World War One, The Fire is Spreading
In the aftermath of the Russo-Japanese War of 1906-07 the Russian Navy was left in poor shape. Outside the Black Sea Fleet the Russian Navy had been crippled by that war. However the Russians made a serious effort to rebuild their broken fleet, well at least the Baltic Fleet. The Pacific Fleet was left on the backburner as war with Japan had checked the Russians in the Far East for the time being. Yet their limited domestic ship building abilities had caused the Russians to turn to foreign sources to help quickly build up their Baltic Fleet back up.

By the Spring of 1916 the Baltic Fleet was still a shell of its former self. Yet they had two newly commissioned even if their pre-commission work ups were hastily done Colossus Battleships with a third slated to be ready to join the fleet by the fall. They were supported by a pair of half-Colossus Battleships that was only possible because of the British supplying the turbines as it had been for their new Colossus battleships. Yet the Russians had turned to foreign yards for lesser ships as its own domestic ship building industry was under heavy strain to keep up with the rapidly changing world of ship design. These included cruisers, destroyers, and submarines that had been ordered from America, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy.

Sweden in the early stages of the Great War was slightly pro-Central Power in outlook. They had informed Berlin soon after the start of the war that they would never side with the Entente. This was because Russia a longtime foe of the Swedish Kingdom was a member of the Entente. Yet no one in Stockholm wanted to fight a war. Sweden hadn’t taken part in a war since the age of Napoleon and many in Stockholm wanted to keep that way. They knew the age of empire for Sweden had long since passed. Yet they stood guard to make sure no one would attack Sweden to get the edge in the current war in Europe.

When the British radically expanded the blockade in 1916 that covered stopping shipping bound to neutral nations such as Sweden if they believed that cargo was going to end up in Central Power nations angered many. Yet the Swedish protested but beyond that they didn’t push it further. They knew against the British the Swedish would be little more than a speed bump in the long run. The British were trying to perform a carrot and stick approach with Sweden to reduce trade with Germany. Notably that of iron ore which the Germans were the number one importers of Swedish Iron Ore.

In Late May the Germans launched a major naval sortie in the Baltic an effort to lieu the Russian Baltic Fleet out of its ports and be destroyed. This was a hammer and anvil mission. The effort was to send a squadron of pre-Colossus battleships into the Baltic to with I Battle Squadron to destroy the Russians. For the Kaiserliche Marine this was this first major operation since the start of the war. The KM to date had been limited to only light unit actions because Kaiser Wilhelm II didn’t want a repeat of what happened in the Island War happening again in a war with much higher stakes than some far off colonies. Even then the Kaiser had to be talked into allowing this mission to happen.

On May 29th the Russian Navy noticed a spike in radio communications within the Baltic. These messages were encoded and this code hadn’t been cracked by Russian intelligence services[1]. Such a spike in encoded communication over the radio could only mean one thing. The Germans were performing a major naval sortie in the Baltic. This information was quickly the chain of command in the Baltic Fleet. The decision was made to sortie the squadron that was based at Riga in an effort to intercept the Germans. The squadron would sell on the morning of the 30th as they needed to get crew of the ships in from liberty and steam up to sail.

A day after the Russians had sortied from Riga they were close to the Swedish held island of Gotland as they were making their search for the Germans. In the dawn light they sighted a cruiser. They believed this was the German cruiser SMS Albatross a minelayer cruiser within the KM. The cruiser they did spot was indeed a minelayer cruiser but it was not SMS Albatross. No the ship they spotted on this morning was the Swedish cruiser HSwMS Fylgia[2]. Even through the Swedish flag was flying proudly the Russians opened fire on the Fylgia. 15 minutes later the Russians saw their mistake and broke contact. Of the crew of 167 onboard 19 were dead and 34 more were wounded as the Fylgia limped back to Stockholm.

