Is Zanzibar under the Sultanate of Zanzibar?Here's a map of Southern Africa made by Gustaf Maps that I commissioned, the first, I hope, of many.
Most likely. I'll be sure to do more research on him in the near future.Was Hans Speidel Rommel's second-in-command in setting up his junta?
Thank you!That's a great map, and really shows how decolonization is very different in this timeline.
Has Namibia had any conflicts with it's neighbors, from border conflicts to full wars?
That's part of what I had in mind. Now, nationalist movements still exist in these African colonies, but they represent a more generic nationalism rather than Marxism, as no Soviet Union exists. The colonies that do achieve independence, or at least initially are due to the costs outweighing the benefits. For example, Britain post-Western War had so much difficulty in holding on to their colonies to the point where it could not hold on to them. Same with post-Nazi Germany. However, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal have had more resources to hold on to them for longer. In the case of Portugal, its far-flung territories are created as "co-republics" in post-Salazar Portugal in a fully-realized Pluro-continentalist system (more on that in a future update).Belated reply, but great work on the setting so far, and the latest map is excellent!
It really underscores just how significant the Cold War power plays between the US and USSR in OTL were in decolonization as we would know it. Given the circumstances, had things played out even slightly divergent from OTL, it'd have been possible for something like a slower transition to self-rule or Portuguese retention of some of its colonies to have happened with relative ease.
Yes. With the lack of a Pan-Arab movement, Zanzibar and Tanganyika continue to be separate countries.Is Zanzibar under the Sultanate of Zanzibar?
Thank you very much. I intend to.Well-crafted timeline so far. Keep it up.
No need to apologize, man, it happens to the best of us. At the end of the day, real life takes precedence over stuff like this. Regardless of length, it's a nice little entry that gives us a glimpse (albeit a small one) into the wider world of the timeline. Speaking of said wider world, I've got a suggestion for a future post on Dutch Neo-Republicanism, since that's mentioned in this update. Given the wider popularity (heh) of populism ITTL, you could see a more successful or surviving Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands, with Fortuyn modeling himself off of Huey (IOTL he modeled himself off of JFK) like how Kowalski in Poland based himself off of Long. Keep up the good work!Longism
Longism refers to the collective ideals and policies held by 34th United States President Huey Long and his followers. Some political scientists dispute that Longism can be categorized as an ideology in the traditional sense of the word, given that much of it was ad hoc. Nevertheless, Longism continues to remain influential in the Democratic Party, as well as American politics in general.
-Sorry for the woefully brief entry, fellows. I missed Huey's Birthday (8/30) and his being shot (9/8), so I thought I could do worse than the 85th anniversary of his death. School as been tough, so I haven't been as faithful in updating like I want to be. Consider this my tribute to the Kingfish himself, as well as an assurance that this timeline is not dead.
Thank you for the suggestion. I will say that I am (mostly) butterflying people who are conceived after the POD of September 8, 1935, but I'll give Fortuyn look for inspiration in other areas.No need to apologize, man, it happens to the best of us. At the end of the day, real life takes precedence over stuff like this. Regardless of length, it's a nice little entry that gives us a glimpse (albeit a small one) into the wider world of the timeline. Speaking of said wider world, I've got a suggestion for a future post on Dutch Neo-Republicanism, since that's mentioned in this update. Given the wider popularity (heh) of populism ITTL, you could see a more successful or surviving Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands, with Fortuyn modeling himself off of Huey (IOTL he modeled himself off of JFK) like how Kowalski in Poland based himself off of Long. Keep up the good work!
A minor error I noticed; isn't Centre Party (UK) a tad anachronistic given that the United Kingdom no longer exists?Longism
Longism refers to the collective ideals and policies held by 34th United States President Huey Long and his followers. Some political scientists dispute that Longism can be categorized as an ideology in the traditional sense of the word, given that much of it was ad hoc. Nevertheless, Longism continues to remain influential in the Democratic Party, as well as American politics in general.
-Sorry for the woefully brief entry, fellows. I missed Huey's Birthday (8/30) and his being shot (9/8), so I thought I could do worse than the 85th anniversary of his death. School as been tough, so I haven't been as faithful in updating like I want to be. Consider this my tribute to the Kingfish himself, as well as an assurance that this timeline is not dead.
I had that same exact thought. Also did the flag on the SWSPAC chapter have 51 stars or did I miscount on my phone? Did we talk about that? Also it's interesting to me that Longism is listed in the Liberalism portal given its heavy overlap with distributism.A minor error I noticed; isn't Centre Party (UK) a tad anachronistic given that the United Kingdom no longer exists?
