The Arab forces are now learning what goes around comes around. One can only hope the units flying the black flag don't decide that applies to civilians as well. Even if things start out restrained, if you get any shots fired at these troops by civilians it will not end well for the inhabitants of any such town. I wonder how complete the population exchanges were - any Christians or Jews remaining in these areas will be in big trouble right away. I would be surprised if the long standing Christian and Jewish communities in Palestine were not still there.
The Arab forces are now learning what goes around comes around. One can only hope the units flying the black flag don't decide that applies to civilians as well. Even if things start out restrained, if you get any shots fired at these troops by civilians it will not end well for the inhabitants of any such town. I wonder how complete the population exchanges were - any Christians or Jews remaining in these areas will be in big trouble right away. I would be surprised if the long standing Christian and Jewish communities in Palestine were not still there.
Well let me say this about XVII Corp they are known for heavy use of artillery in urban areas. Far more than what should be needed.

As to the senior Ottoman Turk Officers who form the bulk of the command of the corp they could care less, they don't have much love for the Arabs either.
Mexico City
Palacio Nacional
September 5 1939

President Juan Zapata had traded his trademarked Charro suit for much more practical summer battle dress uniforms as worn by the Mexican Army. In his hand was a British made MP-17 submachine gun[1]. On his pistol belt was a pair of old Colt Peacemaker revolvers that had been his since prior to the Second Mexican-American War. The only thing that told anyone who didn’t know he was the president of Mexico was the insignia he wore on his collars. Instead of four star rank that the highest generals wore, he was wearing a seal of the Mexican Government. However he knew the end was near.

The Palacio Nacional had been damaged in the fighting during the last war with the Gringos. However, it had been repaired in the aftermath of Zapata coming to power. Now it was the scene for fighting again. Currently troops of the famed 25th Infantry Regiment were assaulting it as part of the final stages of the Battle of Mexico City. It was one of only a few remaining hold outs across the city that was still in Mexican hands. Those few units that hadn’t thrown down their arms and surrender after the blood bath that had been Mexico City were the elite units that were loyal to Zapata, the Rifle Montado Especial.

For the troops of the RME had a damn good reason not to surrender to the Yankees. Their brethren had performed a number of guerrilla actions against American forces in occupied Mexico. This including putting on American uniforms and killing American troops in those uniforms or killing Mexicans viewed as working with the Americans. Following the Xalapa Massacre in which 58 Mexican civilians who had been working with the occupying American in front of other Mexicans had been the final straw. After that Massacre the United States said all RME troops found would be hung. And it was easy to pick out RME troops as they all had a tattoo on their right bicep. So the troops of the RME were dead men walking anyways so they had all decided to go down swinging.

Zapata heard some American call out, “Frag out!” Then he heard the sounds off something balancing around in front of him. At that he pulled back behind the wall he was using for cover. It just in time for the blast from the hand grenade to miss him but only just. Zapata could had swore he felt something hot past between his chin and his neck. However others in the room he was defending weren’t so lucky. Then Zapata heard the sounds of American M1917 submachine gun being fired as the troops of the 25th Infantry charged the room. Every so often the sound of a shotgun could be heard.

Pying the concern Zapata brought his MP-17 into the fight. He killed the American on point with a three round burst to the center mass. However, before he could draw his aim to another American soldier he felt four pellets from a triple-aught shotgun shell hit his chest. He dropped his primary weapon as he felt backwards the life in him slowly draining away. Sounds were different now as his blood pressure was dropping like a rock. However he reached for his Colt revolver hell bent to take at least one more Yankee with him. For his troubles he was given a three round burst from an M1917 to the head.

The stars and strips flew from Palacio Nacional only hours later.