This started the Fylgia Crisis. The Russian and German squadrons would later meet on the day of Fylgia Crisis started and both sides suffered damaged ships, the fact the Russians had attack a neutral ship was the main piece of news of the day not the Battle of Gotland. This diplomatic incident was met with public outcry across Sweden. Matters were made worse by the fact the Russian officers of this squadron knowingly lied stating that they failed to see the Swedish flag that was flying from the Fylgia. If this was out of careerism or fear of being sent to count trees in Siberia was unknown. But the fact was refusing to admit fault in the matter was a tripping point on any peaceful end to the crisis.

On June 12th, the Russians presented the Swedish with what they stated would be their final offer to settle the Fylgia Crisis. They offered to pay the Swedish government with enough money to replace the Fylgia with a whole new ship and pay the families of the crews of the dead sailors a large settlement and the wounded sailors a smaller settlement. Yet they refused to take any blame or admit fault along with issuing no apology. Because of the Russian officers maintaining that no flag was flying from the Fylgia meant that that the fault rested with the crew of Fylgia. The Riksdag debated the offer the Russian government had made.

Four days later the Swedish rejected the Russian offer. Their crew maintained that Swedish flag was indeed flying on the day the Russians attacked the Fylgia and the Russians fired on their ship over 15 minutes as the Fylgia refused to return fire. With the Russians standing firm on their offer the Swedish mobilized their army. A last moment plead from the British fell on death ears. The Swedish entered the war on July 1st 1916.

[1] No stolen code books ITL as no cruiser ran aground near Russian territory like the SMS Magdeburg did OTL.

[2] Its like the Clas Fleming of OTL.
Sweden enters the war. The Vasa dynasty lives!

All kidding aside; the neutrals are being drawn in. First the Ottoman Empire, now the Swedes. America is soon to follow.
What will the situation in Finland be? Will Sweden move in to Finland with encouragement from the Finns to take them out of the Russian Empire (I am assuming Sweden is at war with France and Russia as well as Britain). Now with Sweden no longer neutral, the traffic that may have come from America to Germany via Sweden now has to go to another neutral - probably Norway, Denmark, or the Netherlands. I wonder what these neutrals are doing in response to the expanded British blockade system. BTW with the addition of the Swedes, the Baltic is really now a CP lake.

Right about now the Canadians must be getting very nervous. Britain is fully engaged against the CP, and Canada has sent its first line troops to Europe. If the US gets involved the USN will be engaged with the RN, and I expect the US Army to cross the northern border.
What will the situation in Finland be? Will Sweden move in to Finland with encouragement from the Finns to take them out of the Russian Empire (I am assuming Sweden is at war with France and Russia as well as Britain). Now with Sweden no longer neutral, the traffic that may have come from America to Germany via Sweden now has to go to another neutral - probably Norway, Denmark, or the Netherlands. I wonder what these neutrals are doing in response to the expanded British blockade system. BTW with the addition of the Swedes, the Baltic is really now a CP lake.

Right about now the Canadians must be getting very nervous. Britain is fully engaged against the CP, and Canada has sent its first line troops to Europe. If the US gets involved the USN will be engaged with the RN, and I expect the US Army to cross the northern border.
Yeah the French, British, and others followed suit and when to war with Sweden, but for the most part what can they do?
World War One, Learning Curve
For the French the closing of the coal mines of Bethune promoted them to double town on pushing the Germans back in this sector of the front. Even more so as the US had started the oil embargo against the whole of the Entente for the British extending the blockade in the North Sea. They were worried that US would add coal to the oil embargo and that would really place their economy in peril. They were having to rebuild their heavy industry with the bulk of their heavy industry being behind the lines now and they needed coal to this along with power their industry, their fleet, and keep their population warm during the winter months. Thankfully winter was ending. But with those coal mines around Bethune closed they were totally depended on imported coal sources. The British were able to help, but the US was the only nation that was able to meet the short fall in coal caused by Bethune being out of action.

