of the Directory, and that soon became apparent as the years dragged on, until Kellermann died finally in 1796, months after the peace with Austria, after a long time of Kellerman's health worsening.

Okay! That took a while. As America took a turn after gaining its independence, it seems logical to see a change in how the French Revolution went. I know the French Revolution that happens here seems to be only loosely connected to the POD, but I did really enjoy writing on this type of French Revolution that isn't traditional. Either way, I hope you enjoyed reading!
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Also, Washington may very well live longer than he did IOTL as the illness that killed him will certainly not take hold ITTL. Just something I thought I'd point out as would be interesting to see a longer lived Washington.
This is a great timeline, and I hope to see more of it very soon.

I wonder if those in support of forge democracy might wish to centralize the military, to allow for more veterans to have their liberty, and if they do, what effect might this have on future wars and conflicts.
Chapter Three: Bloody The British
Chapter Three: Bloody The British

"Tyrant? I hear our courageous veterans say my name on the streets as if it was a parade! If you call this tyranny, the Mad King must've been eviler than the Devil!" - Consul Aaron Burr after hearing accusations that he's a tyrant


Consul Aaron Burr, Vice Consul Thomas Pinckney

While Europe had erupted into war, with the French Revolution leading to bloodshed all around, the United States was going through a big shift. America's neutrality in the war showed clear rifts between the veteran voters. Those that were traumatized by the horrors of war and sought for America to stay out of wars or risk losing everything they fought for, mainly the lower-ranked soldiers often associated with the Federalists, and those who were hawkish in another fight, mainly being more higher-up ranks in the Army and the landowner voters often associated with the Democratic-Republicans. The United States were mixed on the issue and wished to gain the favor of "The Bold Burr". To hopefully gain Aaron Burr's favor, some of the most well-respected politicians, even their figure-head Hamilton, were essentially cast out of the party, which even damaged Alexander Hamilton's relationship with his wife, as her father, Philip John Schuyler, made no attempt to save Hamilton from expulsion. Hamilton would claim he still was head of the Federalist Party, but that claim was not recognized and his new party would be considered the Unionist Party and would run for Consul in 1794, but would only get a couple of electoral votes, eventually leading to Hamilton following the same fate as John Adams and falling into shameful obscurity. With Hamilton gone, Aaron Burr made quick work rejoining the Federalist Party in hopes to shape it how he saw fit in 1793. Burr had more influence in the Federalist Party than the Democratic-Republican Party, having Thomas Pinckney as a Federalist led to him rejoining. Although Burr was hawkish, in hopes to bring in another American victory in war and bring in more voters into the system, some of the Federalists would be staunch into not changing their belief in neutrality and peace and in hopes to gain the favor of the veteran mass that wished for peace, Burr was forced into promising peaceful relations.

In the Election of 1794, Aaron Burr was assured of victory. He had the backing of the Federalist Party and was loved by not only the veterans but the people, seen as a hero that fought during the Revolutionary War. An issue that was brought up during the election was that the Vice Consul would be whoever came in second, which Burr stated that if an election didn't go their way, a runner up party can just kill the Consul off and that party would take power. Jefferson countered Burr argument that the Consulship would better be passed to the second popular choice rather than some obscure politician that the Consul chose as his heir if he died. The second popular choice of the Federalist Party was the shadow of the prestigious Aaron Burr, Thomas Pinckney, who at this point was generating support in the South. Pinckney would be chosen as the Military Governor of South Carolina under Washington's provisional government, and he would be elected as Governor of South Carolina twice in a row, being Governor from 1786 to 1790, before deciding not to run again. With Pinckney being a Federalist since the party began, South Carolina was an outlier in the South as a pseudo-Federalist state, meshing beliefs that the right to own slaves should be protected by the government and that expansion would only lead to the expanse of abolitionist ideas that would outvote Southernly culture. Burr and Pinckney were both running for the Consulship, but both were very tame with one another, even outlining one another's attributes that would lead the country to greatness if elected. While Jefferson was mudslinging insults to Burr, saying he would institute tyranny if elected, Burr adopted would talk about the many accomplishments of Jefferson, which would make Thomas Jefferson seem like the less civil one and would backfire upon the Virginian. With Jefferson losing much support and Burr building his power base, especially when his running mate had South Carolina and even some other Southern votes on lock, Burr would win the Election of 1784 by a landslide.


