
Vietnam US was there because they were trying to prop up the Southern government and did not invade the North so it was a defensive war. Here the US can go in, beat the Mexican army and negotiate terms to end the war then pull out. Not sure what the US is aiming for in this war asides from making Mexico admit fault (and probably make payments or something).
They would probably like to take Sonora, Chihuahua and the Baja Californias, and maybe Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, in order to have full control of the Colorado River and the Rio Grande and to extend their control over the continent's Pacific coast, Baja's southern tip extends very far down. Might even force them to relinquish control of the Yucatan states (Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas, and Quintana Roo) to a native state more friendly to the US.
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They would probably like to take Sonora, Chihuahua and the Baja Californias, and maybe Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, in order to have full control of the Colorado River and the Rio Grande and to extend their control over the continent's Pacific coast, Baja's southern tip extends very far down. Might even force them to relinquish control of the Yucatan states (Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas, and Quintana Roo) to a native state more friendly to the US.
Its not that simple or clear cut on what TR wants to see as goals for ending the war. Plus they have to win the war first
I can't see the USA wanting to take over Mexico or even occupy it for any length of time. The northern tier of states, and Baja California are really pretty empty and could be acquired easily. The USA can go to Mexico City, install whomever they want and then leave. Making Mexico in to Vietnam (or Afghanistan) would require the USA to want to occupy the whole place, and as well have a foreign sponsor or sponsors to provide weapons. Once the USA occupies where it cares to, and installs a new government and leaves to whatever border it desires in the north, it still can blockade the Mexican coast to enforce demands.
Second Mexican-American War Part One
For the US Army this war was too soon. They had only just started an expansion program that was to take it from 45 regiments to 65 regiments over the next ten years. New equipment that had been designed and adopted for official use since the end of the Island War that ended 17 years prior still hadn’t fully replaced the older equipment. In the area of small arms it wasn’t that bad, but artillery was still fairly badly outdated and the newly formed 1st Field Artillery Regiment was the only artillery unit within the army that was anywhere close to having all the artillery assigned to it in its TO&E. Further they still had to garrison the East Coast, its Pacific territories and have forces for an offensive into Canada in case the British decided to act.

Then there was the National Guard and Federal Reserve units. They were even worse off than the Regular Army in terms of just about of everything. Their equipment was in some cases dating back to the Spanish-American War or even the Civil War. The major difference from the Island War was the organization set up. Created in the aftermath of the Island War, both the National Guard and Federal Reserve were far more ready to fight than what had happened in the Island War. There the US had send basically the whole army into the Southwest Pacific with only a token force in the US. Even with the organization improvements it would still be months before these troops were ready for combat.

Luckily for the United States their navy was in far better shape. Following the start of the Anglo-American Naval Arms Race, the USN had grown to a fleet of four new Hercules Battleships[1], 19 pre-Hercules Battleships, one battlecruiser, 26 Armored Cruisers, and a large numbers of smaller ships. Further they had a number of older ships in the Naval Reserve to support the active duty fleet. Even through they had to leave forces elsewhere the Navy was effetely able to shut down the major ports in Mexico within days of the war starting. The smaller ports along the vast Mexican coastline would take longer to shutdown but with the fairly massive build up bills passed it was only a matter of time before they do were shutdown by the USN.

Again the US was the Mexican Armed Forces. Their army had been kept small for years by Diaz and their leaders were all buying for political power in Mexico City. Their army was also largely outdated in equipment and lack heavy artillery. It had been design to keep whoever was in Mexico City in power and the rest of the nation in line. Their navy was even in worse shape being a large collection of old ships that were behind on their maintain or have sent their years as school ships and not in any shape to fight a naval war.

The first troops to both boots on Mexican soil wasn’t the army but the Marines and Sailors at Veracruz on June 9th. The army was still getting troops to the Mexican border at this time, but navy decided to take Veracruz to use it as a port to help maintain their blockade of Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Further Veracruz was the gateway to Mexico City. For the Mexicans they weren’t ready for this. Their army was too small and only had a battalion of troops in the area. Making thing worse for the Mexicans was the fact they were sending the bulk of their army north to fight in northern Mexico against the coming overland invasion.