The planned offensive to relieve pressure around the Bethune Salient was moved forward in the face of the German Gas Attacks. They quickly moved about issuing gas mask to their troops. With they didn’t have enough gas mask however to issue enough to everyone of their frontline troops. The French 4th Army was given priority for gas proper gas masks. The rest of the army was being told to take a piece of cloth and urination of it and put it over their nose and mouth as they tried to make up for the short fall in gas mask. They also tried to buy as many gas mask from foreign sources but the sellers of these quickly started to engage in price gouging to make a larger profit.

On May 19th the French 4th Army under Robert Nivelle launched his offensive. This assault was hard pressed by the men of the 4th Army. As French Captain Philippe de Gaulle said after being captured by the Germans after being wounded in one of these assaults, there is something illogistical about charging machine guns with men’s chest. This was said by de Gaulle during his interrogation by the Germans. But in front of Bethune the ground became red with blood as it was a slaughter of the first order. Yet no one really had a better idea of what to do.

A month into the offensive to relieve the pressure around Bethune, they had at most advanced the front a half of kilometer at their deepest points. This was by no means a uniformed advance. They had already suffered over 100,000 casualties with just under 40% of that number being killed in action. The Germans were suffering as well for their stiff defense of the lines around Bethune, but they had suffered about 30,000 less casualties a month into the offensive to take Bethune.

Germany decided to launch a counter offensive further to the south to take the pressure off the Bethune sector of the Front. They were currently having to deal with the Russian withdraw of the Congress of Poland but that was a logistical headache more than a military one. After studying the map they decided to attack the fortress city of Belfort. Belfort sat on the strategic location between the Vosges and Jura, a natural gap between those mountain ranges. If take it would make for an easier invasion of Switzerland should the need arise. Plus with it being less than two kilometers from the current front make it a prime target along with a critical one. Plus no city outside Belfort was inside striking range that could change the course of the war. It was one of the most industrial cities left in French hands.

The Germans launched their offensive to take Belfort on July 7th. They opened their offensive with a massive use of gas and artillery in a short but deadly barrage. This was where the lack of gas mask to issue to every soldier came into play. Yes the cloth soaked with pee did help but it didn’t totally counter the effects of the chemical weapons being used by the Germans. Further it was more to allow you to get away from the gas not stay in fight. Plus this method didn’t work with the chemicals that the Germans were using at Belfort. They were using Chlorine again, but they added Phosgene Gas to the mix. They also used small amounts of Sulfur Mustard or as it would become better known Mustard Gas. A piece of cloth covered in pee didn’t do jack shit against Mustard Gas. The sector where Mustard Gas was used the troops broke quickly.

Germany was also having issues getting enough gas mask for all of its troops. However, they were better equipped to make large numbers of gas mask and gear to allow their troops to march through a battlefield where Mustard Gas had been used. Fighting in the Belfort sector was hard but not to the insane degree it was at Bethune. Belfort fell to the Germans after two weeks of heavy fighting. Even through the chemical attack opened the lines the French fell back to the forts that defended the city. Taking those forts took work but with German edges in heavy artillery they fell.

The fall of Belfort to the Germans forced the French to end their offensives around Bethune. In the two months they had advanced at the deepest point a single kilometer. For this advance they had paid a heavy price in human capital. Nivelle was known by his troops by the end of the offensive as a butcher. The French 4th Army didn’t have a single reserve regiment by the end of their two months of fighting around Bethune and they had been stripping other reserves from other sectors to keep the offensive going. The German offensive around Belfort forced that to end. By the time the Germans called off their offensive in the Belfort sector they had advanced just over six kilometers at their deepest points but they had the all important city of Belfort in their hands.
Agree...could see Swedish naval action against Russian, fighting on Russo-Finnish border, but the French/British can only interfere with international trade via ship to Sweden. I wonder what the USA will do if things like food, medical supplies are now stopped from going to Sweden.
The French are screwed...I wonder if they are talking to the British about backing off on the blockade rules as if the USA cuts off coal... In any case, their industrial capacity is way down and unlike OTL they can't make up by buying stuff from the USA. The UK cannot produce enough military stuff from guns to artillery to shells to supply the BEF and France adequately. The latest round of fighting has bled France white, and between Nivelle's tactics and the lack of gas masks (symptomatic of inadequate supply) I would not be surprised if the mutinies of OTL 1917 did not happen sooner. Unlike 1917, the prospect of fresh troops (the USA) is not there to act as a prop to hang on just a little longer.

