A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

I do wonder what this migration would have in certain nations and countries. I mean Eastern and Southern Europe are going to be running on empty in terms of population and would probably be seeing some sort of economic downturn soon.
Yes, the young and educated immigrate to either the West or East, when the older population remains. The emigration from those states will be somehow replaced with immigration from the Middle East and Africa.
I guess nations like Iran, Afganistan, and Bangladesh would be doing better simply due to not having as many people to deal with.
Yes, immigration for Iranians to Russia is much easier than to the West, so they prefer Russia ofc. For now the Afghani immigration prefers the West, but we would see increase in numbers in next years. Immigration from Bangladesh to Russia for now is minimal but will also raise, for now they prefer migrate to the West, rich Gulf states, India and Malaysia.
How about the immigrants from Southeast Asia?

Edit: oh wait, i saw it in the section.

Ya know, i wonder if we could build another North or South stream?
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So... return of fascist Spain and Italy then?
I think those two could become far-right reactionary but not fascist in a conventional sense, and most far-right are as different from Hitler as Hitler was different from the reactionary German monarchists in the 1840s and 1830s.

Edit: Btw, isn't this question getting a bit too much political chat thingy? Then again, some timelines managed to be explored and reach our current year.
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GDP Ranking (1991-1999) Revised
1. United States - $6,158,100M
2. Japan - $3,657,348M
3. Germany - $1,875,618M
4. France - $1,273,594M
5. United Kingdom - $1,250,006M
6. Italy - $1,227,727M
7. Canada - $612,514M
8. Spain - $576,446M
9. Russia - $521,963M
10. China - $413,209M
11. Brazil - $399,249M
12. Mexico - $348,139M
13. Netherlands -$331,097M
14. South Korea - $330,540M
15. Australia - $324,471M
16. Iran - $304,065M
17. India - $274,842M
18. Sweden - $272,205M
19. Switzerland - $269,003M
20. Argentina - $211,979M


1. United States - $6,858,600M
2. Japan - $4,544,766M
3. Germany - $2,072,472M
4. France - $1,324,236M
5. United Kingdom - -1,156,686M
6. Italy - $1,047,616M
7. China - $617,433M
8. Canada - $579,059M
9. Spain - $529,319M
10. Mexico - $500,795M
11. Russia - $450,322M
12. Brazil - $429,184M
13. South Korea - $392,341M
14. Netherlands - $355,931M
15. Australia - $309,308M
16. India - $284,194M
17. Switzerland - $272,006M
18. Argentina - $264,429M
19. Turkey - $248,573M
20. Taiwan - $236,339M


1. United States - $7,650,000M
2. Japan - $5,550,000M
3. Germany - $2,569,000M
4. France - $1,612,000M
5. United Kingdom - $1,348,000M
6. Italy - $1,182,000M
7. Brazil - $773,000M
8. China - $737,000M
9. Spain - $615,000M
10. Canada - $607,000M
11. Russia - $573,000M
12. South Korea - $568,000M
13. Netherlands - $454,000M
14. Australia - $380,000M
15. India - $370,000M
16. Mexico - $360,096M
17. Switzerland - $352,970M
18. Argentina - $288,497M
19. Belgium - $288,301M
20. Taiwan - $279,059M


1. United States - $8,647,600M
2. Japan - $4,532,449M
3. Germany - $2,284,694M
4. United Kingdom - $1,592,135M
5. France - $1,484,555M
6. Italy - $1,268,228M
7. China- $1,000,991M
8. Brazil - $903,862M
9. Russia - $703,363M
10. Canada - $690,010M
11. Spain - $609,376M
12. South Korea - $591,860M
13. Mexico - $525,416M
14. India - $453,189M
15. Australia - $446,424M
16. Netherlands - $417,329M
17. Taiwan - $333,284M
18. Argentina - $327,436M
19. Switzerland - $294,733M
20. Turkey - $291,881M


