Map Thread XII

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Great, as always. Poor China. OTL wasn't dark enough for you?

Heh. Sorry, but a character mentions that China is currently more dangerous, perhaps, than a concentration camp, so...hey, maybe it will all work out for the best. :eek:

Anyway, another map. Thought I'd do some from the althistory wiki starting with "Cabotia and Brasil." Some anachronistic names changed, and most of the detail on Asia and Africa self-created.

This is a TL where Columbus failed to sail the ocean blue, and North America was first discovered by John Cabot, working for England. England got there firstest with the mostest, and colonized most of North America, but the earlier colonization was less democratic, more widely scattered, and hungrier, encouraging regionalism and preventing a unified English north America from emerging. In the end England overextended itself, losing most of it in a series of rebellions.

Among other points of interest, Castile failed to unify with Aragon (although it was in personal union with Scotland and the Netherlands for a while), the Hungarian monarchy survived in Bohemia during the Ottoman assault, and Russia had a very bad time of it, being for a while broken up into small puppets and territories by Poland-Lithuania, Sweden, the Turks, the Crimean Tatars, and stronger post-Mongol Asian states. It is now reunified, but faces the problem that while Russia is now stronger than any one of its neighbors, there are various combinations it can't beat, and some of its neighbors have strong allies elsewhere. Moscow is currently trying to diplomatically isolate the Sibir Khanate, weakest of its neighbors, and one with filibustering possibilities: another possibility is Ruthenia, but the Poles really don't want Russia as a neighbor.

Poland-Lithuania did rather better than OTL, but picked the wrong side in a war and was broken up. The Ottomans have revived substantially since the early 19th century, taking back Egypt from Aragon et al. The era of colonialism is mostly over, although Europeans still rule over a bunch of little islands here and there. China (here called Catay or Cathay) is going Catholic, and the ambitious emperor even has plans for replacing Chinese characters with European-type romanized letters, with appropriate diacriticals to deal with the tonal issues. This of course will require everyone to learn standard Mandarin and a massive translation of all of Chinese literature into Romanized Mandarin, but the Emperor is confident it can be done, even if a few nay-sayers will have to be made examples of.

Protestantism is less widespread, only a majority in Scandinavia and Scotland-Netherlands and their colonies. (Luther was a reformer, but stayed within the Catholic church). The Papacy owns a bit more land in central Italy than OTL, but most of the former Papal state is under the control of a secular Roman republic. Technology is a bit backwards, 1920-1950 depending on the field: there are as yet no nuclear weapons, but several physicists are approaching the theoretical jackpot.

The year is 2002, and a military clash between Ruthenia and the Crim Khanate has ended with minor border adjustments.
And here is the map.

And here is the map.

Two awesome Munro maps within the space of two days? It seems Christmas has come early this year! :)

Interesting to see you trying out scenarios from the Althistory Wiki. I actaully first got interested in alternate history through it, and there are a couple of old unfinished scenarios of mine there (but they are, naturally, horrendously amateurish :eek:).

As a side note, I'm pretty sure "Nova Extremadura" should be "Nueva Extremadura".
My entry for MotF 107. In this timeline, Operation Pike goes through, which leads to a brief war between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union. With a more cooperative Soviet Union that actually joins the Axis, Hitler delays Operation Barbarossa and takes advantage of a stronger German-Soviet relationship. The Germans do attack the Soviets, but they do so in 1944, after peace has been reached between the Western Allies and the Germans. The Nazi-Soviet War ends in a stalemate in 1949, with much of Central Europe remaining under German control. Both blocs are very hostile to one another, and often don't recognize the others' client states.


So here's a 1945 qbam that I've been working on for a while now, and I've kinda gotten stuck. I'm not really sure what to do now. A lot of little borders are still inaccurate, so if anyone wants to improve on this, be my guest.

I think the "straight line" at #6 would be more of a semicircle made up of Wisconsin.

Well, that's what it looks like on the original map...:eek:

But right, yeah, north-south straight lines are always curves. Maybe the negotiator was using a map with the same projection?
Iberian map
Interesting map :), but I think Portuguese regions would have Portuguese names.
Duero should be Douro, as a sufficiently encompassing name for that area.
Coimbra should be Beira, since it is loosely based on it.
Lisboa should be Estremadura, and Algarve Norte should be Alentejo, since it covers most of it. I must point out that the borders of the region Algarve do not reflect an economic or historical region.
Internal support for iberism would be minimal, which means it would have to enforced with troops.
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