with Sweden in the war the Russians have to worry about the Finnish area, as well as Swedish naval activity in the eastern Baltic - so the Russians won't be able to do anything to try and take the pressure off the French
Wasn't Phillippe de Gaulle born in 1921 though?

Was this meant to be Charles or just a random person in the De Gaulle family?
I was wondering if anyone caught that. No the POD is in 1873. The future you go out from the POD the less likely OTL and ITL lines up. Phillippe de Gaulle was born two months later than Charles de Gaulle was along with a different first name. He is going to show up again during the 1937 on updates when I switch to first/third person format instead of the history book format I'm using right now. Like I said before if I jumped to 1937 everyone would be lost as the world is radically different than OTL.
"You done fucked it up!"- Angry Joe

Seriously Russia really fucked up big time in the diplomacy department if they got Sweden, FUCKING SWEDEN, to join the war. Hopefully with Russia occupied in Poland and Ukraine the Swedes will come in Vikang style and kick the Romanov's out of Finland to establish the Scandinavian Empire. Britain will certainly be a problem with the blockade and might try to land in Norway, but I'm confident that the Swedes will be able to hold them off in guerilla warfare.

It also looks as though France is on its last ropes with America going anti-Entente and their resources in the Metropolitan drying up. I'm thinking that sometime in 1916 or 1917 we'll have a mass strike by the French Army with far more than 40 divisions, probably 40 corps to be more likely. This does make me wonder what kind of government will come in the aftermath. Fascist Bonaparte France or Communist France?

Looks like gas warfare is slightly more deadly than OTL. Really feel sad for the various Germans who died because they couldn't be issued gas masks. Hopefully one of those is a young Austrian painter.

Really hoping that America discovers Britain's interference in the election soon so Wilson will be defeated in a landslide and Teddy declares war on the Entente. Would be pretty interesting to see an American-German alliance in WWII and the two countries forming a "Special Relationship".
"You done fucked it up!"- Angry Joe

Seriously Russia really fucked up big time in the diplomacy department if they got Sweden, FUCKING SWEDEN, to join the war. Hopefully with Russia occupied in Poland and Ukraine the Swedes will come in Vikang style and kick the Romanov's out of Finland to establish the Scandinavian Empire. Britain will certainly be a problem with the blockade and might try to land in Norway, but I'm confident that the Swedes will be able to hold them off in guerilla warfare.

It also looks as though France is on its last ropes with America going anti-Entente and their resources in the Metropolitan drying up. I'm thinking that sometime in 1916 or 1917 we'll have a mass strike by the French Army with far more than 40 divisions, probably 40 corps to be more likely. This does make me wonder what kind of government will come in the aftermath. Fascist Bonaparte France or Communist France?

Looks like gas warfare is slightly more deadly than OTL. Really feel sad for the various Germans who died because they couldn't be issued gas masks. Hopefully one of those is a young Austrian painter.

Really hoping that America discovers Britain's interference in the election soon so Wilson will be defeated in a landslide and Teddy declares war on the Entente. Would be pretty interesting to see an American-German alliance in WWII and the two countries forming a "Special Relationship".
The whole war with Sweden thing almost happened OTL, with one Admiral Nikolai Von Essen attempting to start it of his own initiative OTL, this is actually less dumb than that
"You done fucked it up!"- Angry Joe

Seriously Russia really fucked up big time in the diplomacy department if they got Sweden, FUCKING SWEDEN, to join the war. Hopefully with Russia occupied in Poland and Ukraine the Swedes will come in Vikang style and kick the Romanov's out of Finland to establish the Scandinavian Empire. Britain will certainly be a problem with the blockade and might try to land in Norway, but I'm confident that the Swedes will be able to hold them off in guerilla warfare.