1. United States - $9,881,200M
2. Japan - $4,775,982M
3. Germany - $2,337,125M
4. United Kingdom - $1,809,797M
5. France - $1,594,643M
6. Italy - $1,333,690M
7. China - $1,208,346M
8. Union State - $808,657M
9. Canada - $758,417M
10. Spain - $685,968M
11. Mexico - $650,225M
12. Brazil - $639,642M
13. India - $556,867M
14. South Korea - $547,240M
15. Netherlands - $507,493M
16. Australia - $411,455M
17. Taiwan - $353,830M
18. Argentina - $336,128M
19. Switzerland - $317,536M
20. Iran - $305,092M
Soon, as we have sort of liberals in power now
Okay good, I was just asking because as I'm sure you're aware LGBTQ rights IOTL Russia is basically in the toilet, they don't exist and I was just wondering and somewhat hoping that they're improved if not full on guaranteed ITTL with a more democratic governent. Thank you.
Okay good, I was just asking because as I'm sure you're aware LGBTQ rights IOTL Russia is basically in the toilet, they don't exist and I was just wondering and somewhat hoping that they're improved if not full on guaranteed ITTL with a more democratic governent. Thank you.
I would say that LPGBTQ rights ITTL are similar to OTL Poland so far. But we will have vote on it soon.
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I would say that LPGTQ rights ITTL are similar to OTL Poland so far. But we will have vote on it soon.
Isn't Poland considered one of the countries with the worst LGBTQ rights record? I mean no offense I just remember hearing and reading that at some point.
Isn't Poland considered one of the countries with the worst LGBTQ rights record? I mean no offense I just remember hearing and reading that at some point.
Yeah under PIS, but I am referring to situation under left-liberal PO, you can look it up.
GDP Ranking (2001-2009) Revised
1. United States - $11,081,900M
2. Japan - $4,774, 710M
3. Germany - $2,485,800M
4. United Kingdom - $1,949,080M
5. France - $1,707,670M
6. China - $1,693,650M
7. Italy - $1,468, 030M
8. Union State - $1,093,475M
9. Canada - $858,968M
10. Mexico - $836,055M
11. Spain - $707,384M
12. South Korea - $637,730M
13. India - $593,953M
14. Brazil - $579,982M
15. Netherlands - $531,490M
16. Australia - $421,243M
17. Iran - $360,978M
18. Argentina - $340,421M
19. Taiwan - $339,276M
20. Switzerland - $306,580M


1. United States - $12,556,600M
2. Japan - $4,819,560M
3. Germany - $3,001,010M
4. China -$2,856,960M
5. United Kingdom - $2,258,490M
6. France - $2,244,080M
7. Italy - $1,778,230M
8. Union State - $1,691,518M
9. Spain - $1,207,264M
10. Canada - $1,095,599M
11. South Korea - $1,002,550M
12. India - $879,318M
13. Mexico - $805,550M
14. Netherlands - $722,925M
15. Australia - $601,660M
16. Brazil - $625,232M
17. Iran- $452,192M
18. Ukraine -$400,995M
19. Taiwan - $377,381M
20. Switzerland - $364,337M


1. United States - $13,539,200M
2. Japan - $5,231,470M
3. China - $3,890,020M
4. Germany - $3,304,440M
5. United Kingdom - $2,887,670M
6. France - $2,418,160M
7. Union State - $2,388,717M
8. Italy - $2,159,240M
9. Canada - $1,373,510M
10. Spain - $1,354,350M
11. South Korea - $1,199,720M
12. India - $1,134,217M
13. Brazil - $1,001,633M
14. Mexico - $957,130M
15. Australia -$835,936M
16. Netherlands - $805,727M
18. Turkey - $566,186M
17. Ukraine - $525,815M
19. Taiwan - $444,060M
20. Switzerland - $438,293M


1. United States - $15,874,200M
2. Japan - $5,279,750M
3. China - $5,100,660M
4. Germany - $4,125,980M
5. United Kingdom - $3,395,010M
6. Union State - $3,393,420M
7. France - $3,060,910M
8. Italy - $2,483,360M
9. Canada - $1,786,900M
10. South Korea - $1,682,690M
11. Spain - $1,674,180M
12. Brazil - $1,600,110M
13. India - $1,598,970M
14. Mexico - $1,292,360M
15. Australia - $1,099,528M
16. Netherlands - $1,048,659M
18. Turkey - $801,489M
17. Ukraine - $670,110M
19. Switzerland - $598,265M
20. Indonesia - $572,219M

1. United States - $15,264,100M
2. China - $6,788,990M
3. Japan - $5,889,490M
4. Union State - $4,283,930M
5. Germany - $3,899,560M
6. France - $2,897,960M
7. United Kingdom - $2,746,290M
8. Italy - $2,355,540M
9. Brazil - $1,949,200M
10. India - $1,904,400M
11. South Korea - $1,694,330M
12. Spain - $1,655,850M
13. Canada - $1,596,510M
15. Australia -$1,204,800M
16. Mexico - $1,081,360M
16. Netherlands - $948,572M
17. Turkey - $819,489M
18. Ukraine - $700,058M
19. Indonesia - $678,577M
20. Iran - $575,408M
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GDP Ranking (2011) Revised
1. United States - $16,246,700M
2. China - $9,132,070M
3. Japan - $6,824,515M
4. Union State -$5,653,912M
5. Germany - $4,430,008M
6. France - $3,077,016M
7 .United Kingdom - $3,068,972M
8. Brazil - $2,838,976M
9. Italy- $2.509,569M
10. India - $2,306,055M
11. Canada - $2,040,508M
12. South Korea - $2,015,938M
13. Australia - $1,658,131M
14. Spain - $1.606,030M
15. Mexico - $1,359,014M
16. Netherlands - $1,033,141M
17. Indonesia - $1,002,969M
18. Turkey - $968,786M
19. Ukraine - $841,181M
20. Saudi Arabia - $806,635M
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Ok, I have done revision of all GDP figures - as you can see the Union State lost almost 3T - in my opinion my former numbers mostly were pure ASB, therefore I believe that the revised ones are much more plausible given all TTL changes. Please share with me your thoughts of the revised GDP numbers.