A nation divided a history of an alternate 1865 and beyond.

*I am danish so if there are any gramma og spelling errrors, please bare with me*

Damn the South: A history of a divided United States.
April 15 1865, Fords Theater.

A black floor sweeper named Thaddeus Phillips is at work. Being a former slave from Georgia he is proud working at Fords Theater sweeping the floor, he is still victim of racism, but he considers himself lucky to be a free man.
Mr. Lincoln who he considers a hero is at the theater that night. The door to the Presidential box is partially open. Thaddeus then spots something; a white gentleman who looks like Mr. Booth getting up from his seat behind the President and he is holding something in his hand. What’s that, he thinks? A PISTOL !!. And the man is raising it towards the Presidents head. Thaddeus was 8 when had seen his momma be executed by an overseer using a gun at the Georgia plantation, before running away. Without thinking Thaddeus Phillips bursts threw the door, and wrestles the man to the ground and pistol goes off but the bullet only hits the sealing. Mr. Booth keeps jabbing some strange words it sounds like “sji sempe tyranus”. But Thaddeus does not understand it. The Presidents bodyguard pushes Thaddeus Phillips away, but Lincoln comes forwards and says, stop that young man saved my life. What is your name young man, the President says “Thaddeus Phillips, Sir”.

A couple of constables have now gotten the assassin to stand up and he is being ushered way, and he is yelling death to tyrants, the south shall rise again.

“Young man, your nation thanks you, … I thank you”. Lincoln continuous “You negros have been treated terribly by this nation. But freeing you is only the first step, ….” And then Lincoln and his wife are ushered away from Fords Theater.

**Little does Thaddeus Phillips know that he now have changed the history of United States and the world forever.**

-To be continued -
April 15th – May 1st , Washington 1865

After the foiled assassination attempt against President Abraham Lincoln, Washington is buzzing. Federal troops are sent to secure the homes of the high-level Lincoln government officials that night of April 15th . Its later revealed, that that now disgraced actor, assassin and Confederate States sympathizer, John W. Booth was not acting alone. He had several co-conspirators like George Azterodt, Mary Surratt, and John Surratt who are quickly arrested the following days. Its later revealed that several assassinations were planned for April 15th , but they were all foiled due to Booths failure that night at Ford’s Theater. After learning that night that Confederate sympathizers had tried to kill the President, angry Washingtonians march towards the old Capital Prison demanding that the CSA prisoners there pay for the attempt on President Lincolns life. Later that night the building burns. All over the North in the later days angry Northerners demand that the South pay a high price for its crimes against the nation. Within 10 days all of Booths accomplices are tried and sentenced to death.

In those days of April, Thaddeus Phillips is hailed by pro-Union newspapers as the Negro-man who saved The President. One Union Columnist write, “The actions of one free negro-man saved the nation. A nation who have seen the horrors of war, owe the freed negros and brave Union soldiers who died for this nation, action.

We must punish the South for its forced servitude of the Negros and that traitors Southern elites must pay for its crimes including the attempt on the life of the President. The southern planter class, their traitorous political stooges, CSA supporters who started the war should be stripped of all they own and pay the highest price. Until they pay for their actions against these United States, they cannot be true Americans again.

May 1st, White House,

Lincoln enraged by the attempt on his life in a speech to the nation from the window of the White House.

“Our Great Nation, These United States has been torn apart by war, perpetrated by a group of greedy men , men of low character. Men who not only held other men as slaves, but tried to enslave of the rest of our great nation. These greedy men must pay for their crimes, and this must happen now. This nation cannot be healed again if these traitors can continue to live in luxury and walk free. “

He continued, “Thaddeus Phillips, a freed negro man, saved me, my wife and our great nation 15 days ago. “.

Thaddeus appears next to Lincoln. “Your nation thanks you, and I promise before end of decade, we will show you and other freed negros our gratitude. I propose that every freed negro man will get a piece of land in the South, the land will come from the traitors planters, who forced you and other negros to bleed and die.
And if planters don’t give up the land willingly, I will use every power of the federal government to take it from them. “

The crowd cheers….

While Lincoln continue to speak to the cheering crowd with Thaddeus and other men behind him, one of these men mutters the words of Lincoln speech to himself. He had assisted Lincoln in writing the speech hours earlier and was now watching the fruit of his labour.

This man a special guest from England, a man with a large beard and who speaks broken English with a German accent.. He thinks to himself “The path to revolution begins”.