First Marines and the different blue jacket battalions really didn’t run into any organized resistance on the docks as they pulled their long boats up. Once the docks were under their control they started move inland. It was once they started moving inland did they encounter Mexican resistance. It was a mix of Mexican regulars and hastily thrown together militia units. The major problem for the militia was the fact they were armed with whatever weapons were laying around and in a number of cases reported after the battle by the Marines and sailors were finding dead Mexicans with rifles and different ammo that was meant for different rifles. Somewhere also found using outdated black powder trap-door rifles.

The hardest fighting of the battle was around the Naval Academy in which the cadets and small staff had formed a make shift unit on the third. They were fairly well armed and motived to defend their naval academy from the invading Americans. Like elsewhere in Veracruz fighting at the naval academy became hand to hand and like the rest of the battle gave the Americans its first taste of urban combat. Yet the academy fell to the Americans on the fourth. The rest of Veracruz would fall by the end of the fifth. The cost was on the heavy side with three destroyers being sunk, only one of those was at the hands of the Mexicans. The other two ran into each other during the bombardment of Mexican positions.

The overland invasion didn’t start till July 15th. It was a three prong attack that spread across northern Mexico and spread the army thin. It was divided into three corps. I Corp was led by Major General John Pershing, the youngest general in the army at the time. He was based out Texas tasked with taking the city of Monterrey. II Corp was based out of the El Paso-New Mexico area and led by Major General George Dodd. They were tasked with taking Chihuahua. Then there was III Corp based out of Arizona and California. III Corp was led by Major General Leonard Wood also one of the youngest generals in the army. He and III Corp was given the task of taking Hermosillo and Baja.

On the 18th the Mexicans made their effort to retake Veracruz. They had yanked forces that had been slated to defend the northern states of their nation to retake Veracruz. This turned into a major blood bath for both sides. The Mexicans had the numbers on their side but the Americans had massive amounts of naval artillery to bring into play as Veracruz had become a major port of the USN in their blockade of Mexico. Even through the Mexicans had numbers most of these were partly trained militia units that were poorly equipped through not always poorly led. Yet the two day running battle was a proving test for both sides as they learned that numbers through nice they couldn’t top machine guns and massive amounts of artillery. What was really notable about Second Veracruz was the use of heavier than aircraft by the navy for recon. Efforts were made to use the aircraft for artillery spotting as well however the radios prove to be too heavy for the two aircraft at Veracruz to take off with.

Following Second Veracruz, the next major battle was Monterrey. Even through the Federal Mexican Army hadn’t sent all of the reinforcements it had wanted to north, they had enough to make Monterrey a bloodbath as well. It reached the point by the end of the third day, that Pershing had used all the artillery shells he had. This was because production pre-war had been small and the use of artillery in war had been far under projected. Yet by the end of the third day Monterrey was mostly cut off from the rest of Mexico with sizable parts of under Pershing’s control. Following that he was able to use his infantry to finish the job but just at higher causality rates than before. The last pockets in Monterrey fell to Pershing by the 5th of August. With it his corp had to regroup and resupply after the bloody 10 day battle.

The fact Pershing had ran out of shells for his artillery was a shock to some. Others through who had served in the Boxer War weren’t surprised. There had been a debate on going on how many shells each gun needed in reserve in peacetime before the war. Some had pushed for smaller numbers as they believed with the improvements in artillery that the smaller numbers of shells on hand would be off set by the improved abilities of the new shells and the guns that fire them. They had won the argument. Yet Monterrey had proven them wrong. It set the army scrambling to build up ordnance plants to get more shells made and in the hands of the troops that needed them.

[1] ITL Dreadnoughts
This shell incident is going to be good practice if the US gets in a big war and is involved in combat from the outset.