The Sunday Plot, 1797

Burr's Consulship would shape the United States in many ways. The Federalist Party shifted from aligning with the British to aligning with Spain, seeing them as a good middle ground for pro-British and pro-French in the party, as the Spanish supported the Americans during their Revolution and had recently fought a war against France while the republic was at war with Europe. However, the Spanish would ally themselves with the French Republic in 1796 and the British navy cut off Spain from its colonies, which strained the already tense British-American relations. Many Americans were unwilling to comply with the British, the perfect example when the Democratic-Republican and some anti-British Federalists, veterans who had fought against the British, would unite to stop the ratification of the Jay Treaty. Tensions would rise as an assassination on Consul Burr would be attempted, in which it would be said that Canadians planned the assassination, known as the Sunday Plot, but it was revealed in later years that radicals a part of Columbia Hall were likely responsible, with some evidence even pointing towards Hamilton's involvement. Tensions would finally blow, as Aaron Burr justified military action on the British impeding on the Treaty of Paris and planning an attempt on the Consul, after an incident where British troops raided a small village within the territory set off the conflict finally. A war would not be declared on both sides, as both sides feared the full ramifications. However, bloodshed would begin in the Northwest Territory, as American troops would fight garrisoned British soldiers. The Undeclared War would last from 1797 to 1798. Soldiers led by Revolutionary veterans would quash an outnumbered British in the early months, as the American Army was regaining strength under Secretary of War, the well-known Francis Marion, then the military genius Benedict Arnold, who had grown much influence and wealth after marrying into the wealthy Livingston family, after Francis Marion passed away.

Benedict Arnold had been Military Governor of Maryland, elected Governor of Connecticut, and was now a Senator for Maryland. Arnold, taking over after Marion, who had focused on maneuver warfare tactics and bettering the men since he was appointed by the Consul, would flesh out the Army before and during the Undeclared War, organizing soldiers in a way that wouldn't just have them better prepared for battle, but would help finding who fought where and for how long, that helping during elections. However, Native American support would bog the war down more, which led to more American soldiers called, which then led to Canadian militias being called upon. However, the Americans were given proper leadership, like George R. Clark, who was familiar with the Northwest Territory from the Illinois Campaign, while the Canadian militias had less qualified leaders as expected, as men were organized rushedly and without much care due to British soldiers busy on a separate conflict, and the Battle of the Detroit where Canadian men made a disastrous crossing of the Detroit River and leading to the fall of Fort Detroit would go downhill for the British. With the British only having Fort au Fer remaining, the British feared that America would soon be eyeing up Canada with their new momentum. To take a proper stand against the Americans, without diverting troops, the British set up a blockade in late 1798, as that year the fighting began to slow, the British thinking the Americans had lost their steam, so they demanded that the Americans begin paying their debts, however, the blockade and the Undeclared War itself was a sideshow compared to what was happening in Europe.


Grand Director Jacques François Dugommier


General Hoche, Wolfe Tone

After the death of Kellermann, the Directory decided to choose Jacques François Dugommier as the new Grand Director, a respected general of France that had grown some political power under Kellermann's governments. However, while Kellermann led the Directory, the Directory led Dugommier, who would rather focus on the war effort, which would lead to the Directory practically having full reign over France. There were questions on when the next elections would take place, even boiling down to a riot. Dugommier would make one of his few civil decisions and say that an election for the Grand Director would take place in 1797, with requirements set for those to run. That would lead to the people being content. Meanwhile, the one foe that refused to make peace with the French was the British Empire, with a navy that reached all over the world. The French would ally themselves with Spain to even the odds, but the British were still a formidable foe. However, with the planning of the Grand Director, the French sought to hurt the British where it would hurt most. More specifically, right ar their doorstep.

The outlawed Society of United Irishmen, a popular Irish republican group, sought to bring Irish independence to the island that was controlled by the British, being religiously discriminated by those that followed the Church of England, while the Irish were mainly Catholic. The Irish and the French would plan an attack on the British, with the United Irishmen preparing to rebel and for the French Republic to send a fleet through the British fleet to land on Ireland. Although the French Army planned to send their force by the winter of 1796, Dugommier wanted to do it in 1797, thinking the winter would hinder the forces and wanted to have proper organization and leadership so the plan would go smoothly. Ships would be moved from Brest to nearby locations to avoid instant suspicion. When the winter finally passed, the French would launch a 44 ship strong fleet towards Ireland, with 25,000 veterans on those ships. The whole of the expedition would be led by Lazare Hoche, one of France's most successful generals. The ships were organized and kept in formation as they sailed towards their allies in Ireland. A small scruffle would be had with a small British squadron, but the organized French did not break and forced the British force to retreat back, losing one of their ships. The British had done little to prepare for possible invasions into Ireland and that would be exploited by the French. In late April, the French would finally arrive to meet up with their the United Irishmen. Led by Wolfe Tone, the Irish would rally into militias and fight the British. Most of the island fighting would be in the Ulster areas, but Tone's Anglican faith would break down much of the barrier between the religious differences of Ulster and the rest of Ireland, leading to many Ulster-born Irish to fight for independence. Dublin would swiftly be captured by the United Irishmen supported by French veterans. Great Britain made no stops to put this invasion and rebellion down. Nearly 100,000 British militiamen and soldiers would be gathered to fight in Ireland, as British naval presence would grow around Ireland.

