A 1944 911:Empire State Building Collapses

Michael E Johnson said:
No but it makes it even.Besides who says that killing slaveowners and those profiting from slavery is wrong?

Children certainly had nothing to do with owning slaves. Most women didn't, either, as they, mostly, did not own property, which slaves were considered to be at the time. Most whites in the south did not own slaves. Only about a fourth of white males in the south owned slaves.

Michael E Johnson said:
So let me get this straight.Those foolish black slaves didnt know how good they had it laboring their whole lives without pay and being subject to punishment,rape or death at any time and then they went and made it worse for themselves by trying to get away from their benelovent white masters?

So you think that the slaves had it better off AFTER the rebellion?? That's laughable. Also, I guess you could explain to me why slaves and free blacks fought alongside their white masters against Nat Turner's rebels...

Michael E Johnson said:
Absolute bullshit.The Japanese -Americans who were interned in those camps had NOTHING to do with Pearl Harbor.They were loyal Americans who remained loyal despite their shoddy treatment.

Of course they didn't. I never said they did. I said that cultural misunderstandings lead to many Americans believing at the time that at least some may have some connections still within the Japanese government (i.e. it was perceived that they could be spies).

Michael E Johnson said:
And why didnt they assimilate well? Cultural differences were eventually overlooked with European immigrants because they had white hides.

No. Need I remind you of several anti-immigrant parties that arose in the 1800s? They were overlooked in the end because the Europeans eventually melted into American society. As their cultures were relatively similar, it was obviously easier for Europeans to blend in with American society.

Michael E Johnson said:
It absolutely ridiculous and downright insulting to suggest that non-white people had the same immigrant experience in America as whites did.I know it kind of sullies that shining view of America on the hill,but its reality so accept it-apologism also doesnt work here.

Of course they didn't have the same experience. But the differences were the same as the differences between the immigrant experiences of the western Europeans and eastern Europeans. To say that non-white, non-slave, legal immigrants had it any harder than white, legal immigrants is ridiculous. All immigrants were universally looked down upon by both the older immigrants and the multi-generational Americans. The experiences were similar.
-Of course they didn't. I never said they did. I said that cultural misunderstandings lead to many Americans believing at the time that at least some may have some connections still within the Japanese government (i.e. it was perceived that they could be spies).---

Actually you said "Is everything a race issue? No. The Japanese were interred because of the brutality of their shameful sneak attack on Pearl Harbor (which didn't succeed, they couldn't even defeat us on a Sunday morning during church services; they, for lack of a better term "woke a sleeping giant" and didn't get our carriers). They were interred because, unlike Germans, they didn't assimilate well. Their cultures were different. Misunderstanding abounded. They were relatively recent immigrants (within the past 30 years). It was bad and shouldn't have happened, but it didn't happen simply because they weren't white."


To suggest that racism wasnt one of the main motives behind the internment of Japanese-Americans ( and the extremely violent nature of the Pacific War in general) is false.Native Japanese had racist notions about Caucasians and those notions were returned in full by white Americans-except it hurt alot of innocent Japanese -Americans who didnt have the same views.

--Of course they didn't have the same experience. But the differences were the same as the differences between the immigrant experiences of the western Europeans and eastern Europeans. To say that non-white, non-slave, legal immigrants had it any harder than white, legal immigrants is ridiculous. All immigrants were universally looked down upon by both the older immigrants and the multi-generational Americans. The experiences were similar.---

More sugarcoating.

The idea that Native,black and Asian immigrants didnt have a much harder time than white European immigrants because they werent white is also completley false.The American melting pot takes whites on demand,makes browns float on top and keeps blacks out.Again, I know that conflicts with a shining view of American equality of opportunity but its reality. And there is only 1 side that can do anything about it-if willing.
--Now if such persecutions of the German pop in America had occurred during 1916-18 due to news and actuality of German attacks against American lives and property, then what would've stopped such ill-feeling and persecution from occurring in the event of a Nazi attack on the ESB ?---

That was my point.But there are 2 possibiltes- the fact that they are white and the fact most were loyal. The Japanese were loyal but they werent white.Maybe both together would work.But I still agree that an event like this could have created a much more anti-German feeling as was the case in WWI.

Ps Has anyone made the connection between the hysterical way that German sausage and sauerkraut were renamed liberty sausage and liberty cabbage during WWI with the GOP renaming French toast and fries as Freedom fries and freedom toast because France was against the Iraq war.Equally distasteful and childish.
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"Equally distasteful and childish."

Believe it or not, I actually agree with you on that one. It's infantile and stupid. "Freedom fries"? :rolleyes: