A Potential Sub-Mod for EUIV: MEIOU&Taxes


This sub-mod involves the ISOT of certain countries from their respective timelines to our own. Nearly all the ISOTed countries come from their own timelines and have nothing to do with each other with only one exception. All the ISOTed states come from their world's 1356.

The Sultanate of Cordoba

The Sultanate of Cordoba rules over Southern Al Andalusia with a gentle and tolerant hand. In their world, while the Reconquista was for a time successful, but early in the 14th century Castille and Aragon collapsed into civil war for decades, giving Cordoba breathing room.

Now in this world Cordoba will have to use every resource at her disposal to hold the three Christian Kingdoms at bay.

The Komnenid Empire

In this alt-world Manuel
Komnenos was able to avoid Myriokephalon and successors proved far more capable in this world than ours. Roman dominance over Hungary didn't last long after Manuel, however, the Komenos family was able to put a family member on the Hungarian throne ensuring a friendly Hungary to their north. With the West mostly secured they were able to continue the Restoration eastward and by 1356 the Eastern Frontier was largely back to pre-Manzikert borders.

In the early 14th century Wallachia conquered Moldavia and was able to successfully negotiate the control of Transylvania from Komnenid Hungary, uniting the Romanian lands for the first time. Romania maintains friendly relations with the Empire.

During the ISOT the Empire has lost Croatia-Bosnia, most of the Aegean islands, their vassal state in Northern Syria, Southern Italy and Sicily, and territories along the Black Sea coast.

Kingdom of Poland-Bohemia

In their Alt-world Poland-Bohemia was a powerhouse no doubt about it, with a realm stretching from Prague in the west to Minsk in the east and from the Baltic in the North to Slovakia in the South. It also had a march west of the Oder in what is called OTL as East Germany, but is called Wendland in their world.

In the transition to to our world they have lost their march and most of their eastern possessions. They are sure to be in difficult times indeed.

Kingdom of Brythonia

United in the 7th century under Dubnonia, the Brythonians hold both their Celtic and Roman heritage with pride, to the point of being a bit snobbish about it. In their world they held the eastern underdeveloped and disunited Saxonland with contempt. In Saxonland the closest thing to an England analog is in the south, ruling from East Anglia to Kent and centered on OTL London, but it's more like a Scotland analog with clans dominating the land and the nominal king having little actual authority. The Brythonians deal with the occasional uppity Saxon warlord with a punitive expedition.

They've dealt with the Irish raiders in a much more proactive manner by conquering much of the Irish coastline.

Now with them in our would they find themselves in a bit of a pickle. While England is very much weakened by the ISOT, they are also very much pissed off and determined to reclaim their lost lands and they may just find an unlikely ally in Scotland. However Brythonia does have an out in the form of France.
