2012 Movie

The movie just came out. I don't even want to go into the characters or the writing. Instead I want to know about the science of the ships, the plates and the final layout of the continents. Mostly I want to know more about the new layout of the world. Lastly if we take the movie for an actual timeline or place, minus all the BS of the characters and focus on the events themselves, how the world is going to rebuild.
Apparently, Africa is the only continent that didn't sink. Given that countries like Egypt, Ethiopia and South Africa would likely take advantage of the refugees, it's a second Scramble. Whether it's Teh Inevitibid Caliphate, Tribal utopia, or Apartheid 2.0 is anyone's guess.


I don't think humanity - or any other species for that manner - is going to rebuild after that. All that continent-shifting and stuff is going to kick a lot of dust and ash in the air. Result: "nuclear" winter, everything dies.
Somehow, I don't think it will go that way. It's likely that many parts of Africa (mainly below the Sahara) regress into warzones and tribal areas. The countries that do survive, however, will have a new playground to expand on. Whoever remains among the refugees would side with the more dominant states and, depending on which side they choose, it could be a fledgling Draka vs. Theocratic Ethiopia vs. Uber-Egypt.

Nice going, 2012.:rolleyes:
Wouldn't Africa still be washed over by the Tsunami's? Destroying anyone alive there even if the continent doesn't sink like the others? Also, with when they say the South Pole is in Wesconsin, do they mean magnetic or axis? I'm slightly inspired to write something about the world afterwards.
They mentioned Africa being elevated, or something. Besides, it's a Roland Emmerich movie. You're not supposed to put thought into it. ;)
That's why I plan to take liberties and even out the rough edges if possible. Just need a little feedback about waht the effects of certain details would mean. If I need to I'll just have the poles remain near their current position but reversed or something also just shift the continents slightly southeast by an estimate or something. Just need a map thats been such altered.

Could the poles be pointed near the equater, what would the effects be?
Weather patterns, what will they now be with a large mountain pushed up at the base of Africa and the amount of ash that made it up into the atmosphere before the waves took care of some of it?
What happened to all the ash from the different earthquakes? Will some of that have been taken out by the waves except for whats high in the atmosphere?
What other questions can people think up will become problems?
Didn't they mention that, although it too sank, Africa was the first continent to resurface and other ones would follow?

Anyway, I don't see how any food will be there for anyone, since Earth's ecology was pretty much chucked aside.
Didn't they mention that, although it too sank, Africa was the first continent to resurface and other ones would follow?


Nope, I'm pretty sure they said it wasn't flooded [1]: why, you ask?

"if you wonder how he eats and breathes, and other science facts, repeat to yourself 'Its just a Roland Emmerich film, I really should relax!'"


[1] Does anyone have a DVD so they can check on this Dire Controversy?
I have rented the DVD, probably will rewatch it if I find the time. Skip all the stupid action scenes with the characters.:rolleyes:
If I was someone in Africa after 2012 I would be pissed off at the boat people. You had a bunch of rich people who knew about the "end of the world" and their plan was to make ships to save a bunch of billionaires and then they cut and ran?
Yes I know that not everyone on the ships are billionaires but even the people who aren't were there to serve them. Honestly why should the Africans who saw billions die help out a bunch of rich old people or people who worked for the govts that left them to die?


Looking at the ending again, it looks as if all of Asia, Indonesia, and Australia is gone, as well as a good bit of Eastern Africa. Looks like parts of Arabia made it out as tiny islands. Maybe parts of South America, North America, and Europe made it out. (They never even mentioned Europe..)
I do know the Arabian Peninsula is gone and Spain is not visible from the view of Africa, which it should be before the shift.
Wouldn't Africa still be washed over by the Tsunami's? Destroying anyone alive there even if the continent doesn't sink like the others? Also, with when they say the South Pole is in Wesconsin, do they mean magnetic or axis? I'm slightly inspired to write something about the world afterwards.

Well, I ques I'm royally screwed. Why is that Hooeywood hates us Cheeseheads :rolleyes:

Oh, and by the way it's Wisconsin. Not East Sconsin or West Consin
God is aliens. That blows up the Earth.

Well, either God/aliens is/are a total and absolute asshole/assholes, or we live in Dr. Manahttan's universe, and the only freedom is to learn to love our strings. (But wait, we can't: we're all dead). And the cliche with the kids is so dated that it's been decades since SF magazines wouldn't reject it sight unseen.

There is one screenshot near the end of the movie that pans from the area of Persia(didnt want to name the countries there) and Northern India over and then down it moves to South Africa. They never show Europe, South/North America or Australia/New Zealand.