As an aside, in the ATL I'm currently writing, the Royal Navy named its first dreadnought (all-big-gun battleship) HMS Dreadnought in honor of an 1873 Dreadnought that I had as a stand-in for the Devastation-class ironclads, which would have made the old ATL Dreadnought the first ironclad battleship fitted without sails and with its main battery on top of the hull instead of inside the citadel and therefore a fitting name for a revolutionary new type of battleship. I personally think that there are few RN battleship names that could have entered the naval lexicon like 'dreadnought' did, and I shudder to think of what we would be calling all-big-gun battleships if the first one had been named HMS St. Vincent. Unlike names like 'Invincible' or 'Tiger', 'Dreadnought' is just begging to be turned into a noun, complete with a reasonable plural form (Colossi???), and it doesn't have any other meanings that could confuse its use. Talking about "Superbs sailing in line ahead" just doesn't sound as good as "Dreadnoughts sailing in line ahead." I think, with almost any name other than Dreadnought, you would have ended up with, for example, pre-Hercules and post-Hercules battleships, with no single word to denote the entire type of warship.
Second Mexican-American War Part Two
Following the end of the Battle of Monterrey the army had to hold off from further major offensives. It was dangerously low on artillery shells of all types. A crash program had to be started to make up for the use and even training needs as the army was growing. However, this pause gave the Mexicans a needed chance to recover as well. Something they needed badly. Between the overland push in the north and the American holding at Veracruz they were stretched to the limits and starting to break. Something that US intelligence such as it was failing to see.

On September 2nd III Corp fired up their drive again. But this was a drive to finish off the remains of the Federal Mexican Army that had been caught up in Baja Peninsula. The reason for this offensive was because at the moment it was viewed as the army wouldn’t start another offensive till Spring 1912. Only by then would they had caught up on shell production and the newly raised units would be ready. Yet there was about 1,000 regular Mexican troops in Baja without artillery and only a limited number of machine guns. General Wood was sure his troops could take them with little problems and allow him to free up the troops assigned to the Baja sector to the rest of Mexico. Sure enough the Mexicans who had fallen back to La Paz quickly surrender once Wood’s troops showed up. They had hoped to make a retreat back across the Gulf of California to rejoin the rest of the Mexican Army, however with a cruiser and destroyer force covering La Paz there they had been stuck there and were running low on supplies.

In the meantime the Mexicans were trying anything to get more weapons into their nation. At this time Mexico had only a limited industrial base to work with and an even smaller domestic arms industry. They couldn’t hope to meet demand with solely domestic production. Even production of ammo was proving to be tricky as they had been cut off from nitrate shipments from Chile by the American blockade. They were trying to use urine and dung to make up for this but it really wasn’t working out as well as they hoped. They had limited choices as the blockade was starting to firm up and runners get through. On the land border was British Honduras and Guatemala. The US had made it clear to the Guatemalans they allowed blockade runners through their nation they would occupy Guatemala. That was enough for Guatemalans to stay out of this mess. Sure some arms and other stuff when north over their border with Mexico but it was in such small amounts that it wasn’t enough to draw the US boot around their neck.

Then there was British Honduras. Unlike the Guatemalans the British couldn’t be bullied into closing off their border with Mexico. It was also in the British interest to make their investments in Mexico weren’t destroy and make sure the US didn’t annex too much of Mexico. They were already putting pressure on the US to end the war through soft power means, but Roosevelt wasn’t willing to budge. The British and to a lesser degree the Germans sold the Mexicans 20 to 30 year old cast offs for silver and other hard money forms. What the Mexicans got wasn’t anywhere close enough to make up for what they had lost but it was better than nothing at all.

During the winter of 1911-12 both sides really only performed small unit action battles as they were unable to perform major actions for different reasons. Then the Spring Offensive started on April 9th. The US Army finally got it’s shell production up enough to finally launch another offensive. Only the thing was they had IV Corp at Veracruz to support the navy there. All four corps advanced forward in a general offensive. The Mexican Army which had only just started to catch its breath quickly started to crumble again. Using lessons from the year before the army was advancing quickly. They were also using trucks in an effort to move their troops forward and advance even quicker. Each corp also at least 15 aircraft being used in recon roles as they advanced forward.

At Navoja, Delicias, Salitilo, and Cordoba in the first weeks of the offensive started major battles formed around these cities. In each battle the Mexican Army was either crushed or badly mauled by the American Army. Some of this was caused by generals allowing other generals to get caught in bad positions and not going to their aid as it would remove the other general from their political path. It was honestly stupid as if they had worked together they could at least made the Americans work harder for it. Instead the political landscape in Mexico was helping them lose the war quicker.