[1] The British ripped off the MP-17 that they captured during the war and made a few improvements to the magazine. They also added a bayonet lug.
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. Ezekiel 25;17

the RME troops should have taken this to heart
Good update but I personally think Zapata would have taken more than just one gringo with him, from what I understand, he was devil with firearms.
O-Club Interlude
Officer Club
September 11 1939

The Rabaul O-Club was an odd place at the moment. It was the only place in the world where you could find American, German, and Federation Officers taking a moment to drink a beer, or down a shot, or drink a cocktail. This was because Rabaul was unique place within the world at the moment. It was the only major USN base in the region having been rebuilt after the 1937 volcano eruption. Since the major German Naval Base in China has been overran in the early days in the war it has become a major hub for the remains of the German Pacific Squadron. Further Rabaul was one of only two ports of call the Imperial Federation Merchant Marine was visiting at the moment. The other being Noumea on New Caledonia which was also an American territory and major trading hub of the US in the region.

For the Imperial Federation, they had decided to make the British and Japanese carry all their own resources out of their nation instead of bring it to them. This was because the whole world had basically when to unrestricted submarine warfare made shipping to anything further than what their navy could cover a deadly mistake. Being an island nation meant the Feds had built up a merchant marine force over the years but now they were being very guarded with it as it was small and every lost would be felt. So, they were convoying ships to Noumea and Rabaul with escorts from the Federation Navy. This was primary because these waters were still fairly safe at the moment but that was bound to change.

Sitting at a back table was newly promoted Lieutenant Jim Smith USN. There were three other officers sitting at the table. There was one foreign officer at the table, Lieutenant Matt Jones of the Imperial Federation Navy who was heading back home after six months working US PW camps. The highest-ranking officer was Lt Commander Jeff Flake of the USN Medical Corp and one of the heroes of Wake Island. Then there was Captain James Cortez AAF, the only none-naval officer at the table.

Lt Smith had his back up against the wall and had a deck of cards in his hands that he was shuffling for the game of pocket they were playing. They were playing limit five card draw poker as they were all nursing drinks save Cortez who had to be on call in case of air raids. However he was off duty at the moment and enjoying a game of poker at the moment. Smith dealt the hands out to the other officers than put the deck aside. Then he took a short pull of his whiskey on the rocks and looked at the Fed. “So what brings you to Rabaul Lieutenant?” Smith asked as the Fed had just sat down for his first hand in this game.

As Cortez threw in his quarter Matt spoke, “I’m going back home after embassy duty.” The intelligence officer said to hide the truth. Currently the Federation was walking a fine line and he knew it. His six months in the US bouncing around from PW to PW camp had mix outcomes. He had found over 800 British service members to join the Federation cause during his time in the states once the Federation entered the war. However only a small hand full of them had skills that he was badly searching for. Most of what he found had been low ranking enlisted cannon fodder along with a few junior Irish officers who hid how they felt about the CEP to keep them being sucked into the labor units the British had. Turning the page in the conversation, “Commander how bad was Wake?”

Flake was being hailed as one of the heroes in the defense of Wake. He had already been presented the Navy Cross for his actions on that island along with a Purple Heart. There was an ongoing look at his actions during the Battle of Wake if they warranted the medal or not. So far six Medal of Honors had been presented for actions at Wake, four of them were posthumously presented to their kin. “Lieutenant it was hell on earth. And that’s all I got to say about it.” Flake said as he threw in his own quarter to get to the draw. Then he picked up his straight Quebec Rum[1] and took a good pull on it. He didn’t have to be on duty till tomorrow anyways. Hell he had to fight to get back to the front, and after a few months of war bond drives he was looking forward to getting back to being a naval doctor again.

Cortez took over, “So Jim where you going?”

“Classified.” As he and the Fed both threw in their money to play their hand. After two patrols as the XO on his old boat and Silver Star for his actions when he had been the Captain of the Seawolf, he was being shipped up to command school at La Paz.

“So what about you Captain? How you end up here?” The intelligence officer asked as he slowly nursed his glass of Australian Merlot. He knew more than likely going to be fighting along the side of the Americans. But it was his job to be an intelligence officer and knew it would be good to build up reports on American officers.

