Subscribed, Reagent!:)
One minor nitpick: It should be "A África que o Português criou" (África is a feminine word).
Subscribed, Reagant! :)

The fact that Salazar chose a civilian (Marcello Caetano) as National Union Party's presidential candidate could cause occasional military movement against Salazar's rule. During the Estado Novo, Salazar had a unwritten commitment to the military for the president was always a senior military official.

I knew I would mess up the title in some fashion (Portuguese is not my first language). I have corrected the title to A África que o Português criou.
A little while ago, I was with a short time to reply, but if you want, you can also have "A África que os Portugueses criaram". Both ways are valid.:)
Hello interesting timeline but one criticism could you make the font for your text a lot bigger because it is hard to see.
It seems hypocritical of the government to restrict immigration from the overseas provinces to Portugal while allowing the reverse to happen because of an irrational fear of colonials, technically fellow Portuguese citizens, from coming and doing the same. Wonder when that gets reversed. I don't see such a policy lasting very long with eventual public outcry.
As far as immigration from the colonies to Metropolitan Portugal, I am not aware that there were any restrictions. I think throughout the 1950s and 1960s Portuguese government never even considered poor Africans immigrating en masse to Portugal. Mostly because Portugal had such a large pool of unskilled labour.

However, in by the 1960s there were Cape Verdeans moving to Metropolitan Portugal. By 1973 there were an estimated 20,000 Cape Verdeans living in Metropolitan Portugal (mostly men) working in construction, industry, mines etc in the greater Lisbon area. Many were temporary labourers.

Between 1963 and 1974 104,767 Cape Verdeans worked in Metropolitan Portugal at one point or another. The government created in January of 1973 the "Centro de Apoio aos Trabalhadores Ultramarinos" (Support Centre for Overseas Workers). This agency was setup to give them assistance with housing, healthcare, jobs etc.
I have added the Demographic data charts for 1949.

Any other feedback?


Does anyone know if Syrians / Lebanese were counted as "White" in Portuguese censuses? If they are, I may have double counted a bit with regards to the Guiné

EDIT: It might not be a double-count so much as misattribution.
I don't know any sources, but I believe they would be counted as white.