It also looks as though France is on its last ropes with America going anti-Entente and their resources in the Metropolitan drying up. I'm thinking that sometime in 1916 or 1917 we'll have a mass strike by the French Army with far more than 40 divisions, probably 40 corps to be more likely. This does make me wonder what kind of government will come in the aftermath. Fascist Bonaparte France or Communist France?

Looks like gas warfare is slightly more deadly than OTL. Really feel sad for the various Germans who died because they couldn't be issued gas masks. Hopefully one of those is a young Austrian painter.

Really hoping that America discovers Britain's interference in the election soon so Wilson will be defeated in a landslide and Teddy declares war on the Entente. Would be pretty interesting to see an American-German alliance in WWII and the two countries forming a "Special Relationship".
The Swedes at least my read of them is they knew the time for the Swedish Empire was over.

The British going into Norway, not anytime soon. They don't have the troops and it will piss off the remaining neutrals two of which are great powers i.e. the US and Brazil. At the moment the US doesn't know about the British efforts to get Wilson into the White House. Then again TR hasn't come out and said he is running for a third term, officially anyways. He wants to do it.

As to gas warfare being a bit more deadly yes it is. Mainly because of lack of enough proper gas mask to issue the troops. Hitler has been totally butterflied as his pops having died in 1887.

As to the US having a "Special Relationship" with anyone post WWII and yes WWII is having, is unlikely at best. Look at the title New Balance. There is going to be a new power balance.
World War One, American Politics
As war raised in Europe the United States was gearing up for the 1916 election cycle. President Theodore Roosevelt who had been elected in 1908 and again in 1912 was really a focus on this election cycle as the conventions started. Rumors had started to passed around that Roosevelt was seriously looking at the possibly of running for an unheard of third term. Ever since George Washington had set the two term precedent no one had broke it. However, 1916 wasn’t a standard election year. The world as war. Besides the ongoing civil war in Mexico the rest of the war was being shallowed whole by this war. In Mexico things were firming up through and a light could be seen at the end of the tunnel there.

Yet many within the Roosevelt Administration were starting to believe that it would only be a matter of time before the US was dragged into this war. The British blockade was upsetting many in industry as it was effetely cutting off half of Europe even those at peace. This in turn was hurting the bottom line. This was effecting the nation’s economy as the ripples started to hit. And with the British refusing to backdown on their enlarged blockade and the American oil embargo seeming having no effects on the British, the question was would it be a force of arms to finally get the British to backdown.

As the Republican National Convention got underway in Cleveland the big question as it started was would Roosevelt run again? Roosevelt was a well-liked president who had mastered the use of the press unlike any president before him. This had allowed him to use the bully pulpit to push a progressive agenda which was well accepted and supported by the American people. Yet the overriding question was Roosevelt popular enough to get a third term? Yet on the first day of the convention it became clear Roosevelt wanted another term and threw his hat into the ring again. This caused a few of the minor Republican political figures who were long shots to start with to pull their names out.

When the balloting started the next day, it quickly became clear Roosevelt had the backing of the party bosses as he won on the first ballet with 951 of the 1080 ballets cast that day. For the Vice President slot on the ticket it took two ballets before a winner was . This was Governor Albert Cummins of Iowa and ally of Roosevelt. He was replacing Vice President Charles Fairbanks who was retiring to Indiana after a life time of public service. One of the major planks that followed the formation of the Republican Ticket was that of a preparedness for war. It called for more money for the army and navy. It didn’t go so far as to called for a military draft as those in the party knew the nation wouldn’t support it. Yet it was clear that a military build up was a clear priority within the Republican Party.