“I asked to be stationed here after what happened in the Atlantic.” After being shot down twice on the same day on the first day of the war, then shot down for a third time a few weeks later he thought he would like to try his luck against the Japs. This was not withstanding the fact he was already an ace with five kills to his credit and was presented the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on the first day of the war. However, being shot down three times was a bit of a drag on anyone. So he had been posted to the Southwest Pacific as the XO of the 27th Fighter Squadron.

However before anyone could throw in cards for the draw the air raid siren rang out.

[1] Remember those French Caribbean islands when to Quebec control in the aftermath of the First World War? So rums that are in the French style are generally known as Quebec Rum now in the states as they come from Quebec.
Australian wine, French rum and German beer - that's going to sit nicely in the stomach at the wee hours of the morning. Rabaul would be an interesting run ashore ittl and, looking forward to finding out tge cause of the air raid sirens.
Guys there might be one more update between now in Christmas. I'm off today but I'm still beyond sore from what I had to do at work yesterday and tomorrow and Sunday are 10 hour days scheduled, so more likely 12 hours.

But Marry Christmas everyone.
Big Bastard
Army Airfield
September 11 1939

Captain Jim Cortez was strapping in to his P-51 fighter as his ground crew got his V-12 liquid cooled engine going. Rabual was equipped with a radar station, granted it wasn’t the latest model the US as those were going to Iceland at the moment, but it was powerful. They had started to get massive returns about 10 minutes ago. The speed of the returns was currently about 170 mph. At that speed it would put them over Rabual in about 9 minutes. Unlike the early days of the war, the US was already replacing commanders who failed to follow their radar warnings. This was why the air raid siren was ringing across the base.

Once his engine had caught and was cranking on all cylinders Cortez started to taxi his aircraft down the runway to take off into the air. He was joining the rest of the squadron and another fighter squadron in taking off to defend this critical American Naval Base in the Southwest Pacific. With the British and Japanese running a muck in the Dutch East Indies everyone knew it was only a matter of time before Rabual got hit and it seemed that time had come. For Cortez he was one of the last aircraft to take off in the scramble.

It took the 51s climbing at a rapid rate about five minutes to reach the 12,000 ft the unknown aircraft were at. However given the size of the aircraft that were coming in to attack Rabaul they could see them at a distance. There was a lot of radio chatter about how big the bastards were. However there was no mistaking them for anything in the US arsenal as the massive meatball on them was a dead giveaway that they were from Japan.

The Imperial Japanese was staging a multi-squadron bombing raid on Rabaul. But instead of using their land base bombers which for that kind of bomber had a long range, they were instead using their newest flying boat, the H9Q[1] which had a truly massive range and payload. Their land bombers could reach Rabaul if only just and return, but at the cost of a payload that wasn’t worth the effort. But the H9Q being staged out of Davao could carry a 2,000 kilogram bomb load each and reach Rabaul and make it back to Davao without having the refuel at sea. They were sending over 50 of them to hit Rabaul to soften it up before an invasion in the near future.

For Cortez this wasn’t his first time tangoing with something this large. He had shot down one of the British heavy four engine flying boats in the early days of the war. It had only taken almost his whole ammo load in that flight to take that beast down and that bastard had put enough 20 mm shells into his plane that he when swimming again. However now he had more 50s than he did when he was flying the P-45. The question was how many guns did this beast he was facing have? For Cortez there was no time like the present to find out.

At the closer rate however Cortez and the rest of his squadron didn’t have the time needed to climb any further. Instead Cortez simply picked out a massive bastard and opened fire with all six of his 50s. This was only in turn greeted by 20 mm autocannon fire from the Japs he was trying to kill. As the merge reached danger points of running into each other, Cortez kicked rudder and push his stick forward to go under the Japs. He then firewalled his throttle as he was trying to gain speed.