With the overland invasion had to pause to regroup and allow their supply lines to catch back up by the end of May. With for IV Corp they had reached the city limits of Mexico City at the same time. Like the overland invasion force they had to allow their supply lines to catch back up with them. Either way everyone under the Battle for Mexico City was likely to be the final major battle of the war. All eyes were on Mexico City because of this.

On June 30th the Battle of Mexico City started. The Mexicans had basically pulled their forces from all over the nation to try and defend the city from the American invasion. They only left light screening forces in the north putting money on trading time for space at this point. They had to hold Mexico City. The US encircled the city by July 6th. This started the second phase of the battle and the deadliest phase. Brutal street by street fighting took place throughout Mexico City. On August 14th the fight had reached Chapultepec Castle. It was the final holdout of the Mexicans in the city. Fighting lasted for the rest of the day before the Mexican Flag was hauled down and the stars and stripes when up.

With the fall of Mexico City and the Mexican Army more or less being totally destroyed made the US was clear victor of the war. Only there was one problem there was no one to sign a peace treaty with. Reyes had already resigned and simply disappear and there were three people had claimed to be the rightful Mexican President following Reyes leaving Mexico City before it was encircled by the Americans. One had died in the fighting in Mexico City. Another was somewhere in Southern Mexico, the other was a prisoner of the US Army. So as the US when about looking for someone to sign a peace treaty with the US when about setting up occupation duty in Mexico.

As it became clear that the Mexicans weren’t going to willing sign a peace treaty with the US, the US decided to put its own person in office. They took Alvaro Obregon who had been captured in early June and brought him to Mexico City in November 1912 and said he was President. They forced Obregon to sign the Second Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The terms of the treaty were forced on Obregon were harsh. The US annexed Baja Peninsula which was the only piece of territory from the start of the war the Roosevelt White House was in agreement on annexing. After much debate Roosevelt and his team at the White House decided to push for the annexation of Sonora and Chihuahua[1]. Yet they weren’t finished breaking off pieces of Mexico through.

They broke off the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas and formed the Republic of the Rio Grande. The Republic of the Rio Grande had come about as the US moved through these Mexican states they found that the locals didn’t want to be Americans but they also didn’t want to be Mexicans anymore. For the Americans this was somewhat surprising but they were willing to weaken their southern neighbor even more and create a new client state as they weren’t wanting to annex them either.

Besides the land the US annexed outright or land they turned into the new republic, the Second Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo placed many other terms on her as well. They admitted that they killed Ambassador Taft which had sparked the war in the first place and apology for the fact they had. This treaty also gave the US favorable trade deals with the Mexicans along with making sure if American land or assists were nationalized which was the reason behind Taft supported the fail coup the American owners would be given triple the value of what is nationalized.

The treaty wasn’t ratified by the US Senate till January 7th 1913. The Obregon government also had ratified the treaty by this point and the war officially ended. For Mexico through they had a whole mess of new problems and their Revolution started again and became a deadly affair that would only end in 1919 when Victoriano Huerta won over the other challengers to lead Mexico. He wouldn’t recognition the Second Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo as legal and would claim the lands the US annexed and the Republic of the Rio Grande as Mexican Territories under foreign occupation. For the Republic of the Rio Grande through it generally stepped out on to the world stages following 1913 as many nations gave legal recognition that it was its own state.

[1] OTL 1910 Mexican Census put the population of these two at 671,090. So I see the US being find annexing these areas.
If the USA is supporting the Rio Grande Republic, then the most the Mexicans can do is border raids etc - and if these get to nasty the USA can retaliate. I'm sure the Republic has a mutual defense treaty with the USA with provisions for some small US bases there which can be expanded if needed to protect the Republic. As for the states the USA has annexed they are gone forever. I'm sure La Paz will see US military bases there, and the US will push a railroad from San Diego to La Paz for strategic reasons. Sonora and Chihuahua will be US territories, and although they have enough population to become states this will be delayed until you get more US immigrants there, I expect there will be a brief transition period before all school instruction and government business will be in English. IMHO at least 10 years before these can be considered for statehood.

"Unfriendly" foreign investments in the annexed areas won't be taken over outright, but will come under the same rules that they would have in other US territory which no doubt favor US investors. I expect the British (and other) foreign investors had some sweetheart tax deals with the Mexican authorities, those will go away. I think all of this will result in these foreign investments being reduced/sold to US interests.