A week later the Democratic Party met in Chicago for their convention. They had largely been shut out of the national government since 1908 when they lost both houses of the congress and the White House to the Republicans. The Democratic field was wide open with over 20 people all buying to be on the top of the ticket. By the sixth ballet casted in Chicago it became a three horse race. With a sight lead was Missouri’s Champ Clerk who was currently the Representative of the Missouri’s 9th. Then following Clerk was New Jersey Senator Woodrow Wilson. In a distance but still in position to strike third was former Ohio Governor Judson Harmon. The nearest person following Harmon in the balloting was Alabama’s Oscar Underwood who was getting about 40 ballets every ballet.

Yet at Chicago there was more than party politics in play. Officers of the United State Navy from the Office of Naval Intelligence were in Chicago. Ever since the ONI was founded in 1879 it had become the de facto intelligence agency within the United States. At first ONI had been tasked with the rapidly changing world of naval technology. Yet as no other intelligence agencies were formed the ONI branched out and took on more and more intelligence roles. It was how the ONI ended up in Chicago this year. They were working a counter-intelligence mission against a newly formed out of British Agent of the Secret Intelligence Service or MI6.

In the cloak and dagger world of espionage things were not always what they seemed. The British Agent who had been tailed to Chicago seemed to be there supporting others. These people were unknowns to the ONI agents working the case but they had one trait in common, they all supported Senator Woodrow Wilson who was the only person in either party openly supporting repairing relations with the British. A large amount of money was changing hands at these meetings. But this agent claimed to be a well off merchant who had come into a large amount of money following the death of his family. It was clear to the ONI that not everyone who was accepting this money believed this story but they still took the money.

Finally, on the 58th ballet in Chicago did the Democratic Party finally have their choice for President. It was Senator Woodrow Wilson. Judson Harmon was brought on the ticket to help balance it. The ONI noticed that Wilson never meet with the British agent directly. But by the end of the convention the ONI had come to the conclusion the British were actively supporting the Wilson campaign. This was politically huge, but it also placed ONI on thin ice as if they didn’t have a smoking gun they could set back the navy for a decade as they could be seen as engaging in politics. On the Democratic Planks was to stay out of the European War but word differently.

In late July Rear Admiral William Rodgers who was the Director of Naval Intelligence briefed President Roosevelt on these findings. Roosevelt said if true it was war. But Roosevelt knew that ONI didn’t have a smoking gun and what they have most likely wouldn’t hold up in a court of law. Roosevelt ordered Rodgers to get the evidence to prove the British were trying to get effect American politics. Roosevelt gave Rodgers carte blanche to get evidence.
This is going to be good! But is ONI going to become the equivalent of the FBI in this timeline? If so, will they be as bad as Hoover's FBI?


Boy Britain sure is playing with fire, if even a hint of this gets out public opinion, and most of Congress, will be anti-British regardless of the President. If Theodore gets his proof though then every major neutral, and even some allies, might tell Britain to take a hike along with the US waging war.
The only hope the British have is that Wilson wins and their efforts are not unmasked. Even if a smoking gun can't be found, if TR gets re-elected the Brits are toast. They might avoid it if TR is re-elected if they back off on some of the issues, even after this - but I doubt the British will do that. If this gets out, the British can expect a declaration of war in a New York minute.

Currently it is illegal for a US candidate to accept foreign money for a campaign, this law was passed in the 1970s. However the Logan Act, passed in 1799, could apply here4 to the extent that the Wilson campaign is conducting private/unauthorized/negotiations with the UK.
World War One, War Crimes
To the victor go the spoils, this saying was very true in this war. Yet in this war that saying took on a darker meaning. Crimes against humanity as they would come to be known would become common place within this war as the violence levels increased in an effort to gain an edge over their foes. It really wasn’t clear what at the time were these crimes of planning and forethought or simply crimes of vengeance that when to the next level. More than likely we will never know for sure.