Once the shadows stopped passing his cockpit, kicking rudder again and this time pulling the stick back Cortez put his 51 into a climbing turn. Only he was once again greeted with 20 mm autocannon fire from the tail gunners. The Japs have designed the H9Q to survive in hostile air space. Cortez felt that as a 20 mm shell took a piece of his right aileron out. That caused Cortez to put his 51 into a flatter and wider turn as his stick was giving him some slack now.

Bring his aircraft into level flight, well as level you were going to get in combat Cortez pulled back on his throttle some. He dropped down some trying to get out of the deadly fire from those damn tail gunners as he already seen at least one 51 go down to those bastards. He then open fire once he had a bead on one of the massive aircraft in front of him. He ripped it for all it was worth but his first four burst of fire wasn’t enough to bring the aircraft down. On the fifth burst he finally got it into the engine wells and sparked a massive fire. The fire quickly spread till it covered the whole wing before it snapped after 69 seconds after the fifth burst of fire.

For the efforts of the Americans through 41 of the H9Q made it to the harbor to drop their payload. This was at the cost of 7 P-51s. The US downed another 6 of the massive bombers for two more 51s being lost.

[1] Kawanishi H8K
Clean Break
Kirribilli House
September 12 1939

Prime Minister Donald Storm was currently meeting with his sovereign, King Arthur. Both men had come to accept the fact that the Imperial Federation has fully left the deranged empire led by Churchill and his ilk when they refused to bow to their demands that the Imperial Federation join in with them in this war against the United States. They viewed the Federation as the rightful heir to the traditions of Queen Victoria of the 19th century as the British themselves have lost their way. One of the things they needed to do was create an award system along with nobility ranks for those awards which was the topic of this current meeting between the two men.

In the aftermath of King Arthur being crowned the king of the Imperial Federation, he had created the Order of the Imperial Federation. This was currently only the order within the Federation. It was to be the Federation’s version of the Order of the British Empire, but instead of five classes, it only had three. They were Commander, Officer, and Member. However, this was part of the different political deals needed to make with the British to get Arthur crowned. Now this wouldn’t do. They were working on creating Knight Commander and Knight Grand Commander classes within the Order of the Imperial Federation so they can start working on building up a system of nobility within the Federation.

Besides the talks of expanding the Order of the Imperial Federation, there was talks of forming new orders. Currently they were looking at the military side of things as to put it simply they both saw that if the Federation wasn’t in this cluster of war by this time next year they would be beyond lucky. They already had two roughly done with them being the Meritorious Service Order and the Star of Military Valour. These would replace the Distinguished Service Order and the Military Cross/Distinguished Service Cross that Federation troops had been issued since their formation. However the hold up was the replacement for the Victoria Cross. Arthur believing that since they were the rightful heir to the Victorian Era, they were entitled to use the Victoria Cross. Storm however believed that using the Victoria Cross would cause problems with their future allies as the British were still led by a Victoria, just Empress Victoria the Third and a lesbian whore.

This conversation how was brought to an abrupt halt as an aide to the King rushed into the room that the two men were currently sitting. “Your majesty, the Japanese have attacked Rabaul late in the evening yesterday.” Because of delays caused by the Americans who wanted to control the flow of information in and out of Rabaul delayed the Federation who wasn’t there from learning about this by about 14 hours.

Prime Minister Storm knew there was more as this news wouldn’t warrant an aid coming in like this. But the aid was in such a shock state he needed a breath before he when on. However Storm wouldn’t allow him to have it. “How many of our ships and our boys did we loose?”

After getting his breath back, “Sir the Star of Adelaide and Tasmanian Star were both sunk in this raid, three more ships were damaged. So far it looks like 41 died and 128 of our merchant marine sailors died.” The Federation had a convoy in dock when the Japanese attacked. By agreement with the US, ships of the Imperial Federation Navy didn’t dock into port when the reached their convoy port of call. This way they could maintain the cover they weren’t taking sides in this war. Which everyone knew it was bullshit, but it was the illusion which was enough.

King Arthur looked at his Prime Minister’s eyes. “Leave us.” He said to the aid.