Over the long term the USA no longer has this long border with Mexico - yes there is the Rio Grande Republic who may be sending "wetbacks" north, but given the relationship between the USA and the Republic can control this if and when it becomes an issue. The Mexico/Republic border is one filter in addition to the US/Republic border for this.

The USA should have learned valuable military lessons from this - logistic planning in war and peace, tactical use of artillery, ramping up training and equipping of NG/reserve units, use of aircraft, etc.
The Balkan War of 1912
The Balkan War 1912

Following the Italian Occupation of Libya in 1903 and the Bosnia Crisis of 1909 the Ottoman Empire had become even weaker looking in the eyes of the different states in the Balkans. The Ottomans had long been viewed as weak man of Europe and controlled territory that the Greeks, Serbians, Montenegrins and Bulgarians wanted. The problem was they all had a common foe in the Ottomans had had the problem was they all had over laps in the amount of dirt they wanted to claim in their own nations. They also had their had different major power backers. It was a powder keg waiting to go off. Then again Bismarck said it best, “Some damned foolish thing in the Balkans will start the next major Europe in War.” [1]

Yet to the surprise of many in Europe these different nations were able to form a temporary alliance to fight the Ottomans in 1911. Well it was an open secret as many knew it happened but the Greeks, Serbians, Montenegrins and Bulgarians refused to admit to it. Yet they were all waiting for the Ottomans to give them a reason to take the land they wanted. For Greeks they really wanted this as payback for the 1897[2] and almost wanted to cause a spark for the war. But they decided to wait so their “Allies” would join in.

The excuse for war came when Albania broke out in revolt again in March 1912 against the Ottomans who ruled them and threw them back hard. The Greeks took the lead as they were known as being hostile to the Ottomans and gave them an ultimatum that had been written in such a way that the Ottomans would refuse it. Using the rejected ultimatum, the Greeks declare war against the Ottoman Empire. This was follow by the Serbians, Montenegrins, and Bulgarians are joining the Greeks in attacking the Ottoman Empire in the name of Albanian Freedom. It was a pretext for a land grab and everyone knew it. Yet given the balance of power no major European Power was willing to get in the middle of this war.

By March 31st the whole the Balkans south of Romania and Austria-Hungary was at war. This war put the Ottomans in an almost impossible position. They suffered from poor logistics and had a navy that was simply put a joke. They knew this but the Ottoman Empire was too poor to afford to fix it and was seeking public donations to allow them to buy new or even use warships. Yet by the time the war started in 1912 the bulk of these newly brought warships were in Ottoman waters and their former owners were using legal tricks to keep them where they were. It still didn’t deal with the fact their logistics in the European part of their empire were totally lacking.

The war also caught them in poor positions to face off against four nations and defeat the Albanians as well. The four nations were able to bring just over 750,000 men into play in this war following the mobilization of their nations. The Ottomans had just under 350,000 men the Balkans with no good ways to reinforce this force. Each nation advanced forward and when about defeating the Ottomans in turn as they rushed forward to grab the land they wanted. Every time the Ottomans were defeated in battle as they lacked modern artillery or meaningful ways to reinforce their forces in Europe.

At the only naval battle in the war, the Battle of the Aegean Sea the Greeks defeated the Turkish in battle. The sole steel battleship in the Ottoman Navy a former American Armored Cruiser that was close to 30 years old at this point was sunk by the Greeks in the battle. This forced the rest of the Turkish Fleet to retreat to port for the rest of the war. With the war in its sixth month at this point the Turkish started looking for a way out. Even more so as it was looking like the Russians might join in. This in turn brought the British in to find a workable peace treaty as they didn’t want this to spread.

The Treaty of London was signed in November 1912. It divided up territory between the four nations of the Balkans League[3][4] but it was where no one was happy about the division of spoils of war. But it was done in such a way that it keep the peace for the time being. The war had taken a lot out of the Balkans League and they needed time to recover for the next round. They knew there would be another round but it would not be in the next few months.

[1] A take off of an OTL Bismarck quote

[2] That war still happened, different battles but same outcome.