Other than that though, interesting post; it may be brief but it gives a good look into the ideology of Longism.
I'm pretty sure Newfoundland & Labrador is part of the U.S. ITTL.I had that same exact thought. Also did the flag on the SWSPAC chapter have 51 stars or did I miscount on my phone? Did we talk about that? Also it's interesting to me that Longism is listed in the Liberalism portal given its heavy overlap with distributism.
Aha that would make sense with Hawaii off on its own.I'm pretty sure Newfoundland & Labrador is part of the U.S. ITTL.
No, Newfoundland & Labrador as one state, just as Newfoundland & Labrador is one Canadian province.Aha that would make sense with Hawaii off on its own.
I just realized I was thinking of @Wolfram's Prohibition/Social Credit two party system idea 😅 where Hawaii is independent.No, Newfoundland & Labrador as one state, just as Newfoundland & Labrador is one Canadian province.
That sounds interesting, do you have a link to this?I just realized I was thinking of @Wolfram's Prohibition/Social Credit two party system idea 😅 where Hawaii is independent.
That sounds interesting, do you have a link to this?
Prohibitionist beliefs:
- The government should be willing to intervene in society.
- The free market can be made to work, but is unsustainable on its own.
- The United States should avoid foreign entanglements unless there is an overwhelming reason not to.
Creditist beliefs:
- The most important issues Americans face are threats to the social fabric.
- Rights are individual in nature, and relate strongly to individual virtue.
- Women should have more rights as individuals and not be forced or guided into the household.
- Immigration should be controlled to maintain the present culture and the least economic competition for the native-born.
- Immigrants should assimilate to the dominant culture to the greatest practical degree.
- The market should be subject to widespread intervention to increase equality and freedom.
- However, the provision of zero-interest credit by the Federal Reserve, the prohibition on unregulated creation of credit through loans, the subsidizing of products to reduce their list price, and the National Dividend do not make economic sense and should be reformed or abolished.
- Government social programs such as the provision of universal health insurance should be monopolies.
- Social engineering, whether to establish a common culture or to eliminate prejudices and unwelcome practices (for example, racism, homophobia, and smoking) is a legitimate use of government.
- Robust systems to prevent discrimination (whether on the grounds of race, gender or gender identity, sexuality, or many other factors, but not cultural matters) should be in place.
- The national government should have as close to a monopoly over education as possible, and should be very involved in curricula.
- Censorship of media and policing of consumer products to ensure public health and virtue are legitimate uses, and indeed duties, of government.
- The United States should avoid intervening in other countries' affairs unless there is an overwhelming humanitarian interest in intervention.
What am I missing?
- The most important issues Americans face are pocketbook issues.
- Rights are collective in nature, and relate strongly to institutional systems.
- Women should have more rights as members of the household and not be forced or guided into acting as individuals (e.g. by being part of the wider economy on their own, or acting as primary wage-earners).
- Immigration should be aimed at ensuring the most economic opportunity for both the native-born and the immigrants in question.
- It is not the business of government to compel immigrants to assimilate to the dominant culture.
- Other than interventions in the finance system to boost purchasing power, the market should remain as free as possible.
- The government should provide zero-interest credit through the Federal Reserve, prohibit the unregulated creation of credit through loans, subsidize products to reduce their list price, and provide each household the share of the national wealth diverted from them by corporate non-wage costs.
- Government social programs such as the provision of universal health insurance should compete with private business as a "public option".
- Social engineering is outside the scope of government.
- The government should not force private businesses to obey its own standards by imposing anti-discrimination ordinances.
- Education should be provided by the government, but devolved and funded by state and local governments, with the federal government's only role being to resolve disputes and fund/operate schools and programs that could not otherwise be funded/operated.
- Censorship and overwhelming police power should be avoided where possible.
- The United States should avoid intervening militarily in other countries' affairs, but should foster trade so long as it does not exploit American workers.
Also this map of the Senate, and the start of the divergence of the timeline."I've heard the old canard about how the Prohibition Party is oppressive, how it tries to force every American citizen into a cookie-cutter mold. That is, of course, true. Social Credit, on the other hand, wants to unite Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, and Muslims in the important task of keeping women in the kitchen and gay people in the closet."
-Former Prohibition Party member and independent Presidential candidate Rocky Anderson
Despite my radical Atheism, I have to say that this looks attractive - and not only because they drink less alcohol there.