After 15 minutes of talks and order came down. The Federation Army was to seize all Japanese merchant shipping at Darwin, Perth, and Adelaide. These were the ports of call for the Japanese Merchant Marine in the Federation at the moment. It was time for a clean break and they knew it.
By the sounds of it, Empress Victoria didn't receive a Christmas card from King Arthur this year ;).

On another note, I hope there are no Fed subjects in the Empire of Japan, once it becomes known that their merchant ships were seized.
Agreement Reached
Kirribilli House
September 14 1939

Prime Minister Donald Storm looked at the Japanese Ambassador as he bitched, moaned, and groan about the order he had given to seize 19 Japanese merchant ships in Federation ports on Federation water. Storm was on the verge of freezing Japanese assets in the Federation at this point. Storm understood when he gave that order that it was either war or backing down at the cost of a huge loss of face. However, he was at least going through the motions as he was thinking of the post-war world already. The Federation would be the last remaining part of the British Empire that wasn’t either directly annexed by the United States, or had become an American puppet, or thrown off the chains of colonization. Because of that he could not give the Americans or for that matter anyone else that the Federation was anywhere close to what London had become. So he had to go through the motions hence the tongue lashing by the Japanese Ambassador to his nation.

Finally the Japanese Ambassador came to the end of it and got to his demands. They were simply out of their freaking minds with this list of demands. They were to cut all trade with the United States and their allies. Start transporting Federation goods to the Japanese Empire on Federation merchant ships. Give the Japanese enough money to replace those merchant ships at least three times over along with return the ships they have seized. Once the Japanese ambassador came to an end of it Donald Storm kept his face straight and spoke a simple word, “No.”

“You will regret this you Paleface!” At that the Japanese ambassador stormed out the Prime Minister’s office. Storm gave the Japanese Ambassador a few moments as he waited. His aid then came in and shut the door. Once the door was shut Storm made a call. It was a simple message but in code just in case anyone was listening in on it. With this simple code word he just froze all Japanese assets in his nation. The military had already cancelled all leaves that had been issued. Now the question was if he was to mobilize the reserves fully. Soon after the invasion of the Dutch East Indies Storm had ordered a partier mobilization as the danger to the Federation had increased greatly by that. Now the question was to fully mobilize or not as it would affect the national economy.

As he was debating this question his aid entered the room. “Sir the American ambassador is here to see you.”

Making sure his desk was clear of any important papers that he brought out after the Japanese ambassador left over an hour ago Storm spoke. “Send him in Andrew.”

Moments later Ambassador Keith Johnson entered the room. After greetings were exchanged between the two men and were both seated Ambassador Johnson started. “Donald, we would like to know what your goals are should you enter this war on our side.”

After a brief pause Donald opened up his suit and pulled out a piece of paper. He then handed that paper to the American in the room. Keith unfolded the page and looked at the hand written goals. They were reasonable and in an area for the most part that the US was scrambling to figure out what to do with since the Dutch had entered the war but on no on side. He folded the paper up again and stuck it in his own pocket coat. “Donald if we agree to these terms, which is possible, what would your nation want from us?”

“To be part of the lend-lease deal you have going on with your American allies.” Lend-Lease was a program that the United States had created where it was leasing military gear, industrial equipment, and other items needed to fight this war to other nations on the American Continent. Both north and south. However since the collapse of Mexico all the fighting in the Americas was either at sea or in South America. Well there was still some guerrilla actions going on in Mexico, but Mexico was out of the war now. The program however sent this gear to their allies at low interest rates with delayed payments till five years after the war. It also had the opinion to buy with the same low interest rates. If the equipment was destroyed the interest was waved and the nation just had to pay cost of the equipment. Again it was delayed till five years after the end of the war.

After thinking about it for a second, “This should be workable. How soon can you go on the offensive?” As simply they needed the rubber that came out of the Dutch East Indies and Brazil couldn’t grow enough.