In South Africa, following the end of standard combat the Boers simply blended into the countryside and returned to their ways of guerrilla warfare and attacked British supply lines and other soft targets. Its widely believed they selected to this under the illusion that Berlin would at the peace table force the British to give the Republic of Transvaal diplomatic recognition that Transvaal was its own nation. Honestly the true will never be known as many of the Boer leaders from the South African Civil War either were killed by the British in battle or when into exile and changed their names to being hunted down by the British like a rabid dog.

At first the British left a heavy force in South Africa of third rate troops as their better troops moved north to remove the threat to the Suez Canal and invade the Ottoman Empire. This proved to be a mistake as the Boer who when into hiding when back to their ambush tactics and started to raise a bloody price of keeping units supply in South Africa. This forced the British to dust off their play book that they had used during the third phase of the Second Boer War. They started a policy of scorched earth in areas that had heavy Boer populations. Boers were interned into concentration camps to end their freedom of movement.

Yet this wasn’t enough to quickly bring the Boer to heel. The British were also stuck using third rate troops as the better troops were needed elsewhere. It was on June 5th after the Battle of Driekop which saw two companies of infantry of Southern Rhodesia wiped out by the Boer guerrilla tactics was it decided that the “kid” gloves that were used in the Second Boer War wouldn’t do. During a cabinet meeting of Prime Minister Bonar Law’s War Cabinet the idea of what to do with the Boer was first floated by Secretary of the Colonies Earl Curzon of Kedleston. Curzon who was viewed as the likely replacement to Law should it be needed to formed a coalition government as it was viewed as Liberal Party wouldn’t serve under Law.

Curzon stated that by revolting against the crown the Boer have relinquish their oaths crown that ended the Second Boer War. Therefor they were no longer subjects of the crown but in league with the enemies of the crown. Therefor they no longer wished to live in territory ruled by the crown. Therefor the crown should “help” them find a land that wasn’t ruled by the crown where they could live. Argentina in the aftermath of the Second Boer War had given land to Boers who didn’t wished to live under British rule then, and after the United States they were the second most likely nation for an immigrate to travel to. So why not ship the Boer to Argentina where they would be welcomed with open arms by the Argentine Government?

That day Curzon’s idea got a lot of debate but it wasn’t till the 9th of June that it was put into motion. The plan was simple. You take the Boer who were in the camps and place them on a boat in Durban on a trip to Buenos Aires. In theory it was simple, but in practice it was much harder. The Boer guerrilla attacked these trains whenever the chance showed itself which forced the British to move to nothing but armored trains for this use. Plus, the Boer who were being shown the door didn’t want to leave and fought back generally. Generally, it was kicking, screaming, and stuff of that nature and nothing a good rifle butt wouldn’t take care of. But still hundreds died as thousands more were sent off to foreign lands in the first few months of the Curzon Plan was put into motion.

Yet the Boer had it easy when put up to the Armenians and Assyrians. These were Christian groups that were living within the Ottoman Empire that was ruled by Muslims. There were other Christians that lived within the Ottoman Empire but couldn’t be touched for diplomatic reasons following the hard fought victory for the Ottomans at Sarikamis. Many believed with the Russians on the run in Poland Sarikamis should had fallen with little effort. The Ottomans were looking for a scape goat in the after of Sarikamis as their army wasn’t able to launch another offensive right away as it had taken a beating at Sarikamis.

The Armenian and Assyrians were the Ottoman’s scape goats. The Armenian being selected made sense as Russian Armenian units were the reason Sarikamis put up such a hard defense before finally falling to the Ottomans. The Assyrians however didn’t have anything to do with the war one way or another. But still the Ottomans blamed the Assyrians alongside the Armenians. Both the Armenians and Assyrians were arrested without cause or reason. They were taken to British modeled concentration camps. From those camps they were either outright killed or sent on death marches into Ottoman held Syria or Mesopotamian. It was bloody as all hell. Tens of thousands would die in the first few months after the first arrest started in late May.

