Washington DC
White House
January 23 1939
President Carl Olsen was currently sitting behind the Theodore Roosevelt Desk. The desk had a number of microphones from all of the national radio stations were sitting on the desk. Behind him was the 52-star flag of the United States was standing behind him. Beside the American Flag, was the Presidential Flag that was normally there. What was unusable about the flag set up was the fact the US Army, Navy, and Marine Corp standards with their campaign streamers there. Normally those flags were kept elsewhere but Olsen made it point to have those flags for this as a signal to everyone. In front of Olsen were the different members of the national radio stations, all five of them. Further there was a video camera team from the local TV station for what would be the first television address of a United States President. Even through the Baltimore-DC area was one of only four areas in the US to have active TV stations, Olsen thought it important to have them here as well as it was a rapidly expanding medium. Then there were the film crew who was recording this for the big screen for later use.
The sound tech for TV station spoke, “Mister President you go live in five, four, three.” At two he switched to a finger count and held up two than one finger. He then pointed to the president.
“My fellow Americans, I wished I have better news to share with you today. Yet this is not the case. As many you are aware just under two days ago an unholy alliance of the communist in Peru and the fascist in Bolivia and Argentina attacked Chile without provocation or cause. We have reason to believe this attack was master mind by their masters in Moscow and London. These nations were possibly even ordered to attack by their overseas masters.”
Olsen took a deep breath before going on. “Over the past two years both the communist and fascist have pushed and pushed against us and others. So far, we have only stood our ground and not actively stuck back against them. They have taken our silence as we tried to final peaceful end so we could live in peace as a green light to expand their borders without fear of reprisal from us. They have grown bold and believed we would not react to this blatant attack. They were sadly mistaking. Right now, our ambassadors to these nations are delivering notes to these government of this unprovoked attack with demands that they are to withdraw from any Chilean territory they have taken and agree to pay the Chileans an indemnity for this dastardly attack we will have no choice but to come to the aid of the Chileans.” Olsen failed to leave out the fact that the he had given the three nations that had attacked Chile 96 hours to meet these demands.
“The communist and fascist are not just a threat to us, but others. As such we have reached out to our friends in the German Empire. They agreed that this attack without a cause is not only a threat to ourselves, but them as well. They agreed that they will ally with us so we can defend the world against this evil.”
Jaws dropped as Olsen spoke. An alliance with an European nation was almost unheard of in United States History. Outside the alliance with the French during the American Revolutionary War, the US had stayed away from allying with European nations. Even the fight to get NATO formed was an uphill battle. Even during the Great War, the US didn’t formally ally with the Central Powers. They fought that war as a co-belligerence of the Central Powers. This was simply ground breaking.
Unknown to the people listening to this speech by Olsen, an alliance between America and Germany had been in the works since December last year. However, events have forced them to sign the treaty far sooner than either would had liked to. They had already been exchanging technology, including jet engine, RADAR, ASDIC, chemical weapons, and nuclear technology just to name a few items that the two were passing back and fore so they could better defend their nation from the coming hordes of communists and fascists as a sign of good faith.