[3] Ok I’m not getting into the town break down of how this peace treaty works out. Its not going to matter in the long run as they all get into WWI on different sides and territory changes hands again and possibly a third time. The Balkans is a mess, what else can I say?

[4] Here is the rough break down through. The Greeks got all those Aegean Sea Islands and pushed their land border to about where it’s northern OTL border is. They did get some more what OTL when to Albania. Bulgaria moved south and west. Its southern border includes what is about OTL Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The western border is about as far west as the Macedonia the Eastern Statistical Region. Serbia got the bulk of the rest. Montenegro got some land as well, and about just under ¼ of their side in total area pre war was added to their nation.
Just caught up on the updates and things are moving along. The US won its parts of Mexico, spun off a protectorate Republic along the Rio Grande, and Rump Mexico will be a hot bed of chaos for several more years. Will Britain and Germany try to come in to prop up the military of Mexico and use them as a base for their ships and possible troops?

The Balkans are a cesspool for death and chaos here ITTL as well as our own. The Ottomans are the losers for now, but might they bounce back? Time will tell.
As to Mexico and its future. All I will say is this


On a somewhat unrelated note, is there any of my readers who can make a map for me?
I could try. Depends how much time I have to do it with
I still to write up a few more minor wars and events along with the Great War itself which will take some time. Plus a general nation overview of about 50 nations plus/check. So you would have some time to work with before I switch update formats
I still to write up a few more minor wars and events along with the Great War itself which will take some time. Plus a general nation overview of about 50 nations plus/check. So you would have some time to work with before I switch update formats
Yeah just tell me around what years to look at for maps and what's what that you need to do
Japanese-Spanish War of 1913-14
Japanese Spanish War 1913-14

By 1913 Japan was a growing powerhouse in Asia. After wars against the Chinese and Russians had witness the rise of the Japanese Empire with fairly large territorial expansion for a nation as small as Japan who was totally depended on imported resources. They were also a growing economic power. This is all the more impressive when you remembered that Japan had only come out of a period of self-imposed isolationist period in the 1850s. Yet following the Russo-Japanese War the Japanese faced a question of what next. In both their wars with the Chinese then later with the Russian their goals hadn’t been fully reached even through they had an unchecked string of victories. They had gave into foreign pressures in both wars and that stopped them from getting everything they wanted in these wars. Also following the war with the Russians they were left with a question of where to expand next. Both Russia and China were out of the question for a vast number of reasons. To the north was the bastard Kingdom of Manchuria which they couldn’t touch for geopolitical reasons. To their east was the United States who had stayed out the balance of power but was clearly anti-British by 1913. To the south were a mess of European empires, including their allies the British. The French had clearly become the favorited European nation of the British which put them off limits. There was the Dutch but the logical challenges of such an operation were such they didn’t think it was possible. Finally there was the Spanish in the Philippines which looked more possible but also put forward a number of problems as well.

Spain was having issues everywhere one looked. They were holding on to a bygone empire for all it was worth. The United States in the 1870s had finally kicked the Spanish out of the New World. Then early in 20th century the US reduced the Spanish reach in the Pacific by buying a host of Pacific Islands. By 1913 Spanish was left with only a few colonies in Africa and the Philippines. Yet in the Philippines the Spanish weren’t welcome and the Filipino had rebelled a number of times. The Eight Years War of 1895-1903 and the period in the Philippines know as La Violencia which started in 1909 were two of more well-known efforts by Filipino people to throw off the Spanish Yoke. Yet the Spanish were hanging on to the Philippines for all it was worth under the idea they were still a great power even through they weren’t in the balance of power in the world.

For Spain through the greatest challenge to holding the Philippines started on October 30 1913. The Japanese had a team of government and business men in Manila looking at the possibly of gaining trade deals with the Spanish in the Philippines that favored the Japanese. This team however was caught up in La Violencia. A team of rebels launched an attack in Manila on that day in an effort to kill the Spanish Governor General of the Philippines. Yet in this attack they killed seven Japanese and missed the Governor General of the Philippines. This attack sparked a crisis between the Spanish and the Japanese.