However, the French Expedition to Ireland did not affect just Britain, France, and the Irish. With French interests now in Ireland, the British and Austria would gather another coalition to fight the French. By 1798, Austria, Britain, Russia, Portugal, Naples, and Tuscany, would all come together to fight the French. Ireland devolved into a bloody war as Hoche and Wolfe did all they could to beat the British at their doorstep, as the Irish and French morale held strong against their foe. The French navy that accompanied the soldiers would be forced to turn back to minimize losses, as the British navy was showing their might in Europe. However, the French were persistent in sending smuggler ships to send supplies to Ireland, but many would be found by the British and either sunk or captured to the point where barely any ships came to help. It would help that the United Irishmen would finally form a government under the Irish Republic, before being a confederation of multiple Irish assemblies, with Wolfe Tone named the Great Commander of the Irish Army by the Irish Assembly whose headquarters were in Connacht. The head of government would be Chief Delegate John Moore. With the British busy with Ireland, as well as the United States, they could only really spare ships to help the other members of the coalition. However, it would prove to be difficult for the Russians and Austrians to lead invasions. Napoleon would lead the Italian defense against the Russians and Austrians, and Bonaparte would fight Alexander Suvorov at the Battle of Pastrengo, where Napoleon would rout the enemy, even injuring and capturing Suvorov in the heat of battle. Napoleon would move quickly to batter the Russian-Austrian forces in northeastern Italy. Napoleon would send a detachment of his force to capture Rome led by Jean Victor Moreau, as he believed he was given more men than he needed, which would lead to the formation of the Roman Republic and later the invasion of Naples and Sicily in 1799. Pope Pious VI would be forced to flee to Britain. However, not all was going bad for the Coalition.

"And so the Irish Republic shall not live on any map or globe, but it will live in all of our minds. Long live Ireland! Long live France!" - famous last words of Wolfe Tone before a firing squad


British marines landing during the Siege of Dublin

Archduke Charles would lead a strong Austrian force and would smash the more numerous French forces in the Rhineland and march into the French Republic, but he would soon divert focus towards the Swiss Alps, that were going through changes during the war. Radicals had risen up against the Swiss Confederacy and French troops nearby were ordered to help the Swiss Revolutionaries. To assure that no other nation would fall to militaristic French rule, Archduke Charles would divert his forces towards the Swiss Alps to assist the assaulted Swiss Confederacy. Meanwhile, General Heinrich von Bellegarde would be the one to fight the seemingly unstoppable Bonaparte. The old man rallied the former forces of Suvorov and was ambitious in stopping French supremacy. He sent a contingent of Austrian forces, led by Michael von Melas, who would lead a treacherous journey across the Austrian Alps, many men dying from exhaustion and frost. However, they would make it to the other side with a fair number of men, cutting off Napoleon's supply lines, forcing the French General to loot from the locals, but wouldn't do to feed all his men. Melas would break up his forces into small groups so that they wouldn't be beaten in a single fight. Melas would capture the city of Venice with help from the British navy, essentially cutting off Napoleon from other French captured territories. At the same time, Napoleon would face a close victory against Bellegarde at the Battle of the Drava, gaining the edge by taking advantage of an Austrian miscalculation and exploiting the River Dreva where the battle was. It was a great victory, but at great cost, but there would be nothing standing in the way of Bonaparte and Vienna. However, the Holy Roman Empire would seek negotiations and the French would accept them. Ireland had become a lost venture, as the British finally crushed the Irish insurrection, leading to all 25,000 men to sustain casualties, many of them captured and Dublin would be captured in the 1799 Christmas. Lazare Hoche himself, as well as Wolfe Tone, would be martyred in the Siege of Dublin.
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