Author’s Notes: I by no means supports genocide or other forms of ethnic cleansing. It does happen, so I wrote about what is happening ITL in WWI.
World War One, Enter the Spies
With President Roosevelt ordering the Office of Naval Intelligence to find a smoking gun, Rear Admiral William Rodgers pulled out all the stops. Known British front companies that were used to gain intelligence on the United States started to suffer a string of break ins. This was because legally the ONI was not a law enforcement agency and could not get a warrant to search these offices. There work as a counter-intelligence agency was a gray area as on paper they didn’t have the powers to do this. Yet no other agency was charted to perform counter-intelligence work domestically. Indeed the idea of forming a counter-intelligence agency had been floated in congress before but the leadership of both parties had rejected the idea as un-American. Left with no recourse Rodgers order the break and entering of known British front companies that were designed to spy on the United States.

Beside field craft Rodgers was also pushing his code breakers to crack the British diplomatic code. The ONI had a fully stepped into the world of cryptography over the past decade yet the British diplomatic codes were proving to be a challenge to American code breakers. They had broken into other nation diplomatic codes but the British codes were proving to be a challenge that they were having issues overcoming.

Then the US caught a break on reading British Diplomatic Codes. As part of the ONI mission they had officers in capital of major nations and even a number of middle level nations. They worked as naval attaches which came with diplomatic immunity. It also allowed them to mingle with embassy personal from other nations. The break the ONI had been waiting for came in the summer of 1916 in Rome. A member of the British Embassy staff in Rome who had been to the right schools had been assigned to Rome as the First Secretary in 1914. Shortly thereafter he had started an affair with a local woman in Rome. This love affair caused the woman to become pregnant soon after the affair started. This created a problem for the British Foreign Service Officer as he already had a wife and family. So he started to may his mistress money to stay quiet about his illegitimate daughter from becoming known to his wife and the British government.

Yet the British First Secretary in Rome did not come of a very wealthy family. Soon after this he was having issues paying the bills for both his own family and his mistress and illegitimate daughter. In late June 1916 the British First Secretary at a dinner meeting he passed a note to the American naval attaché in Rome. In this note the British FSO offered to sell to the Americans the code book for British diplomatic traffic for a sum of 3,500 Pounds[1]. He needed the money and he further knew that the code book was due to be changed in the fall. So he figured that there would be no harm in giving the code book to the Americans as the codes would soon change and the code book he gave them would be useless. He could give the money to his mistress than be resigned to another city and leave her in his dust.

This was a large sum of money. Yet the chance to get the British diplomatic code book was too good of a chance to pass up. The money was forwarded to the American Embassy in Rome and the naval attaché set up another meeting with the British First Secretary in early August at another diplomatic dinner. Three days later the two men met in a park in Rome. In one briefcase was the British diplomatic code book. In another briefcase was 3,500 British pounds. The two briefcases changed hands then they when on their way.

It took over two weeks for this code book to get back into the United States. Yet it quickly became clear that the code book was the real deal. The ONI quickly started to decode thousands of British diplomatic cables. They hit pay dirt as well as they found messages detailing payment of money to Wilson’s campaign to become president. This gave the ONI the smoking gun they were looking for. However, this created a new dilemma for ONI and President Roosevelt. Soon after gaining this diplomatic code book the British First Secretary in Rome was promoted to being the counselor of the British mission in Persia. A nation that the ONI didn’t have people in as Persia really didn’t have much to gain in terms of intelligence. So if they when public support for Wilson would dry up but they would also tell the British their codes were broken. It was a question of what to do in late August and Early September 1916 for both ONI and President Roosevelt.

[1] From what I was able to figure 3,500 Pounds in 1916 would be worth about 214,000 Pounds in 2017. So that gives you an idea what kind of money was at stake here.