In Japan there was a debate about going to war over this or forcing the Spanish into paying an indemnity for this attack on their government officials and business men. As there was the question of if they when to war what was their end game here? The Filipinos were clearly hell bend on becoming their own nation and the task of taming the whole of the Philippines was a challenging one. Yet in talks between the Japanese and Spanish at The Hague were the two were trying to work out a peaceful end to the crisis, the Japanese were pushed back by the Spanish who frankly were fairly incompetent and were trying to treat the Japanese as another group of Asians who could be pushed around. The Japanese didn’t take well to this.

Finally, after six weeks of talks at The Hague the Japanese broke contact with the Spanish for the last time. After many hours of talks the Genro the Japanese had decided on war. And on December 17 1913 Japanese Emperor Yasuhito[1] decarded war on Spain. This was after the fleet had rallied at Takao[2] and then set sail for Spanish fleet at Manila Bay. The modern Japanese Fleet with two modern Hercules battleships and host of pre-Hercules battleships and lesser ships. Against them was the Spanish Pacific Fleet, a force that was largely outdated and been mostly used to support the army in their efforts to destroy Filipinos rebels. This force included 4 Armored Cruisers, 5 Protected Cruisers, 3 Unprotected Cruisers, and lesser ships. Yet unlike the two earlier wars Japan had fought everyone was betting on the Japanese to win this war.

On December 24th, the Japanese fleet entered Manila Bay. They were engaged by the Spanish fort system along with the Spanish Fleet at the same time. Here the Japanese training in gunnery and improved optics proved that this was a far better choice than trying to engage a fleet with old ships and coastal forts. The Japanese were simply able to withdraw to distances that forced the Spanish ships to either exit the cover the guns of the forts or allow the forts to be destroyed by the well-aimed fire of the Japanese battleline which was greater than the range of the guns in the forts. After some debate on the Spanish flagship of its Pacific Squadron it was decided to take the fleet out to try and at least cause some damage against the Japanese fleet. The Spanish Admiral had no illusions about the outcome of the battle through.

In doing so, the Spanish Pacific Squadron ceased to be. It was totally destroyed by the Japanese fleet in a three hour battle. None of the Spanish ships struck their colors, instead they decided to have their ships sent to the bottom. For the loss of the whole Spanish Pacific Squadron they managed to damage three cruisers of the Japanese Fleet, one so badly that she would be written off as a total loss when she reached Formosa. Following the defeat of the Spanish Pacific Squadron, the Japanese destroyed the fort system defending Manila before withdrawing.

With control of the seas the Japanese launched landings on Luzon that started on January 8th 1914. The Battle of Manila was the first major land battle of the war. Like the Battle of Manila Bay only weeks earlier this was a totally one sided affair. The Japanese destroyed the Spanish garrison in the city and by January 10th Manila was under their control and their flag flew high. Following Manila, the Japanese Army started moving to take locations across Luzon which would be needed to hold the island and destroy any resistance from the Filipinos.

Events in Europe however would change the course of the war and bring it to a quick end. Spain had decided on January 19th to reinforce the Philippines with their home fleet. However, the Spanish sailors had other ideas as they knew what happened to the Russians when they had tried to do this same move less than a decade before. The Russian Fleet was far larger and better equipped than the Spanish Home Fleet was. They munity when the orders became known. Then the munity started to spread as reserve units who were underequipped and paid who had been called up for service joined in with the navy in the munity against Madrid.

Faced with a growing munity that would lead to the Spanish Civil War, Madrid decided to sue for peace. To their surprise the Japanese didn’t demand the whole the Philippines. The Japanese decided to leave the southern part of the archipelago under Spanish rule so it would be a place to force unruly Filipinos to go. The Japanese under the Treaty of Paris which was signed on February 14 1914 would gain ownership of Luzon, the Batanes and Babuyan Groups, Catanduanes, Marinduque, Masbate, Romblon, and Mindoro Islands. The Southern Philippines and the island of Palawan would stay under Spanish rule on paper. The ability to enforce that in 1914 through by the Spanish was questionable at best. Spain also agreed to pay the Japanese an indemnity of 500 million Francs as the Spanish peseta had just started a period of hyperinflation and was damn near worthless.

[1] OTL Emperor Taisho was born in 1879 OTL, yet that is 6 years after the POD. Because of the way I see things OTL Taisho either isn’t going to be born or is going to have a different name and host of differences.

[2] Kaohsiung
The Japanese are being very shrewd ITTL, I hope they keep it up and this Alt Emperor is smarter than his OTL counterpart.
It will make things more interesting IMHO.
World War One, Origins
Great War

The origins of the Great War is a fairly long and complex answer that still can’t be totally covered by a doctoral dissertation. There were petty differences, colonial goals, who own what piece of dirt in Europe, titles, and the list goes on. The biggest reason through was that of money even if no one came out in said it. Since the end of the Napoleonic Wars the British Empire was the richest nation in the world. Since the end of that bloody awful war new nations had risen or older nations had reformed and become challengers to the title of the British. By the end of the Franco-Prussian War a balance of power had formed that maintained the peace in Europe.

With the balance of power in Europe the British knew that whoever they threw their support behind would win the next war. With the mess of alliances in Europe through made throwing their support behind any one nation impossible. However by the mid-1900s the French, the historical enemy of the English had become the favored European nation within the halls of London. This was mainly because of German missteps in a goal to find Germany’s place in the sun. Further Germany was still sore from their loss in the Island War against the United States. Europe had also become an armed camp with every nation building larger and larger military forces. It would just take a spark to lit Europe ablaze.

The spark came in the form of an alliance between Greece and Bulgaria to gang up on Serbia. All three of those nations were sore the division of spoils of war from the Balkans War. Both the Greeks and Bulgarians were claiming land awarded to Serbia was historical lands of their nations and was rightfully theirs. They agreed to attack Serbia and take the lands awarded to Serbia that should had been rightfully theirs. There was problems between the Greeks and Bulgarians weren’t sure how they were to divide the territory they were to take from Serbia, but it was an alliance of moment and they would take up their differences at a later date.

On May 18th a border crisis was formed between Bulgaria and Serbia after a Bulgarian dog was shot and killed by Serbian troops on the Serbian side of the border. Things spun out of control from there. Bulgaria and Greece mobilize their military forces. Serbia saw they were caught between a rock and a hard place. To their north was the Austro-Hungarian Empire which was hated by many Serbs and the Austro Hungarians didn’t care much for the Serbs either. There was tiny Montenegro to their west which was friendly but they knew that the Montenegrin Army couldn’t bring much to the table and they knew it. They called on their major backer, Russia for help.

Bulgaria and Greece were threatened by Russia to back down as the crisis deepened. Bulgaria and Greece turned to their backers Austria Hungary and Germany for help. Both Austria Hungary and Germany who were allies themselves told Russia to backdown. This caused another crisis as things in the Balkans spun out of control. Then on June 10th things took a turn for the worse. The Greek and Bulgarian soldiers had orders to try and provoked the Serbians. The Serbians took the bait and started a fire fight with the Greek soldiers manning the border check points. The day ended with three Greeks and two Serbs dead and nine more wounded all around.

The next day the Greeks sent an ultimatum to Belgrade. It was written in such a way that the Serbs wouldn’t agree to it and sure enough they didn’t agree to the terms of the Greek ultimatum. At this point ultimatums started to be passed from different capitals as everyone was jockeying for position here. On the 12th Italy announced they would not honor the treaty system they had in place with Germany and Austria Hungary. They were claiming that these treaties were for defense use only and it was stating that the Greeks were clearly taking the offensive here. In truth they started to shop around its services for the highest bidder.

On June 13th the Greeks and Bulgarians attacked the Serbians. The Russians send their ultimatums to the Greeks and Bulgarians and on the 15th they entered the war. This brought in the Germans and Austro Hungarians on the 17th. On the 18th the French joined the war. One hundred years to the day since Waterloo, Europe found itself in a war not seen since Waterloo. Had any of the leaders in the nations knew what was coming they would had found a peaceful end, yet they all believed this would be a short war.
So somewhat historical except Greece and Bulgaria on the side of the Central Powers, Romania neutral currently. Serbia is in a tough spot surrounded on all sides, also while Japan is stronger there main target would be Russia, and if Britain aligns with France then the US will not be sending them supplies. Could be interesting. Could we get a few posts giving overviews of the nations at war along with any important neutral powers.